A Canadian Cartoonist Was Fired For This Cartoon...

Justified firing or more political correctness?

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  • I'm a liberal and I think it was political correctness.

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  • I'm a conservative and I think it was justified.

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  • I'm a conservative and I think it was political correctness.

    Votes: 10 47.6%
  • I'm independent and I think it was justified.

    Votes: 2 9.5%
  • I'm independent and I think it was political correctness.

    Votes: 3 14.3%

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Did a Google search on the image and found this article. Apparently he wasn't fired; he was a freelancer. He didn't even submit this cartoon to the client.

>> He later clarified that he had technically been under contract to work for Brunswick News Inc., and wasn't an employee who could be fired.

Brunswick News Inc. responded in a statement on Sunday that "it is entirely incorrect to suggest" that it canceled a freelance contract with de Adder over the Trump cartoon.

"This is a false narrative which has emerged carelessly and recklessly on social media," the publishing company wrote. It said that de Adder never offered the Trump cartoon to the company and had already decided to "bring back" another cartoonist it said was popular with readers. "[N]egotiations had been ongoing for weeks," it stated. ,<<

So this idea that he was fired for this cartoon is fantasy. Sorry, fake news.

Do you think he should have been fired, or just more political correctness run amok?

Dear MarcATL
A. First about the cartoonist's free speech,
the publication editor/staff equal freedom,
and their relationship they should agree on mutually between them.

I don't think it was about political correctness.
Both the cartoonist and the publication owners/staff
have equal freedom of speech and association.

If they don't agree on what terms to be associated with each other,
if they can't resolve their differences in beliefs values or standards,
sure they should part company and not work together if they can't settle their disputes.

That's between them as individuals.

However other people want to respond to this cartoon,
that's also between those people and the cartoonist.

One person's standards or relationship shouldn't dictate
how everyone else should or should not respond.

B. Secondly about the content and presentation in the cartoon itself:

I don't agree this was an accurate portrayal of Trump.

I guess if I was going to put this image in a cartoon,
I would have shown a contrast, and labeled the two sides:
* How the RIGHT sees the LEFT
* How the LEFT sees the RIGHT

And show a similar situation where Politicians on the Left
"don't seem to care" about victims of illegal alien gang members
deported several times only to come back and murder more people.

That would be more fair to show both sides, and make it clear
"this is how the TWO SIDES SEE EACH OTHER"
(then use this image of Trump as
"how the Left sees the Right" where it's NOT
literally about Trump but how HE IS VIEWED)

Do you think he should have been fired, or just more political correctness run amok?

I don't know about Canada but, in America he has the right of free speech. Personally I think the cartoon is stupid but, in America We The People decide. I'd be willing to bet this cartoon didn't make many media outlets.

I seen that meme on FB , so they are not censoring it.


That's not the point. Between the ASB (anti-social behavior) laws in England and Canada that cartoonist could be PROSECUTED.. And their attempts to control backfire on them on like MOST things progressives come up with... It just calls GREATER attention to the speech they are attempting to ban...

So yeah, NOW it has a wider audience. But only because they have snowflaked their entire populations.. Basically codifying anything other "politically correct" and unoffensive speech as illegal...

IOW it's just a stupid cartoon. meh
Political Correctness and the policing of views is utter BS.................and should be rejected in a Free Country............

Even though I think the Cartoonist should receive the Darwin Award.

Do you think he should have been fired, or just more political correctness run amok?
You're a fucking liar.

Why do you base your political opinions on lies instead of truth?

Do you think that is somehow beneficial to you?
I can't tell what's being depicted in the cartoon.

It's based on a photo that was in the news, recently, of a father and daughter who drowned in the Rio Grande during an attempt to illegally invade our nation.
Invaders come with aircraft carriers, tanks and thousands of armed soldiers. Ask an Iraqi or a Vietnamese what an invasion looks like.
Your ignorance of history is astounding.
I am guessing his termination had nothing to do with any perceived attack on President Trump or American immigration policy and everything to do with illustrating an image of dead brown people.
It had nothing to do with either. The decision to get rid of him and bring back their old cartoonist was made long before the guy put that cartoon on his twitter account.

The OP was simply lying as usual.

He and his unintelligent ilk have an aversion to truth.
I can't tell what's being depicted in the cartoon.

It's based on a photo that was in the news, recently, of a father and daughter who drowned in the Rio Grande during an attempt to illegally invade our nation.

It's a stupid cartoon. Trump didn't drown those poor souls.
The cartoon is trying to say, that Pres.Trump doesn't care about those Immigrants, but only cares about his golf games. This is how Canada interferes in our election. By having an anti-Trump news agency, to spread false stories about Pres.Trump during election time. I'll betcha that after the election. The cartoonist will still have his job. But he will go under a different name. No one doesn't keep up with Canadian's media.
I'm sure such a disgusting Liberal like this cartoonist will quickly be snapped up and adored by an American media company. Democrats are exploiting the tragic death of the Father and Daughter for their political purposes.

Everyone knows the Left doesn't give two shits for illegals who die crossing the border unless they can use their death to advantage.

Democrats certainly don't mind women and children inspired by the Democrat Party being raped and abused on their trek to the US border and they could certainly care less about these unfortunate souls other than a cheap shot for the political morons that can't think past blaming Trump..

What's more, them Dems also invented slavery, three hundred years before they existed. Right Lumpeh?

I just don't feel like picking on you Pogo, I was warmed by your previous post, then you soiled it .. Soiled It... :eusa_snooty:
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It is in poor taste but I wouldn't have fired the cartoonist.

Lots of things are in poor taste when someone draws a cartoon.

Of course if the idiot hadn't tried to get into the country illegally there would be no cartoon.

Do you think he should have been fired, or just more political correctness run amok?
Not fired-satire can be brutal as well as funny. I know it was the fault of the father-not Trump, so it is less horrific to me.
It's based on a photo that was in the news, recently, of a father and daughter who drowned in the Rio Grande during an attempt to illegally invade our nation.
It's like the home burglar who fell off the roof and died...what should the reaction of the home owner be?

According to this cartoon Trump was extremely cold and heartless. Of course there is nothing he could do that would satisfy the people determined to hate him. If he says nothing or very little then he's uncaring. If he expresses extreme sorrow then it's said he's being disingenuous and a liar.

This cartoonist made his little contribution to his cause. In the long run this is just one more example of how the left
is the political movement of children that can never be pacified. We waste time when we try.

Do you think he should have been fired, or just more political correctness run amok?
Definitely should not have been fired. Telling the truth should never be a firing offense.
---------------------------------------------- shouldn't have been fired . As far as the TRUTH concerning the cartoon , well that's simply a matter of OPINION Crep .

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