97% of climatologists believe in man-made global warming

Not necessarily.

If it flat bottomed in 2008 the only logical conclusion would be an upcycle in 2009. If you want to deny go ahead but a resonable mind could only come to that conclusion. Therefore, with the solar cycle on an upswing and CO2 concentrations rising the ice cover increased.

It takes several years for the solar cycle to upswing.

Keep trying.
Is flat bottomed, hard for you to understand? Oh yeah that's right, I forgot you believe we are going to be swalllowed up by 50 ft waves....Lmao
If it flat bottomed in 2008 the only logical conclusion would be an upcycle in 2009. If you want to deny go ahead but a resonable mind could only come to that conclusion. Therefore, with the solar cycle on an upswing and CO2 concentrations rising the ice cover increased.

It takes several years for the solar cycle to upswing.

Keep trying.
Is flat bottomed, hard for you to understand? Oh yeah that's right, I forgot you believe we are going to be swalllowed up by 50 ft waves....Lmao

Is 11 year cycles too hard for you to understand? 50 ft. waves? From what? Creating strawmen out of nothing is all you have, JR.

We were at a sunspot minimum last year. We had a strong La Nina of long duration last year. Still, 2008 tied 2001 as the eighth warmest year on record. That represents a warming, not a cooling.
Junk science.

2005-6 saw the coldest winter in recorded history in eastern Europe and Russia, colder than even the 1941-42 winter that stopped the Wehrmacht in its tracks.

2006-7 saw the coldest winter in China since 1966-67 and the coldest in the Central plains of the US since 1977-79

2007-8 saw and even colder winter in N. America

So far Florida has suffered its coldest January in its 150+ year recorded history.

Glaciers on Kilimanjaro and throughout China are growing again as are ones on Mt. Hood and Rainier and the other Cascade peaks.

Global cooling since 2005 has completely wiped out 100 years of warming (.7 C since 1900, wiped out in three short years).

Man, have you even looked at the real data on glaciers? Do you know how to use the internet at all? Or are you just a born liar? Here is real data on the state of the glaciers worldwide;
Glaciers : Weather Underground

Underground's data is woefully incomplete and obsolete. NOAA is run by a warming zealot and it's data has long been rendered useless, relying almost solely on "urbanized" reporting stations and complete ignoring rural located stations.

Global Warming is a complete and utter SHAM.

I live in Nebraska and we have 3 top ten cold winters now since 2005. Hit -16 this year, the coldest since 1992. 11 days below zero, the most since 1983, average is four. Crop losses to frost in Florida, Texas and California have hit records every winter since 2005.

Warming is a MYTH, a JOKE and JUNK science, especially since the bulk of the "science" has been rendered USELESS due to complete politicization of the entire field.

We are in and extended period of COOLING, can't help it if that doesn't jibe with your Al Gore based lunacy....

Ya sure. NOAA is part of a vast conspriracy involving every scientific society, every National Academy of Science, and every major university in the world. They have even managed to get the glaciers and polar caps to shrink just to go along with that conspiracy. Come on, Zoomie, is that all you have?

Eleven days below zero? Total? Where I lived in Oregon as a child, mid 50s, we had that many in a row in November. Local analomies prove nothing. Other than the prediction that one result of global warming will be wider and wilder swings in the weather. Overall, the Earth is warming, and accelerating the pace at which it is warming. Eight of the ten warmest years in the last 150 have been since 2000.
Top 11 Warmest Years On Record Have All Been In Last 13 Years
globeandmail.com: Sea levels would rise unevenly as ice sheet melts, study says

"Although no one is predicting the imminent demise of the West Antarctic ice sheet, some scientists worry that it is at risk from global warming. It would likely take centuries or even millenniums to melt, so it is a modest near-term threat to humanity – but a possible major problem over the longer term."

"The researchers also believe the melting would cause the Earth's rotation axis to shift by about 500 metres, causing the equator to move northward by that amount and water to shift from the Southern to the Northern Hemisphere."

Global warming will hopefully be predictable.
(Just like any large-scale experiment done for the first time by people who can't stop it once it starts.)
Man, have you even looked at the real data on glaciers? Do you know how to use the internet at all? Or are you just a born liar? Here is real data on the state of the glaciers worldwide;
Glaciers : Weather Underground

Underground's data is woefully incomplete and obsolete. NOAA is run by a warming zealot and it's data has long been rendered useless, relying almost solely on "urbanized" reporting stations and complete ignoring rural located stations.

Global Warming is a complete and utter SHAM.

I live in Nebraska and we have 3 top ten cold winters now since 2005. Hit -16 this year, the coldest since 1992. 11 days below zero, the most since 1983, average is four. Crop losses to frost in Florida, Texas and California have hit records every winter since 2005.

Warming is a MYTH, a JOKE and JUNK science, especially since the bulk of the "science" has been rendered USELESS due to complete politicization of the entire field.

We are in and extended period of COOLING, can't help it if that doesn't jibe with your Al Gore based lunacy....

Ya sure. NOAA is part of a vast conspriracy involving every scientific society, every National Academy of Science, and every major university in the world. They have even managed to get the glaciers and polar caps to shrink just to go along with that conspiracy. Come on, Zoomie, is that all you have?

Eleven days below zero? Total? Where I lived in Oregon as a child, mid 50s, we had that many in a row in November. Local analomies prove nothing. Other than the prediction that one result of global warming will be wider and wilder swings in the weather. Overall, the Earth is warming, and accelerating the pace at which it is warming. Eight of the ten warmest years in the last 150 have been since 2000.
Top 11 Warmest Years On Record Have All Been In Last 13 Years

Quick question for Old Rocks and Chrissy pants are you both vegans?
It takes several years for the solar cycle to upswing.

Keep trying.
Is flat bottomed, hard for you to understand? Oh yeah that's right, I forgot you believe we are going to be swalllowed up by 50 ft waves....Lmao

Is 11 year cycles too hard for you to understand? 50 ft. waves? From what? Creating strawmen out of nothing is all you have, JR.

We were at a sunspot minimum last year. We had a strong La Nina of long duration last year. Still, 2008 tied 2001 as the eighth warmest year on record. That represents a warming, not a cooling.

Try to stay focused here, we were talking about how Januarys in previous years compared to this year's January. I showed where this January there was more ice cover in the artic than there was last year in January. Even though Solar activity last January was flat bottomed. This January with increased Co2 concentrations and an upswing from last year's solar activity there was more ice cover in the Artic. yawn.....pay attention ok?
We are at the low point of the sun's cycle. It will take 5 years to get back to the top of the cycle.....


OK, let's stay focused on the sea ice. Here is a graph of sea ice since '79. Notice that the max amounts have declined since '79, as have the minimums. Pretty much blows your nonsense out of the water.


You and Chrissy pants can't read graphs...here let me help you out. Near 0 on the bottom graph is virtually no change in total sea ice. Here let this link clarify your graph.

How many times must I post this before it sinks in your dense skull?
Meteorology News » Features » Global Sea Ice on the Rebound?
While global sea ice extent has only been measured with high resolution since 1979, the recent increase in sea ice coverage now puts the start of 2009 in the same place as the year when records started: 1979.

Notice your posted graph is well explained in the article that I posted?
jreeves, check back with me in September.

I was doing a little research about global warming supporters are you vegan?

That has to be the dumbest question ever.

No, not even close.

There is an enormous amount of evidence for global warming. I don't have to investigate the deniers. They are all right wingers who believe this is a political issue. It is not. Rising CO2, melting glaciers and melting ice caps have no political affiliation.
jreeves, check back with me in September.

I was doing a little research about global warming supporters are you vegan?

That has to be the dumbest question ever.

No, not even close.

There is an enormous amount of evidence for global warming. I don't have to investigate the deniers. They are all right wingers who believe this is a political issue. It is not. Rising CO2, melting glaciers and melting ice caps have no political affiliation.

Really ... Global Warming is a crazy hoax dreamed up by Gore to make a huge profit by the mindless followers who have to have a doomsday myth of their own since they don't like the religious ones.

So .. what am I?
jreeves, check back with me in September.

I was doing a little research about global warming supporters are you vegan?

That has to be the dumbest question ever.

No, not even close.

There is an enormous amount of evidence for global warming. I don't have to investigate the deniers. They are all right wingers who believe this is a political issue. It is not. Rising CO2, melting glaciers and melting ice caps have no political affiliation.

My research is entitled how much are Chrissy pants and Old Rocks hypocrites?Are you a vegan?
Chrissy pants----No, not even close.

Old Rocks----Completely irrelevant. However, not only am I not a vegan, but I hunt and fish as oppertunity avails itself.

Now from your beloved IPCC....

Rajendra Pachauri, who chairs the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), will make the call at a speech in London on Monday evening.

UN figures suggest that meat production puts more greenhouse gases into the atmosphere than transport.BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | Shun meat, says UN climate chief

Hmm....so you think AGW is a real problem?
Yet the one thing you could do to eliminate....

They found that eating a vegan diet prevents the equivalent of 1.5 tons of CO2 emissions every year
Eating Meat Contributes to Global Warming | ChooseVeg.com

You both are hypocrites.....
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I was doing a little research about global warming supporters are you vegan?

That has to be the dumbest question ever.

No, not even close.

There is an enormous amount of evidence for global warming. I don't have to investigate the deniers. They are all right wingers who believe this is a political issue. It is not. Rising CO2, melting glaciers and melting ice caps have no political affiliation.

Really ... Global Warming is a crazy hoax dreamed up by Gore to make a huge profit by the mindless followers who have to have a doomsday myth of their own since they don't like the religious ones.

So .. what am I?

Thanks for proving my point.
I was doing a little research about global warming supporters are you vegan?

That has to be the dumbest question ever.

No, not even close.

There is an enormous amount of evidence for global warming. I don't have to investigate the deniers. They are all right wingers who believe this is a political issue. It is not. Rising CO2, melting glaciers and melting ice caps have no political affiliation.

My research is entitled how much are Chrissy pants and Old Rocks hypocrites?Are you a vegan?
Chrissy pants----No, not even close.

Old Rocks----Completely irrelevant. However, not only am I not a vegan, but I hunt and fish as oppertunity avails itself.

Now from your beloved IPCC....

Rajendra Pachauri, who chairs the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), will make the call at a speech in London on Monday evening.

UN figures suggest that meat production puts more greenhouse gases into the atmosphere than transport.BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | Shun meat, says UN climate chief

Hmm....so you think AGW is a real problem?
Yet the one thing you could do to eliminate....

They found that eating a vegan diet prevents the equivalent of 1.5 tons of CO2 emissions every year
Eating Meat Contributes to Global Warming | ChooseVeg.com

You both are hypocrites.....

When the facts are on your side, argue the facts.

When the law is on your side, argue the law.

When you have neither, bang on the table.
That has to be the dumbest question ever.

No, not even close.

There is an enormous amount of evidence for global warming. I don't have to investigate the deniers. They are all right wingers who believe this is a political issue. It is not. Rising CO2, melting glaciers and melting ice caps have no political affiliation.

Really ... Global Warming is a crazy hoax dreamed up by Gore to make a huge profit by the mindless followers who have to have a doomsday myth of their own since they don't like the religious ones.

So .. what am I?

Thanks for proving my point.

LOL ... hey Gunny, RGS, Willow ... he thinks I am a right-wingnut! LOL
jreeves, check back with me in September.

There is an enormous amount of evidence for global warming. I don't have to investigate the deniers. They are all right wingers who believe this is a political issue. It is not. Rising CO2, melting glaciers and melting ice caps have no political affiliation.

The ice caps have always been and always will be either expanding or receding. They have never been nor will they ever be static. If our beliefs are correct, there have been times during which life flourished on this planet and there were no ice caps at all. Now they've been receding from some interval that is an instant in the context of geological time scales. Ice caps receding does not infer that humankind is the cause of generally rising temperatures over a period any more than ice caps expanding would prove humankind is causing generally falling temperatures.

I interpret what I'm seeing as, "The ice caps have been generally receding recently so we have to do X." The problem is that nobody really knows what effect doing X will have. Nobody knows that doing X will have any effect on the "behavior" of the ice caps at all. And if there would be an effect, nobody knows what the magnitude will be. There are people who are creating the impression that they know, but they don't.

And the global warmists are asking for some pretty significant Xs. I think they'd be much better off being honest about the level of certainty associated with their assertions and taking the "just in case" approach. In other words, they should be doing something like noting that we're going to have to move away from fossil fuels sooner or later anyway and saying it could be that there could be some serious consequences if we don't go ahead and do it now.

Instead, they're basically saying they know it's going to be a disaster for our species if we don't take draconian measures right now and that's dishonest.

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