A black Trump supporter was sucker-punched by a counterprotester. Why isn't it a hate crime?


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
It's not a hate crime as long as the victim is right wing, Trump supporter, even the media won't leverage on the usual race card if the man is an independent thinker who dares defy the left wing trap (don't want the other alt-left supporters to see the violence against their community from the left). If this guy were a member of ANTIFA as was clocked by a Trump supporter it would be on every news network and the question would be about Trump encouraging racist attacks.

This is just one reason of many why the Democrats have a massive uphill climb. The same places that worship them without question (as they are thoroughly indoctrinated), citizens of California and New York, are also the same people who anger anyone who doesn't subscribe to the far left, alt-left, neo-communist ideology.

A black Trump supporter was sucker-punched by a counterprotester. Why isn’t it a hate crime?

Counterprotesters crowded around him at an anti-illegal immigration rally in Southern California.

R.C. Maxwell, an African-American supporter of President Donald Trump, was voicing his views on immigration, saying that he had grown up in the black community and “I’ve seen problems with illegal immigrants.”

“There’s a problem with illegal immigration; I speak out against that,” Maxwell shouted Sunday night during the “America First!” rally held in Laguna Beach. “That doesn’t make me a Nazi.”

Then the crowd got loud.

“You’re a traitor!” one hollered.

“People want you in chains, dude,” another person called out.

“I know they do,” Maxwell said.

Another said: “If you want to keep the peace, you should leave.”

Video showed a man emerge from the crowd and throw a punch – then Maxwell hit the ground. The scene turned into chaos as others tried to make him stop, and someone asked, “Where’s the cops?”

The man, who was heard screaming and cursing, was later identified by police as 20-year-old Richard Losey, of Lancaster, Ohio.

Losey was arrested Tuesday on suspicion of misdemeanour battery with a hate crime enhancement, Laguna Beach police said this week in a statement.

But prosecutors have since said “there is not enough evidence” to charge Losey with a hate crime, according to the Los Angeles Times.

“Political motivation is not an area covered under hate crimes in the penal code,” Susan Kang Schroeder, chief of staff for the Orange County district attorney, said in a statement, according to the newspaper.
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And yet, you trumpanzees said the old fart who sucker punched the Black guy in one of trump's kkk rallies was innocent of a hate crime. Then, slimy trump offered to pay the old guy's legal bills if he murdered the next time.

IOW, op

If you're not going to demand the same standards and same rules for both sides,

What do you expect from the people who idolize Andrew Jackson and his "Trail of Tears" and Lincoln and his ignoring of the wholesale murder and enslavement of the Dine in "The Long Walk of the Navajo"?

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