A 25-year-old black man was shot dead in Georgia while jogging, prompting online protests labeling the incident as racial profiling

67#1342 reply to 67#1340
No one ever moved towards him.

answer one question after looking at this screenshot again with Your eyes opened:

View attachment 336926
How did the gunman get to the jogger from behind the truck On the left side of the road To the front of the truck on the right side of the road when the first shot went off?

Nothing cute just answer that one question

Do you have no depth perception? He was never behind the truck. He was always at the front. He was driving., How can you get everything so wrong even when your own screenshot proves it?

Now answer me this question, nothing cute.

How did your criminal get to the man standing at the right front side of the truck from the left front side?

Hint: He had to move towards him and attack. What's your next pathetic excuse?

Tell me when was the last time 2 cowards were chasing you down the street with guns, so given the situation what was he to do.

Your criminal ran towards them. Try not to show how ignorant you are of the facts when you can't even determine the difference between a criminal running toward a vehicle vs the opposite.

Your dumbass criminal attacked a guy with a gun and tried to grab it. That piece of trash got exactly what he deserved.

So let me know what your dumb ass would have done had you been in the same situation.

I wouldn't have been a criminal so I never would have gotten in that situation genius.

So I guess that means the other white folks that were in and out the house weren't criminals either.
Dude the black attacked the hero,, watch the video.. it’s over

You mean while the 2 racists are sitting in jail.
Yea not because of anything they did, it’s to calm your emotional animals down lol but Justice is blind and they will be released; and I dare you to to seek revenge haha

The animals are the 2 cowards that are sitting in jail for murdering an unarmed man. Vengeance is mine sayeth the Lord.
67#1342 reply to 67#1340
No one ever moved towards him.

answer one question after looking at this screenshot again with Your eyes opened:

View attachment 336926
How did the gunman get to the jogger from behind the truck On the left side of the road To the front of the truck on the right side of the road when the first shot went off?

Nothing cute just answer that one question

Do you have no depth perception? He was never behind the truck. He was always at the front. He was driving., How can you get everything so wrong even when your own screenshot proves it?

Now answer me this question, nothing cute.

How did your criminal get to the man standing at the right front side of the truck from the left front side?

Hint: He had to move towards him and attack. What's your next pathetic excuse?

Tell me when was the last time 2 cowards were chasing you down the street with guns, so given the situation what was he to do.

Your criminal ran towards them. Try not to show how ignorant you are of the facts when you can't even determine the difference between a criminal running toward a vehicle vs the opposite.

Your dumbass criminal attacked a guy with a gun and tried to grab it. That piece of trash got exactly what he deserved.

So let me know what your dumb ass would have done had you been in the same situation.

I wouldn't have been a criminal so I never would have gotten in that situation genius.

So I guess that means the other white folks that were in and out the house weren't criminals either.
Dude the black attacked the hero,, watch the video.. it’s over

You mean while the 2 racists are sitting in jail.
Yea not because of anything they did, it’s to calm your emotional animals down lol but Justice is blind and they will be released; and I dare you to to seek revenge haha

The animals are the 2 cowards that are sitting in jail for murdering an unarmed man. Vengeance is mine sayeth the Lord.
He tried to arm him self lol he tried to steal his gun it’s on video lol so he was kinda armed, Don’t bring skittles to a gun fight
69#1363 reply to 68#1358
Dude the black attacked the hero,, watch the video.. it’s over

If you are so sure - Answer the question on the screenshot

69#1363 reply to 68#1358
Dude the black attacked the hero,, watch the video.. it’s over

If you are so sure - Answer the question on the screenshot

View attachment 337026

He is moving to the left.

No matter how much you would have liked to have him charge at the guy, that never happened. Arbery could have entirely avoided him if he wanted - he chose to attack.

Besides, they were there to DETAIN HIM.
67#1342 reply to 67#1340
No one ever moved towards him.

answer one question after looking at this screenshot again with Your eyes opened:

View attachment 336926
How did the gunman get to the jogger from behind the truck On the left side of the road To the front of the truck on the right side of the road when the first shot went off?

Nothing cute just answer that one question

Do you have no depth perception? He was never behind the truck. He was always at the front. He was driving., How can you get everything so wrong even when your own screenshot proves it?

Now answer me this question, nothing cute.

How did your criminal get to the man standing at the right front side of the truck from the left front side?

Hint: He had to move towards him and attack. What's your next pathetic excuse?

Tell me when was the last time 2 cowards were chasing you down the street with guns, so given the situation what was he to do.

Your criminal ran towards them. Try not to show how ignorant you are of the facts when you can't even determine the difference between a criminal running toward a vehicle vs the opposite.

Your dumbass criminal attacked a guy with a gun and tried to grab it. That piece of trash got exactly what he deserved.

So let me know what your dumb ass would have done had you been in the same situation.

I wouldn't have been a criminal so I never would have gotten in that situation genius.

So I guess that means the other white folks that were in and out the house weren't criminals either.
Dude the black attacked the hero,, watch the video.. it’s over

You mean while the 2 racists are sitting in jail.
Yea not because of anything they did, it’s to calm your emotional animals down lol but Justice is blind and they will be released; and I dare you to to seek revenge haha

The animals are the 2 cowards that are sitting in jail for murdering an unarmed man. Vengeance is mine sayeth the Lord.

Only animals are stupid enough to assault a man with a shotgun.
If the goal was to shot him why not do it from a distance?

I don’t know if the goal was to shoot the jogger - it doesn’t matter- he got shot.

the question is very simple. was he moving to the left or was he moving to the right In the screenshot?


Maybe texmaster knows. But you said he was moving.
If the goal was to shot him why not do it from a distance?

I don’t know if the goal was to shoot the jogger - it doesn’t matter- he got shot.

the question is very simple. was he moving to the left or was he moving to the right In the screenshot?

View attachment 337039

Maybe texmaster knows. But you said he was moving.
You need to start accepting our answers and start answering our questions, you claim it was murder, why didn’t they shot him from a distance when he was charging him? Why did he run when he was caught? Why did he have his hands down his pants like he had a gun? And there’s more evidence coming out,, why do you hate these two hero’s?
67#1351 reply to 67#1344
Do you have no depth perception? He was never behind the truck. He was always at the front.

Ok. He was between the driver side door and the camera (yellow circle) when the jogger swerved to the right. I will rephrase the question that you didn’t really answer?

View attachment 336977

"NotfooledbyW, post: 24676092,: How did the gunman get to the jogger from the left side of the truck By the driver side door on the left side of the road To the front of the truck on the right side of the road when the first shot went off?

The yellow arrow points to the gunman’s route to the jogger.

View attachment 336989
Detaining someone for possible felony is not illegal.

In Georgia, from what I’ve found myself and from reading all that SavannahMann hss posted on this and the other threads, the detainers must have witnessed a felony in progress or have *first hand knowledge of a felony in progress and when bringing lethal force to the citizens arrest they must be absolutely certain that if lethal force were to be used it must be reasonable and fit the crime. Detainers risk going to prison if guess wrong.

in this case there was no felony to be witnessed immediate to then shooting.

I have posted the law MULTIPLE times now. How damn difficult is it to read? There is no such requirement, you only need to SUSPECT a felony if someone is fleeing. In the police report they said they suspected a burglary - a felony.

The Fourth Amendment says that a person shall be secure in his person and papers from unreasonable search and seizure. But we find all sorts of excuses not to do this don’t we? Why? Isn’t it plain that this is prohibited? But the Courts find that each reasonable exception is another foundation for the next reasonable exception. And if the people demand a warrant, the cops go in anyway quite often. Why? Don’t they understand the simple words of the Amendment?

Because our Courts interpret the law. What does it mean, and how does it apply. I posted the words of an experienced Criminal Defense Attorney who said that the law you are reading, is not like that based upon precedence. But we already know that don’t we? The First Amendment says Freedom of Religion. But we would arrest a cult who was murdering people at midnight even if it was their religion wouldn’t we?

The law as interpreted means that the McMichaels do not have that defense. Or you could go and let a lot of people out of prison. Armed Robbers could claim that they were afeared for their lives and had to kill the clerk. They suspected the clerk was selling Cigarettes to underage people, which is a total crime.

Of course, leave it to an idiot to argue law with the cops, who enforce the law and who know it is illegal and wanted to arrest the McMichaels on the spot. The Lawyers who argue the Law and know what the courts have decided. And the Judges who have long ago decided what the law means and how it applies.

Search and seizure?

Nothing to do with the case, now you are bringing in completely unreasonable standards just like far-left Faun, who claims Arbery was coerced into jumping to the shotgun. Do you see any searches or seizures on the video? No, so stop pretending being a retard to defend your black dindunothing.

Get rid of your white sin, it is disturbing.

I was giving an example of what things say and what they are interpreted to mean.

The famous poem. Do good fences make good neighbors? Is that what the poet was saying? Another example of the words and meaning not being the same.

The only people who are supporting McMichaels clearly illegal actions are those with racist motivations, the willfully stupid, and those who are ignorant. I won’t say you fall into a category of the ignorant. Ignorant means you do not know. Stupid means you won’t learn. So either you are willfully stupid refusing to learn or you are a racist. Either way you do not look good.
Racist motivations? Hahaha hahaha all you got huh. Watch the video

We did.
Naw, because if you did you couldn’t argue the points made by me

You're right because you can't argue with stupid.
But I keep arguing with you anyway
67#1342 reply to 67#1340
No one ever moved towards him.

answer one question after looking at this screenshot again with Your eyes opened:

View attachment 336926
How did the gunman get to the jogger from behind the truck On the left side of the road To the front of the truck on the right side of the road when the first shot went off?

Nothing cute just answer that one question

Do you have no depth perception? He was never behind the truck. He was always at the front. He was driving., How can you get everything so wrong even when your own screenshot proves it?

Now answer me this question, nothing cute.

How did your criminal get to the man standing at the right front side of the truck from the left front side?

Hint: He had to move towards him and attack. What's your next pathetic excuse?

Tell me when was the last time 2 cowards were chasing you down the street with guns, so given the situation what was he to do.

Your criminal ran towards them. Try not to show how ignorant you are of the facts when you can't even determine the difference between a criminal running toward a vehicle vs the opposite.

Your dumbass criminal attacked a guy with a gun and tried to grab it. That piece of trash got exactly what he deserved.

So let me know what your dumb ass would have done had you been in the same situation.

I wouldn't have been a criminal so I never would have gotten in that situation genius.

So I guess that means the other white folks that were in and out the house weren't criminals either.
Dude the black attacked the hero,, watch the video.. it’s over

You mean while the 2 racists are sitting in jail.
Yea not because of anything they did, it’s to calm your emotional animals down lol but Justice is blind and they will be released; and I dare you to to seek revenge haha

The animals are the 2 cowards that are sitting in jail for murdering an unarmed man. Vengeance is mine sayeth the Lord.
Watch the video
68#1352 reply to 67#1340
Here is your thug attacking

Is this where the gunman was positioned the entire time?

View attachment 337008
So tell me Tex. Is it true? coward boy was standing right there when an unarmed man rushed him and attacked him? right?

Moving is not illegal. Charging someone on the other hand is.

Do not forget they were there to detain him. This somehow slips right over your head.

They had NO AUTHORITY to detain him, remember that.
Sure they did.name the statute that backs your claim
67#1342 reply to 67#1340
No one ever moved towards him.

answer one question after looking at this screenshot again with Your eyes opened:

View attachment 336926
How did the gunman get to the jogger from behind the truck On the left side of the road To the front of the truck on the right side of the road when the first shot went off?

Nothing cute just answer that one question

Do you have no depth perception? He was never behind the truck. He was always at the front. He was driving., How can you get everything so wrong even when your own screenshot proves it?

Now answer me this question, nothing cute.

How did your criminal get to the man standing at the right front side of the truck from the left front side?

Hint: He had to move towards him and attack. What's your next pathetic excuse?

Tell me when was the last time 2 cowards were chasing you down the street with guns, so given the situation what was he to do.

Your criminal ran towards them. Try not to show how ignorant you are of the facts when you can't even determine the difference between a criminal running toward a vehicle vs the opposite.

Your dumbass criminal attacked a guy with a gun and tried to grab it. That piece of trash got exactly what he deserved.

So let me know what your dumb ass would have done had you been in the same situation.

I wouldn't have been a criminal so I never would have gotten in that situation genius.

So I guess that means the other white folks that were in and out the house weren't criminals either.
Dude the black attacked the hero,, watch the video.. it’s over

You mean while the 2 racists are sitting in jail.
Your friends?
67#1342 reply to 67#1340
No one ever moved towards him.

answer one question after looking at this screenshot again with Your eyes opened:

View attachment 336926
How did the gunman get to the jogger from behind the truck On the left side of the road To the front of the truck on the right side of the road when the first shot went off?

Nothing cute just answer that one question

Do you have no depth perception? He was never behind the truck. He was always at the front. He was driving., How can you get everything so wrong even when your own screenshot proves it?

Now answer me this question, nothing cute.

How did your criminal get to the man standing at the right front side of the truck from the left front side?

Hint: He had to move towards him and attack. What's your next pathetic excuse?

Tell me when was the last time 2 cowards were chasing you down the street with guns, so given the situation what was he to do.

Your criminal ran towards them. Try not to show how ignorant you are of the facts when you can't even determine the difference between a criminal running toward a vehicle vs the opposite.

Your dumbass criminal attacked a guy with a gun and tried to grab it. That piece of trash got exactly what he deserved.

So let me know what your dumb ass would have done had you been in the same situation.

I wouldn't have been a criminal so I never would have gotten in that situation genius.

So I guess that means the other white folks that were in and out the house weren't criminals either.
Dude the black attacked the hero,, watch the video.. it’s over

You mean while the 2 racists are sitting in jail.
Yea not because of anything they did, it’s to calm your emotional animals down lol but Justice is blind and they will be released; and I dare you to to seek revenge haha

The animals are the 2 cowards that are sitting in jail for murdering an unarmed man. Vengeance is mine sayeth the Lord.

Only animals are stupid enough to assault a man with a shotgun.

Only racist are stupid enough to believe folks are just going to let them commit murder and walk away scott free.
67#1351 reply to 67#1344
Do you have no depth perception? He was never behind the truck. He was always at the front.

Ok. He was between the driver side door and the camera (yellow circle) when the jogger swerved to the right. I will rephrase the question that you didn’t really answer?

View attachment 336977

"NotfooledbyW, post: 24676092,: How did the gunman get to the jogger from the left side of the truck By the driver side door on the left side of the road To the front of the truck on the right side of the road when the first shot went off?

The yellow arrow points to the gunman’s route to the jogger.

View attachment 336989
Detaining someone for possible felony is not illegal.

In Georgia, from what I’ve found myself and from reading all that SavannahMann hss posted on this and the other threads, the detainers must have witnessed a felony in progress or have *first hand knowledge of a felony in progress and when bringing lethal force to the citizens arrest they must be absolutely certain that if lethal force were to be used it must be reasonable and fit the crime. Detainers risk going to prison if guess wrong.

in this case there was no felony to be witnessed immediate to then shooting.

I have posted the law MULTIPLE times now. How damn difficult is it to read? There is no such requirement, you only need to SUSPECT a felony if someone is fleeing. In the police report they said they suspected a burglary - a felony.

The Fourth Amendment says that a person shall be secure in his person and papers from unreasonable search and seizure. But we find all sorts of excuses not to do this don’t we? Why? Isn’t it plain that this is prohibited? But the Courts find that each reasonable exception is another foundation for the next reasonable exception. And if the people demand a warrant, the cops go in anyway quite often. Why? Don’t they understand the simple words of the Amendment?

Because our Courts interpret the law. What does it mean, and how does it apply. I posted the words of an experienced Criminal Defense Attorney who said that the law you are reading, is not like that based upon precedence. But we already know that don’t we? The First Amendment says Freedom of Religion. But we would arrest a cult who was murdering people at midnight even if it was their religion wouldn’t we?

The law as interpreted means that the McMichaels do not have that defense. Or you could go and let a lot of people out of prison. Armed Robbers could claim that they were afeared for their lives and had to kill the clerk. They suspected the clerk was selling Cigarettes to underage people, which is a total crime.

Of course, leave it to an idiot to argue law with the cops, who enforce the law and who know it is illegal and wanted to arrest the McMichaels on the spot. The Lawyers who argue the Law and know what the courts have decided. And the Judges who have long ago decided what the law means and how it applies.

Search and seizure?

Nothing to do with the case, now you are bringing in completely unreasonable standards just like far-left Faun, who claims Arbery was coerced into jumping to the shotgun. Do you see any searches or seizures on the video? No, so stop pretending being a retard to defend your black dindunothing.

Get rid of your white sin, it is disturbing.

I was giving an example of what things say and what they are interpreted to mean.

The famous poem. Do good fences make good neighbors? Is that what the poet was saying? Another example of the words and meaning not being the same.

The only people who are supporting McMichaels clearly illegal actions are those with racist motivations, the willfully stupid, and those who are ignorant. I won’t say you fall into a category of the ignorant. Ignorant means you do not know. Stupid means you won’t learn. So either you are willfully stupid refusing to learn or you are a racist. Either way you do not look good.
Racist motivations? Hahaha hahaha all you got huh. Watch the video

We did.
Naw, because if you did you couldn’t argue the points made by me

You're right because you can't argue with stupid.
But I keep arguing with you anyway

Because you are stupid.
67#1342 reply to 67#1340
No one ever moved towards him.

answer one question after looking at this screenshot again with Your eyes opened:

View attachment 336926
How did the gunman get to the jogger from behind the truck On the left side of the road To the front of the truck on the right side of the road when the first shot went off?

Nothing cute just answer that one question

Do you have no depth perception? He was never behind the truck. He was always at the front. He was driving., How can you get everything so wrong even when your own screenshot proves it?

Now answer me this question, nothing cute.

How did your criminal get to the man standing at the right front side of the truck from the left front side?

Hint: He had to move towards him and attack. What's your next pathetic excuse?

Tell me when was the last time 2 cowards were chasing you down the street with guns, so given the situation what was he to do.

Your criminal ran towards them. Try not to show how ignorant you are of the facts when you can't even determine the difference between a criminal running toward a vehicle vs the opposite.

Your dumbass criminal attacked a guy with a gun and tried to grab it. That piece of trash got exactly what he deserved.

So let me know what your dumb ass would have done had you been in the same situation.

I wouldn't have been a criminal so I never would have gotten in that situation genius.

So I guess that means the other white folks that were in and out the house weren't criminals either.
Dude the black attacked the hero,, watch the video.. it’s over

You mean while the 2 racists are sitting in jail.
Yea not because of anything they did, it’s to calm your emotional animals down lol but Justice is blind and they will be released; and I dare you to to seek revenge haha

The animals are the 2 cowards that are sitting in jail for murdering an unarmed man. Vengeance is mine sayeth the Lord.
Watch the video

I have watched them all.

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