A 10 Year Old Rape Victim In Ohio Was Just Denied An Abortion

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But the benefit of WIC is intended for the child, both before and after birth.

The benefit before the birth is intended for the mother.

How do you refer to what pro-lifers call "the baby?"

I call it "the baby". I am anti-abortion as there was never a time with either of my children that I did not think of them as just that.

We just have different views on the best way to decrease the number of abortions.
" Conflicted And Contradictory "

* Far Removed And Inconsistent *

The current SCROTUS did not have a choice when ruling to overturn roe , other than to find that roe over stepped its constitutional authority in violation of a birth requirement for equal protection and issue a ruling that abortion could not be outlawed at all , which would lay the responsibility onto the legislature for a 2/3 constitutional amendment .

Again , the issue is not when does life begin as that does not matter to the constitution , as states are comprised of citizens and a citizen receives constitutional protections at birth , ergo birth is a constitutional requirement for equal protection , which includes the wright to life ..

Thad did not occur and the court has committed sedition against us constitution .
Well it was a slow day.
" States Are Only Concerned With Whether A Wright To Life Exists "

* Definitely And What Did Gawd Do About It *

That's some sick stuff.
Sanctimonious hypocrites who are pro-birthers and for capital punishment like to make a distinction between guilt and innocence with respect to abortion and capital punishment while at the same time raving about carnality and that all fall short from the grace of gawd .
See more ranting. I clearly stated that I do not support anyone taking the life of another outside of direct self defense.

But you blamed it all on Democrats.

My issue is mostly with those cheering and not understanding the ramifications of this ruling or intentionally not caring because after all, they got to poke people in the eye with it,
It's a response from being poked in the eye for so long.

More are coming.

I don't support or want it, but it's coming.
The benefit before the birth is intended for the mother.
Golfing, that is really an absurd statement. You would be better off saying that the benefit is so that the mother can bear a healthy baby, than to pretend that the additional nutrition the program provides pregnant women is only for them, and not for the purpose of a health baby, pre- and post-delivery. If you were right about that, why not just provide extra nutrition for every woman, regardless of whether they are pregnant?
I call it "the baby". I am anti-abortion as there was never a time with either of my children that I did not think of them as just that.

We just have different views on the best way to decrease the number of abortions.
Fair enough.
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" Thou Shall Not Kill Suggestion Box "

* Populism And Democracy As Tyranny By Majority *

Perfect for whom. Sure as hell not for babies. And it meant NOTHING TO BLUE STATES. They get to do as they please.

But now say they will tell those in Red states WHAT THEY WILL ALLOW.

The Red States have said fuck you to them.
You have ignored the constitution , yet again .

Do you stay awake at night struggling to rectify every disparity of nature ?

Do you understand that a law only exists because there is an entity capable of issuing a reprise or retort for a violation of its rule ?

Before entering into the social civil contract according to a constitution , individuals are subject to moral relativism of nature , and to improve ones odds of survival and quality of life one exchanges natural freedoms for its membership in its institution , and biirth is a requirement for equal protection according to us constitution .
" Pet Peeve Authoritarianism "

* Despotism Justifications Against Us Constitution *

Classic leftist victim, using a child to push their agenda. Well done.
As a pro-choice republican , the shock value suggestion of a psychopathic mother entering into an abortion clinic to kill their fetus for the thrill of it is penchant of the right .
It's a response from being poked in the eye for so long.

More are coming.

I don't support or want it, but it's coming.

As I noted, until all are blind. We are pretty close to being there.
This past Monday, a child abuse doctor in Ohio had a 10-year old rape victim in her office. She is six weeks and three days pregnant. She was obviously terrified, and instead of helping her, Ohio legislators turned on her. As soon as SCOTUS overturned Roe v. Wade, Ohio outlawed all abortion after six weeks. The child discovered she was pregnant three days too late. There was no longer any access to an abortion clinic in the state, and there were no exceptions made for child rape. Even if there was a doctor who would take pity on this horrible situation, the doctor would be taking an extreme risk of prosecution—along with possibly the child.

Where was Gym Jordan?
" An Obsessive Excuse To Satiate Anxiety "

* Motivations Behind A Uniform Fetish *

The religious reich is obsessed with sex and wish to implement authoritarian dictates over the sexual practices of other individuals and the objective for outlawing abortion is one such measure .

The religious reich is obsessed with sex because they know subconsciously that being brought back to life from a dirt nap is complete nonsense , and their obsessive efforts to establish their own faith is used to satiate that anxiety .
Yeah well you go get the damned statistics of your sexual freedoms you love so much, and then come back to discuss them with us. You would think that if you put your hand on a hot iron, that you would learn your lesson, but not a leftist.

Taking medicine the rest of your days is not a cure just so you know. A healthy person doesn't have to be sustained by putting chemicals in their body to maintain their life.
" States Are Only Concerned With Whether A Wright To Life Exists "

* Definitely And What Did Gawd Do About It *

Sanctimonious hypocrites who are pro-birthers and for capital punishment like to make a distinction between guilt and innocence with respect to abortion and capital punishment while at the same time raving about carnality and that all fall short from the grace of gawd .
You lie and call yourself a conservative, but you are nothing close to a conservative. That's the trend now, democrat's going conservative (wolves in sheep's clothing), just to retain power and authority.
Looks like they need to iron out a few wrinkles in the Ohio law. They'll fix it, I'm sure. In the meantime, I hope nobody thinks this will prevent the girl from getting an abortion. She'll get one.
That's a feature, not a bug.
Not what you think they are. (Assuming you think the "refusal" is a horror.... dumb)
The first horror is one that will scar this girl for life, and require serious counseling.
She was raped. She is either in the 4th or 5th grade FFS. She is mind fucked for life.
Two. She got pregnant, and needs an abortion. THAT is the 2nd horror. And that ends it.
The fact her parent(s) had to drive one hour away and get it done is not horrific. A minor inconvenience.
For the Daily Kos to make the whole article about that is mind numbingly stupid.
If you don't recognize that she is fortunate enough to have a family able to drive her to a nearby state then you miss the bigger picture of a post Roe America.
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