A 5th GOP senator won't vote for the healthcare amendment

So, your mother used Medicaid?

No. She had a tiny survivors pension from my father and savings which the assisted living centers and nursing homes took. Fortunately, she suffered that indignity only a short time.
She had Medicare, right?

Yes, and a supplemental insurance that she paid for with her $247 pension and her Social Security.
The sociopathic liar you support as president said he wouldn't touch Medicare, Social Security or Medicaid. How safe do you think Social Security and Medicare are?

I know for a fact if this legislation is signed into law Medicare will run dry sooner than projected, part of the taxes repealed were extending it out many years.

Social Security, you can never trust Ryan.
Paul Ryan on Social Security as a Teenager?
No. She had a tiny survivors pension from my father and savings which the assisted living centers and nursing homes took. Fortunately, she suffered that indignity only a short time.
She had Medicare, right?

Yes, and a supplemental insurance that she paid for with her $247 pension and her Social Security.
The sociopathic liar you support as president said he wouldn't touch Medicare, Social Security or Medicaid. How safe do you think Social Security and Medicare are?

I know for a fact if this legislation is signed into law Medicare will run dry sooner than projected, part of the taxes repealed were extending it out many years.

Social Security, you can never trust Ryan.
Paul Ryan on Social Security as a Teenager?

How soon he forgets the little prick. My wife calls him Eddie Munster.
What do Republicans propose the benefit of cutting 20 million off their healthcare?

Because we're all evil, mean and heartless bastards who want people to die. That's what you're being pumped full of anyway, right? I mean, that's what is prompting your nutbags to go out trying to assassinate Republicans, isn't it? Keep on churning out this hate-filled rhetoric and watch society devolve into chaos before your very eyes... that'll save some lives, won't it?
Nice try but it doesn't answer the question

Republicans bragged about a better plan than Obamacare

What is better other than it makes life cheaper for billionaires?

Hey, I am majorly disappointed with Republicans, this is not at all what we voted for. This was all about whether we fight for free market healthcare where we have many competitive choices and options or state ownership of healthcare where government makes your choices and you live with it. Looks like Big Government Fat Cat Republicans are okay with government ownership of healthcare.

I stand with Cruz, Lee, Paul and others, we've got to repeal Obamacare. Then we can discuss common sense reforms that limit government and return personal freedom to the people in their healthcare decisions. There is room at the table to discuss expanding Medicaid but I'm 57 and I don't recall any time in my life where we didn't have social services for the poor and needy.
What do Republicans propose the benefit of cutting 20 million off their healthcare?

Because we're all evil, mean and heartless bastards who want people to die. That's what you're being pumped full of anyway, right? I mean, that's what is prompting your nutbags to go out trying to assassinate Republicans, isn't it? Keep on churning out this hate-filled rhetoric and watch society devolve into chaos before your very eyes... that'll save some lives, won't it?
Nice try but it doesn't answer the question

Republicans bragged about a better plan than Obamacare

What is better other than it makes life cheaper for billionaires?

Hey, I am majorly disappointed with Republicans, this is not at all what we voted for. This was all about whether we fight for free market healthcare where we have many competitive choices and options or state ownership of healthcare where government makes your choices and you live with it. Looks like Big Government Fat Cat Republicans are okay with government ownership of healthcare.

I stand with Cruz, Lee, Paul and others, we've got to repeal Obamacare. Then we can discuss common sense reforms that limit government and return personal freedom to the people in their healthcare decisions. There is room at the table to discuss expanding Medicaid but I'm 57 and I don't recall any time in my life where we didn't have social services for the poor and needy.

This Senate and Congress is really passing the buck to the next or even the one in 2024.

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