A 25-year-old black man was shot dead in Georgia while jogging, prompting online protests labeling the incident as racial profiling

Of course not. I hope I never have to confront anyone anywhere ever. I my world, we'd kill the criminals, and people would live with their doors unlocked, as they used to do just 70 years ago.

Here's the thing, dipshit, breaking and entering doesn't warrant killing the person who did it. Granted, I understand the emotion behind taking that position (and you're a bit more emotional than most) but, realistically, saying "we'd kill the criminals" paints you as someone who shouldn't be left without adult supervision...

My grandmother in Toledo Ohio, when I visited up there... they left their door wipe open all day long. Thanks to morons like you, people here are worried to take their garbage to the dumpster that's barely a half block away.

I grew up in New York and we used to do the same.

But insisting that the reason you can't do that now is because someone thinks you shouldn't kill all criminals is stupid...

Any soldier admits they are terrified in a fire fight, but they still fight. They still move forward, keep their weapons up, and fight for what is right.

That's funny. Look at you, trying to explain what it's like to be in combat. You're such a clown...

I ain't no hero. That's sad pathetic excuses of men like you, tell other people, to justify their inaction and uselessness. If it makes you feel better about yourself, to dismiss people who take action by saying "you also believe your some brave vigilante".... if that keeps your tiny insignificant boat floating....

You're advocating shooting someone because they were running down the street. There was zero evidence that he broke into anything anywhere...

Well child, by all means. How you can face your own image in a mirror while others suffer.... Pretty sad. The founders of this country, would be horrified by people like you.

Hardly. They would be disgusted that some diaper-wearing, wanna' be vigilante like you would advocate killing someone for no reason...
So, the reason they armed themselves and chased him was because he went after them?

Just from a chronological perspective, that's stupid...

There was a string of break ins and robberies. The individual matched the description of the suspected robber.

They requested to talk with him. He attacked them, and got what he deserved.

Want to take a bit the robberies stop?


Uh, they grabbed a shot gun and 357 magnum and proceeded to chase him down and cut him off from his path 2-3 times. There was no "request" here.

Yeah, I agree. If you refuse to stop, when I ask you to stop and talk with me, that seems to clearly indicate you are up to evil.

I would stop him too. But they said openly, we just want to talk to you.

That fair enough. Again, I've had this happen to me. I stopped. I talked. We went on with our lives. Of course, I was not doing anything wrong, and I didn't attack anyone. That's because I was a good person who doesn't take a loaded weapon into a high school gym.
So, the reason they armed themselves and chased him was because he went after them?

Just from a chronological perspective, that's stupid...

There was a string of break ins and robberies. The individual matched the description of the suspected robber.

They requested to talk with him. He attacked them, and got what he deserved.

Want to take a bit the robberies stop?

"Matched the description".

What was that description, anyway? That he was black?

If they "requested to talk with him", Travis McMichael wouldn't have exited the truck holding a shotgun.

And of course robberies there will stop. Whoever's doing it (after all, there's no evidence that the dead guy was doing it) is now aware that are racists in that neighborhood who'll shoot someone because he's black and running, and for no other reason...
So, the reason they armed themselves and chased him was because he went after them?

Just from a chronological perspective, that's stupid...

There was a string of break ins and robberies. The individual matched the description of the suspected robber.

They requested to talk with him. He attacked them, and got what he deserved.

Want to take a bit the robberies stop?

"Matched the description".

What was that description, anyway? That he was black?

If they "requested to talk with him", Travis McMichael wouldn't have exited the truck holding a shotgun.

And of course robberies there will stop. Whoever's doing it (after all, there's no evidence that the dead guy was doing it) is now aware that are racists in that neighborhood who'll shoot someone because he's black and running, and for no other reason...

Yeah, that was it, I'm sure. "Black". Everyone said, he was black. Yup. That's exactly what they said. In fact, they said he was in Chicago, with MAGA hat on, tossing nooses and bleach on black people, saying "this is MAGA country".

Yeah, so I'm sure the description here was "Black guy". Yeah yup, sure.

You are moron. You have now degenerated to a childish loser spewing gibberish.

Muted. Ignored. Have a good life. I am too good to be conversing with someone like you. Bye.
I guarantee you.... guarantee... that that jogger had not grabbed for the shotgun... he'd alive right now.

You can't make that guarantee.

I'm not convinced the black guy attacked anyone. I know it makes no difference to you, because you're a racist and you're fucking stupid, but the only version of the story we have here is the version of the people who killed him.

Frankly, I don't know why they needed guns. There were two of them and only one guy running. Are they such pussies that they can't take a guy two on one?
So, the reason they armed themselves and chased him was because he went after them?

Just from a chronological perspective, that's stupid...

There was a string of break ins and robberies. The individual matched the description of the suspected robber.

They requested to talk with him. He attacked them, and got what he deserved.

Want to take a bit the robberies stop?

"Matched the description".

What was that description, anyway? That he was black?

If they "requested to talk with him", Travis McMichael wouldn't have exited the truck holding a shotgun.

And of course robberies there will stop. Whoever's doing it (after all, there's no evidence that the dead guy was doing it) is now aware that are racists in that neighborhood who'll shoot someone because he's black and running, and for no other reason...

Yeah, that was it, I'm sure. "Black". Everyone said, he was black. Yup. That's exactly what they said. In fact, they said he was in Chicago, with MAGA hat on, tossing nooses and bleach on black people, saying "this is MAGA country".

Yeah, so I'm sure the description here was "Black guy". Yeah yup, sure.

You are moron. You have now degenerated to a childish loser spewing gibberish.

Muted. Ignored. Have a good life. I am too good to be conversing with someone like you. Bye.

Well, then please share with us what the description of the guy was.

You won't, because you can't... other than to say the guy was black...
There were two of them. If all they wanted to do was talk there was no need for them to be brandishing weapons...

It was not their place to do that, and certianly not their plac e to chase the guy down to do it. They should've called the police. It's not like the guy was breaking into someone's house when they say him jogging...

If you believe, as they did, that the individual was engaging in break ins throughout the community.... yeah, I would absolute brandish a weapon. Sure.

On what authority?

You're likely one of those guns owners who probably shouldn't own guns. You're not the police, and you're not a posse. You're Joe Schmuckitelli who has no legal right to draw down on someone jogging down the road...

By that logic, then we don't know anything, and you shouldn't be complaining yet about this guy being shot.

Actually, there are things we know. We know he wasn't armed. As such, there's no reason in the world for grown men to draw down on him...

You can't sit there and just say "He was shot for no reason, and therefore it's racism", and then turn around and say "Well we don't have all the facts, so you can't make a judgement call yet".

Sorry. Those are mutually exclusive positions.

The facts we have paint a bleak picture for the white guys...

Brushes? He had a loaded firearm, at a packed high school gym.

There's no indication the gym was packed, but I understand your need for fabrication here. An empty gym just isn't as dramatic.

And that incident took place when the guy was a teenager...

You people need to make up your mind. Is bringing loaded weapons to school bad? Or should we call it "brushes" with the law, and not a big deal?

Yes, you people. People who defend criminals when criminals get killed. This guy was a criminal.

What criminal activity was he engaged in when he was shot and killed? Any prior involvement with the police is meaningless, simply because they guy who shot him wouldn't have known about any of that...

Yeah, and white people who defend criminals die all the time. It's not a race issue. It's a culture issue. As long as people defend evil, and attack the good, people will keep dying.

This guy didn't attack anyone. He was scared shitless because two racists chased him down in a pickup truck and then drew weapons on him...
He was filmed ATTACKING the son with the shotgun.

Have you seen the damn film?
I don't need to 2 competent DA's saw it and chose not to press charges.

You mean two white men said that is what happened and you believe them over a dead ni............

Sure. If that individual has a history of crime, which he does... yeah of course I'll believe the law abiding citizens over a criminal.

You should too.

Hmmm, so did they know what his record was when they took off after him with guns? Since there is nothing indicating he broke any laws I don't give a damn what his record says and of course you are going to believe what the 2 white men said happened. You always do.
You claimed simply being white makes you a liar, go play in the street you moron.
No, it sounds like he was a criminal trying to flee a crime scene. If he had shot those guys, he would have gone to jail for murder. You cant just shoot people just because. You need a good reason, like these guys clearly had.

These guys had no idea why this black guy was running.

There are instances where deadly force is appropriate and times when it is not. This would not be one of those times...
Actually you would be wrong when the runner CHOSE to attack the son to take his shotgun that made deadly force allowed.
The criminal who is now dead learned that lesson the hard way. Actions have consequences. Attack a man with a gun and you get shot.

What justification was there for the two white guys to arm themselves, chase down the black guy and then kill him?

I've got $1 that says this turns out bad for the McMicheals'...
2 Different DA's disagree with you, 2 not one and one was not ever affiliated with the shooter.
The criminal who is now dead learned that lesson the hard way. Actions have consequences. Attack a man with a gun and you get shot.

What justification was there for the two white guys to arm themselves, chase down the black guy and then kill him?

I've got $1 that says this turns out bad for the McMicheals'...
2 Different DA's disagree with you, 2 not one and one was not ever affiliated with the shooter.

Sounds like Canon Shooter has a chance to win that $1 after all.
So now you can't jog while black.

How is it that you can just grab your gun and chase someone down the block, kill them and then return home for dinner.

Oh that's right there is no more racism in the South anymore.
Anyone else see the video? It's out on the internet now. Not surprising it's going to the grand jury now. They hunted him down, blocked his jogging path and forced the issue. 3 shots fired total while the father just stands in the back of the truck and watches.
Anyone else see the video? It's out on the internet now. Not surprising it's going to the grand jury now. They hunted him down, blocked his jogging path and forced the issue. 3 shots fired total while the father just stands in the back of the truck and watches.
Yeah, i saw the video. In that video i saw Ahmaud Arbery punching the son. This looks like self defense to me.

Anyone else see the video? It's out on the internet now. Not surprising it's going to the grand jury now. They hunted him down, blocked his jogging path and forced the issue. 3 shots fired total while the father just stands in the back of the truck and watches.
Yeah, i saw the video. In that video i saw Ahmaud Arbery punching the son. This looks like self defense to me.

So the fact that they grabbed their guns and chased this man down really doesn't matter.

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