A Biden win and the urbanization of your hometown.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
In the wake of years of destruction brought on cities by the War on Poverty, the Great society and every imaginable kind of bad social engineering, many urban areas are on the verge of bankruptcy. Those who can afford it are fleeing the disastrous outcomes of government central planning that has brought crime, homelessness and the calamitous war-zone atmosphere of drug entrepreneurs fighting it out on the streets killing children.

There has been an exodus underway for quite some time now leaving these woke urban disaster areas strapped for cash and unable to pay for the unfunded mandates rewarding the terrible decisions of bureaucrats that have visited a horrible carnage on the poorest among us. Andrew Cuomo’s modus operandi of infesting nursing homes with plague-ravaged patients tantamount to handing Native Americans small-pox-infected blankets, is just one example of what city dwellers face on a daily basis. It is no wonder that so many are running away.

In order to run away, a refugee has to have someplace to run, and the architects of the social holocaust have an answer and a solution; it came from the Obama administration. If you can’t bring the mountain to Mohamad, you bring Mohamad to the mountain. American suburbs are ground zero on a bombing list of all the bad ideas that gave us the dying cities. Federal agencies armed with slick lawyers are poised to descend on quiet, bucolic neighborhoods to strong-arm zoning laws for the purpose of implanting all the misery of cities into the country. Joe Biden is excitedly on board like a tour guide on a cruise ship.

People of all stripes want to run from the bedlam imposed on them by the lofty cultural designers of what looks, smells, and tastes like the authoritarian socialism that has brought down every major civilization since Socrates. Would you like to live in Guatemala? No need to go anywhere; Guatemala is coming to you if Biden gets elected. The projects and drug lords will be right outside your picket fence and bodies will float in the pond by the meadow where your children play.

These people do not miss a trick and soon, if they win, all the wonderful trappings of the inner city will be right outside your door. They just want us to be one big happy family-with them in charge of course. Trump will put a stop to that horror show.

Americans have been historically extremely resistant to this sort of strong arming around real estate

No reason to think that wouldn't be true in 2020. Don't like where you live anymore? Move
Americans have been historically extremely resistant to this sort of strong arming around real estate

No reason to think that wouldn't be true in 2020. Don't like where you live anymore? Move


What do you think "white flight" is? Why would you think that wouldn't make communities resistant to anything they didn't' want to do? People will leave

Unless you force people to live in a certain zipcode. THe sheer number of choices you have in the US is mind boggling.

We're EXTREMELY segregated by income in housing in every district in this nation excluding the homeless

edit - every non rural district anyway, if your county has a few very small towns your rich probably are spread out
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Americans have been historically extremely resistant to this sort of strong arming around real estate

No reason to think that wouldn't be true in 2020. Don't like where you live anymore? Move
The whole point of the thread is that if these policies are implemented there will be no place to go for whites, blacks or anyone else to escape drugs and crime that are part and parcel of liberal outcomes.
Americans have been historically extremely resistant to this sort of strong arming around real estate

No reason to think that wouldn't be true in 2020. Don't like where you live anymore? Move
The whole point of the thread is that if these policies are implemented there will be no place to go for whites, blacks or anyone else to escape drugs and crime that are part and parcel of liberal outcomes.
If the people themselves do not rise up in communities to stop it, is it possible "hard liners" may see a chance to run for office and get their votes?
Americans have been historically extremely resistant to this sort of strong arming around real estate

No reason to think that wouldn't be true in 2020. Don't like where you live anymore? Move
The whole point of the thread is that if these policies are implemented there will be no place to go for whites, blacks or anyone else to escape drugs and crime that are part and parcel of liberal outcomes.

THat's not how this works tho.

You just go rural and start anew where they have little incentive to give a shit about the feds

The suburbs were once fields

You just find more fields and do what you want there. People will segregate by income. Always have. Lotta financial incentives to do so
Americans have been historically extremely resistant to this sort of strong arming around real estate

No reason to think that wouldn't be true in 2020. Don't like where you live anymore? Move
The whole point of the thread is that if these policies are implemented there will be no place to go for whites, blacks or anyone else to escape drugs and crime that are part and parcel of liberal outcomes.
I thought this was the entire premise behind Trump appealing the AFFH rule, was in not ?
I just want to make sure I understand what has been done by Trump and correlate it to what you are saying.
In the wake of years of destruction brought on cities by the War on Poverty, the Great society and every imaginable kind of bad social engineering, many urban areas are on the verge of bankruptcy. Those who can afford it are fleeing the disastrous outcomes of government central planning that has brought crime, homelessness and the calamitous war-zone atmosphere of drug entrepreneurs fighting it out on the streets killing children.

There has been an exodus underway for quite some time now leaving these woke urban disaster areas strapped for cash and unable to pay for the unfunded mandates rewarding the terrible decisions of bureaucrats that have visited a horrible carnage on the poorest among us. Andrew Cuomo’s modus operandi of infesting nursing homes with plague-ravaged patients tantamount to handing Native Americans small-pox-infected blankets, is just one example of what city dwellers face on a daily basis. It is no wonder that so many are running away.

In order to run away, a refugee has to have someplace to run, and the architects of the social holocaust have an answer and a solution; it came from the Obama administration. If you can’t bring the mountain to Mohamad, you bring Mohamad to the mountain. American suburbs are ground zero on a bombing list of all the bad ideas that gave us the dying cities. Federal agencies armed with slick lawyers are poised to descend on quiet, bucolic neighborhoods to strong-arm zoning laws for the purpose of implanting all the misery of cities into the country. Joe Biden is excitedly on board like a tour guide on a cruise ship.

People of all stripes want to run from the bedlam imposed on them by the lofty cultural designers of what looks, smells, and tastes like the authoritarian socialism that has brought down every major civilization since Socrates. Would you like to live in Guatemala? No need to go anywhere; Guatemala is coming to you if Biden gets elected. The projects and drug lords will be right outside your picket fence and bodies will float in the pond by the meadow where your children play.

These people do not miss a trick and soon, if they win, all the wonderful trappings of the inner city will be right outside your door. They just want us to be one big happy family-with them in charge of course. Trump will put a stop to that horror show.

I enjoyed your prelude, and what you mention thereafter.
I was thinking that most of what you described, was eliminated by Trump appealing the AFFH rule ?
Or are you saying this will all come back if Biden is elected ?

It is a federal solution to a local problem that does not exist. No rural communities are enforcing racial quotas on the people. The type of housing allowed in communities is the business of those communities and local voting decides what that is. The purpose of that act is to enforce the community activism of cities into the suburbs and use taxation or denial of federal funds to browbeat local boards to comply.
In the wake of years of destruction brought on cities by the War on Poverty, the Great society and every imaginable kind of bad social engineering, many urban areas are on the verge of bankruptcy. Those who can afford it are fleeing the disastrous outcomes of government central planning that has brought crime, homelessness and the calamitous war-zone atmosphere of drug entrepreneurs fighting it out on the streets killing children.

There has been an exodus underway for quite some time now leaving these woke urban disaster areas strapped for cash and unable to pay for the unfunded mandates rewarding the terrible decisions of bureaucrats that have visited a horrible carnage on the poorest among us. Andrew Cuomo’s modus operandi of infesting nursing homes with plague-ravaged patients tantamount to handing Native Americans small-pox-infected blankets, is just one example of what city dwellers face on a daily basis. It is no wonder that so many are running away.

In order to run away, a refugee has to have someplace to run, and the architects of the social holocaust have an answer and a solution; it came from the Obama administration. If you can’t bring the mountain to Mohamad, you bring Mohamad to the mountain. American suburbs are ground zero on a bombing list of all the bad ideas that gave us the dying cities. Federal agencies armed with slick lawyers are poised to descend on quiet, bucolic neighborhoods to strong-arm zoning laws for the purpose of implanting all the misery of cities into the country. Joe Biden is excitedly on board like a tour guide on a cruise ship.

People of all stripes want to run from the bedlam imposed on them by the lofty cultural designers of what looks, smells, and tastes like the authoritarian socialism that has brought down every major civilization since Socrates. Would you like to live in Guatemala? No need to go anywhere; Guatemala is coming to you if Biden gets elected. The projects and drug lords will be right outside your picket fence and bodies will float in the pond by the meadow where your children play.

These people do not miss a trick and soon, if they win, all the wonderful trappings of the inner city will be right outside your door. They just want us to be one big happy family-with them in charge of course. Trump will put a stop to that horror show.

That is a major load of bizarre bovine excrement. The federal government has no say in local zoning issues. NONE . You lie!

It's about discrimination. That's what you peopleare freaked out about. You won't be able to discriminate.
In the wake of years of destruction brought on cities by the War on Poverty, the Great society and every imaginable kind of bad social engineering, many urban areas are on the verge of bankruptcy. Those who can afford it are fleeing the disastrous outcomes of government central planning that has brought crime, homelessness and the calamitous war-zone atmosphere of drug entrepreneurs fighting it out on the streets killing children.

There has been an exodus underway for quite some time now leaving these woke urban disaster areas strapped for cash and unable to pay for the unfunded mandates rewarding the terrible decisions of bureaucrats that have visited a horrible carnage on the poorest among us. Andrew Cuomo’s modus operandi of infesting nursing homes with plague-ravaged patients tantamount to handing Native Americans small-pox-infected blankets, is just one example of what city dwellers face on a daily basis. It is no wonder that so many are running away.

In order to run away, a refugee has to have someplace to run, and the architects of the social holocaust have an answer and a solution; it came from the Obama administration. If you can’t bring the mountain to Mohamad, you bring Mohamad to the mountain. American suburbs are ground zero on a bombing list of all the bad ideas that gave us the dying cities. Federal agencies armed with slick lawyers are poised to descend on quiet, bucolic neighborhoods to strong-arm zoning laws for the purpose of implanting all the misery of cities into the country. Joe Biden is excitedly on board like a tour guide on a cruise ship.

People of all stripes want to run from the bedlam imposed on them by the lofty cultural designers of what looks, smells, and tastes like the authoritarian socialism that has brought down every major civilization since Socrates. Would you like to live in Guatemala? No need to go anywhere; Guatemala is coming to you if Biden gets elected. The projects and drug lords will be right outside your picket fence and bodies will float in the pond by the meadow where your children play.

These people do not miss a trick and soon, if they win, all the wonderful trappings of the inner city will be right outside your door. They just want us to be one big happy family-with them in charge of course. Trump will put a stop to that horror show.

I enjoyed your prelude, and what you mention thereafter.
I was thinking that most of what you described, was eliminated by Trump appealing the AFFH rule ?
Or are you saying this will all come back if Biden is elected ?

It is a federal solution to a local problem that does not exist. No rural communities are enforcing racial quotas on the people. The type of housing allowed in communities is the business of those communities and local voting decides what that is. The purpose of that act is to enforce the community activism of cities into the suburbs and use taxation or denial of federal funds to browbeat local boards to comply.
It is a federal solution to a local problem that does not exist. No rural communities are enforcing racial quotas on the people. The type of housing allowed in communities is the business of those communities and local voting decides what that is.
This part I understand
The purpose of that act is to enforce the community activism of cities into the suburbs and use taxation or denial of federal funds to browbeat local boards to comply.
This part I do not, unless it pertains to zoning, but thanks just the same.
In the wake of years of destruction brought on cities by the War on Poverty, the Great society and every imaginable kind of bad social engineering, many urban areas are on the verge of bankruptcy. Those who can afford it are fleeing the disastrous outcomes of government central planning that has brought crime, homelessness and the calamitous war-zone atmosphere of drug entrepreneurs fighting it out on the streets killing children.

There has been an exodus underway for quite some time now leaving these woke urban disaster areas strapped for cash and unable to pay for the unfunded mandates rewarding the terrible decisions of bureaucrats that have visited a horrible carnage on the poorest among us. Andrew Cuomo’s modus operandi of infesting nursing homes with plague-ravaged patients tantamount to handing Native Americans small-pox-infected blankets, is just one example of what city dwellers face on a daily basis. It is no wonder that so many are running away.

In order to run away, a refugee has to have someplace to run, and the architects of the social holocaust have an answer and a solution; it came from the Obama administration. If you can’t bring the mountain to Mohamad, you bring Mohamad to the mountain. American suburbs are ground zero on a bombing list of all the bad ideas that gave us the dying cities. Federal agencies armed with slick lawyers are poised to descend on quiet, bucolic neighborhoods to strong-arm zoning laws for the purpose of implanting all the misery of cities into the country. Joe Biden is excitedly on board like a tour guide on a cruise ship.

People of all stripes want to run from the bedlam imposed on them by the lofty cultural designers of what looks, smells, and tastes like the authoritarian socialism that has brought down every major civilization since Socrates. Would you like to live in Guatemala? No need to go anywhere; Guatemala is coming to you if Biden gets elected. The projects and drug lords will be right outside your picket fence and bodies will float in the pond by the meadow where your children play.

These people do not miss a trick and soon, if they win, all the wonderful trappings of the inner city will be right outside your door. They just want us to be one big happy family-with them in charge of course. Trump will put a stop to that horror show.

I enjoyed your prelude, and what you mention thereafter.
I was thinking that most of what you described, was eliminated by Trump appealing the AFFH rule ?
Or are you saying this will all come back if Biden is elected ?

It is a federal solution to a local problem that does not exist. No rural communities are enforcing racial quotas on the people. The type of housing allowed in communities is the business of those communities and local voting decides what that is. The purpose of that act is to enforce the community activism of cities into the suburbs and use taxation or denial of federal funds to browbeat local boards to comply.
It is a federal solution to a local problem that does not exist. No rural communities are enforcing racial quotas on the people. The type of housing allowed in communities is the business of those communities and local voting decides what that is.
This part I understand
The purpose of that act is to enforce the community activism of cities into the suburbs and use taxation or denial of federal funds to browbeat local boards to comply.
This part I do not, unless it pertains to zoning, but thanks just the same.
In order to finance a particular ideology you need a tax base of working citizens to provide the money. If those working citizens reject the ideology by voting with their feet, the tax base disappears bankrupting the government enforcing the ideology.

Instead of abandoning bad ideology the government wants to follow the citizens that escape to the suburbs and force them back into the system with taxation to rescue the bad policies that destroyed cities. It takes away freedom of choice in how and where to live by law.
The purpose of that act is to enforce the community activism of cities into the suburbs and use taxation or denial of federal funds to browbeat local boards to comply.
What the hell does that mean?
It means they are going to pay for the destruction of cities by using tax penalties imposed on people in suburbs that do not vote to allow crime and drugs into their neighborhoods.
In the wake of years of destruction brought on cities by the War on Poverty, the Great society and every imaginable kind of bad social engineering, many urban areas are on the verge of bankruptcy. Those who can afford it are fleeing the disastrous outcomes of government central planning that has brought crime, homelessness and the calamitous war-zone atmosphere of drug entrepreneurs fighting it out on the streets killing children.

There has been an exodus underway for quite some time now leaving these woke urban disaster areas strapped for cash and unable to pay for the unfunded mandates rewarding the terrible decisions of bureaucrats that have visited a horrible carnage on the poorest among us. Andrew Cuomo’s modus operandi of infesting nursing homes with plague-ravaged patients tantamount to handing Native Americans small-pox-infected blankets, is just one example of what city dwellers face on a daily basis. It is no wonder that so many are running away.

In order to run away, a refugee has to have someplace to run, and the architects of the social holocaust have an answer and a solution; it came from the Obama administration. If you can’t bring the mountain to Mohamad, you bring Mohamad to the mountain. American suburbs are ground zero on a bombing list of all the bad ideas that gave us the dying cities. Federal agencies armed with slick lawyers are poised to descend on quiet, bucolic neighborhoods to strong-arm zoning laws for the purpose of implanting all the misery of cities into the country. Joe Biden is excitedly on board like a tour guide on a cruise ship.

People of all stripes want to run from the bedlam imposed on them by the lofty cultural designers of what looks, smells, and tastes like the authoritarian socialism that has brought down every major civilization since Socrates. Would you like to live in Guatemala? No need to go anywhere; Guatemala is coming to you if Biden gets elected. The projects and drug lords will be right outside your picket fence and bodies will float in the pond by the meadow where your children play.

These people do not miss a trick and soon, if they win, all the wonderful trappings of the inner city will be right outside your door. They just want us to be one big happy family-with them in charge of course. Trump will put a stop to that horror show.

Will Trump teach you how to spell Mohammed properly, professor?

Trump has not addressed or even acknowledged the complaints of the black community
The purpose of that act is to enforce the community activism of cities into the suburbs and use taxation or denial of federal funds to browbeat local boards to comply.
What the hell does that mean?
It means they are going to pay for the destruction of cities by using tax penalties imposed on people in suburbs that do not vote to allow crime and drugs into their neighborhoods.
Another made up crock of shit!! Tax penalties?? Really? Read the fair housing act for Christ sake

Housing Discrimination Under the Fair Housing Act | HUD ...
  • The Fair Housing Act protects people from discrimination when they are renting or buying a home, getting a mortgage, seeking housing assistance, or engaging in other housing-related activities. Additional protections apply to federally-assisted housing.Learn about the History of the Fair Housing Act, and read Examples of the many forms of housing discrimination.
It's all about discrimination. It has nothing to do with forcing communities to provide high density low income housing. Stop the fucking lies already!
Yeah, if your guy doesn’t win the election the country is gonna go into the shitter just like the last time your guy didn’t win

And the time before that

And the time before that

And the time before that
In the wake of years of destruction brought on cities by the War on Poverty, the Great society and every imaginable kind of bad social engineering, many urban areas are on the verge of bankruptcy. Those who can afford it are fleeing the disastrous outcomes of government central planning that has brought crime, homelessness and the calamitous war-zone atmosphere of drug entrepreneurs fighting it out on the streets killing children.

There has been an exodus underway for quite some time now leaving these woke urban disaster areas strapped for cash and unable to pay for the unfunded mandates rewarding the terrible decisions of bureaucrats that have visited a horrible carnage on the poorest among us. Andrew Cuomo’s modus operandi of infesting nursing homes with plague-ravaged patients tantamount to handing Native Americans small-pox-infected blankets, is just one example of what city dwellers face on a daily basis. It is no wonder that so many are running away.

In order to run away, a refugee has to have someplace to run, and the architects of the social holocaust have an answer and a solution; it came from the Obama administration. If you can’t bring the mountain to Mohamad, you bring Mohamad to the mountain. American suburbs are ground zero on a bombing list of all the bad ideas that gave us the dying cities. Federal agencies armed with slick lawyers are poised to descend on quiet, bucolic neighborhoods to strong-arm zoning laws for the purpose of implanting all the misery of cities into the country. Joe Biden is excitedly on board like a tour guide on a cruise ship.

People of all stripes want to run from the bedlam imposed on them by the lofty cultural designers of what looks, smells, and tastes like the authoritarian socialism that has brought down every major civilization since Socrates. Would you like to live in Guatemala? No need to go anywhere; Guatemala is coming to you if Biden gets elected. The projects and drug lords will be right outside your picket fence and bodies will float in the pond by the meadow where your children play.

These people do not miss a trick and soon, if they win, all the wonderful trappings of the inner city will be right outside your door. They just want us to be one big happy family-with them in charge of course. Trump will put a stop to that horror show.

New Cities in more optimum locations with better high speed transit built in!
If the plan of former President Obama and future President Biden is put into effect, the first people fleeing those areas will be those who voted for Messrs. Obama & Biden. Of course, those two gentlemen do not have to worry. There will be no housing projects near their mansions!

(I saw a few minutes of one of President Trump's rallies. He declared that he would forbid low-cost housing & projects in the suburbs. He is going down fighting! What a guy!)

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