A Canadian Cartoonist Was Fired For This Cartoon...

Justified firing or more political correctness?

  • I'm a liberal and I think it was justified.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'm a liberal and I think it was political correctness.

    Votes: 3 14.3%
  • I'm a conservative and I think it was justified.

    Votes: 3 14.3%
  • I'm a conservative and I think it was political correctness.

    Votes: 10 47.6%
  • I'm independent and I think it was justified.

    Votes: 2 9.5%
  • I'm independent and I think it was political correctness.

    Votes: 3 14.3%

  • Total voters
It is in poor taste but I wouldn't have fired the cartoonist.

Lots of things are in poor taste when someone draws a cartoon.

Of course if the idiot hadn't tried to get into the country illegally there would be no cartoon.

Agreed, it is in poor taste, and that could be the other obvious reason it was never submitted.

  1. Poor taste
  2. Based on obscure news story
  3. Not that funny.
I think the cartoon is low class and tasteless and I don’t think he should have been fired over it. However thanks to the hypersensitive PC crowd and online mobs and those who back down and enable them this is the world we live in.
I can't tell what's being depicted in the cartoon.

It's based on a photo that was in the news, recently, of a father and daughter who drowned in the Rio Grande during an attempt to illegally invade our nation.

It's a stupid cartoon. Trump didn't drown those poor souls.
The cartoon is trying to say, that Pres.Trump doesn't care about those Immigrants, but only cares about his golf games. This is how Canada interferes in our election. By having an anti-Trump news agency, to spread false stories about Pres.Trump during election time. I'll betcha that after the election. The cartoonist will still have his job. But he will go under a different name. No one doesn't keep up with Canadian's media.

Number one, it isn't "Canada" or any sort of 'government' --- it's a local small newspaper chain in freaking New Brunswick; Number two nobody was "fired"; Number three a political cartoon is in no way a "news story" true OR false. However your initial interpretation of what it actually means is spot-on. Stop there, because it's simply that simple.
I'm sure such a disgusting Liberal like this cartoonist will quickly be snapped up and adored by an American media company. Democrats are exploiting the tragic death of the Father and Daughter for their political purposes.

Everyone knows the Left doesn't give two shits for illegals who die crossing the border unless they can use their death to advantage.

Democrats certainly don't mind women and children inspired by the Democrat Party being raped and abused on their trek to the US border and they could certainly care less about these unfortunate souls other than a cheap shot for the political morons that can't think past blaming Trump..

What's more, them Dems also invented slavery, three hundred years before they existed. Right Lumpeh?

I just don't feel like picking on you Pogo, I was warmed by your previous post, then you soiled it .. Soiled It... :eusa_snooty:

C'mon Lumps, give yourself credit. You're a funneh guy. And the classics you come up with are memorable.

Do you think he should have been fired, or just more political correctness run amok?

It is the company choice.

Would I have fired him?

In America no but in Canade most likely because of their laws.
This story is all a hoax. Cartoonist are freelancers. They are not the ones that publishes the images. The editors, looks at their drawings. And they chooses the images that they will publish in the newspaper. The editor makes the decisions. Not the cartoonist. And so it is all manufactured story to make Pres.Trump look like he is secretly censoring the press. That newspaper agency doesn't like Pres.Trump anyway. They only publishes negative reports on him.

Many cartoonists earn a degree in visual arts, English, or communications, but no formal training is required. Since cartooning is essentially freelance work, rates and pay vary tremendously. Of the approximately 250 syndicated cartoonists in the US, almost all of them are self-employed. These cartoonists make between $54,000 to $75,000 per year. Rates are usually based on a publication’s readership. Many successful cartoonists find other ways to make money too, such as publishing books, calendars, and other products. Cartoonist Jobs - Work as a Cartoonist


I strongly suspect in this age of dying print media coincident with the gig economy, it's very very rare for something like a cartoonist to have a full-time gig for any publisher, especially a newspaper, especially a small local chain like this.
When people put themselves in jeopardy then they can bring bad results upon themselves. As usual with libbies, the wrong party is being blamed.

Do you think he should have been fired, or just more political correctness run amok?

It is the company choice.

Would I have fired him?

In America no but in Canade most likely because of their laws.

Once AGAIN --- he wasn't fired and his absence-of-firing has nothing to do with anybody's "laws".

Well provide the link to show he wasn't fired because it was on flipboard that he was dismissed.

Also Canada has laws that will regulate your speech, so shut up for once about that does not factor in.

Do you think he should have been fired, or just more political correctness run amok?

It is the company choice.

Would I have fired him?

In America no but in Canade most likely because of their laws.

Once AGAIN --- he wasn't fired and his absence-of-firing has nothing to do with anybody's "laws".

Well provide the link to show he wasn't fired because it was on flipboard that he was dismissed.

Also Canada has laws that will regulate your speech, so shut up for once about that does not factor in.

Does NO ONE read the thread before they post???


When you get done with that, tell us more about Canada's "laws that will regulate your speech".

Do you think he should have been fired, or just more political correctness run amok?

It is the company choice.

Would I have fired him?

In America no but in Canade most likely because of their laws.

Once AGAIN --- he wasn't fired and his absence-of-firing has nothing to do with anybody's "laws".

Well provide the link to show he wasn't fired because it was on flipboard that he was dismissed.

Also Canada has laws that will regulate your speech, so shut up for once about that does not factor in.

Does NO ONE read the thread before they post???


I read the subject the OP'er posted and answered his question and no I am not going to go through a few pages to find your fucking link!

Do you think he should have been fired, or just more political correctness run amok?

It is the company choice.

Would I have fired him?

In America no but in Canade most likely because of their laws.

Once AGAIN --- he wasn't fired and his absence-of-firing has nothing to do with anybody's "laws".

Well provide the link to show he wasn't fired because it was on flipboard that he was dismissed.

Also Canada has laws that will regulate your speech, so shut up for once about that does not factor in.

Does NO ONE read the thread before they post???


I read the subject the OP'er posted and answered his question and no I am not going to go through a few pages to find your fucking link!

Then you'll continue to flail about cluelessly arguing a point that doesn't exist.

Your choice. And an interesting one, to demand "provide the link to show he wasn't fired", get provided that link, and then go "I'm not reading your fucking link!" :crybaby:Then why did you just ask for it??

And why is it that so many of y'all wags just skip right past all that? Could it be that nobody's words matter except Numero Uno's?
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Do you think he should have been fired, or just more political correctness run amok?

Can't really answer your question about knowing who fired the cartoonist and for what specific reason.

But it is a totally classless and heartless cartoon not grounded in reality in any way, shape or form. I can see why it would upset people.

Do you think he should have been fired, or just more political correctness run amok?

Whatever it was it was in very poor taste and was complete bullshit so the cartoonist deserved to have his ass fired.

--- for a cartoon he never submitted, to an employer he never had. Get that sumbitch off the field he's "fired". From a position he doesn't have in the first place.

Critical thinking is truly a lost art.
That "cartoon" is an international outrage. And it was intended to be that way.

I agree-----it should be disallowed on the basis of public obscenity. I think that the
US still has anti-obscenity laws ---right?
Does Canada? Can children buy the publication in which that filth appeared?

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