99% Survival Rate

The infection fatality rate, or IFR is actually 0.14% when averaged out over the entire planet. This makes COVID slightly less dangerous than the flu.

Man oh MAN - The Gullibles are out in force today! :rolleyes-41:
What do you mean? That is a fact. Slightly over a million folks have died of COVID, planet wide.

It has nothing to do with "gullible" unless you are referring to yourself and Lesh? Is that it?

It isn't a fact - It's just more fake news. ;-)

So now you are calling pronouncements from the World Health Organization "fake news?"

The infection fatality rate, or IFR is actually 0.14% when averaged out over the entire planet. This makes COVID slightly less dangerous than the flu.

Man oh MAN - The Gullibles are out in force today! :rolleyes-41:
What do you mean? That is a fact. Slightly over a million folks have died of COVID, planet wide.

It has nothing to do with "gullible" unless you are referring to yourself and Lesh? Is that it?

It isn't a fact - It's just more fake news. ;-)
The problem? You watch too much TEE VEE, you do not educate yourself, and you probably don't even have a clue what the difference between CASE FATALITY RATE, and INFECTION FATALITY RATE is.

These numbers are facts. They are A) the actual population of the Earth, and B) numbers coming from the World Health Organization. Secondly, it is how you DO THE MATH.

If you don't like the MATH, then you are clearly just politicizing the disease for a purpose. . . I see what you are doing then. In your mind, you have a truth, it is impervious to that FACTS.

You are choosing your TRUTH, over the FACTS.

You can't take an entire population and use it to calculate mortality percentage. You take only the people who have tested positive and divide that into the number who have died. So 1.4% mortality is correct.

See? Now you are being POLITICAL, and not scientific. If we don't truly know how dangerous the disease is, and can't treat it with the seriousness it deserves, and analyze the risk, versus how we should treat the economy and folks ability to live their lives, unless we have a realistic assessment. YOU CLEARLY DON'T WANT TO DO THAT.

OR? You have been misinformed by corporate and government propaganda? WHICH IS IT?!

CFR, IFR, and You: What is the true COVID-19 death rate?

". . A case fatality rate (CFR) is the proportion of deaths from a disease compared to the total number of people diagnosed.

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An infection fatality rate (IFR) is the proportion of deaths among all infected individuals, in other words the true fatality rate. While related to the CFR, an IFR attempts to estimate the mortality rate including non-diagnosed cases (e.g. not tested, asymptomatic). An IFR should be lower than the CFR, since the denominator would be expected to be larger.

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Visually, these can be represented as shown in Figure 2 below, based on the relative differences in confirmed vs. total cases as shown in Figure 1. Note that deaths can be scored as either confirmed deaths or probable deaths. As testing becomes more widespread, the difference between “confirmed” and “total” infected shrinks, as does the difference between CFR and IFR.

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Figure 2. Visual representation of Case Infection Rate (CFR) and Infection Fatality Rate (IFR) .. . ."
The infection fatality rate, or IFR is actually 0.14% when averaged out over the entire planet. This makes COVID slightly less dangerous than the flu.

Man oh MAN - The Gullibles are out in force today! :rolleyes-41:
What do you mean? That is a fact. Slightly over a million folks have died of COVID, planet wide.

It has nothing to do with "gullible" unless you are referring to yourself and Lesh? Is that it?

It isn't a fact - It's just more fake news. ;-)

Yeah, flu is more dangerous.
Why do you lie?

That's total bullshit

Unfortunately that's where Trump has taken us.

We need to stop this insanity

Trump shut down travel and was ridiculed, called a racist, and the dems kept telling everyone they don't need to stay in. Fauci told everyone they didn't need a mask blah blah blah......probably the one time he was actually right. Libs told everyone to keep going out and mingling and partying. So, again, what you're saying is not true.
I keep hearing Trumpers say that

That means it's fatal to 1%. Do you know what 1% of 350 million is?

Yea...3 and a half million dead. Mostly older folks and those with medical issues.

And the "herd immunity" policy (if you can call it that) means everybody gets it.

You ready to see that many bodies?

Yes. I would be happy with a 10% fatality rate. 35 million would be a good start towards the purge this country needs.
The infection fatality rate, or IFR is actually 0.14% when averaged out over the entire planet. This makes COVID slightly less dangerous than the flu.

Man oh MAN - The Gullibles are out in force today! :rolleyes-41:
What do you mean? That is a fact. Slightly over a million folks have died of COVID, planet wide.

It has nothing to do with "gullible" unless you are referring to yourself and Lesh? Is that it?

It isn't a fact - It's just more fake news. ;-)

Yeah, flu is more dangerous.
Why do you lie?

That's total bullshit

Unfortunately that's where Trump has taken us.

We need to stop this insanity

10-14 times more deadly than the flu. They have a very interesting manner of arriving at bogus numbers ;-)
The infection fatality rate, or IFR is actually 0.14% when averaged out over the entire planet. This makes COVID slightly less dangerous than the flu.

Man oh MAN - The Gullibles are out in force today! :rolleyes-41:
What do you mean? That is a fact. Slightly over a million folks have died of COVID, planet wide.

It has nothing to do with "gullible" unless you are referring to yourself and Lesh? Is that it?

It isn't a fact - It's just more fake news. ;-)

Yeah, flu is more dangerous.
Why do you lie?

That's total bullshit

Unfortunately that's where Trump has taken us.

We need to stop this insanity

10-14 times more deadly than the flu. They have a very interesting manner of arriving at bogus numbers ;-)

Not at all. Actual deaths from the virus is around 20,000. The rest were with covid, chronic, underlying conditions.
The infection fatality rate, or IFR is actually 0.14% when averaged out over the entire planet. This makes COVID slightly less dangerous than the flu.

Man oh MAN - The Gullibles are out in force today! :rolleyes-41:
What do you mean? That is a fact. Slightly over a million folks have died of COVID, planet wide.

It has nothing to do with "gullible" unless you are referring to yourself and Lesh? Is that it?

It isn't a fact - It's just more fake news. ;-)

So now you are calling pronouncements from the World Health Organization "fake news?"

The infection fatality rate, or IFR is actually 0.14% when averaged out over the entire planet. This makes COVID slightly less dangerous than the flu.

Man oh MAN - The Gullibles are out in force today! :rolleyes-41:
What do you mean? That is a fact. Slightly over a million folks have died of COVID, planet wide.

It has nothing to do with "gullible" unless you are referring to yourself and Lesh? Is that it?

It isn't a fact - It's just more fake news. ;-)
The problem? You watch too much TEE VEE, you do not educate yourself, and you probably don't even have a clue what the difference between CASE FATALITY RATE, and INFECTION FATALITY RATE is.

These numbers are facts. They are A) the actual population of the Earth, and B) numbers coming from the World Health Organization. Secondly, it is how you DO THE MATH.

If you don't like the MATH, then you are clearly just politicizing the disease for a purpose. . . I see what you are doing then. In your mind, you have a truth, it is impervious to that FACTS.

You are choosing your TRUTH, over the FACTS.

You can't take an entire population and use it to calculate mortality percentage. You take only the people who have tested positive and divide that into the number who have died. So 1.4% mortality is correct.

See? Now you are being POLITICAL, and not scientific. If we don't truly know how dangerous the disease is, and can't treat it with the seriousness it deserves, and analyze the risk, versus how we should treat the economy and folks ability to live their lives, unless we have a realistic assessment. YOU CLEARLY DON'T WANT TO DO THAT.

OR? You have been misinformed by corporate and government propaganda? WHICH IS IT?!

CFR, IFR, and You: What is the true COVID-19 death rate?

". . A case fatality rate (CFR) is the proportion of deaths from a disease compared to the total number of people diagnosed.

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An infection fatality rate (IFR) is the proportion of deaths among all infected individuals, in other words the true fatality rate. While related to the CFR, an IFR attempts to estimate the mortality rate including non-diagnosed cases (e.g. not tested, asymptomatic). An IFR should be lower than the CFR, since the denominator would be expected to be larger.

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Visually, these can be represented as shown in Figure 2 below, based on the relative differences in confirmed vs. total cases as shown in Figure 1. Note that deaths can be scored as either confirmed deaths or probable deaths. As testing becomes more widespread, the difference between “confirmed” and “total” infected shrinks, as does the difference between CFR and IFR.

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Figure 2. Visual representation of Case Infection Rate (CFR) and Infection Fatality Rate (IFR) .. . ."

A. NEITHER the CFR or the IFR used total population...because that would be...yea...stupid'

B.'We KNOW the CFR. That's fact

C. We DON'T know the IFR...that's conjecture
I keep hearing Trumpers say that

That means it's fatal to 1%. Do you know what 1% of 350 million is?

Yea...3 and a half million dead. Mostly older folks and those with medical issues.

And the "herd immunity" policy (if you can call it that) means everybody gets it.

You ready to see that many bodies?

Yes. I would be happy with a 10% fatality rate. 35 million would be a good start towards the purge this country needs.
You're a friggin idiot.

I was going to tell Claudette that NO ONE "wants" 2 million dead (not even her...she just doesn't care)...but you proved me wrong.

People like YOU seem to love death
The infection fatality rate, or IFR is actually 0.14% when averaged out over the entire planet. This makes COVID slightly less dangerous than the flu.

Man oh MAN - The Gullibles are out in force today! :rolleyes-41:
What do you mean? That is a fact. Slightly over a million folks have died of COVID, planet wide.

It has nothing to do with "gullible" unless you are referring to yourself and Lesh? Is that it?

It isn't a fact - It's just more fake news. ;-)

Yeah, flu is more dangerous.
Why do you lie?

That's total bullshit

Unfortunately that's where Trump has taken us.

We need to stop this insanity

10-14 times more deadly than the flu. They have a very interesting manner of arriving at bogus numbers ;-)

Not at all. Actual deaths from the virus is around 20,000. The rest were with covid, chronic, underlying conditions.

Just about EVERYONE has some type of underlying condition. You can live for YEARS with things like asthma, diabetes, emphysema, high BP, Lupus and other issues. When you have one of these conditions and you get the COVIDS and die, then the COVIDS killed you - PERIOD!!

And now, minimally 10 million people have tested positive. They too have an underlying condition which in some cases has long term effects. And some have been reinfected. We know nothing about immunity, or if a vaccine will be a permanent solution.

Cut it with the disinformation campaign Mr Goebbels.

not much more than the flu/etc
Yeah, flu is more dangerous.
Jesus...save us the Trumper/QAnon garbage (is there a difference anymore?)

A bad flu year is 60,000 deaths...counted VERY liberally.

This horror has accounted for over 235,000 and is still killing 500-100 every day...and virtually every one of those deaths tested positive for Covid
I keep hearing Trumpers say that

That means it's fatal to 1%. Do you know what 1% of 350 million is?

Yea...3 and a half million dead. Mostly older folks and those with medical issues.

And the "herd immunity" policy (if you can call it that) means everybody gets it.

You ready to see that many bodies?
Yeah if they're all dumbass leftwing nitwits like you. Call it nature at work or even evolution at work to keep the gene pool tidy.
The infection fatality rate, or IFR is actually 0.14% when averaged out over the entire planet. This makes COVID slightly less dangerous than the flu.

Man oh MAN - The Gullibles are out in force today! :rolleyes-41:
What do you mean? That is a fact. Slightly over a million folks have died of COVID, planet wide.

It has nothing to do with "gullible" unless you are referring to yourself and Lesh? Is that it?

It isn't a fact - It's just more fake news. ;-)

So now you are calling pronouncements from the World Health Organization "fake news?"

The infection fatality rate, or IFR is actually 0.14% when averaged out over the entire planet. This makes COVID slightly less dangerous than the flu.

Man oh MAN - The Gullibles are out in force today! :rolleyes-41:
What do you mean? That is a fact. Slightly over a million folks have died of COVID, planet wide.

It has nothing to do with "gullible" unless you are referring to yourself and Lesh? Is that it?

It isn't a fact - It's just more fake news. ;-)
The problem? You watch too much TEE VEE, you do not educate yourself, and you probably don't even have a clue what the difference between CASE FATALITY RATE, and INFECTION FATALITY RATE is.

These numbers are facts. They are A) the actual population of the Earth, and B) numbers coming from the World Health Organization. Secondly, it is how you DO THE MATH.

If you don't like the MATH, then you are clearly just politicizing the disease for a purpose. . . I see what you are doing then. In your mind, you have a truth, it is impervious to that FACTS.

You are choosing your TRUTH, over the FACTS.

You can't take an entire population and use it to calculate mortality percentage. You take only the people who have tested positive and divide that into the number who have died. So 1.4% mortality is correct.

See? Now you are being POLITICAL, and not scientific. If we don't truly know how dangerous the disease is, and can't treat it with the seriousness it deserves, and analyze the risk, versus how we should treat the economy and folks ability to live their lives, unless we have a realistic assessment. YOU CLEARLY DON'T WANT TO DO THAT.

OR? You have been misinformed by corporate and government propaganda? WHICH IS IT?!

CFR, IFR, and You: What is the true COVID-19 death rate?

". . A case fatality rate (CFR) is the proportion of deaths from a disease compared to the total number of people diagnosed.

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An infection fatality rate (IFR) is the proportion of deaths among all infected individuals, in other words the true fatality rate. While related to the CFR, an IFR attempts to estimate the mortality rate including non-diagnosed cases (e.g. not tested, asymptomatic). An IFR should be lower than the CFR, since the denominator would be expected to be larger.

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Visually, these can be represented as shown in Figure 2 below, based on the relative differences in confirmed vs. total cases as shown in Figure 1. Note that deaths can be scored as either confirmed deaths or probable deaths. As testing becomes more widespread, the difference between “confirmed” and “total” infected shrinks, as does the difference between CFR and IFR.

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Image for post

Figure 2. Visual representation of Case Infection Rate (CFR) and Infection Fatality Rate (IFR) .. . ."

A. NEITHER the CFR or the IFR used total population...because that would be...yea...stupid'

B.'We KNOW the CFR. That's fact

C. We DON'T know the IFR...that's conjecture

A. CFR does not use total population. IFR uses total population of differing areas. i.e. IFR of the U.S. IFR of NY, IFR of the plant.

B. The CFR can be manipulated depending on the amplification of the PCR tests, not all PCR tests are equal, and different health authorities code what you define as a "covid" death differently. That's a "fact."

C. Agreed. WE have a much better estimation of what it is today, than what it was in April, we didn't have a clue then, just computer models. . . .much like. . . erm, global climate change. :auiqs.jpg:

Now we have more, on the ground data and testing, more than we have for. . . erm. . . climate change models. IOW, reproducible data.
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The infection fatality rate, or IFR is actually 0.14% when averaged out over the entire planet. This makes COVID slightly less dangerous than the flu.

Man oh MAN - The Gullibles are out in force today! :rolleyes-41:
What do you mean? That is a fact. Slightly over a million folks have died of COVID, planet wide.

It has nothing to do with "gullible" unless you are referring to yourself and Lesh? Is that it?

It isn't a fact - It's just more fake news. ;-)

So now you are calling pronouncements from the World Health Organization "fake news?"

The infection fatality rate, or IFR is actually 0.14% when averaged out over the entire planet. This makes COVID slightly less dangerous than the flu.

Man oh MAN - The Gullibles are out in force today! :rolleyes-41:
What do you mean? That is a fact. Slightly over a million folks have died of COVID, planet wide.

It has nothing to do with "gullible" unless you are referring to yourself and Lesh? Is that it?

It isn't a fact - It's just more fake news. ;-)
The problem? You watch too much TEE VEE, you do not educate yourself, and you probably don't even have a clue what the difference between CASE FATALITY RATE, and INFECTION FATALITY RATE is.

These numbers are facts. They are A) the actual population of the Earth, and B) numbers coming from the World Health Organization. Secondly, it is how you DO THE MATH.

If you don't like the MATH, then you are clearly just politicizing the disease for a purpose. . . I see what you are doing then. In your mind, you have a truth, it is impervious to that FACTS.

You are choosing your TRUTH, over the FACTS.

You can't take an entire population and use it to calculate mortality percentage. You take only the people who have tested positive and divide that into the number who have died. So 1.4% mortality is correct.

See? Now you are being POLITICAL, and not scientific. If we don't truly know how dangerous the disease is, and can't treat it with the seriousness it deserves, and analyze the risk, versus how we should treat the economy and folks ability to live their lives, unless we have a realistic assessment. YOU CLEARLY DON'T WANT TO DO THAT.

OR? You have been misinformed by corporate and government propaganda? WHICH IS IT?!

CFR, IFR, and You: What is the true COVID-19 death rate?

". . A case fatality rate (CFR) is the proportion of deaths from a disease compared to the total number of people diagnosed.

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Image for post

An infection fatality rate (IFR) is the proportion of deaths among all infected individuals, in other words the true fatality rate. While related to the CFR, an IFR attempts to estimate the mortality rate including non-diagnosed cases (e.g. not tested, asymptomatic). An IFR should be lower than the CFR, since the denominator would be expected to be larger.

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Image for post

Visually, these can be represented as shown in Figure 2 below, based on the relative differences in confirmed vs. total cases as shown in Figure 1. Note that deaths can be scored as either confirmed deaths or probable deaths. As testing becomes more widespread, the difference between “confirmed” and “total” infected shrinks, as does the difference between CFR and IFR.

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Image for post

Figure 2. Visual representation of Case Infection Rate (CFR) and Infection Fatality Rate (IFR) .. . ."

A. NEITHER the CFR or the IFR used total population...because that would be...yea...stupid'

B.'We KNOW the CFR. That's fact

C. We DON'T know the IFR...that's conjecture

A. CFR does not use total population. IFR uses total population of differing areas. i.e. IFR of the U.S. IFR of NY, IFR of the plant.

B. The CFR can be manipulated depending on the amplification of the PCR tests, not all PCR tests are equal, and different health authorities code what you define as a "covid" death differently. That's a "fact."

C. Agreed. WE have a much better estimation of what it is today, than what it was in April, we didn't have a clue then, just computer models. . . .much like. . . erm, global climate change. :auiqs.jpg:

Now we have more, on the ground data and testing, more than we have for. . . erm. . . climate change models. IOW, reproducible data.

You seem confused. When you understand that the virus is not climate change ..get back to us

IFR uses total population of differing areas. i.e. IFR of the U.S. IFR of NY, IFR of the plant.
Wrong. IFR is total INFECTED...has zero to do with total population
The infection fatality rate, or IFR is actually 0.14% when averaged out over the entire planet. This makes COVID slightly less dangerous than the flu.

Man oh MAN - The Gullibles are out in force today! :rolleyes-41:
What do you mean? That is a fact. Slightly over a million folks have died of COVID, planet wide.

It has nothing to do with "gullible" unless you are referring to yourself and Lesh? Is that it?

It isn't a fact - It's just more fake news. ;-)

Yeah, flu is more dangerous.
Why do you lie?

That's total bullshit

Unfortunately that's where Trump has taken us.

We need to stop this insanity

10-14 times more deadly than the flu. They have a very interesting manner of arriving at bogus numbers ;-)
This horror has accounted for over 235,000 and is still killing 500-100 every day...and virtually every one of those deaths tested positive for Covid
nope. still in error. check the internet on actual Wuhan deaths.
You're a friggin idiot.

I was going to tell Claudette that NO ONE "wants" 2 million dead (not even her...she just doesn't care)...but you proved me wrong.

People like YOU seem to love death
prove the report of dead died from Wuhan. If you can't, then the sentence above is pointless.
How many people have died due to depression and overdose under COVID quarantine OP? How many will die younger due to drug/alcohol and cigarette intake, because of COVID quarantine?
You're a friggin idiot.

I was going to tell Claudette that NO ONE "wants" 2 million dead (not even her...she just doesn't care)...but you proved me wrong.

People like YOU seem to love death

Only when the right people are dying.

This particular virus is largely targeting the right people. Left to it’s own devices it will kill many more in those groups, dramatically reducing the need for unconstitutional social programs.

Sounds good to me.
not much more than the flu/etc
Yeah, flu is more dangerous.
Jesus...save us the Trumper/QAnon garbage (is there a difference anymore?)

A bad flu year is 60,000 deaths...counted VERY liberally.

This horror has accounted for over 235,000 and is still killing 500-100 every day...and virtually every one of those deaths tested positive for Covid

I know several people who have tested negative but told that they were going to be marked down as false negative and marked with covid. None of these people had the virus.
I keep hearing Trumpers say that

That means it's fatal to 1%. Do you know what 1% of 350 million is?

Yea...3 and a half million dead. Mostly older folks and those with medical issues.

And the "herd immunity" policy (if you can call it that) means everybody gets it.

You ready to see that many bodies?
Well, the CDC issued a statement saying it's ok for people in quarantine
to go vote in person

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