A 5th GOP senator won't vote for the healthcare amendment


What exactly is an extreme far left agenda, comrade?

The fact that you don't understand how the filthy ass Democrat Party has moved to the extreme far Left speaks volumes of the reasons why you are a Moon Bat, doesn't it?
The republican party has moved to the extreme far right
The guy above from your party just said he wants the single payer communist Cuba style healthcare and you call us extreme?
Whats wrong with single payer insurance, and why is it communist?

It is destroying the healthcare systems of the European countries.......there is no reason to be efficient or effective or to make things cheaper and better......it becomes worse and worse and then more and more money has to be put into it for worse results......check these systems beyond the first search pages....all of them are in trouble and are failing...all of them.
Which countries are having their health care destroyed?
That means it's dead in the water.
4 think it isn't mean enough.

That is what you asswipes said in the house..then Trump worked it and they passed it...this is nothing more than negotiations..........you guys still don't know anything about Trump....
In case you didn't notice, Trump hasn't done shit, he doesn't understand any part of it. This is the same trump who raved about the house bill, then weeks later told us it was bad.

They just started in the senate moron........then they have to combine it with the house....

I am talking specifically about the House bill, honey bunch. Trump raved about it, then weeks later told us how bad it was. The man has zero idea of anything

What exactly is an extreme far left agenda, comrade?

The fact that you don't understand how the filthy ass Democrat Party has moved to the extreme far Left speaks volumes of the reasons why you are a Moon Bat, doesn't it?
The republican party has moved to the extreme far right
The guy above from your party just said he wants the single payer communist Cuba style healthcare and you call us extreme?
Whats wrong with single payer insurance, and why is it communist?

It is destroying the healthcare systems of the European countries.......there is no reason to be efficient or effective or to make things cheaper and better......it becomes worse and worse and then more and more money has to be put into it for worse results......check these systems beyond the first search pages....all of them are in trouble and are failing...all of them.
They have better healthcare than we do. They do not worry about bankruptcy if they get sick
2018 is coming....but in 2017 the primaries will be underway. Those RINOs are going to pay a heavy price. They may managed to get the GOP nomination but they'll have to work 28 hours a day at fund raising to even come close. Some may even have to run as "independents" - if they're fool enough to run at all.
It will be fun as Medicaid and older Americans scream at Republicans.....Look what you did to my healthcare!
In 2015, Paul Ryan told us that if we elected a Republican president, they already had a bill ready for him to sign that would repeal Obamacare. Where is THAT bill and what's the problem?



Obama was stupid that way

He thought he was playing by the old rules. Include their amendments and peel off some votes. Republicans took his offer and still voted against it......same as they did on stimulus
Again, you're a fucking liar. There were no republican amendments and you've yet to cite a single example.

Liar, Liar pants on fire. What are you a little kid?

You're the one reciting school yard quips.

come on mr know it all tell me about the ACA.

It sucks big fat donkey dicks.

It was written by the insurance lobby and is intended and designed to force us into "single payer" (government) health care by Democrat Socialists who've promoted their Socialist idea for nearly a century.

that's really all anyone needs to know.

the 'health care ' cos tried like hell to kill the public option because they kknow they cannot compete with the gov'ment with little overhead & their profit margin would tank.
Why are they dicking around with basically obiecare with a couple changes. Repeal the damn thing like you promised then hold votes on each new item you want. Pre-existing, sell across state lines, HSA's. just do it. It's not like the dems aren't going to claim your killing everyone no matter how much obiecare you keep.
All Republicans want is the tax cut

Dry up the funding then giggle when the rest of it starts to fail
What I want is a free market system where I can get the insurance I want instead of the over priced crap government decides I need.

You people sure get hung up on other people's money. How about you just manage your own.

uh-huh. that means cheap ass insurance that comes with the false impression that when you actually NEED it, you will be be quite surprised to find out that after taking your cash for said ' insurance', they will laugh you back to your own wallet to actually pay for whatever ails you & if you cannot afford it, then you get to go bankrupt like the good old days.

what a hoot 'eh?.
The 'implosion' of Obamacare that people keep yapping about is only about the exchanges, which involve a tiny percentage of Americans.

Therefore the proper solution would be a narrow focused bill that fixes, improves, or replaces the exchange system with something better,
That is exactly what they tried to do, but how to fix something that is beyond repair?
Is taking away health care from millions of people a better idea? Or maybe raising premiums for the elderly, a better idea?

forget about raising the premiums for the elderly... those even deeper cuts to medicaid by the senate's bill will be devastating to the elderly. the vast majority of seniors living in nursing homes are paid by medicaid dollars. medicare doesn't pay for long term care.

Hey, shit for brains!

Learn the difference in Medicare and Medicaid. The elderly do not get Medicaid!

oh my fucking god.

you can't research something on your own before exposing the dolt that you are? what a perfect example of a trumpanzee.

Most people who enter nursing homes begin by paying for their care out-of-pocket. As you use your resources (like bank accounts and stocks) over a period of time, you may eventually become eligible for Medicaid. Medicare generally doesn't cover long-term care stays (room and board) in a nursing home.
Paying for nursing home care | Medicare.gov


what a complete asshole. thanx for playing.
That means it's dead in the water.
4 think it isn't mean enough.

That is what you asswipes said in the house..then Trump worked it and they passed it...this is nothing more than negotiations..........you guys still don't know anything about Trump....

i've known about trump since the 70s & he doesn't 'work' much at all. he's a grifter of the highest order.

Whats wrong with single payer insurance, and why is it communist?

That is a dumb Moon Bat question.

We don't need to have the government running health care. They will screw it up just like they screw up everything. They will make it more expensive like we have seen with this dumbass Obamacare and we will not get as good treatment. I don't want to be forced to give my money to a bureaucrat, whose boss is a corrupt politician elected by special interest groups, to manage my health care for me. I can do it fine all by myself.

For a productive person to participate in a single payer system he has to pay more than his risk pool to cover the low life welfare queens that aren't paying anything.

It is 'communism" because you get the health care whether you paid for it or not. It is not right to have an oppressive government that take the money that you earn and then gives it to somebody else, is it?

I'll be responsible to pay my bills and you be responsible to pay yours, OK? That is the fair and morally right thing to do. Using the filthy ass government to steal from other people on your greedy behalf is despicable. It is thievery, wouldn't you agree?.
2018 is coming....but in 2017 the primaries will be underway. Those RINOs are going to pay a heavy price. They may managed to get the GOP nomination but they'll have to work 28 hours a day at fund raising to even come close. Some may even have to run as "independents" - if they're fool enough to run at all.
It will be fun as Medicaid and older Americans scream at Republicans.....Look what you did to my healthcare!
Yep, the House will be Democratic next year and the Senate soon to follow.

Whats wrong with single payer insurance, and why is it communist?

That is a dumb Moon Bat question.

We don't need to have the government running health care. They will screw it up just like they screw up everything. They will make it more expensive like we have seen with this dumbass Obamacare and we will not get as good treatment. I don't want to be forced to give my money to a bureaucrat, whose boss is a corrupt politician elected by special interest groups, to manage my health care for me. I can do it fine all by myself.

For a productive person to participate in a single payer system he has to pay more than his risk pool to cover the low life welfare queens that aren't paying anything.

It is 'communism" because you get the health care whether you paid for it or not. It is not right to have an oppressive government that take the money that you earn and then gives it to somebody else, is it?

I'll be responsible to pay my bills and you be responsible to pay yours, OK? That is the fair and morally right thing to do. Using the filthy ass government to steal from other people on your greedy behalf is despicable. It is thievery, wouldn't you agree?.
does government screw up medicare or medicaid?

Whats wrong with single payer insurance, and why is it communist?

That is a dumb Moon Bat question.

We don't need to have the government running health care. They will screw it up just like they screw up everything. They will make it more expensive like we have seen with this dumbass Obamacare and we will not get as good treatment. I don't want to be forced to give my money to a bureaucrat, whose boss is a corrupt politician elected by special interest groups, to manage my health care for me. I can do it fine all by myself.

For a productive person to participate in a single payer system he has to pay more than his risk pool to cover the low life welfare queens that aren't paying anything.

It is 'communism" because you get the health care whether you paid for it or not. It is not right to have an oppressive government that take the money that you earn and then gives it to somebody else, is it?

I'll be responsible to pay my bills and you be responsible to pay yours, OK? That is the fair and morally right thing to do. Using the filthy ass government to steal from other people on your greedy behalf is despicable. It is thievery, wouldn't you agree?.
does government screw up medicare or medicaid?
The 'implosion' of Obamacare that people keep yapping about is only about the exchanges, which involve a tiny percentage of Americans.

Therefore the proper solution would be a narrow focused bill that fixes, improves, or replaces the exchange system with something better,
That is exactly what they tried to do, but how to fix something that is beyond repair?
Is taking away health care from millions of people a better idea? Or maybe raising premiums for the elderly, a better idea?

forget about raising the premiums for the elderly... those even deeper cuts to medicaid by the senate's bill will be devastating to the elderly. the vast majority of seniors living in nursing homes are paid by medicaid dollars. medicare doesn't pay for long term care.

Hey, shit for brains!

Learn the difference in Medicare and Medicaid. The elderly do not get Medicaid!
Yes, they do .. read something.
All Republicans want is the tax cut

Dry up the funding then giggle when the rest of it starts to fail
What I want is a free market system where I can get the insurance I want instead of the over priced crap government decides I need.

You people sure get hung up on other people's money. How about you just manage your own.

A free market is not going to happen. Competition across state lines is a myth.
I don't get hung up on other people's money, I get hung up on having affordable healthcare for all Anericans.......just like other countries expect
If you want good affordable healthcare why do you want the government involved. Whatever they get into instantly turns is to the most expensive pile of crap possible.

You are hung up on other people's money. You want healthcare for everyone at someone else's expense.
Why would I want my health insurance dictated by my employer?
Why would I want my healthcare decisions dictated by a for profit insurer?

YES I want government involved

I don't care about other people's money any more than I care about it being used to fund the Department of Defense. I would rather my tax dollar go to ensuring the lives of Americans in my community than expanding our military interests around the globe
You don't want anyone making your insurance decisions for you... unless it's some politician. Do you not watch these people? Peloton and that nut bag Watters you want to make those decisions for you. You've got to be kidding.
Insurance companies make medical decisions for you. They win, you lose.
Most Democrats are for amending the ACA.
Right Wing senators added 100 amendments to ACA before it passed.
Well that's just a damn lie. Nothing was added by republicans, the dems allowed NO amendments and ACA was passed without a single solitary republican vote... but don't let the facts get in the way of your revisionist lying claptrap!

uh-huh... it wasn't a shut out by any means. here are the facts:

Gutierrez says hundreds of Republican amendments in ACA

You're citing a left-wing hack source that literally says this is a "half truth"... that's a lie too... it's totally untrue. What Gutierrez and the lying left is trying to do is claim many of ACA's provisions were previously supported by republicans one way or another, but that's a FAR cry from 100 amendments added.

It WAS a shut out... ZERO republicans voted for ACA. Lie all you want to about that, it's public record, asshat!

She didn't say any pubs voted, there are amendments in the legislation pubs asked for.

Why isn't it possible for you libs to link a website showing those amendments?

Perhaps it is because you will expose yourself as incompetents, liars and hypocrites? Go ahead! We already know you are!

Like I said I did yesterday and not going to find it again. It's in one of these threads on this subject.

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