A 5th GOP senator won't vote for the healthcare amendment

Those receiving Medicaid in a nursing home basically have to have no sources of income. I just went through this with my mother.
So, your mother used Medicaid?

No. She had a tiny survivors pension from my father and savings which the assisted living centers and nursing homes took. Fortunately, she suffered that indignity only a short time.
She had Medicare, right?

Yes, and a supplemental insurance that she paid for with her $247 pension and her Social Security.
The sociopathic liar you support as president said he wouldn't touch Medicare, Social Security or Medicaid. How safe do you think Social Security and Medicare are?

What I believe is you ignorant boobs don't realize is that the cuts to Medicaid usually are made in the reimbursement rates to healthcare providers. The only resulting impact to Medicaid users is difficulty in finding providers who will accept Medicaid because providers cannot handle to lower rates and still make a profit. There will likely not be increased costs to individuals because there was little to no cost to them in the first place.

I worked in the insurance industry for several years. You can fill volumes with the misinformation people put out there about Medicare and Medicaid because they think it works like other insurance.
Those receiving Medicaid in a nursing home basically have to have no sources of income. I just went through this with my mother.
So, your mother used Medicaid?

No. She had a tiny survivors pension from my father and savings which the assisted living centers and nursing homes took. Fortunately, she suffered that indignity only a short time.
She had Medicare, right?

Yes, and a supplemental insurance that she paid for with her $247 pension and her Social Security.
The sociopathic liar you support as president said he wouldn't touch Medicare, Social Security or Medicaid. How safe do you think Social Security and Medicare are?

I know for a fact if this legislation is signed into law Medicare will run dry sooner than projected, part of the taxes repealed were extending it out many years.

Social Security, you can never trust Ryan.
So, your mother used Medicaid?

No. She had a tiny survivors pension from my father and savings which the assisted living centers and nursing homes took. Fortunately, she suffered that indignity only a short time.
She had Medicare, right?

Yes, and a supplemental insurance that she paid for with her $247 pension and her Social Security.
The sociopathic liar you support as president said he wouldn't touch Medicare, Social Security or Medicaid. How safe do you think Social Security and Medicare are?

What I believe is you ignorant boobs don't realize is that the cuts to Medicaid usually are made in the reimbursement rates to healthcare providers. The only resulting impact to Medicaid users is difficulty in finding providers who will accept Medicaid because providers cannot handle to lower rates and still make a profit. There will likely not be increased costs to individuals because there was little to no cost to them in the first place.

I worked in the insurance industry for several years. You can fill volumes with the misinformation people put out there about Medicare and Medicaid because they think it works like other insurance.
In this case, they are dropping people from the Medicaid rolls
forget about raising the premiums for the elderly... those even deeper cuts to medicaid by the senate's bill will be devastating to the elderly. the vast majority of seniors living in nursing homes are paid by medicaid dollars. medicare doesn't pay for long term care.

Hey, shit for brains!

Learn the difference in Medicare and Medicaid. The elderly do not get Medicaid!

Although there is a difference quite a few elderly receive Medicaid and Medicaid pays their Part B premium. Not to mention there is a high percentage of the elderly receiving benefits from Medicaid in nursing homes.

Those receiving Medicaid in a nursing home basically have to have no sources of income. I just went through this with my mother.
So, your mother used Medicaid?

No. She had a tiny survivors pension from my father and savings which the assisted living centers and nursing homes took. Fortunately, she suffered that indignity only a short time.
Those homes don't take anything unless you give them full payment. Thats why we have medicaid, Homer
That is exactly what they tried to do, but how to fix something that is beyond repair?
Is taking away health care from millions of people a better idea? Or maybe raising premiums for the elderly, a better idea?

forget about raising the premiums for the elderly... those even deeper cuts to medicaid by the senate's bill will be devastating to the elderly. the vast majority of seniors living in nursing homes are paid by medicaid dollars. medicare doesn't pay for long term care.

Hey, shit for brains!

Learn the difference in Medicare and Medicaid. The elderly do not get Medicaid!

Although there is a difference quite a few elderly receive Medicaid and Medicaid pays their Part B premium. Not to mention there is a high percentage of the elderly receiving benefits from Medicaid in nursing homes.

Those receiving Medicaid in a nursing home basically have to have no sources of income. I just went through this with my mother.
Thats not true, but the allowable income is small. Every state has different guidelines.
Ok, there are so many threads on this subject, don't know where I posted it about the open enrollment which is still on for 2018. Something the House had in their bill the Senate did not is expected to be put in this week. The old waiting period.

Senate GOP expected to add new penalties for the uninsured into their health bill - Vox

This could change how an enrollment period may look like for 2019.
It's not going to matter because it's not going to pass.
What do Republicans propose the benefit of cutting 20 million off their healthcare?

Because we're all evil, mean and heartless bastards who want people to die. That's what you're being pumped full of anyway, right? I mean, that's what is prompting your nutbags to go out trying to assassinate Republicans, isn't it? Keep on churning out this hate-filled rhetoric and watch society devolve into chaos before your very eyes... that'll save some lives, won't it?
Ok, there are so many threads on this subject, don't know where I posted it about the open enrollment which is still on for 2018. Something the House had in their bill the Senate did not is expected to be put in this week. The old waiting period.

Senate GOP expected to add new penalties for the uninsured into their health bill - Vox

This could change how an enrollment period may look like for 2019.
It's not going to matter because it's not going to pass.

Who knows they may make some kind of deals this week.

I did see a Republican pundit on tv this morning that was asked: "Do you think McConnell really wants this to pass"? She said she had been up there all week and some Republican Senators think just that. He put this together to show voters he's doing something but didn't really didn't think it would fly.
What do Republicans propose the benefit of cutting 20 million off their healthcare?

Because we're all evil, mean and heartless bastards who want people to die. That's what you're being pumped full of anyway, right? I mean, that's what is prompting your nutbags to go out trying to assassinate Republicans, isn't it? Keep on churning out this hate-filled rhetoric and watch society devolve into chaos before your very eyes... that'll save some lives, won't it?
Nice try but it doesn't answer the question

Republicans bragged about a better plan than Obamacare

What is better other than it makes life cheaper for billionaires?
That is exactly what they tried to do, but how to fix something that is beyond repair?
Is taking away health care from millions of people a better idea? Or maybe raising premiums for the elderly, a better idea?

forget about raising the premiums for the elderly... those even deeper cuts to medicaid by the senate's bill will be devastating to the elderly. the vast majority of seniors living in nursing homes are paid by medicaid dollars. medicare doesn't pay for long term care.

Hey, shit for brains!

Learn the difference in Medicare and Medicaid. The elderly do not get Medicaid!
Yes, they do .. read something.

I should have said "normally". The only people eligible for both Medicare and Medicaid are the disabled, not anyone who just happens to elderly. There are quite a bit more in terms of requirements.

The blanket statement made in the post I quoted is incorrect.

Have a nice day!

every single asset of a senior is spent down before they are eligible for medicaid (other than earmarked funds for burial). by default, anybody going into a skilled nursing home is considered disabled.
That is exactly what they tried to do, but how to fix something that is beyond repair?
Is taking away health care from millions of people a better idea? Or maybe raising premiums for the elderly, a better idea?

forget about raising the premiums for the elderly... those even deeper cuts to medicaid by the senate's bill will be devastating to the elderly. the vast majority of seniors living in nursing homes are paid by medicaid dollars. medicare doesn't pay for long term care.

Hey, shit for brains!

Learn the difference in Medicare and Medicaid. The elderly do not get Medicaid!

Although there is a difference quite a few elderly receive Medicaid and Medicaid pays their Part B premium. Not to mention there is a high percentage of the elderly receiving benefits from Medicaid in nursing homes.

Those receiving Medicaid in a nursing home basically have to have no sources of income. I just went through this with my mother.

exactly. i've worked in nursing homes & have seen it up close & personal with my own family. medicare only pays for a few weeks in a home after after release from hospitalization.
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I am glad to see some republicans have some humanity and compassion. WTF is wrong with so many republicans these days? This doesn't fix our healthcare system, hell, it just makes it much worse and will end up killing a lot of people.

Think about having some humanity and compassion republicans. Please...Please do better with another healthcare bill.

they aren't real republicans. the 'GOP' is not the party of Goldwater... hell it isn't even the party of Gerald Ford.
Why are they dicking around with basically obiecare with a couple changes. Repeal the damn thing like you promised then hold votes on each new item you want. Pre-existing, sell across state lines, HSA's. just do it. It's not like the dems aren't going to claim your killing everyone no matter how much obiecare you keep.
All Republicans want is the tax cut

Dry up the funding then giggle when the rest of it starts to fail
What I want is a free market system where I can get the insurance I want instead of the over priced crap government decides I need.

You people sure get hung up on other people's money. How about you just manage your own.

uh-huh. that means cheap ass insurance that comes with the false impression that when you actually NEED it, you will be be quite surprised to find out that after taking your cash for said ' insurance', they will laugh you back to your own wallet to actually pay for whatever ails you & if you cannot afford it, then you get to go bankrupt like the good old days.

what a hoot 'eh?.
So you're incapable of picking a decent insurance plan for yourself. And based on that we all get to have state run insurance which will result in crap care.

That does sound like a hoot.

lol.... awwwwwww sweety.... we have a cadillac plan. we have no worries about that. however, the obvious difference between you & me.... is that i care about those less fortunate.

funny how that's what is considered the christian thing to do....

did you say grace before sunday dinner yesterday?
A free market is not going to happen. Competition across state lines is a myth.
I don't get hung up on other people's money, I get hung up on having affordable healthcare for all Anericans.......just like other countries expect
If you want good affordable healthcare why do you want the government involved. Whatever they get into instantly turns is to the most expensive pile of crap possible.

You are hung up on other people's money. You want healthcare for everyone at someone else's expense.
Why would I want my health insurance dictated by my employer?
Why would I want my healthcare decisions dictated by a for profit insurer?

YES I want government involved

I don't care about other people's money any more than I care about it being used to fund the Department of Defense. I would rather my tax dollar go to ensuring the lives of Americans in my community than expanding our military interests around the globe
You don't want anyone making your insurance decisions for you... unless it's some politician. Do you not watch these people? Peloton and that nut bag Watters you want to make those decisions for you. You've got to be kidding.
Insurance companies make medical decisions for you. They win, you lose.
Then the government gets to make your medical decisions. Guess what, you get to pay more and still lose.

LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you mean you have NEVER had a claim denied by your compassionate ' for profit, the bottom line is the only thing that matters ' health insurance company????
Those receiving Medicaid in a nursing home basically have to have no sources of income. I just went through this with my mother.
So, your mother used Medicaid?

No. She had a tiny survivors pension from my father and savings which the assisted living centers and nursing homes took. Fortunately, she suffered that indignity only a short time.
She had Medicare, right?

Yes, and a supplemental insurance that she paid for with her $247 pension and her Social Security.
The sociopathic liar you support as president said he wouldn't touch Medicare, Social Security or Medicaid. How safe do you think Social Security and Medicare are?

I am glad to see some republicans have some humanity and compassion. WTF is wrong with so many republicans these days? This doesn't fix our healthcare system, hell, it just makes it much worse and will end up killing a lot of people.

Think about having some humanity and compassion republicans. Please...Please do better with another healthcare bill.

they aren't real republicans. the 'GOP' is not the party of Goldwater... hell it isn't even the party of Gerald Ford.
GOP is very much like Gerald Ford. Big government progressives. Much like the Ds.
I am glad to see some republicans have some humanity and compassion. WTF is wrong with so many republicans these days? This doesn't fix our healthcare system, hell, it just makes it much worse and will end up killing a lot of people.

Think about having some humanity and compassion republicans. Please...Please do better with another healthcare bill.

they aren't real republicans. the 'GOP' is not the party of Goldwater... hell it isn't even the party of Gerald Ford.
GOP is very much like Gerald Ford. Big government progressives. Much like the Ds.

uh-huh. no ones gets to tout how they want a ' smaller, less intrusive gov'ment ' when they want to legislate a woman's uterus.
I am glad to see some republicans have some humanity and compassion. WTF is wrong with so many republicans these days? This doesn't fix our healthcare system, hell, it just makes it much worse and will end up killing a lot of people.

Think about having some humanity and compassion republicans. Please...Please do better with another healthcare bill.

they aren't real republicans. the 'GOP' is not the party of Goldwater... hell it isn't even the party of Gerald Ford.
GOP is very much like Gerald Ford. Big government progressives. Much like the Ds.

uh-huh. no ones gets to tout how they want a ' smaller, less intrusive gov'ment ' when they want to legislate a woman's uterus.
Proving you are a dupe for the elite left. You have nothing in common with them. Why do you support their lies?
I am glad to see some republicans have some humanity and compassion. WTF is wrong with so many republicans these days? This doesn't fix our healthcare system, hell, it just makes it much worse and will end up killing a lot of people.

Think about having some humanity and compassion republicans. Please...Please do better with another healthcare bill.

they aren't real republicans. the 'GOP' is not the party of Goldwater... hell it isn't even the party of Gerald Ford.
GOP is very much like Gerald Ford. Big government progressives. Much like the Ds.

uh-huh. no ones gets to tout how they want a ' smaller, less intrusive gov'ment ' when they want to legislate a woman's uterus.
Proving you are a dupe for the elite left. You have nothing in common with them. Why do you support their lies?

lol..... that's all you got? i've voted for both sides of the aisle, gip... depending on the issues & track record with those issues.

try better next time.

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