A Canadian Cartoonist Was Fired For This Cartoon...

Justified firing or more political correctness?

  • I'm a liberal and I think it was justified.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'm a liberal and I think it was political correctness.

    Votes: 3 14.3%
  • I'm a conservative and I think it was justified.

    Votes: 3 14.3%
  • I'm a conservative and I think it was political correctness.

    Votes: 10 47.6%
  • I'm independent and I think it was justified.

    Votes: 2 9.5%
  • I'm independent and I think it was political correctness.

    Votes: 3 14.3%

  • Total voters
What truth do you see here other than that these people died trying to cross the border illegally and that Trump plays golf?
That he sees them as obstacles, not people.

First of all, what does that have to do with the two people that died? Secondly, what makes you say that?
Ok, if you can't see it I don't know how I would explain it to you. It looks pretty simple and straightforward to me.

I didn't ask how you interpret the cartoon, I asked why you think Trump sees them as obstacles.
The deaths will make it more difficult to press for harsh measures at the border.

By "harsh measures", do you mean securing the border against illegals?
Definitely should not have been fired. Telling the truth should never be a firing offense.

What truth do you see here other than that these people died trying to cross the border illegally and that Trump plays golf?
That he sees them as obstacles, not people.

First of all, what does that have to do with the two people that died? Secondly, what makes you say that?
What makes him say that is that he hates his country and opposes its very sovereignty in order to destroy it.

That, in turn, is based upon his own self hatred and projection of such upon his entire country.
Son, don't be stupider than you have to be.
I am probably older than you and my IQ is MUCH higher than yours.

You disgruntled leftist losers are a dime a dozen. Why don't you try making something of yourself instead of just hating this counry, you idiot.
That he sees them as obstacles, not people.

First of all, what does that have to do with the two people that died? Secondly, what makes you say that?
Ok, if you can't see it I don't know how I would explain it to you. It looks pretty simple and straightforward to me.

I didn't ask how you interpret the cartoon, I asked why you think Trump sees them as obstacles.
The deaths will make it more difficult to press for harsh measures at the border.
You don't care about those unfortunate people. If you did the way you spout for them you would not promote selfish ways of living. You won't enter the real world and figure out that the resources come from someone else when you get the goodies package. And those are mostly in the non privileged jobs.
What truth do you see here other than that these people died trying to cross the border illegally and that Trump plays golf?
That he sees them as obstacles, not people.

First of all, what does that have to do with the two people that died? Secondly, what makes you say that?
What makes him say that is that he hates his country and opposes its very sovereignty in order to destroy it.

That, in turn, is based upon his own self hatred and projection of such upon his entire country.
Son, don't be stupider than you have to be.
I am probably older than you and my IQ is MUCH higher than yours.

You disgruntled leftist losers are a dime a dozen. Why don't you try making something of yourself instead of just hating this counry, you idiot.
Lol, I don't doubt your older, but the other?


Do you think he should have been fired, or just more political correctness run amok?
Ignorant poll questions from a butthurt troll.

Do you think he should have been fired, or just more political correctness run amok?

Canada and Great Britain have destroyed honest and free speech.. And they CONTINUE to impose 1984 draconians laws to stifle people...

It's bad enough in America that we have to rename the owners of sports franchises,, but THOSE 2 countries have leaped tthe canyon on stifling speech....

It's a dumb cartoon, and not connected to reality, but if a STAFF decides to stake the company's rep on wildly stretched cartoon memes -- I support them...

And before anyone argues with that last paragraph,, The 2 days of televising the Insane Clown Posse debates with ALL OF Central and South America watching these clowns ADVERTISE open borders and free everything to illegals -- and EVEN making crossing the border outside of custom checkpoints LEGAL ---


They basically PLAYED to that Telemundo audience....

Could have saved a lotta rant energy by reading post 31 first. :rolleyes:

You mean the one where you asserted the guy couldn't be fired because he was not an employee??? I just chuckled and remembered my pledge not to go on snipe hunts with you when you're so sure of something that isn't right..

Contractors can ALSO be terminated.. I've terminated several.. As implied in the name of the position they serve the company UNDER CONTRACT.. And just like an employee contract -- they CAN be terminated...

Now go snipe and argue about that FACT with me while I do other things.... :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

And make sure you reject or redefine what a contractor is... LOL..... Ciao....
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Do you think he should have been fired, or just more political correctness run amok?

I don't know about Canada but, in America he has the right of free speech. Personally I think the cartoon is stupid but, in America We The People decide. I'd be willing to bet this cartoon didn't make many media outlets.

I seen that meme on FB , so they are not censoring it.


That's not the point. Between the ASB (anti-social behavior) laws in England and Canada that cartoonist could be PROSECUTED.. And their attempts to control backfire on them on like MOST things progressives come up with... It just calls GREATER attention to the speech they are attempting to ban...

So yeah, NOW it has a wider audience. But only because they have snowflaked their entire populations.. Basically codifying anything other "politically correct" and unoffensive speech as illegal...

IOW it's just a stupid cartoon. meh

Wasn't stupid. It was deranged and unhinged. Stupid COULD be funny, like cartoons are supposed to be. And POLITICAL cartoons are supposed to be loaded with at least a SMALL grain of truth....
I can't tell what's being depicted in the cartoon.

It's based on a photo that was in the news, recently, of a father and daughter who drowned in the Rio Grande during an attempt to illegally invade our nation.

The illegals come here for work because tRump fails to jail employers (including himself) that knowingly hire illegals.

well there you go.. This whole border crisis (and it is) COULD be solved tomorrow by obeying that law.. LITERALLY TOMORROW...

But neither Dems or Repubs will do that obviously... And then those RELEASED illegals that you want to catch and release would just being starving in the streets of America because they have ZERO way to earn...

And YOU -- the one responsible for the "Get in Free" cards and "no person is illegal" cute memes and promising all that FREE STUFF LIVE on Telemundo to ALL of Latin America -- well you;d be the one RESPONSIBLE for that mass die-off on the streets of America.. Good thinking.. Good planning..

You need a bigger dose of hypocrisy and cluelessness tho when you belch stuff like out .....
I can't tell what's being depicted in the cartoon.

It's based on a photo that was in the news, recently, of a father and daughter who drowned in the Rio Grande during an attempt to illegally invade our nation.

The illegals come here for work because tRump fails to jail employers (including himself) that knowingly hire illegals.

That and the Hallmark cards the democrats send them.

Buried deep in the article, CNN posted a statement from the publishing company Brunswick News, Inc. denying that de Adder had been fired over the cartoon. In fact, the cartoonist wasn't even an employee of the company to begin with. He was a subcontractor.

Wow... totally missed the point. They dropped his contract because the rich people who own it were afraid Trump might damage their economic interests...

Do you think he should have been fired, or just more political correctness run amok?

You can't have your cake and eat it to.
Canada has passed several laws controlling speech. You like the laws, then you have to support it when it doesn't go your way also.
I find the cartoon offensive however unlike the liberals that try to suppress free thought and speech, I would defend it.
I find the cartoon offensive however unlike the liberals that try to suppress free thought and speech, I would defend it.

Once AGAIN nothing was "suppressed". The cartoon was never even submitted and the cartoonist isn't an employee of the company that didn't fire him anyway.

You can run to any end zone you like with a mythology but it scores zero points.

Do you think he should have been fired, or just more political correctness run amok?

I'm none of the options you listed.

Doesn't matter what my political leaning is, and I don't think it is political correctness or anything else.

That news paper is a private company. They can fire someone for whatever reason they like, and that is their right to do so.

Just like numerous right-wing people, have been fired from left-wing company, the reverse is also true.

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