A 5th GOP senator won't vote for the healthcare amendment

The 'implosion' of Obamacare that people keep yapping about is only about the exchanges, which involve a tiny percentage of Americans.

Therefore the proper solution would be a narrow focused bill that fixes, improves, or replaces the exchange system with something better,
That is exactly what they tried to do, but how to fix something that is beyond repair?
Is taking away health care from millions of people a better idea? Or maybe raising premiums for the elderly, a better idea?

forget about raising the premiums for the elderly... those even deeper cuts to medicaid by the senate's bill will be devastating to the elderly. the vast majority of seniors living in nursing homes are paid by medicaid dollars. medicare doesn't pay for long term care.

Hey, shit for brains!

Learn the difference in Medicare and Medicaid. The elderly do not get Medicaid!

Although there is a difference quite a few elderly receive Medicaid and Medicaid pays their Part B premium. Not to mention there is a high percentage of the elderly receiving benefits from Medicaid in nursing homes.

Whats wrong with single payer insurance, and why is it communist?

That is a dumb Moon Bat question.

We don't need to have the government running health care. They will screw it up just like they screw up everything. They will make it more expensive like we have seen with this dumbass Obamacare and we will not get as good treatment. I don't want to be forced to give my money to a bureaucrat, whose boss is a corrupt politician elected by special interest groups, to manage my health care for me. I can do it fine all by myself.

For a productive person to participate in a single payer system he has to pay more than his risk pool to cover the low life welfare queens that aren't paying anything.

It is 'communism" because you get the health care whether you paid for it or not. It is not right to have an oppressive government that take the money that you earn and then gives it to somebody else, is it?

I'll be responsible to pay my bills and you be responsible to pay yours, OK? That is the fair and morally right thing to do. Using the filthy ass government to steal from other people on your greedy behalf is despicable. It is thievery, wouldn't you agree?.
does government screw up medicare or medicaid?

Medicare is a form of insurance that you can't elect out of if it doesn't meet your needs. Of course you will have to forfeit all the money that you paid in over the years. I am not on Medicare so I don't know if it is a good for me or not. However, I do hear a lot of complaints about it from fellow retirees that are on it because it doesn't meet their needs very well. It is too restrictive. I know my Primary Care Physician hates the frigging paper work and the limitation he has on his patients.

The abuses in Medicare and Medicaid are legendary by the way. Do even know that or do I need to educate you by providing the references?

Medicaid is nothing more than fucking welfare and it is despicable. It is really fucked up because it provides treatment to all these filthy ass welfare queens that never have to pay anything. That is thievery to the taxpayers that has to foot the bill. You don't support thievery, do you?

Just look at the terrible VA system if you want to know what a single payer program will do to health care in the US. Long waiting times, piss poor treatment and bureaucrats making big bonuses by covering up the real record of incompetency while patients die. No thank you. The last thing we need is the corrupt and incompetent government managing something as important as health care. Great way for the country to go bankrupt and for health care to be even more shitty than it is now under Obamacare.

Do you really want a stupid bureaucrat, who doesn't give a shit about you, managing your health care? If you do then you are an idiot. Do you really want some asshole politician, who was elected by special interest groups and who also doesn't give a shit about you determining how health care is run and how much treatment you are entitled to and how much it is going to cost you? If you do then you are also an idiot.
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The fact that you don't understand how the filthy ass Democrat Party has moved to the extreme far Left speaks volumes of the reasons why you are a Moon Bat, doesn't it?
The republican party has moved to the extreme far right
The guy above from your party just said he wants the single payer communist Cuba style healthcare and you call us extreme?
Whats wrong with single payer insurance, and why is it communist?

It is destroying the healthcare systems of the European countries.......there is no reason to be efficient or effective or to make things cheaper and better......it becomes worse and worse and then more and more money has to be put into it for worse results......check these systems beyond the first search pages....all of them are in trouble and are failing...all of them.
Which countries are having their health care destroyed?
Good question. Even Thatcher wouldn't touch healthcare.

Whats wrong with single payer insurance, and why is it communist?

That is a dumb Moon Bat question.

We don't need to have the government running health care. They will screw it up just like they screw up everything. They will make it more expensive like we have seen with this dumbass Obamacare and we will not get as good treatment. I don't want to be forced to give my money to a bureaucrat, whose boss is a corrupt politician elected by special interest groups, to manage my health care for me. I can do it fine all by myself.

For a productive person to participate in a single payer system he has to pay more than his risk pool to cover the low life welfare queens that aren't paying anything.

It is 'communism" because you get the health care whether you paid for it or not. It is not right to have an oppressive government that take the money that you earn and then gives it to somebody else, is it?

I'll be responsible to pay my bills and you be responsible to pay yours, OK? That is the fair and morally right thing to do. Using the filthy ass government to steal from other people on your greedy behalf is despicable. It is thievery, wouldn't you agree?.
does government screw up medicare or medicaid?

Medicare is a form of insurance that you can't elect out of if it doesn't meet your needs. Of course you will have to forfeit all the money that you paid in over the years. I am not on Medicare so I don't know if it is a good for me or not. However, I do hear a lot of complaints about it from fellow retirees that are on it because it doesn't meet their needs very well. It is too restrictive. I know my Primary Care Physician hates the frigging paper work and the limitation he has on his patients.

The abuses in Medicare and Medicaid are legendary by the way. Do even know that or do I need to educate you by providing the references?

Medicaid is nothing more than fucking welfare and it is despicable. It is really fucked up because it provides treatment to all these filthy ass welfare queens that never has to pay anything. That is thievery to the taxpayers that has to foot the bill. You don't support thievery, do you?

Just look at the terrible VA system if you want to know what a single payer program will do to health care in the US. Long waiting times, piss poor treatment and bureaucrats making big bonuses by covering up the real record of incompetency while patients die. No thank you. The last thing we need is the corrupt and incompetent government managing something as important as health care. Great way for the country to go bankrupt and for health care to be even more shitty than it is now under Obamacare.

Do you really want a stupid bureaucrat, who doesn't give a shit about you, managing your health care? If you do then you are an idiot. Do you really want some asshole politician, who was elected by special interest groups and who also doesn't give a shit about you determining how health care is run and how much treatment you are entitled to and how much it is going to cost you? If you do then you are also an idiot.
It all boils down, as does your whole miserable life, honey bunch. to being a racist piece of garbage.

Whats wrong with single payer insurance, and why is it communist?

That is a dumb Moon Bat question.

We don't need to have the government running health care. They will screw it up just like they screw up everything. They will make it more expensive like we have seen with this dumbass Obamacare and we will not get as good treatment. I don't want to be forced to give my money to a bureaucrat, whose boss is a corrupt politician elected by special interest groups, to manage my health care for me. I can do it fine all by myself.

For a productive person to participate in a single payer system he has to pay more than his risk pool to cover the low life welfare queens that aren't paying anything.

It is 'communism" because you get the health care whether you paid for it or not. It is not right to have an oppressive government that take the money that you earn and then gives it to somebody else, is it?

I'll be responsible to pay my bills and you be responsible to pay yours, OK? That is the fair and morally right thing to do. Using the filthy ass government to steal from other people on your greedy behalf is despicable. It is thievery, wouldn't you agree?.
does government screw up medicare or medicaid?

Medicare is a form of insurance that you can't elect out of if it doesn't meet your needs. Of course you will have to forfeit all the money that you paid in over the years. I am not on Medicare so I don't know if it is a good for me or not. However, I do hear a lot of complaints about it from fellow retirees that are on it because it doesn't meet their needs very well. It is too restrictive. I know my Primary Care Physician hates the frigging paper work and the limitation he has on his patients.

The abuses in Medicare and Medicaid are legendary by the way. Do even know that or do I need to educate you by providing the references?

Medicaid is nothing more than fucking welfare and it is despicable. It is really fucked up because it provides treatment to all these filthy ass welfare queens that never has to pay anything. That is thievery to the taxpayers that has to foot the bill. You don't support thievery, do you?

Just look at the terrible VA system if you want to know what a single payer program will do to health care in the US. Long waiting times, piss poor treatment and bureaucrats making big bonuses by covering up the real record of incompetency while patients die. No thank you. The last thing we need is the corrupt and incompetent government managing something as important as health care. Great way for the country to go bankrupt and for health care to be even more shitty than it is now under Obamacare.

Do you really want a stupid bureaucrat, who doesn't give a shit about you, managing your health care? If you do then you are an idiot. Do you really want some asshole politician, who was elected by special interest groups and who also doesn't give a shit about you determining how health care is run and how much treatment you are entitled to and how much it is going to cost you? If you do then you are also an idiot.
It all boils down, as does your whole miserable life, honey bunch. to being a racist piece of garbage.

Soooooo you are the typical Moon Bat. When presented with an argument you can't refute you result to calling racist LOL!

The garbage are you greedy Moon Bat assholes that want somebody else to pay your bills because you are too sorry to pay your own. You think you are entitled to have somebody else pay your bills simply because you are alive and that makes you a despicable human being, doesn't it?

The only reason anybody would support single payer is because they expect to get something for nothing. No productive person would ever want to be involved in a stupid government program where they were forced by the oppressive government to pay somebody else's health care bills, would they? That would be dumb, wouldn't it? Especially given the record of the government for fucking up just about everything it touches.
Just let Obamacare die. Move onto other things. And if you can't get anything else done....RESIGN
What do you propose to do with the 20 million who lose insurance?
Good question.
Just read an article that indicated hundreds of hospitals will be going out of business if Medicaid as we now have it, is ended.

Whats wrong with single payer insurance, and why is it communist?

That is a dumb Moon Bat question.

We don't need to have the government running health care. They will screw it up just like they screw up everything. They will make it more expensive like we have seen with this dumbass Obamacare and we will not get as good treatment. I don't want to be forced to give my money to a bureaucrat, whose boss is a corrupt politician elected by special interest groups, to manage my health care for me. I can do it fine all by myself.

For a productive person to participate in a single payer system he has to pay more than his risk pool to cover the low life welfare queens that aren't paying anything.

It is 'communism" because you get the health care whether you paid for it or not. It is not right to have an oppressive government that take the money that you earn and then gives it to somebody else, is it?

I'll be responsible to pay my bills and you be responsible to pay yours, OK? That is the fair and morally right thing to do. Using the filthy ass government to steal from other people on your greedy behalf is despicable. It is thievery, wouldn't you agree?.
does government screw up medicare or medicaid?

Medicare is a form of insurance that you can't elect out of if it doesn't meet your needs. Of course you will have to forfeit all the money that you paid in over the years. I am not on Medicare so I don't know if it is a good for me or not. However, I do hear a lot of complaints about it from fellow retirees that are on it because it doesn't meet their needs very well. It is too restrictive. I know my Primary Care Physician hates the frigging paper work and the limitation he has on his patients.

The abuses in Medicare and Medicaid are legendary by the way. Do even know that or do I need to educate you by providing the references?

Medicaid is nothing more than fucking welfare and it is despicable. It is really fucked up because it provides treatment to all these filthy ass welfare queens that never has to pay anything. That is thievery to the taxpayers that has to foot the bill. You don't support thievery, do you?

Just look at the terrible VA system if you want to know what a single payer program will do to health care in the US. Long waiting times, piss poor treatment and bureaucrats making big bonuses by covering up the real record of incompetency while patients die. No thank you. The last thing we need is the corrupt and incompetent government managing something as important as health care. Great way for the country to go bankrupt and for health care to be even more shitty than it is now under Obamacare.

Do you really want a stupid bureaucrat, who doesn't give a shit about you, managing your health care? If you do then you are an idiot. Do you really want some asshole politician, who was elected by special interest groups and who also doesn't give a shit about you determining how health care is run and how much treatment you are entitled to and how much it is going to cost you? If you do then you are also an idiot.
It all boils down, as does your whole miserable life, honey bunch. to being a racist piece of garbage.

Soooooo you are the typical Moon Bat. When presented with an argument you can't refute you result to calling racist LOL!

The garbage are you greedy Moon Bat assholes that want somebody else to pay your bills because you are too sorry to pay your own. You think you are entitled to have somebody else pay your bills simply because you are alive and that makes you a despicable human being, doesn't it?

The only reason anybody would support single payer is because they expect to get something for nothing. No productive person would ever want to be involved in a stupid government program where they were forced by the oppressive government to pay somebody else's health care bills, would they? That would be dumb, wouldn't it? Especially given the record of the government for fucking up just about everything it touches.
May you die, a slow, torturous and painful death. I look forward to the celebration.

May you die, a slow, torturous and painful death. I look forward to the celebration.

You would, wouldn't you?

Go piss up a tree. Take your single payer shit and cram it up your Moon Bat ass.

The last thing we need is more welfare in this country where the 50% that pay income taxes wind up footing the bill for you 50% lowlifes that don't pay anything.

You shouldn't get your bills paid simply for voting for a Liberal politician every election, should you? That is terrible, isn't it?
That means it's dead in the water.
4 think it isn't mean enough.
Don't care. Just let Ocare die. It's your disaster, own it.

Then why won't your pussy-ass pals in the GOP simply repeal it and let everything go back to where it was?
They, like dems, are more worried about their reelection than doing their jobs.

Next stupid question?

So you would advise them to repeal Obamacare, put everything back to 2009 or whenever, because that was better,

and then quit politics?
That means it's dead in the water.
4 think it isn't mean enough.
Don't care. Just let Ocare die. It's your disaster, own it.

Then why won't your pussy-ass pals in the GOP simply repeal it and let everything go back to where it was?
They, like dems, are more worried about their reelection than doing their jobs.

Next stupid question?

So you would advise them to repeal Obamacare, put everything back to 2009 or whenever, because that was better,

and then quit politics?
I outlined what I think they should do in my own thread just down the page.
That means it's dead in the water.
4 think it isn't mean enough.
Don't care. Just let Ocare die. It's your disaster, own it.

Then why won't your pussy-ass pals in the GOP simply repeal it and let everything go back to where it was?
They, like dems, are more worried about their reelection than doing their jobs.

Next stupid question?

So you would advise them to repeal Obamacare, put everything back to 2009 or whenever, because that was better,

and then quit politics?
I outlined what I think they should do in my own thread just down the page.

I thought repealing Obamacare was wildly popular.

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