A 1 percenter tells the truth about "job creators"

Most businesses start small. As demand for their products increase, then the business hires more workers to fill that demand. You don't start with over-production.

First comes the product. Then demand, then expansion and hiring. You don't start by hiring. You start with a viable product.

Never done it yourself, I see.
No, you start with an idea fr a product and then invest capital to get it to market. In the process you end up hiring people.

I have done it myself, and I'm in the process of doing it again. I have a product. When production cannot keep up with demand for my product, I will be hiring more people.

I worked for many years with a lawyer who found investment capital for new start ups. NOT ONE of these people ever started big. Everyone started with one or two people and an idea. The capital that was invested to bring new ideas to market, did not entail hiring any significant numbers of people until the sales started coming in. Everything was outsourced until that point.

The guy who developed the GreenBox shopping system, started with an idea. He took the idea to Loblaws which was investing heavily in green techologies and sold them on the product. And then he went to an injection moulding company to develop a process for using plastic which 100% recycled. It took capital, but it didn't take staff. Once all of the pieces were ready to go into production, with the Loblaws contract in hand, he started hiring.

I don't know of anybody who starts hiring before they have the products and the sales contracts in hand.

Roots started as one store in Toronto. Walmart started as one store. Until you know your idea will be successful, who in their right mind would invest millions?
Sales is what drives hiring, not investment.

What drives hiring is the anticipation of making a profit, Dragonlady. Think about it...you could have potential sales of hundreds of thousands but if there isn't a profit to be made then your investors aren't going to give you a dime nor are you going to pull the trigger (I would hope!) of going forward with production.

What never ceases to amaze me is the number of people here who can't see a correlation between government stepping in to affect profits and businesses altering their plans. I'm sorry but if you pass new legislation that makes my costs higher and my profits lower...I'm less likely to proceed. If you raise my taxes and further decrease my potential profits...then I'm less likely to proceed.
What's amusing is to watch people who advocate more government regulation at every turn and view profits by businesses almost as a "sin" against society, scratch their heads in bewilderment when that viewpoint doesn't produce a tidal wave of investment by the Private Sector.
Most 1% ers make their money from investments not creating jobs. Middle America creates most of the jobs with small businesses.

This thread is bogus

How do you think jobs get created without investing? Do you believe stores and factories just pop up miraculously out of thin air because of "demand?"

The middle class invested heavily until it got taxes & squeezed to death by government & the rich. 50 million middle class investors can discover, invest & develop far more than 400 entitled elite trust fund babies. IBM & Xerox passed on the PC, operating system & software applications. A wide variety of middle class dudes ran with it. You would not have shit if it were not for the middle class investors & entrepreneurs. The rich are to dam busy with fancy "$6,000 shower curtains" and "$15,000 dog umbrella stands" to be bothered with investing in life improving breakthroughs, wealth & job creators. They mostly want the safe dividends to roll in to their pockets tax free while the job creating middle class gets taxed to death strangling investment in their creativity.

It is time we stopped payroll taxes on the hard working middle class. All that extra tax paid in to the SS trust fund by the middle class was stolen by the rich tax loopholes so they could buy another horse. Middle class effective tax rate is 37% while the rich only pay 13% effective tax rate. When you add payroll & income taxes, the middle class pays MORE TAXES than the entitled rich. A middle class dude taxed at 37% can't compete with a rich dude who only pays 13% tax. Therefore all investment & wealth flows to the lower taxed rich & the overtaxed middle class it pushed down into the lower class. Furthermore a US worker taxed at 37% is more expensive to employ than a untaxed foreigner. Therefore the expensive high taxed worker gets fired by the rich & the cheap low tax foreigner gets hired leaving more profit for the lower taxed entitled rich.
I have done it myself, and I'm in the process of doing it again. I have a product. When production cannot keep up with demand for my product, I will be hiring more people.

I worked for many years with a lawyer who found investment capital for new start ups. NOT ONE of these people ever started big. Everyone started with one or two people and an idea. The capital that was invested to bring new ideas to market, did not entail hiring any significant numbers of people until the sales started coming in. Everything was outsourced until that point.

The guy who developed the GreenBox shopping system, started with an idea. He took the idea to Loblaws which was investing heavily in green techologies and sold them on the product. And then he went to an injection moulding company to develop a process for using plastic which 100% recycled. It took capital, but it didn't take staff. Once all of the pieces were ready to go into production, with the Loblaws contract in hand, he started hiring.

I don't know of anybody who starts hiring before they have the products and the sales contracts in hand.

Roots started as one store in Toronto. Walmart started as one store. Until you know your idea will be successful, who in their right mind would invest millions?
Sales is what drives hiring, not investment.

Where does the money come from for people to shop, and therefore, provide businesses with 'sales?'

Money is a tool, a vehicle, a convenience at best, a score keeping mechanism at worst. There are no jobs and no salaries without "opportunity" which is created by demand. Demand creates opportunity, when opportunity is generally agreed to exist, people begin to fill the demand. It really is that simple.

No question some small pct of jobs are created by investors seeking to profit from someone else's labor or idea, but the overwhelming majority of jobs are created by businesses finding demand and following it to the bank.

Supply means nothing without willing and able consumers. That is why killing the middle class is a mistake. Fewer able consumers. And we are living the results of a bifurcated economy of haves and have-nots. There will always be losers, but there has never in the history of the US been the current number of potential contributors fenced out by voodoo policy.

To conclude the economic part here, when we read or hear some halfwit claim voodoo economics works, what they are saying is "Yes, some of us actually believe that living off of borrowed money is the way to go."

To conclude the social side, that is laugh out loud funny coming from the nutball element who apparently really are too stupid to understand that the primary effects of voodoo economics are funneling tax money into the hands of people who fully intend to keep it. That amount of sheer idiocy coming from pretend fiscal conservatives is hilarious in a sad sort of way.

How nice. You did your best to avoid answering the question and still turned out to be incorrect.
Progressive economies have a few things in common: poverty, dependency, no upward mobility and at the end they have to build a wall to keep sane people from fleeing

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