A Canadian Cartoonist Was Fired For This Cartoon...

Justified firing or more political correctness?

  • I'm a liberal and I think it was justified.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'm a liberal and I think it was political correctness.

    Votes: 3 14.3%
  • I'm a conservative and I think it was justified.

    Votes: 3 14.3%
  • I'm a conservative and I think it was political correctness.

    Votes: 10 47.6%
  • I'm independent and I think it was justified.

    Votes: 2 9.5%
  • I'm independent and I think it was political correctness.

    Votes: 3 14.3%

  • Total voters

Do you think he should have been fired, or just more political correctness run amok?

Eh, maybe he got fired for being a cheap ass coward, he should probably illegally cross the Canadian border and get a job at the New York Times with the other cheap ass progressive media cowards.
I'm sure such a disgusting Liberal like this cartoonist will quickly be snapped up and adored by an American media company. Democrats are exploiting the tragic death of the Father and Daughter for their political purposes.

Everyone knows the Left doesn't give two shits for illegals who die crossing the border unless they can use their death to advantage.
As tasteless as it is, I have to side with my conservative, patriotic ideology in saying that the left has the freedom to be bigots and idiots... but not when they are on the clock and being paid.

If you want to show the world what an anti American prick you are, you need to do it on your own time.

A 20 year old conservative, How did that happen?


I'm sure such a disgusting Liberal like this cartoonist will quickly be snapped up and adored by an American media company. Democrats are exploiting the tragic death of the Father and Daughter for their political purposes.

Everyone knows the Left doesn't give two shits for illegals who die crossing the border unless they can use their death to advantage.

Democrats certainly don't mind women and children inspired by the Democrat Party being raped and abused on their trek to the US border and they could certainly care less about these unfortunate souls other than a cheap shot for the political morons that can't think past blaming Trump..

Do you think he should have been fired, or just more political correctness run amok?

Well, I don't know why they has fired a cartoonist for posting an anti-Trump message? But that news organization are anti-trumpsters. This is a ploy to make it look as if Pres.Trump has the power to control or censor the medias. The globalist are very crafty. They has been fooling the public for centuries. And the only way to prevent from being snared into their traps. Just click your heels together, and say over and over,"Pres.Trump is good. And the rest are bad people."


To view these events singularly is to ignore the other aspects of Trump’s narcissism. He harnesses fear and hate to promote himself. His narrative encourages the dark side in his followers. His lies are thousandfold. He dismisses Congress to govern by fiat. He ignores the “Rule of Law.” He surrounds himself with servile toads.
Trump's narcissism is hard to ignore
As tasteless as it is, I have to side with my conservative, patriotic ideology in saying that the left has the freedom to be bigots and idiots... but not when they are on the clock and being paid.

If you want to show the world what an anti American prick you are, you need to do it on your own time.

A 20 year old conservative, How did that happen?



Great parents would be my guess...
I can't tell what's being depicted in the cartoon.

Dead illegal invaders the media is using to demoralize their American opposition.

It’s SOP. A few years back they used this picture


To attack Canadian sovereignty. As a result Canada immediately imported 25000 Syrians. Link

Before that they used this images, later proved to be staged, to demand the US import more Syrians.


Newsweek led the demand, in an article featuring the picture, for not only resettling Syrians in the US but war against Syria. Link

Nothing is beneath <<<them>>> in their despicable campaign to replace European and American citizens with a more pliable set of subjects.
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I can't tell what's being depicted in the cartoon.

It's based on a photo that was in the news, recently, of a father and daughter who drowned in the Rio Grande during an attempt to illegally invade our nation.
Ah thank you for explaining this.

So the reason that the cartoon is considered "offensive" is because
  1. it's politicizing the deaths of two individuals or
  2. it's politicizing the deaths of two individuals who were attempting to illegally enter the country or
  3. it's portraying Trump as being so cold hearted and unconcerned for the lives of others that he only sees the deaths of these two individuals who were in fact attempting to circumvent our immigration laws, as nothing more than an impediment to his golf game or
  4. it's Trump's opinion and/or those of his supporters that he is not supposed to be criticized, mocked, opposed, etc. no matter how accurately he is portrayed in this or any other media
Does that about cover it?

If that explanation is what we're going with, definitely #3. And even as such it requires suspension of reality -- Rump would never ask permission to do something.

And no I don't think he should be fired for that ---- if that is indeed accurate. Actually I don't see any source or link even claiming that's the case.

Do you think he should have been fired, or just more political correctness run amok?

Considering that it's about trump it is mild by American standards...
...and considering that's about trump and humorless [unless those are canadians in the water] that makes the cartoon PC by American standards...
...and considering the level of education journalists have, firing him would be cruel and unusual punishment by American standards because he would starve to death, so no he should not be fired...
Did a Google search on the image and found this article. Apparently he wasn't fired; he was a freelancer. He didn't even submit this cartoon to the client.

>> He later clarified that he had technically been under contract to work for Brunswick News Inc., and wasn't an employee who could be fired.

Brunswick News Inc. responded in a statement on Sunday that "it is entirely incorrect to suggest" that it canceled a freelance contract with de Adder over the Trump cartoon.

"This is a false narrative which has emerged carelessly and recklessly on social media," the publishing company wrote. It said that de Adder never offered the Trump cartoon to the company and had already decided to "bring back" another cartoonist it said was popular with readers. "[N]egotiations had been ongoing for weeks," it stated. ,<<

So this idea that he was fired for this cartoon is fantasy. Sorry, fake news.
I'm sure such a disgusting Liberal like this cartoonist will quickly be snapped up and adored by an American media company. Democrats are exploiting the tragic death of the Father and Daughter for their political purposes.

Everyone knows the Left doesn't give two shits for illegals who die crossing the border unless they can use their death to advantage.

Democrats certainly don't mind women and children inspired by the Democrat Party being raped and abused on their trek to the US border and they could certainly care less about these unfortunate souls other than a cheap shot for the political morons that can't think past blaming Trump..

What's more, them Dems also invented slavery, three hundred years before they existed. Right Lumpeh?
As tasteless as it is, I have to side with my conservative, patriotic ideology in saying that the left has the freedom to be bigots and idiots... but not when they are on the clock and being paid.

If you want to show the world what an anti American prick you are, you need to do it on your own time.

A 20 year old conservative, How did that happen?


I owe to my parents.
The cartoon reveals the individual who came up with it is retarded is probably why he was fired. The cartoon made no sense, was unfunny, not clever, not ironic, etc. The caption could have been, "You should have invested some of the $500 George Soros paid you for swimming lessons." Since there has never been a recorded double drowning where the victims are positioned such, maybe it was this one of those murder/suicide things because the child was going to the police for the daily rapes?

There is no rational way to bring President Trump into this. Bringing democrats into it does make sense though. They are to blame for tempting illegal aliens with free stuff. So there could be a cartoon of Donkey Face Cortez sobbing, "At least you two did not have to face the Concentration Camps we have here in the USA!" :p

Do you think he should have been fired, or just more political correctness run amok?

I have it on good authority that this is "fantasy", bogus and more "fake news" claim...see below:

Did a Google search on the image and found this article. Apparently he wasn't fired; he was a freelancer. He didn't even submit this cartoon to the client.

>> He later clarified that he had technically been under contract to work for Brunswick News Inc., and wasn't an employee who could be fired.

Brunswick News Inc. responded in a statement on Sunday that "it is entirely incorrect to suggest" that it canceled a freelance contract with de Adder over the Trump cartoon.

"This is a false narrative which has emerged carelessly and recklessly on social media," the publishing company wrote. It said that de Adder never offered the Trump cartoon to the company and had already decided to "bring back" another cartoonist it said was popular with readers. "[N]egotiations had been ongoing for weeks," it stated. ,<<

So this idea that he was fired for this cartoon is fantasy. Sorry, fake news.
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Do you think he should have been fired, or just more political correctness run amok?

Canada and Great Britain have destroyed honest and free speech.. And they CONTINUE to impose 1984 draconians laws to stifle people...

It's bad enough in America that we have to rename the owners of sports franchises,, but THOSE 2 countries have leaped tthe canyon on stifling speech....

It's a dumb cartoon, and not connected to reality, but if a STAFF decides to stake the company's rep on wildly stretched cartoon memes -- I support them...

And before anyone argues with that last paragraph,, The 2 days of televising the Insane Clown Posse debates with ALL OF Central and South America watching these clowns ADVERTISE open borders and free everything to illegals -- and EVEN making crossing the border outside of custom checkpoints LEGAL ---


They basically PLAYED to that Telemundo audience....

Do you think he should have been fired, or just more political correctness run amok?

Those who are politically correct take the side of the cartoonist, so it can't possibly be political correctness run amok.
Did a Google search on the image and found this article. Apparently he wasn't fired; he was a freelancer. He didn't even submit this cartoon to the client.

>> He later clarified that he had technically been under contract to work for Brunswick News Inc., and wasn't an employee who could be fired.

Brunswick News Inc. responded in a statement on Sunday that "it is entirely incorrect to suggest" that it canceled a freelance contract with de Adder over the Trump cartoon.

"This is a false narrative which has emerged carelessly and recklessly on social media," the publishing company wrote. It said that de Adder never offered the Trump cartoon to the company and had already decided to "bring back" another cartoonist it said was popular with readers. "[N]egotiations had been ongoing for weeks," it stated. ,<<

So this idea that he was fired for this cartoon is fantasy. Sorry, fake news.
Thank you.

Do you think he should have been fired, or just more political correctness run amok?

I don't know about Canada but, in America he has the right of free speech. Personally I think the cartoon is stupid but, in America We The People decide. I'd be willing to bet this cartoon didn't make many media outlets.

I seen that meme on FB , so they are not censoring it.


That's not the point. Between the ASB (anti-social behavior) laws in England and Canada that cartoonist could be PROSECUTED.. And their attempts to control backfire on them on like MOST things progressives come up with... It just calls GREATER attention to the speech they are attempting to ban...

So yeah, NOW it has a wider audience. But only because they have snowflaked their entire populations.. Basically codifying anything other "politically correct" and unoffensive speech as illegal...

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