A Blood Test for CANCER?!


In Memorial of 47
Apr 30, 2010
Port Charlotte, FL
The blood test, given to expectant mothers to detect birth defects has identified the presence of Cancer in the mother!


Shouldn't take much effort to make this real for everyone:
Prenatal Blood Tests Could Detect Cancer in Mothers - WSJ

A popular new type of prenatal test intended to find genetic flaws in a fetus can in rare cases also reveal previously undiagnosed cancer in the mother.

The unexpected finding emerged in a study involving eight women who initially had abnormal results from the prenatal blood test, but for whom a subsequent assessment showed their babies were normal. When the mothers’ DNA was reanalyzed, researchers said, the anomalies were linked to cancer in each of the women.



Doc had me do a blood test awhile back and he said there were no cancer cells detected, so this has been ongoing for some time now. Yes, a blood test can tell if there is cancer present in your body.
To the far left, a fetus is a cancer that must be eradicated at all costs..
STFU. This thread is not about abortion.

It was statement of fact!

And it is about abortion and genetic tests being used to support abortions, so they need to find a positive spin on having said abortions.

I am glad that they caught the cancer, but what I said is a statement of fact..
This. Thread. Is. Not. About. Abortion.

Go start your own if that's what you want to bitch about. THIS one is about CANCER.
Doc had me do a blood test awhile back and he said there were no cancer cells detected, so this has been ongoing for some time now. Yes, a blood test can tell if there is cancer present in your body.
For whatever reason these weren't detected until the prenatal blood work was looked at from that perspective.
Yeah. They gotta focus on what to look for and order the correct blood tests.
To the far left, a fetus is a cancer that must be eradicated at all costs..
STFU. This thread is not about abortion.

It was statement of fact!

And it is about abortion and genetic tests being used to support abortions, so they need to find a positive spin on having said abortions.

I am glad that they caught the cancer, but what I said is a statement of fact..
Take it somewhere else.
The ocean being blue is fact. Still doesn't relate to the story
Better, cheaper cancer screening kit for cancer...

Fast, cost-efficient screening kit for cancer developed
Fri, Jan 01, 2016 - National Taiwan University (NTU) and the National Applied Research Laboratories (NARL) researchers have developed a fast screening kit for cancer and infectious diseases that costs only about one-10th of the price of existing products and is 12 times more sensitive than similar kits.
NTU biomedical engineering professor Lin Chii-wann yesterday said it took his team five years to develop a disposable multifunctional chip that can be used to detect cancer, tuberculosis, bird flu and other diseases. Traditionally, the detection of breast cancer and lung cancer relies on enzyme assays to detect the presence of a substance, usually an antigen, by using enzymes to interact with targeted antigens to create color change for detection. This requires a trained technician to conduct the test, which generally takes between four and six hours to complete, Lin said. The team did away with enzyme-based methods and developed an optical biosensor that detects a substance by measuring its reflected light from a specially coated surface, Lin said.

The team’s chip test kit also comes with specially designed DNA probes, which can be applied to targeted proteins to identify tested materials without relying on enzyme activity, he said. The chip can complete a tumor screening in 30 minutes, and the operation is so simple that it requires no training to administer the screening, he said. “The team’s sensor is 12 times more sensitive than other optical biosensors, and we can detect tumor cells simply with a saliva sample, without a blood test. Blood has 10 times more substances than saliva, but our chip is so sensitive that it can yield accurate results with a minimal sample,” he said. At present, cancer-screening chips are imported and cost about NT$3,000 each, but the team’s chip costs about NT$200, which the team expects to revolutionize the market, he said, adding that the team has acquired eight patents from Taiwan and eight from the US.

National Taiwan University Hospital physician Chen Wen-Shiang and NARL researchers have also developed an optical imaging device for in vivo detection of cancer cell growth on animals, which can observe the fluorescence and cold light emitted by cancer cells inside living organisms to evaluate the effectiveness of a cancer therapy. There are only 30 optical imaging devices in the nation, which are shared by 300 laboratories, Chen said. The imaging devices are about the size of a refrigerator and cost NT$13 million (US$395,852) each, while his team’s device is only one-10th as large and costs NT$2 million, which is affordable to most laboratories.

Fast, cost-efficient screening kit for cancer developed - Taipei Times
The blood test, given to expectant mothers to detect birth defects has identified the presence of Cancer in the mother!


Shouldn't take much effort to make this real for everyone:
Prenatal Blood Tests Could Detect Cancer in Mothers - WSJ

A popular new type of prenatal test intended to find genetic flaws in a fetus can in rare cases also reveal previously undiagnosed cancer in the mother.

The unexpected finding emerged in a study involving eight women who initially had abnormal results from the prenatal blood test, but for whom a subsequent assessment showed their babies were normal. When the mothers’ DNA was reanalyzed, researchers said, the anomalies were linked to cancer in each of the women.




That is wonderful news.

However there has been a blood test for cancer for a long time

I know because I had breast cancer.

Every time I go to my oncologist I have to go to the lab for what I call the vampires. They take several vials of blood from me and test it. One of those tests is for cancer. I'm not a doctor and have no idea how it works but there's something in the blood that can alert the doctor to cancer before a mammogram.

Just a side note, as of the 13th of this month I will have been cancer free for 5 years and will be able stop using the remission word and can finally use the CURED word.

I won't be sober on the 13th.
I have no idea why it's in Current Events!

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