A Bump In The Road For Constitution-Attackers?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
So DC residents may actually be able to protect themselves??? Is this the 'age of miracles'...or a return to the elusive view that the Founders had?
Time will tell....but, about that DC decision on citizens availing themselves of their constitutional rights....

1. "The most tantalizing element of the latest gun rights decision in Washington D.C. is the hope that it raises for law-abiding New Yorkers....The decision was issued by a United States district judge, who has blocked the District of Columbia police from enforcing a ban on handguns.

2. Not that New Yorkers should hold their collective breath. It took the plaintiffs something like five years to get a ruling out of federal district court in Washington.

3. Judge Scullin said he didn’t see what grounds were left for Washington to ban its own residents or visitors from carrying a pistol....the District of Columbia authorities are going to have to decide what to do about it, .... The Court of Appeals is the same court that originally ruled in favor of Dick Heller, the retired security guard who wanted to keep his loaded pistol in his home.

The Appeals court found that the right to keep and bear arms in the Second Amendment belongs not to a “well-regulated militia” but to the people. .....the actual language of the Constitution, which speaks in plain language of the “right of the people to keep and bear arms” shall not be even infringed.

4. That appeals ruling, moreover, was sustained by the United States Supreme Court, in a opinion that Justice Kagan, in her confirmation hearing, described as “settled law.”

a. ....the first time since the Bill of Rights was ratified that the high court had really sorted out the plain meaning of the Second Amendment.

5. [Gun-grabbing Liberals have made] an effort to evade and thwart a ruling in respect of constitutional rights. So we wonder whether the ruling in Palmer, even though it is so far by but a district, could mark a turning of the tide.

6. ....the latest dispatch from the Washington Post’s legal blog, which noted that it is “rarely easy” for a court to strike down a law. “But as the opinion in Palmer v. D.C. shows,” the Post added, “there was no other option. Judge Frederick Scullin’s opinion carefully walks through the Supreme Court’s precedents of District of Columbia v. Heller and McDonald v. Chicago, and their lower federal court progeny. Based on these precedents, it is implausible to claim that that the right to ‘bear’ arms means nothing more than the right to ‘keep’ arms inside the home.”

7. ....District Police have been told that District residents are permitted to carry pistols if the weapons are registered and “that residents of other jurisdictions without felony records would not be charged under the ban on carrying pistols.” It could be even more significant....

8. ....the Post legal blog quoted a broadcast report as suggesting the district would grant reciprocity to permit holders from various states —

9. That all this legal effort is needed for law-abiding citizens to exercise Second Amendment rights is a national scandal.

10. ....hope is that Judge Scully will get back to the Empire State and that someone will land a case in his court and that he will start the ball rolling here. New York is one of the states that explicitly conditioned its ratification of the Constitution on a “declaration of rights” that included the right to keep and bear arms. It is way past time for the federal courts to step in and redeem that pledge."
Guns of Washington - The New York Sun

I have the perfect sequined-holster, with a border of pearls, picked out!!!

And- matching boots, of course......

Yippee ki yay, mother hubbard!

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