A Brief Presentation of White Privilege

A snippet from one of Brother Time Wise's many lectures covering the topic of white privilege

This brother get's it.

Again, before you post, please cite what, exactly, is he stating that's wrong, false, misleading or otherwise deceptive.


thats racist
by boedicca on US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
I laugh at this because your stupid ass doesn't seem to get that the person who described his and created the term is white.

There are plenty of self-loathing, soy boy, beta cucks out there.
Both sides make valid points. Historically and generically whites have bennifited from and advanced from a discriminatory system. I think that is an important point to recognize.

On the other side we have to look at how we interpret and discuss this history and be sure not to play the victim card too hard. Values, hard work, and perseverance should still be taught and promoted. Some of the avanues I see these discussions go down can be counter productive as the stir up resentment and give excuses for mediocrity and lack luster efforts. That’s the last thing we need

There is no other side. And we don't have to look at how we interpret history. The facts are what they are. There is no victim card. We have worked far harder, far longer than whites and for far less. That's not to be ignored. Yet we have to endure lectures about values hard work and other things from a people handed everything they have by the government, too lazy to work free land so thy enslave people and still today are dependent upon the government. I think is just time whites stopped thinking we give a damn about your resentment. Why should we since whites have not cared whether or not what you guys do create resentment in us and that you've done so since 1776? What whites have done since July 4, 1776 is what has been counterproductive.
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Is there Asian privilege? They earn more than whites.

Ask a Asian about that. Because they don't like how whites try using them for racial mascots. The take your jew with neo nazi beliefs butt to that white person who coined the term and described what white privilege actually is so you can learn that what a person makes has not a damn thing to do with this.

Old man. You bore me. Nazis killed 90% of my family so you can go jump in the lake with your fake butthurt.
A snippet from one of Brother Time Wise's many lectures covering the topic of white privilege

This brother get's it.

Again, before you post, please cite what, exactly, is he stating that's wrong, false, misleading or otherwise deceptive.


White privilege is a myth. It is a narrative that has been developed because it is easier to blame someone else for your own issues than to deal with the problem. The bad thing about believing in this myth is it perpetuates the ability to be non productive, a crook and then use it as an excuse.
Ask a Asian about that. Because they don't like how whites try using them for racial mascots.

Nobody has ever used me as a mascot. It's all in your head.

Nah, it's not in my head.

Asian Americans Aren’t White Folks’ ‘Racial Mascots’

By Frank H. Wu and William Kidder

Ward Connerly ballot measure, which would prohibit consideration of race and gender in university admissions, it is becoming clear that Asian Americans are hidden in a dangerous blind spot. Although usually excluded from discussions about civil rights, Asian Americans are increasingly introduced as an argument against racial diversity. Yet like all Americans, Asian immigrants and their native-born children benefit from the modest efforts to include everyone in the American Dream.

The misleading claims about Asian Americans are quite common. For example, in the 2003 Supreme Court cases involving the University of Michigan, even though the plaintiffs were White, their legal counsel obtained class action status to represent Asian Americans as well. They asserted that affirmative action harmed not only their Caucasian clients but “especially Asian Americans.”

Even scholars who say they support affirmative action repeat this error. Two Princeton University sociologists, who have said they believe that affirmative action is worthwhile, published a widely noticed study last year which stated that Asian Americans at elite college campuses would gain the most seats if Blacks and Latinos lost them.

Like many racial stereotypes, the so-called “model minority” status of Asian Americans contains a germ of truth. Unfortunately, it is exaggerated, distorted and often presented without causes and contexts.

The key finding of the Princeton study is actually that Asian Americans suffer from what law professor Jerry Kang has called “negative action.” In truth, Asian Americans are being treated differently — that is, worse — than White applicants with similar qualifications. Asian Americans are held to a higher standard than Whites, without any rationale. Since three White students were admitted for every one African- American or Latino student, it follows that, for Asian Americans, the benefits of ending “negative action” exceeds the benefits of terminating affirmative action.

Another appropriate description of the situation is that Whites are enjoying a form of affirmative action vis-à-vis Asian Americans. So the problem isn’t the existence of efforts to achieve a “critical mass” of historically excluded and under-represented minorities. Rather, the problem is long-standing practices that work to the advantage of Whites and harm Asian Americans. The former is constitutional; the latter, illegal.

A recently published study examines the numbers of Asian Americans in law schools before and after affirmative action bans took effect in California, Texas and Washington. Contrary to predictions, there turned out to be fewer Asian Americans at the University of California, Los Angeles and the University of Washington without affirmative action. And there were significant drops for some Asian groups, like Filipinos.

Over time, the positioning of Asian Americans has become more sophisticated. In the early 1990s, there was concern about Asian Americans hitting a plateau in higher education admissions. At that time, Dr. Michael S. Greve, a co-founder of the Center for Individual Rights, wrote that it was “an opportunity to call, on behalf of a racial minority (i.e., the Asian applicants), for an end to discrimination. It was an appeal that, when made on behalf of Whites, is politically hopeless and, perhaps, no longer entirely respectable.”

His candid admission reveals how Asian Americans are being used and abused, to their own detriment as well as that of African-Americans and Latinos. Real discrimination against Asian Americans is whitewashed, and they are used for strategic purposes to attack other people of color. Ironically, groups that proclaim their belief in color-blindness show themselves readily able to be color-conscious in the most divisive manner. They have no problem pointing at Asian Americans if it suits their cause.

It is this cynicism that has led many Asian Americans who have studied affirmative action to become advocates for it. Law professor Sumi Cho observes that demagogues are trying to turn Asian Americans into “racial mascots” to camouflage an agenda that, if presented by Whites on their own behalf, would look too much like naked self-interest. Law professor Mari Matsuda proclaimed in a famous speech given to the Asian Law Caucus in San Francisco, “We will not be used.”

It is possible, of course, for reasonable people to have different opinions about the fairness and effectiveness of affirmative action. It would not be productive, however, for us to believe that Asian Americans must oppose Blacks and Latinos, as the face of the nation changes profoundly and irrevocably. We can and must do better, by building bridges among all of us who share a vision of a diverse democracy.

Frank H. Wu is dean of Wayne State University Law School, and William Kidder is a senior policy analyst at the University of California, Davis.

Asian Americans Aren’t White Folks’ ‘Racial Mascots’

"The problem is that Asians DO suffer the negative effects of white privilege but many are raised to not complain and just keep their head down and take it up their ass. That is slowly changing. Growing up my dad used to make comments like “don’t have a victim mentality like blacks.” Now I realize just how wrong he is, and how gaslighting people with the “victim mindset” accusation just because they are vocal about injustice, actually leads to less social progress and the continuation of Racism/Evil.

White people are not used to Asians being vocal about these issues. I’ve lost a few white friends because I stopped giving a fuck about their feelings and starting voicing exactly how I felt about the state of society. Those who stuck around and were willing to be open minded are still deserving of my friendship."

What's the asian perspective on white privilege? : aznidentity

Think about your condition Asian. Every time you do this I am going to teach you a lesson . Whites use you in hopes of ending equal opportunity for non whites and you are a non white person. So if you want to go back to being a coolie, that's on you. I am not going back there with you.

More racist bullshit from one of the resident racists. The police are a hammer and anyone who attracts their attention is a nail when the kids learn that you'll have to find something else to bitch about.

You are one of the resident racists.
Remember our little chat about whining? Now go get a job. Seriously, they're not that bad and you might not have such low self-esteem.

Well since I did that for 43 years, I don't need to listen to a dumb ass loser who was given everything by the government.

Somebody lied to you big time. I worked full time to be able to attend high school. What you overlook poor people are treated the same
black, white. red, yellow or anything in between. If you are lower "class" you get the shitty end ot the stick as a birthright. When the term
"soulfood" became popular I was puzzled and amused because I thought that was what everyone ate. You have a choice when you are lower
class be better at what you do than the higher class competition or wallow in self pity and blame your failure on "the system", he/she they stopped me, or they are "priviledged". Read "Up From Slavery" and learn what a determined man can and will do and stop feeling sorry for yourself.
More racist bullshit from one of the resident racists. The police are a hammer and anyone who attracts their attention is a nail when the kids learn that you'll have to find something else to bitch about.

You are one of the resident racists.
Remember our little chat about whining? Now go get a job. Seriously, they're not that bad and you might not have such low self-esteem.

Well since I did that for 43 years, I don't need to listen to a dumb ass loser who was given everything by the government.

Somebody lied to you big time. I worked full time to be able to attend high school. What you overlook poor people are treated the same
black, white. red, yellow or anything in between. If you are lower "class" you get the shitty end ot the stick as a birthright. When the term
"soulfood" became popular I was puzzled and amused because I thought that was what everyone ate. You have a choice when you are lower
class be better at what you do than the higher class competition or wallow in self pity and blame your failure on "the system", he/she they stopped me, or they are "priviledged". Read "Up From Slavery" and learn what a determined man can and will do and stop feeling sorry for yourself.

I don't need to read anything you suggest. I don't listen to whites who have been given everything they have by legislation telling me how to do things. I've already done them. And white racism still exists. So just because I've done them doesn't mean I am required to shut up and deny that white racism exists. So the next time you try talking to me, put some respect in your tone and start talking to me like a man who is more successful and better educated than you because I am willing to bet that I am both.
More racist bullshit from one of the resident racists. The police are a hammer and anyone who attracts their attention is a nail when the kids learn that you'll have to find something else to bitch about.

You are one of the resident racists.
Remember our little chat about whining? Now go get a job. Seriously, they're not that bad and you might not have such low self-esteem.

Well since I did that for 43 years, I don't need to listen to a dumb ass loser who was given everything by the government.

Somebody lied to you big time. I worked full time to be able to attend high school. What you overlook poor people are treated the same
black, white. red, yellow or anything in between. If you are lower "class" you get the shitty end ot the stick as a birthright. When the term
"soulfood" became popular I was puzzled and amused because I thought that was what everyone ate. You have a choice when you are lower
class be better at what you do than the higher class competition or wallow in self pity and blame your failure on "the system", he/she they stopped me, or they are "priviledged". Read "Up From Slavery" and learn what a determined man can and will do and stop feeling sorry for yourself.

I don't need to read anything you suggest. I don't listen to whites who have been given everything they have by legislation telling me how to do things. I've already done them. And white racism still exists. So just because I've done them doesn't mean I am required to shut up and deny that white racism exists. So the next time you try talking to me, put some respect in your tone and start talking to me like a man who is more successful and better educated than you because I am willing to bet that I am both.

So you are admitting you are an ardent racist. The book I suggested to you is Booker T Washingtons autobiography. I read it when I was quite young and it is one of the few books that effected my life from then until now. I keep copies to pass along to people of every class I think might benefit from it. Racism is nothing more than an excuse for failure to be what one wants. I see now you are so mired in the quicksand of self pity you are doomed to drown in it. So sad so sad.
Racism is nothing more than an excuse for failure to be what one wants.
Is this simply your opinion or are you just not aware that racial discrimnation also known as "racism" was the law of the land in the U.S. for the first 177 some odd years after it's inception?
Racism is racism no matter who is practising it. Class is the problem, your place in the pecking order determines how you are treated. People rarely move far up or down in the pecking order. It is far more rigid than any idea of race.
A snippet from one of Brother Time Wise's many lectures covering the topic of white privilege

This brother get's it.

Again, before you post, please cite what, exactly, is he stating that's wrong, false, misleading or otherwise deceptive.


MarcATL you seem so full of racial self loathing why don't you just get your skin bleached like MJ did ?!
Racism is stupid and those who believe and practice it are even more stupid.
Both sides make valid points. Historically and generically whites have bennifited from and advanced from a discriminatory system. I think that is an important point to recognize.

On the other side we have to look at how we interpret and discuss this history and be sure not to play the victim card too hard. Values, hard work, and perseverance should still be taught and promoted. Some of the avanues I see these discussions go down can be counter productive as the stir up resentment and give excuses for mediocrity and lack luster efforts. That’s the last thing we need

There is no other side. And we don't have to look at how we interpret history. The facts are what they are. There is no victim card. We have worked far harder, far longer than whites and for far less. That's not to be ignored. Yet we have to endure lectures about values hard work and other things from a people handed everything they have by the government, too lazy to work free land so thy enslave people and still today are dependent upon the government. I think is just time whites stopped thinking we give a damn about your resentment. Why should we since whites have not cared whether or not what you guys do create resentment in us and that you've done so since 1776? What whites have done since July 4, 1776 is what has been counterproductive.
I don’t know what resentment your talking about but I’m a white male and I hold no resentment towards blacks. I actually understand and agree with the grievances the “white privilege” narrative brings up. But then I ask what are we trying to do with it. Are we trying to make whites more aware so they are sympathetic to blacks? Are we trying to make blacks angry and resent whites? Are we trying to do something tangible like give blacks some of the wealth that whites have accumulated? If so then how? What is the goal here?
There is no such thing as white privilege. It’s a phony, discriminatory concept that far left loons like you subscribe to in order to justify your own mediocrity and failures of your rotting subculture
Okay since you're not white maybe you can explain what you would call it when the laws designate one group of people to be superior because they're white and another group of people to be inferior because they're black or "of African descent".

A privilege is defined by the dictionary as "a special right, advantage, or immunity granted or available only to a particular person or group of people" so how do you figure that white people as a race have not been the beneficiaries of "white privilege" irrespective of anything that they may have done or not done but simply due to their being a member of the white race?
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See my USMB Sig for more info about PRO BLACK minded Americans.

A privilege is defined by the dictionary as "a special right, advantage, or immunity granted or available only to a particular person or group of people" so how do you figure that white people as a race have not been the beneficiaries of "white privilege" irrespective of anything that they may have done or not done but simply due to their being a member of the white race?

#TheLargerIssue #Fatherlessness #ChildNeglectMaltreatment #MentalHealth #SOLUTIONS

Hello, NewsVine_Mariyam. I am a 60-plus peaceful, reasonably responsible American citizen who several decades ago began viewing myself as an "aspiring misanthrope" when I recognized I belong to an imperfect, ever-evolving, far too often self-destructive species of animal we classify as "humans."

Regarding racism or the concept of "white supremacy" apparently you and many of our American or foreign born neighbors believe in today's ever-evolving American society, is impeding or preventing our black or American neighbors, friends and co-workers of African descent from experiencing and enjoying the inalienable rights ALL peaceful, reasonably responsible American citizens are entitled to enjoy.

NewsVine_Mariyam, respectfully, I am curious to learn if you believe racism or "white supremacy" is responsible for inspiring and motivating more than one dozen music recording artists and American urban- story-TRUTH-tellers President Barack "My Brother's Keeper" and First Lady Mrs. Michelle "GIRL POWER" Obama CHOSE to invite to their children's and Nation's home...

...to compose and promote violence riddled, female degrading American music art HATEFULLY informing people residing all around our beautiful tiny blue orb, that black or American girls and women of African decent, the MATERNAL HALF of America's population, should be viewed as less than human *itches, and treated like *hores, 'hoes' or 't.h.o.t.s' (That.Hoe.Over.There) undeserving of being offered basic human respect?

Respectfully, I would like to learn if you believe President Barack Obama and First Lady Mrs. Michelle Obama were acting in the best interests of our black or American friends, neighbors, co-workers or family relatives of African descent...

...when they CHOSE to invite to their children's and Nation's home, more than a dozen apparent or admitted emotionally ill American music recording artists and urban story-TRUTH-tellers composing and promoting American music art portraying black or African American citizens, in particular teen boys and adult men...

...as depressed, angry, frustrated, violent, female hating, sometimes suic!dal, homic!dal thinking teen and adult citizens (*May 18, 2015 - Rise in Suic!de by Black Children Surprises Researchers - The New York Times*) largely lacking compassion, empathy and respect for their peaceful, as well as less fortunate neighbors?

_obama friends bitches hoes.jpg


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