A Canadian Perspective


Platinum Member
Aug 7, 2011
Sometimes your neighbor has a more complete view of your house:

Fasten your seatbelts, Canada, and get ready for the battle for America
By Marc Patrone, Sun News network

"America is on the edge of a second revolutionary war.
It may not be bloody like the first one, but it will be hugely important.

Some might suggest it’s more a civil war, but with liberty and the constitution hanging in the balance, revolution seems a more appropriate comparison.

There are no British troops or monarchy to fight this time.
The ‘shot heard around the world’ wasn’t fired from a musket, it came from the ballot box.

Americans have taken a long hard look at the kind of fundamental transformation promised by Barack Obama and the Democrat party and they want nothing to do with it."

Fasten your seatbelts Canada and get ready for the battle for America Column
"Fasten your seatbelts Canada, we’re about to get a front-row seat to the battle for the soul of America and indeed the free world.

Let’s hope that, as in the first revolutionary war, that the right side wins.

If it doesn’t, we all lose."

It's great to have an outsider's perspective. I hope people take the time to read the entire opinion.
That's crazy. There was no "devastating scope of the electoral debacle" nor does it "appears Americans are mobilizing for war against the Obama agenda."

Just another low turnout midterm where the Republican fright fucked half their base and kept the other halves hatred for President Obama strong enough to get them to the polls........
That's crazy. There was no "devastating scope of the electoral debacle" nor does it "appears Americans are mobilizing for war against the Obama agenda."

Just another low turnout midterm where the Republican fright fucked half their base and kept the other halves hatred for President Obama strong enough to get them to the polls........

I knew you would want the posters to read more of the article, so here it is:

"Such was the devastating scope of the electoral debacle for the Democrats that it appears Americans are mobilizing for war against the Obama agenda.

They are only now truly beginning to understand the threat to liberty he presents.

What’s so deeply troubling, albeit not entirely unexpected, is the disdain, arrogance and contempt with which this president dismissed the results.

“So to everyone who voted, I want you to know I hear you. To the two-thirds of voters who chose not to participate in the process yesterday, I hear you, too,” he said.

Meaning what?

He seems to be suggesting that by not voting, the majority of Americans agree with what he’s doing.

Terrifying? You bet.

It’s taken six years, but the ugly truth about Obama’s contemptuous attitudes toward the people who elected him twice is becoming all too evident.

Lame duck? Guess again.

The man probably realizes that a chance to remake the U.S. according to his far left view of the world may not come around again.

His time is running out. Obama’s ‘nuclear’ option is amnesty for millions of illegals.

He expects those illegals will become dependents of the state, thus stacking the electoral deck in favour of Democrats by promising the new ‘wards of the state’ a suite of entitlements.

The depth of this destructive agenda is clear, rip off trillions in wealth (which Obama believes was stolen anyway) and give it to those whom he considers ‘victims’ of capitalism.

The beneficiaries will naturally reward the progressive left with voter support into perpetuity. Viola, the progressive dream of a one-party state is realized."

That's crazy. There was no "devastating scope of the electoral debacle" nor does it "appears Americans are mobilizing for war against the Obama agenda."

Just another low turnout midterm where the Republican fright fucked half their base and kept the other halves hatred for President Obama strong enough to get them to the polls........

Um, no. You liberal Nazis live by the poll and every poll out there (including the debacle last night) show that America is fed up with this faculty lounge communist and - to go a step farther - are fed up with your damned liberals. They see their country being demolished in front of their eyes and they are tired of it.

So, when the few times that the polls actually supported The Emperor, you people went ape-shit. Now, what have you to say?
That's crazy. There was no "devastating scope of the electoral debacle" nor does it "appears Americans are mobilizing for war against the Obama agenda."

Just another low turnout midterm where the Republican fright fucked half their base and kept the other halves hatred for President Obama strong enough to get them to the polls........

I knew you would want the posters to read more of the article, so here it is:

"Such was the devastating scope of the electoral debacle for the Democrats that it appears Americans are mobilizing for war against the Obama agenda.

They are only now truly beginning to understand the threat to liberty he presents.

What’s so deeply troubling, albeit not entirely unexpected, is the disdain, arrogance and contempt with which this president dismissed the results.

“So to everyone who voted, I want you to know I hear you. To the two-thirds of voters who chose not to participate in the process yesterday, I hear you, too,” he said.

Meaning what?

He seems to be suggesting that by not voting, the majority of Americans agree with what he’s doing.

Terrifying? You bet.

It’s taken six years, but the ugly truth about Obama’s contemptuous attitudes toward the people who elected him twice is becoming all too evident.

Lame duck? Guess again.

The man probably realizes that a chance to remake the U.S. according to his far left view of the world may not come around again.

His time is running out. Obama’s ‘nuclear’ option is amnesty for millions of illegals.

He expects those illegals will become dependents of the state, thus stacking the electoral deck in favour of Democrats by promising the new ‘wards of the state’ a suite of entitlements.

The depth of this destructive agenda is clear, rip off trillions in wealth (which Obama believes was stolen anyway) and give it to those whom he considers ‘victims’ of capitalism.

The beneficiaries will naturally reward the progressive left with voter support into perpetuity. Viola, the progressive dream of a one-party state is realized."


Indeed. The Emperor has two more years to destroy what Americans took well over 200 years to build. And he will do it by dividing us and tearing us down.
That's crazy. There was no "devastating scope of the electoral debacle" nor does it "appears Americans are mobilizing for war against the Obama agenda."

Just another low turnout midterm where the Republican fright fucked half their base and kept the other halves hatred for President Obama strong enough to get them to the polls........

I knew you would want the posters to read more of the article, so here it is:

"Such was the devastating scope of the electoral debacle for the Democrats that it appears Americans are mobilizing for war against the Obama agenda.

They are only now truly beginning to understand the threat to liberty he presents.

What’s so deeply troubling, albeit not entirely unexpected, is the disdain, arrogance and contempt with which this president dismissed the results.

“So to everyone who voted, I want you to know I hear you. To the two-thirds of voters who chose not to participate in the process yesterday, I hear you, too,” he said.

Meaning what?

He seems to be suggesting that by not voting, the majority of Americans agree with what he’s doing.

Terrifying? You bet.

It’s taken six years, but the ugly truth about Obama’s contemptuous attitudes toward the people who elected him twice is becoming all too evident.

Lame duck? Guess again.

The man probably realizes that a chance to remake the U.S. according to his far left view of the world may not come around again.

His time is running out. Obama’s ‘nuclear’ option is amnesty for millions of illegals.

He expects those illegals will become dependents of the state, thus stacking the electoral deck in favour of Democrats by promising the new ‘wards of the state’ a suite of entitlements.

The depth of this destructive agenda is clear, rip off trillions in wealth (which Obama believes was stolen anyway) and give it to those whom he considers ‘victims’ of capitalism.

The beneficiaries will naturally reward the progressive left with voter support into perpetuity. Viola, the progressive dream of a one-party state is realized."


Indeed. The Emperor has two more years to destroy what Americans took well over 200 years to build. And he will do it by dividing us and tearing us down.

How long will it take for the blacks to realize they were pushed to the back of the bus last night?
That's crazy. There was no "devastating scope of the electoral debacle" nor does it "appears Americans are mobilizing for war against the Obama agenda."

Just another low turnout midterm where the Republican fright fucked half their base and kept the other halves hatred for President Obama strong enough to get them to the polls........

I knew you would want the posters to read more of the article, so here it is:

"Such was the devastating scope of the electoral debacle for the Democrats that it appears Americans are mobilizing for war against the Obama agenda.

They are only now truly beginning to understand the threat to liberty he presents.

What’s so deeply troubling, albeit not entirely unexpected, is the disdain, arrogance and contempt with which this president dismissed the results.

“So to everyone who voted, I want you to know I hear you. To the two-thirds of voters who chose not to participate in the process yesterday, I hear you, too,” he said.

Meaning what?

He seems to be suggesting that by not voting, the majority of Americans agree with what he’s doing.

Terrifying? You bet.

It’s taken six years, but the ugly truth about Obama’s contemptuous attitudes toward the people who elected him twice is becoming all too evident.

Lame duck? Guess again.

The man probably realizes that a chance to remake the U.S. according to his far left view of the world may not come around again.

His time is running out. Obama’s ‘nuclear’ option is amnesty for millions of illegals.

He expects those illegals will become dependents of the state, thus stacking the electoral deck in favour of Democrats by promising the new ‘wards of the state’ a suite of entitlements.

The depth of this destructive agenda is clear, rip off trillions in wealth (which Obama believes was stolen anyway) and give it to those whom he considers ‘victims’ of capitalism.

The beneficiaries will naturally reward the progressive left with voter support into perpetuity. Viola, the progressive dream of a one-party state is realized."


Indeed. The Emperor has two more years to destroy what Americans took well over 200 years to build. And he will do it by dividing us and tearing us down.

How long will it take for the blacks to realize they were pushed to the back of the bus last night?

Speaking from the "black perspective" I do not know. You have to understand that for blacks - this was our shot (not me - but figuratively speaking - I never supported the asshole) to finally gain a little "respect" from America. Little did blacks folks know that The Emperor had no intention of "uniting" - but in dividing.And that is what he has done. Race relations in this country are lower than I have seen in many years. There is more mistrust than I can recall in the last 40-45 years.

However, even at that, Blacks have slowly began to realize that they were nothing more than pawns and there is resentment in the community because they have come to the realization that The Emperor is nothing more than a dime-store politician - just like the white guys; there for his own gain. Hell, look around you. About the only support left for The Emperor is white women - who still swoon every time he opens his lying mouth.
That's crazy. There was no "devastating scope of the electoral debacle" nor does it "appears Americans are mobilizing for war against the Obama agenda."

Just another low turnout midterm where the Republican fright fucked half their base and kept the other halves hatred for President Obama strong enough to get them to the polls........

Um, no. You liberal Nazis live by the poll and every poll out there (including the debacle last night) show that America is fed up with this faculty lounge communist and - to go a step farther - are fed up with your damned liberals. They see their country being demolished in front of their eyes and they are tired of it.

So, when the few times that the polls actually supported The Emperor, you people went ape-shit. Now, what have you to say?

What do I have to say? Any maroon who puts "liberal Nazi" in the first five words of their post is a loony. Personally I think the Democrats base stayed home because their candidates showed remarkable flexibility, or lack of any type of backbone whatsoever.........
That's crazy. There was no "devastating scope of the electoral debacle" nor does it "appears Americans are mobilizing for war against the Obama agenda."

Just another low turnout midterm where the Republican fright fucked half their base and kept the other halves hatred for President Obama strong enough to get them to the polls........

I knew you would want the posters to read more of the article, so here it is:

"Such was the devastating scope of the electoral debacle for the Democrats that it appears Americans are mobilizing for war against the Obama agenda.

They are only now truly beginning to understand the threat to liberty he presents.

What’s so deeply troubling, albeit not entirely unexpected, is the disdain, arrogance and contempt with which this president dismissed the results.

“So to everyone who voted, I want you to know I hear you. To the two-thirds of voters who chose not to participate in the process yesterday, I hear you, too,” he said.

Meaning what?

He seems to be suggesting that by not voting, the majority of Americans agree with what he’s doing.

Terrifying? You bet.

It’s taken six years, but the ugly truth about Obama’s contemptuous attitudes toward the people who elected him twice is becoming all too evident.

Lame duck? Guess again.

The man probably realizes that a chance to remake the U.S. according to his far left view of the world may not come around again.

His time is running out. Obama’s ‘nuclear’ option is amnesty for millions of illegals.

He expects those illegals will become dependents of the state, thus stacking the electoral deck in favour of Democrats by promising the new ‘wards of the state’ a suite of entitlements.

The depth of this destructive agenda is clear, rip off trillions in wealth (which Obama believes was stolen anyway) and give it to those whom he considers ‘victims’ of capitalism.

The beneficiaries will naturally reward the progressive left with voter support into perpetuity. Viola, the progressive dream of a one-party state is realized."


Indeed. The Emperor has two more years to destroy what Americans took well over 200 years to build. And he will do it by dividing us and tearing us down.

How long will it take for the blacks to realize they were pushed to the back of the bus last night?

Speaking from the "black perspective" I do not know. You have to understand that for blacks - this was our shot (not me - but figuratively speaking - I never supported the asshole) to finally gain a little "respect" from America. Little did blacks folks know that The Emperor had no intention of "uniting" - but in dividing.And that is what he has done. Race relations in this country are lower than I have seen in many years. There is more mistrust than I can recall in the last 40-45 years.

However, even at that, Blacks have slowly began to realize that they were nothing more than pawns and there is resentment in the community because they have come to the realization that The Emperor is nothing more than a dime-store politician - just like the white guys; there for his own gain. Hell, look around you. About the only support left for The Emperor is white women - who still swoon every time he opens his lying mouth.

I had more respect for women than that.
That's crazy. There was no "devastating scope of the electoral debacle" nor does it "appears Americans are mobilizing for war against the Obama agenda."

Just another low turnout midterm where the Republican fright fucked half their base and kept the other halves hatred for President Obama strong enough to get them to the polls........

Um, no. You liberal Nazis live by the poll and every poll out there (including the debacle last night) show that America is fed up with this faculty lounge communist and - to go a step farther - are fed up with your damned liberals. They see their country being demolished in front of their eyes and they are tired of it.

So, when the few times that the polls actually supported The Emperor, you people went ape-shit. Now, what have you to say?

What do I have to say? Any maroon who puts "liberal Nazi" in the first five words of their post is a loony. Personally I think the Democrats base stayed home because their candidates showed remarkable flexibility, or lack of any type of backbone whatsoever.........

Sorry, but accept what you are. You are a liberal and you are a nazi. How the hell else should I put it?
That's crazy. There was no "devastating scope of the electoral debacle" nor does it "appears Americans are mobilizing for war against the Obama agenda."

Just another low turnout midterm where the Republican fright fucked half their base and kept the other halves hatred for President Obama strong enough to get them to the polls........

Um, no. You liberal Nazis live by the poll and every poll out there (including the debacle last night) show that America is fed up with this faculty lounge communist and - to go a step farther - are fed up with your damned liberals. They see their country being demolished in front of their eyes and they are tired of it.

So, when the few times that the polls actually supported The Emperor, you people went ape-shit. Now, what have you to say?

What do I have to say? Any maroon who puts "liberal Nazi" in the first five words of their post is a loony. Personally I think the Democrats base stayed home because their candidates showed remarkable flexibility, or lack of any type of backbone whatsoever.........

I don't understand. All their candidates showed the same flaw?
Here's the killer part of the op ed

"“So to everyone who voted, I want you to know I hear you. To the two-thirds of voters who chose not to participate in the process yesterday, I hear you, too,” he said.

Meaning what?

He seems to be suggesting that by not voting, the majority of Americans agree with what he’s doing.

Terrifying? You bet."
That's crazy. There was no "devastating scope of the electoral debacle" nor does it "appears Americans are mobilizing for war against the Obama agenda."

Just another low turnout midterm where the Republican fright fucked half their base and kept the other halves hatred for President Obama strong enough to get them to the polls........

Um, no. You liberal Nazis live by the poll and every poll out there (including the debacle last night) show that America is fed up with this faculty lounge communist and - to go a step farther - are fed up with your damned liberals. They see their country being demolished in front of their eyes and they are tired of it.

So, when the few times that the polls actually supported The Emperor, you people went ape-shit. Now, what have you to say?

What do I have to say? Any maroon who puts "liberal Nazi" in the first five words of their post is a loony. Personally I think the Democrats base stayed home because their candidates showed remarkable flexibility, or lack of any type of backbone whatsoever.........

I don't understand. All their candidates showed the same flaw?

Indeed. This horse hockey about "they stayed home" is nothing more than a convenient excuse to pass off to their base. Either that, or when The Emperor told them to "get out and vote" they said screw it.... :) Either way - they didn't listen, now did they?
Here's the killer part of the op ed

"“So to everyone who voted, I want you to know I hear you. To the two-thirds of voters who chose not to participate in the process yesterday, I hear you, too,” he said.

Meaning what?

He seems to be suggesting that by not voting, the majority of Americans agree with what he’s doing.

Terrifying? You bet."

Meaning "I'm a spoiled rotten little Emperor and I'm going to spend the next two years acting out". Sort of reminds you of Napoleon Bonaparte - doesn't it?
Here's the killer part of the op ed

"“So to everyone who voted, I want you to know I hear you. To the two-thirds of voters who chose not to participate in the process yesterday, I hear you, too,” he said.

Meaning what?

He seems to be suggesting that by not voting, the majority of Americans agree with what he’s doing.

Terrifying? You bet."

Got that right!
Canadians generally have a pretty good understanding of the United States, but not as good as they think.
If Prime Minister Harper tried to pull what President Obama did last night we would be storming Parliament Hill.

And conservatives like me would be leading the charge.
Canadians generally have a pretty good understanding of the United States, but not as good as they think.

They had an excellent understanding this time.

It's not just Canada. It's the world. The United States is NOT looked to as the world's leader any longer. It is looked at as a country in turmoil that is being destroyed from within. Most countries are putting distance between themselves and us. That, taken with the idea that The Emperor is doing everything in his power to destroy the relationships between us and what few allies we still have - and you have a country in the beginning of it's very own "death throes".

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