A Canadian Cartoonist Was Fired For This Cartoon...

Justified firing or more political correctness?

  • I'm a liberal and I think it was justified.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'm a liberal and I think it was political correctness.

    Votes: 3 14.3%
  • I'm a conservative and I think it was justified.

    Votes: 3 14.3%
  • I'm a conservative and I think it was political correctness.

    Votes: 10 47.6%
  • I'm independent and I think it was justified.

    Votes: 2 9.5%
  • I'm independent and I think it was political correctness.

    Votes: 3 14.3%

  • Total voters

Do you think he should have been fired, or just more political correctness run amok?

I don’t necessarily think it is either one or the other, justified or simply political correctness. Given Canadians’ feelings towards Trump in general, there has to be some degree of PCism, but clearly the publisher also felt it stepped over the line of civility standards.
To paraphrase a quote popularly misattributed to Voltaire, I disagree with and disapprove of that cartoon, but would defend to the death the cartoonist's right to publish it.

Freedom of expression isn't just for opinions that I find agreeable.

And I defend the right of the cartoonist’s employer to fire him for creating a cartoon they feel doesn’t represent their standards. Everybody wins.
To me, if people want to resent our leader, they can't be stopped, however, once they drag innocent lives into their issues with out leader, right then in my opinion is when them people who want to hate him have crossed a line.

God bless you and our leader always!!!

This story is all a hoax. Cartoonist are freelancers. They are not the ones that publishes the images. The editors, looks at their drawings. And they chooses the images that they will publish in the newspaper. The editor makes the decisions. Not the cartoonist. And so it is all manufactured story to make Pres.Trump look like he is secretly censoring the press. That newspaper agency doesn't like Pres.Trump anyway. They only publishes negative reports on him.

Many cartoonists earn a degree in visual arts, English, or communications, but no formal training is required. Since cartooning is essentially freelance work, rates and pay vary tremendously. Of the approximately 250 syndicated cartoonists in the US, almost all of them are self-employed. These cartoonists make between $54,000 to $75,000 per year. Rates are usually based on a publication’s readership. Many successful cartoonists find other ways to make money too, such as publishing books, calendars, and other products. Cartoonist Jobs - Work as a Cartoonist


To paraphrase a quote popularly misattributed to Voltaire, I disagree with and disapprove of that cartoon, but would defend to the death the cartoonist's right to publish it.

Freedom of expression isn't just for opinions that I find agreeable.


Do you think he should have been fired, or just more political correctness run amok?

No link to any story. Who was he fired by?

Impossible to know if it was political correctness without any context.

Do you think he should have been fired, or just more political correctness run amok?

No link to any story. Who was he fired by?

Impossible to know if it was political correctness without any context.
He was supposedly has been fired from this agency. This newspaper agency always has been posting negative reports on Pres.Trump. But now, all of a sudden, they wants to fired a freelance cartoonist for drawing something negative on the President. Canada is interfering into our election. but playing it off as if they are not. Pres.Trump needs to build a huge thick wall on the northern border as well..

Canadian artist fired after viral Trump cartoon

Trump's narcissism is hard to ignore

The vast majority of the contributions from Canada went to Democratic presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders or to the Democratic Party. Of the more than 450 individual contributors identified by CBC News, only two contributed to Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump.

During this election cycle, noncitizens have been discovered on voter registration rolls in both Virginia and Pennsylvania. 2 And the Office of the U.S. Attorney for the Western District of New York recently announced that it charged a Canadian woman with making a false claim to citizenship after she registered and voted in more than 20 elections.
Any golfer will tell you when you’re hot, got a good round going you try to stay focused and in that groove, especially if you’ve got a few bucks riding on the outcome.

Do you think he should have been fired, or just more political correctness run amok?
Definitely should not have been fired. Telling the truth should never be a firing offense.

What truth do you see here other than that these people died trying to cross the border illegally and that Trump plays golf?
That he sees them as obstacles, not people.

First of all, what does that have to do with the two people that died? Secondly, what makes you say that?

Do you think he should have been fired, or just more political correctness run amok?
Definitely should not have been fired. Telling the truth should never be a firing offense.

What truth do you see here other than that these people died trying to cross the border illegally and that Trump plays golf?
That he sees them as obstacles, not people.

First of all, what does that have to do with the two people that died? Secondly, what makes you say that?
Ok, if you can't see it I don't know how I would explain it to you. It looks pretty simple and straightforward to me.
The cartoon reveals the individual who came up with it is retarded is probably why he was fired.

But it's not "retarded" to go on riffing on a premise that's already been debunked, as if somebody actually was fired?

aaaaalllllllllllllllllllllllllllll righty then.

The cartoon made no sense, was unfunny, not clever, not ironic, etc. The caption could have been, "You should have invested some of the $500 George Soros paid you for swimming lessons." Since there has never been a recorded double drowning where the victims are positioned such, maybe it was this one of those murder/suicide things because the child was going to the police for the daily rapes?

There is no rational way to bring President Trump into this. Bringing democrats into it does make sense though. They are to blame for tempting illegal aliens with free stuff. So there could be a cartoon of Donkey Face Cortez sobbing, "At least you two did not have to face the Concentration Camps we have here in the USA!" :p

It's not that funny, even given the background context (maybe the obscurity of which is why it wasn't submitted), but it does have a point, and that point has nothing to do with immigration issues or "Democrats" or " free stuff". It's entirely about Rump and his character. The drowned victims are just the setup for it.

That point is going to sail over the heads of obsequious cult followers though.

Do you think he should have been fired, or just more political correctness run amok?

Canada and Great Britain have destroyed honest and free speech.. And they CONTINUE to impose 1984 draconians laws to stifle people...

It's bad enough in America that we have to rename the owners of sports franchises,, but THOSE 2 countries have leaped tthe canyon on stifling speech....

It's a dumb cartoon, and not connected to reality, but if a STAFF decides to stake the company's rep on wildly stretched cartoon memes -- I support them...

And before anyone argues with that last paragraph,, The 2 days of televising the Insane Clown Posse debates with ALL OF Central and South America watching these clowns ADVERTISE open borders and free everything to illegals -- and EVEN making crossing the border outside of custom checkpoints LEGAL ---


They basically PLAYED to that Telemundo audience....

Could have saved a lotta rant energy by reading post 31 first. :rolleyes:

Do you think he should have been fired, or just more political correctness run amok?
Definitely should not have been fired. Telling the truth should never be a firing offense.

What truth do you see here other than that these people died trying to cross the border illegally and that Trump plays golf?
That he sees them as obstacles, not people.

First of all, what does that have to do with the two people that died? Secondly, what makes you say that?
Ok, if you can't see it I don't know how I would explain it to you. It looks pretty simple and straightforward to me.

I didn't ask how you interpret the cartoon, I asked why you think Trump sees them as obstacles.

Do you think he should have been fired, or just more political correctness run amok?

Dear MarcATL
A. First about the cartoonist's free speech,
the publication editor/staff equal freedom,
and their relationship they should agree on mutually between them.

I don't think it was about political correctness.
Both the cartoonist and the publication owners/staff
have equal freedom of speech and association.

If they don't agree on what terms to be associated with each other,
if they can't resolve their differences in beliefs values or standards,
sure they should part company and not work together if they can't settle their disputes.

That's between them as individuals.

However other people want to respond to this cartoon,
that's also between those people and the cartoonist.

One person's standards or relationship shouldn't dictate
how everyone else should or should not respond.

B. Secondly about the content and presentation in the cartoon itself:

I don't agree this was an accurate portrayal of Trump.

I guess if I was going to put this image in a cartoon,
I would have shown a contrast, and labeled the two sides:
* How the RIGHT sees the LEFT
* How the LEFT sees the RIGHT

And show a similar situation where Politicians on the Left
"don't seem to care" about victims of illegal alien gang members
deported several times only to come back and murder more people.

That would be more fair to show both sides, and make it clear
"this is how the TWO SIDES SEE EACH OTHER"
(then use this image of Trump as
"how the Left sees the Right" where it's NOT
literally about Trump but how HE IS VIEWED)

Again ---- it's not about "RIGHT", it's not about "LEFT", it's not about "POLITICS". It's strictly about personal character.

I don't understand why so many wags here need to infuse elements that simply aren't there. Quick, somebody look up "Occam's Razor".

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