A Canadian Perspective

Canadians generally have a pretty good understanding of the United States, but not as good as they think.

They had an excellent understanding this time.

It's not just Canada. It's the world. The United States is NOT looked to as the world's leader any longer. It is looked at as a country in turmoil that is being destroyed from within. Most countries are putting distance between themselves and us. That, taken with the idea that The Emperor is doing everything in his power to destroy the relationships between us and what few allies we still have - and you have a country in the beginning of it's very own "death throes".

That is a sad but accurate commentary. Our next president has to be a strong, brilliant one. I hope we can find a good talented person. One who is above politics.
That's crazy. There was no "devastating scope of the electoral debacle" nor does it "appears Americans are mobilizing for war against the Obama agenda."

Just another low turnout midterm where the Republican fright fucked half their base and kept the other halves hatred for President Obama strong enough to get them to the polls........

Um, no. You liberal Nazis live by the poll and every poll out there (including the debacle last night) show that America is fed up with this faculty lounge communist and - to go a step farther - are fed up with your damned liberals. They see their country being demolished in front of their eyes and they are tired of it.

So, when the few times that the polls actually supported The Emperor, you people went ape-shit. Now, what have you to say?

What do I have to say? Any maroon who puts "liberal Nazi" in the first five words of their post is a loony. Personally I think the Democrats base stayed home because their candidates showed remarkable flexibility, or lack of any type of backbone whatsoever.........

Sorry, but accept what you are. You are a liberal and you are a nazi. How the hell else should I put it?

What's next? Declaring the Nazis were really Socialist?
Canadians generally have a pretty good understanding of the United States, but not as good as they think.

They had an excellent understanding this time.

It's not just Canada. It's the world. The United States is NOT looked to as the world's leader any longer. It is looked at as a country in turmoil that is being destroyed from within. Most countries are putting distance between themselves and us. That, taken with the idea that The Emperor is doing everything in his power to destroy the relationships between us and what few allies we still have - and you have a country in the beginning of it's very own "death throes".

That is a sad but accurate commentary. Our next president has to be a strong, brilliant one. I hope we can find a good talented person. One who is above politics.

Sadly, I think the damage done by this Emperor may take longer to change than we actually have left as a unified country......
Canadians generally have a pretty good understanding of the United States, but not as good as they think.

They had an excellent understanding this time.

It's not just Canada. It's the world. The United States is NOT looked to as the world's leader any longer. It is looked at as a country in turmoil that is being destroyed from within. Most countries are putting distance between themselves and us. That, taken with the idea that The Emperor is doing everything in his power to destroy the relationships between us and what few allies we still have - and you have a country in the beginning of it's very own "death throes".

That is a sad but accurate commentary. Our next president has to be a strong, brilliant one. I hope we can find a good talented person. One who is above politics.

Sadly, I think the damage done by this Emperor may take longer to change than we actually have left as a unified country......

So, what do you think is in our future?
Frankly, I believe that the old Soviet Union is our future. I believe that a government watching our every move is in our future. Being able to travel from one place to another without proper "documentation" is in our future. I believe that careful "monitoring" of our speech is in our future. I believe that the free exercise of religion will be a thing of the past. I believe that our children will be used as "rats" to inform the government about our "actions" and our "speech" in our homes is in our future. I believe that dissension will be impossible - for the "public good". I believe that any American caught owning ANY firearm will be cause for lengthy prison sentences. I believe that Police forces will continue to grow and be more "militarized" - again - for our own good.

All in the name of "keeping us safe".

"Those who would sacrifice freedom for a little security deserve neither".

And we will have neither.
here's a novel concept ..

F the Canadians ... when they start paying my taxes AND yours they can have an opinion, until then they can KMA.
here's a novel concept ..

F the Canadians ... when they start paying my taxes AND yours they can have an opinion, until then they can KMA.

I have the utmost respect for Canada as a nation. They were the first to offer assistance on 9-11. But as far at the nut in the OP......KMA 2.
That's crazy. There was no "devastating scope of the electoral debacle" nor does it "appears Americans are mobilizing for war against the Obama agenda."

Just another low turnout midterm where the Republican fright fucked half their base and kept the other halves hatred for President Obama strong enough to get them to the polls........

None are so blind as those who choose not to see.
Sometimes your neighbor has a more complete view of your house:

Fasten your seatbelts, Canada, and get ready for the battle for America
By Marc Patrone, Sun News network

"America is on the edge of a second revolutionary war.
It may not be bloody like the first one, but it will be hugely important.

Some might suggest it’s more a civil war, but with liberty and the constitution hanging in the balance, revolution seems a more appropriate comparison.

There are no British troops or monarchy to fight this time.
The ‘shot heard around the world’ wasn’t fired from a musket, it came from the ballot box.

Americans have taken a long hard look at the kind of fundamental transformation promised by Barack Obama and the Democrat party and they want nothing to do with it."

Fasten your seatbelts Canada and get ready for the battle for America Column
America is going to buck up and slide along to the next political paradigm like nothing happened. We might wish a meteor or a stroke took out our "noble" president, but it's the same ol same ol.

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