A Canadian Cartoonist Was Fired For This Cartoon...

Justified firing or more political correctness?

  • I'm a liberal and I think it was justified.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'm a liberal and I think it was political correctness.

    Votes: 3 14.3%
  • I'm a conservative and I think it was justified.

    Votes: 3 14.3%
  • I'm a conservative and I think it was political correctness.

    Votes: 10 47.6%
  • I'm independent and I think it was justified.

    Votes: 2 9.5%
  • I'm independent and I think it was political correctness.

    Votes: 3 14.3%

  • Total voters
Once AGAIN --- he wasn't fired and his absence-of-firing has nothing to do with anybody's "laws".

Well provide the link to show he wasn't fired because it was on flipboard that he was dismissed.

Also Canada has laws that will regulate your speech, so shut up for once about that does not factor in.

Does NO ONE read the thread before they post???


I read the subject the OP'er posted and answered his question and no I am not going to go through a few pages to find your fucking link!

Then you'll continue to flail about cluelessly arguing a point that doesn't exist.

Your choice. And an interesting one, to demand "provide the link to show he wasn't fired", get provided that link, and then go "I'm not reading your fucking link!" :crybaby:Then why did you just ask for it??

And why is it that so many of y'all wags just skip right past all that? Could it be that nobody's words matter except Numero Uno's?

Well it could be because MSM got it wrong and I was answering the OP'er question and I really do not give a fuck what you have to say about anything because you are nothing but a clueless troll.

So again I was answering the OP'ER question and it is you that is crying like the little bitch here about how the individual was not fired.

So complain to the Op'er and MSM and not me or just be the whiner that you are!


The "MSM" is exactly what I quoted in the post you asked for and then started whining about "waaah I'm not going to read it" :banghead:

Specifically CNN. Waaaay back in post 31, which is where I pointed you to when you asked for it, then started crying that I gave it to you.

There was originally no link to this claim of a cartoonist being fired, so I looked one up, and it DIRECTLY CONTRADICTED THAT CLAIM, DUMBASS. The mythololgy apparently came from some so-called "social media" buzz with no basis in fact, and one search of the MSM then CORRECTED it.

And here you are trying to blame the "MSM" for getting it right, because it gets in the way with your mythological fantasy that you wish had been the case but won't read because you might find out you were WRONG??

What in the blue fuck is your PROBLEM.

COME ON, man. FUCK outta here.
I find the cartoon offensive however unlike the liberals that try to suppress free thought and speech, I would defend it.

Once AGAIN nothing was "suppressed". The cartoon was never even submitted and the cartoonist isn't an employee of the company that didn't fire him anyway.

You can run to any end zone you like with a mythology but it scores zero points.

I wasn't applying it to the cartoonist.
I can't tell what's being depicted in the cartoon.

I had no idea either until another poster explained the background.

We think that might be one reason the cartoonist never submitted it. The reference was too obscure.

It was not obscured and to say it was is a blatant lie by you.

You can clearly see the dead adult and child in the picture...

And nobody knows what that means until the background story, as explained by that other poster.
Which I already told you, but apparently you need to be told multiple times before anything sinks the fuck in.
I find the cartoon offensive however unlike the liberals that try to suppress free thought and speech, I would defend it.

Once AGAIN nothing was "suppressed". The cartoon was never even submitted and the cartoonist isn't an employee of the company that didn't fire him anyway.

You can run to any end zone you like with a mythology but it scores zero points.

I wasn't applying it to the cartoonist.

What's the first noun in your post?

Do you think he should have been fired, or just more political correctness run amok?

Whatever it was it was in very poor taste and was complete bullshit so the cartoonist deserved to have his ass fired.

--- for a cartoon he never submitted, to an employer he never had. Get that sumbitch off the field he's "fired". From a position he doesn't have in the first place.

Critical thinking is truly a lost art.

Posters are answering the Op question, so get off everyone nuts for once!

And the OP question is a FALSE PREMISE, and I already TOLD YOU THAT when you asked for it, and then you went crying the blues about "WAAAH, I'M NOT GOING TO READ IT".

FUCK outta here.
I find the cartoon offensive however unlike the liberals that try to suppress free thought and speech, I would defend it.

Once AGAIN nothing was "suppressed". The cartoon was never even submitted and the cartoonist isn't an employee of the company that didn't fire him anyway.

You can run to any end zone you like with a mythology but it scores zero points.

I wasn't applying it to the cartoonist.

What's the first noun in your post?

The cartoon was offensive to me, I never said it was suppressed, never said the cartoonist was an employee. Play little games all you want, I am out. Your mind reading capabilities suck.
The cartoon depicts a callous and uncaring president...

Trump cares as much as the left does during election season...
Yet that was not depicted in the illustration now was it?

No, but how many illegals have died when Obama was President and yet those like you say silently...

Likely some did. But AGAIN it's not about "illegals" and it's not about "borders". It's about personal character.
Had O'bama demonstrated the same callous indifference toward "rapists" and "shitholes" and brown people in general, he would have been skewered the same way. Once again, the drowned people are simply the SETUP for the joke. Without them it's impossible for Rump to say "mind if I play through". Every element in the message has a function.
I find the cartoon offensive however unlike the liberals that try to suppress free thought and speech, I would defend it.

Once AGAIN nothing was "suppressed". The cartoon was never even submitted and the cartoonist isn't an employee of the company that didn't fire him anyway.

You can run to any end zone you like with a mythology but it scores zero points.

I wasn't applying it to the cartoonist.

What's the first noun in your post?

The cartoon was offensive to me, I never said it was suppressed, never said the cartoonist was an employee. Play little games all you want, I am out. Your mind reading capabilities suck.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaand you're still trying to get out of it. God forbid you should ever admit to having been wrong. We can't have THAT.

Your post is recorded, dood. You specifically brought up, and I quote, "unlike the liberals that try to suppress free thought and speech", which not only is an impossibility, it is NOT PRESENT HERE ANYWAY. Because nobody "suppressed" anything. The cartoon was never even submitted, let alone 'suppressed' . And again I already told you this but y'all can't-be-wrongers need to be told the same thing over and over and over and over just because you can't man the fuck up.
Does anybody in this thread even know what political correctness IS.

It is the CARTOON that is politically correct, here, not the response to it.

Does anybody actually think the snowflakes so hell bent on controlling what people can say want to silence attacks on Trump?

I uh, think you got that backwards dood.

"Political correctness" generally is taken to mean "my snowflake senses are offended". That would be those whining about what the cartoon means. The cartoon itself makes a bold statement about personal character. IT is not offended at all.

Do you think he should have been fired, or just more political correctness run amok?
Definitely should not have been fired. Telling the truth should never be a firing offense.

What truth do you see here other than that these people died trying to cross the border illegally and that Trump plays golf?
That he sees them as obstacles, not people.

First of all, what does that have to do with the two people that died? Secondly, what makes you say that?

It has nothing to do with the two people that died, because it's not about them. It's about Rump.
I find the cartoon offensive however unlike the liberals that try to suppress free thought and speech, I would defend it.

Once AGAIN nothing was "suppressed". The cartoon was never even submitted and the cartoonist isn't an employee of the company that didn't fire him anyway.

You can run to any end zone you like with a mythology but it scores zero points.

I wasn't applying it to the cartoonist.

What's the first noun in your post?

The cartoon was offensive to me, I never said it was suppressed, never said the cartoonist was an employee. Play little games all you want, I am out. Your mind reading capabilities suck.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaand you're still trying to get out of it. God forbid you should ever admit to having been wrong. We can't have THAT.

Your post is recorded, dood. You specifically brought up, and I quote, "unlike the liberals that try to suppress free thought and speech", which not only is an impossibility, it is NOT PRESENT HERE ANYWAY. Because nobody "suppressed" anything. The cartoon was never even submitted, let alone 'suppressed' . And again I already told you this but y'all can't-be-wrongers need to be told the same thing over and over and over and over just because you can't man the fuck up.

I never said it was suppressed, I already knew that when I posted it because I read the story, I was stating I would support him in his drawing. I stick with liberals try to suppress free speech.
Does anybody in this thread even know what political correctness IS.

It is the CARTOON that is politically correct, here, not the response to it.

Does anybody actually think the snowflakes so hell bent on controlling what people can say want to silence attacks on Trump?

I uh, think you got that backwards dood.

"Political correctness" generally is taken to mean "my snowflake senses are offended". That would be those whining about what the cartoon means. The cartoon itself makes a bold statement about personal character. IT is not offended at all.

Do you think he should have been fired, or just more political correctness run amok?
Definitely should not have been fired. Telling the truth should never be a firing offense.

What truth do you see here other than that these people died trying to cross the border illegally and that Trump plays golf?
That he sees them as obstacles, not people.

First of all, what does that have to do with the two people that died? Secondly, what makes you say that?

It has nothing to do with the two people that died, because it's not about them. It's about Rump.
Thank you, but the chances of him understanding that are pretty slim at this point.
Definitely should not have been fired. Telling the truth should never be a firing offense.

What truth do you see here other than that these people died trying to cross the border illegally and that Trump plays golf?
That he sees them as obstacles, not people.

First of all, what does that have to do with the two people that died? Secondly, what makes you say that?

It has nothing to do with the two people that died, because it's not about them. It's about Rump.
Thank you, but the chances of him understanding that are pretty slim at this point.

Do you think he should have been fired, or just more political correctness run amok?

Canada and Great Britain have destroyed honest and free speech.. And they CONTINUE to impose 1984 draconians laws to stifle people...

It's bad enough in America that we have to rename the owners of sports franchises,, but THOSE 2 countries have leaped tthe canyon on stifling speech....

It's a dumb cartoon, and not connected to reality, but if a STAFF decides to stake the company's rep on wildly stretched cartoon memes -- I support them...

And before anyone argues with that last paragraph,, The 2 days of televising the Insane Clown Posse debates with ALL OF Central and South America watching these clowns ADVERTISE open borders and free everything to illegals -- and EVEN making crossing the border outside of custom checkpoints LEGAL ---


They basically PLAYED to that Telemundo audience....

Could have saved a lotta rant energy by reading post 31 first. :rolleyes:

You mean the one where you asserted the guy couldn't be fired because he was not an employee??? I just chuckled and remembered my pledge not to go on snipe hunts with you when you're so sure of something that isn't right..

Contractors can ALSO be terminated.. I've terminated several.. As implied in the name of the position they serve the company UNDER CONTRACT.. And just like an employee contract -- they CAN be terminated...

Now go snipe and argue about that FACT with me while I do other things.... :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

And make sure you reject or redefine what a contractor is... LOL..... Ciao....

Don't need to --- I've been working as a contractor for AT LEAST 35 years. And I've never been "fired". I've been not hired for this or that but that's not the same thing, IS IT.

In this instance AS AGAIN I ALREADY LAID OUT but you "forgot" to mention, the freelancer (cartoonist) hadn't even submitted this cartoon to the publisher in question. Therefore it is NOT IN PLAY as a basis for being "not hired", which in this case means the cartoon not being bought.

You don't buy something that hasn't been offered for sale -- I thought this was pretty simple stuff. Apparently not simple enough.

Wellsir, seeing that the original premise in the OP had no source, I looked it up myself, and found the evidence disproving that notion, which I then deposited in post 31, and it's been there ever since as exposure that the whole premise is mythology.

Whence then comes this notion that "this cartoonist was fired" for a cartoon he never even gave them? Apparently somebody on so-called "social media" (I've always called it antisocial media for what should be obvious reasons). In other words somebody literally MADE IT UP. Maybe they thought it sounded good. They took a cartoon the guy put on "social" media (knowing it wasn't good enough for publication) and then they took a flying leap without a bridge. And that makes the whole premise fake. Bogus. Unreal. A fabrication. Dance around with "freelance" terms all you like, you CANNOT make an event that never happened into an event that did. PERIOD.
What truth do you see here other than that these people died trying to cross the border illegally and that Trump plays golf?
That he sees them as obstacles, not people.

First of all, what does that have to do with the two people that died? Secondly, what makes you say that?

It has nothing to do with the two people that died, because it's not about them. It's about Rump.
Thank you, but the chances of him understanding that are pretty slim at this point.
That's classy.

If karma really is a thing maybe you can die in a ditch too.

Do you think he should have been fired, or just more political correctness run amok?

You can't have your cake and eat it to.
Canada has passed several laws controlling speech. You like the laws, then you have to support it when it doesn't go your way also.

Somebody else made that claim about Canadian law. I asked them for evidence and they ran away.

How 'bout you?

There I go, demanding "evidence" again, just to make things real. I have no imagination.
That he sees them as obstacles, not people.

First of all, what does that have to do with the two people that died? Secondly, what makes you say that?

It has nothing to do with the two people that died, because it's not about them. It's about Rump.
Thank you, but the chances of him understanding that are pretty slim at this point.
That's classy.

If karma really is a thing maybe you can die in a ditch too.
I belong here, Diseased illegal aliens do not

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