A Certain Kind of Poor Folk

You're trying to reason with a supercilious half-smart nutball with the sensitivity of a post and the sensibilities of a pig in shit.

Still, it's kind of cool.

Look who's back!

Why...it's the lying sack of excrement who posted that I had reported him to administrators for some offense or other...and he had his little wrist slapped.

This is the second or third time I've asked you to either document same or apologize...and you run off and hide.


Either course?

Oh, so YOU'RE the virtual book-burning, censorship-loving snitch here? No surprise..........

Wow....it really hurt you when I put you in your place, huh?
You're trying to reason with a supercilious half-smart nutball with the sensitivity of a post and the sensibilities of a pig in shit.

Still, it's kind of cool.

Look who's back!

Why...it's the lying sack of excrement who posted that I had reported him to administrators for some offense or other...and he had his little wrist slapped.

This is the second or third time I've asked you to either document same or apologize...and you run off and hide.


Either course?

Oh, so YOU'RE the virtual book-burning, censorship-loving snitch here? No surprise..........

Yeah. That is the lying... snitch. No patience at all for that kind of lameness.
Kind of funny the lame dipshit accuses ME of hiding. Nutball logic, is it?
She'll be on filter long as I post here. Unless an apology catches my eye through a post like yours above.
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The big question for the honest people with integrity to ponder is: How much of what we call compassion is in fact a method of subordinating people and guaranteeing their vote and is in fact creating poverty as much as it is relieving it?

Bingo. That is the germane issue. Those who think government is The Solution for Everything just can't handle that old fashioned, nuclear family centric values actually are healthier for adults, kids, and society as a whole.

Children raised in two parent families have a significantly higher chance of succeeding in life (especially those whose parents practice responsibility, frugality, and self-sufficiency).

It's not a coincidence that the Great Society Programs that essentially paid teenage girls to have children out of wedlock has spawned generations of functionally illiterate, government dependents...who have yet more functionally illiterate, government dependents.
Look who's back!

Why...it's the lying sack of excrement who posted that I had reported him to administrators for some offense or other...and he had his little wrist slapped.

This is the second or third time I've asked you to either document same or apologize...and you run off and hide.


Either course?

Oh, so YOU'RE the virtual book-burning, censorship-loving snitch here? No surprise..........

Yeah. That is the lying... snitch. No patience at all for that kind of lameness.
Kind of funny the lame dipshit accuses ME of hiding. Nutball logic, is it?
She'll be on filter long as I post here. Unless an apology catches my eye through a post like yours above.

Well, then, you malignant little worm...

Simple enough to prove which of us is lying: provide any communication from a mod stating that I did such.

For the record, I have never had any communication with administrators, nor even ever given a neg rep.

I handle mealy-mouthed twerps like you in public for all to see.

So while super-geniuses like yourself, who have never lived in an impoverished area, have never worked in a factory and have no first hand knowledge of this supject hypothsize about it, people like myself who have done all of the above no nothing of the subject? YOu are truly an idiot. (Sounding eloquent does not make your statements correct...it just make you sound like a pompous asshole).

Yes, we know that the big excuse by right-wingers is that their spoiled-brat kids live with them, and can therefore survive on minimum wage. What about the other 20% of minimum wage workers those that are all grown up and don't live with mommy and daddy?

Move? To where? Moving is expensive. Are you willing to start a government program to help relocate them? Would you be kind enough to pay for the relocation a expenses for 10,000,00 West Indians? They live on islands, relocation for them is kinda difficult. Where should they go? NYC? That's where I knew an awful lot of poor people. Maybe you could support them.

Do you ever think things thru before you post?

I don't need to define poor. I've known poor people.

Like duh!

Blatant Bullshit! The Heritage Foundation? Or they shouldn't have been hispanic?Sure us Electrical Engineers are grossly uneducated.Sure, I'll just go running to the bookstore and get back to you as soon as I've read it. Good argument. Idiot!

You're trying to reason with a supercilious half-smart nutball with the sensitivity of a post and the sensibilities of a pig in shit.

Still, it's kind of cool.

Look who's back!

Why...it's the lying sack of excrement who posted that I had reported him to administrators for some offense or other...and he had his little wrist slapped.

This is the second or third time I've asked you to either document same or apologize...and you run off and hide.


Either course?

He repped me twice, the first by accident:

Dugdale_Jukes said:
Hi, you have received 102 reputation points from Dugdale_Jukes.
Reputation was given for this post.

Never saw those shows either you filthy fucking bitch.


Note: This is an automated message.

The second he tried to take it back and make it up, but he still ended up giving me points. LOL. That's OK, I'm onto him.

Dugdale_Jukes said:
Hi, you have received -51 reputation points from Dugdale_Jukes.
Reputation was given for this post.

Couldn\'t agree more with the post. Too bad you are an ignorant motherfucking scum.


Note: This is an automated message.

You described him well when you called him 'excrement.'
".... eliminating the middle class..."

And, now for reality:

1. Let’s be clear: the broadest and most accurate measure of living standard is real per capita consumption. That measure soared by 74% from 1980 to 2004. The Equality Of Reaganomics - Forbes

a. A study of table 7.1 would show that between 1973 and 2004, it doubled. And between 1929 and 2004, real per capita consumption by American workers increased five fold. The fastest growth periods were 1983-1990 and 1992-2004, known as the Reagan boom.

b. For those who insist that wealth has fallen, this in a discussion of the recession: “The decline in home prices and stock portfolios in 2008 wiped out gains in net worth from the previous three years, the Fed said. Median household net worth increased 17.7 percent between 2004 and 2007, but fell 3.2 percent from 2004 through last October, according to the Federal Reserve's Survey of Consumer Finances.” Average American Net Worth Drops 23% - CBS News

c.”Today, the country has gone a long way toward an appearance of classlessness. Americans of all sorts are awash in luxuries that would have dazzled their grandparents.

A little more?


2. "What is missed…and not by accident, is that the ‘disappearance’ is largely due to fact that the percentage of households with real incomes higher than $50,000 increased from 24.9% in 1967 to 44.1% in 2003, and the percentage with real incomes lower than $35,000 fell from 52.8% in 1967 to 40.9% . " More On The Certain Equality Of Reaganomics - Forbes

Isn't it astounding.....when one is as ignorant as you have been kept, you can be manipulated so easily and made to believe anything.


So...you've been reading, have you?
Try Peter Ferrara, "America's Ticking Bankruptcy Bomb."

Nah....probably too late for you.

OK, so reading current studies with INTERVIEWS of the major players, in your tiny world view, makes one ignorant? No, fuck YOU! It's too late for YOU, for all you are is a wanna be Ann Coulter where everything is 100% the way YOU say it. The sign of a pathological mine, highly neurotic, certainly narcissistic and maybe even psychotic. Why the fuck aren't aren't you writing books, studies, papers and enlightening the masses with your infinite supply of 100% foolproof logic?

Were you born with this high of an opinion of yourself, or did you have to work at it?

1. " The sign of a pathological mine, highly neurotic, certainly narcissistic and maybe even psychotic."
I'll cop to narcissistic.

2. If you ever....ever....develop a brain, look at the specific linked data provided in my post, and the really stupid puffery in yours.....
...and guess who has 100% foolproof logic.

3. "reading current studies with INTERVIEWS of the major players, in your tiny world view, makes one ignorant?"
No...what makes you a dim-wit is that you accept...and post....their nonsense when it flies in the face of facts.

That make you a dupe and a pawn.
Check the data I've linked.
That's called research.

4. Let me know when you'd like a syllabus of tomes to read.

5. Oh...and "Were you born with this high of an opinion of yourself, or did you have to work at it?"
A little of each.

Well, I gotta hand it to you - you don't deny you're an arrogant **** who thinks you know all the facts. I could just imagine what your syllabus would contain.
Oh, so YOU'RE the virtual book-burning, censorship-loving snitch here? No surprise..........

Yeah. That is the lying... snitch. No patience at all for that kind of lameness.
Kind of funny the lame dipshit accuses ME of hiding. Nutball logic, is it?
She'll be on filter long as I post here. Unless an apology catches my eye through a post like yours above.

Well, then, you malignant little worm...

Simple enough to prove which of us is lying: provide any communication from a mod stating that I did such.

For the record, I have never had any communication with administrators, nor even ever given a neg rep.

I handle mealy-mouthed twerps like you in public for all to see.


That's a lie and you're a hateful goddamned liar. You told me you snitched - "Wow....it really hurt you when I put you in your place, huh?" Now, go burn a book and raise your palm in tribute to your Fuhrer.
You're trying to reason with a supercilious half-smart nutball with the sensitivity of a post and the sensibilities of a pig in shit.

Still, it's kind of cool.

Look who's back!

Why...it's the lying sack of excrement who posted that I had reported him to administrators for some offense or other...and he had his little wrist slapped.

This is the second or third time I've asked you to either document same or apologize...and you run off and hide.


Either course?

He repped me twice, the first by accident:

Dugdale_Jukes said:
Hi, you have received 102 reputation points from Dugdale_Jukes.
Reputation was given for this post.

Never saw those shows either you filthy fucking bitch.


Note: This is an automated message.

The second he tried to take it back and make it up, but he still ended up giving me points. LOL. That's OK, I'm onto him.

Dugdale_Jukes said:
Hi, you have received -51 reputation points from Dugdale_Jukes.
Reputation was given for this post.

Couldn\'t agree more with the post. Too bad you are an ignorant motherfucking scum.


Note: This is an automated message.

You described him well when you called him 'excrement.'

The moron gave me neg rep with this eloquent comment:

Dugdale_Jukes said:
You are a lowlife cocksucker as well as white trash scum. Fuck you.

I can just picture him careening through the real world from one Rage incident to another.
Look who's back!

Why...it's the lying sack of excrement who posted that I had reported him to administrators for some offense or other...and he had his little wrist slapped.

This is the second or third time I've asked you to either document same or apologize...and you run off and hide.


Either course?

He repped me twice, the first by accident:

The second he tried to take it back and make it up, but he still ended up giving me points. LOL. That's OK, I'm onto him.

You described him well when you called him 'excrement.'

The moron gave me neg rep with this eloquent comment:

Dugdale_Jukes said:
You are a lowlife cocksucker as well as white trash scum. Fuck you.

I can just picture him careening through the real world from one Rage incident to another.

And with about as much success as he has on here!
The trick in this thread is a classic use of the half-truth.

The OP points out some poor cities in the US, then shows they've been mostly run by Democrats...

...the other half of the truth, which of course destroys the OP's trick,

is that the richer cities in the U.S. are also mostly run by Democrats. You know, like San Francisco, or San Jose, CA., or Seattle.
as a matter of economics based on the US Goods and Services economy - the more the gov't distributes monetary values to the groups most likely to spend the proceeds the stronger the economy will expand and increase its receivables.

the problems arise in the US economy when monetary values become condensed precipitating a decline in economic transactions.

recognizing gov't expenditures to the "poor" as a stimulus to the economy to the extent of maintaining a minimum allowance for positive economic expansion would go a long way in solving not only economic downturns but socioeconomic plights as crime and ignorance as well.

redistribution of wealth at some level should be required of the gov't in maintaining a sound Goods and Services economy an enlightened society would embrace as both necessary and for the wellbeing of all its citizenry.

I see the basis of your misunderstandings!

You don't realize that government is to aid in the creation of wealth, by support of the free market....

....not the redistribution of wealth.

It is not the government’s job to determine merit, rather to provide a set of laws that one may expect to be applied without intervention. Laws, under our Constitution, apply not to classes of people, but to classes of actions.

did you read the post ... ?
It amazes me that a bunch of privileged spoiled-brat wingnuts have a gall to hypothesize about the poor they way that you all are on this message board.

You know nothing about the subject.

I've worked in factories with people who have to live a support a family on minimum wage. I've lived in areas where there simply aren't enough jobs. The poor are very real. They often times have to live several families in a single room. They often cannot get heat in the winter.
They are often hungry and have to ration food between family members.

These are WORKING poor. Those on welfare usually do not live any better.

Some of the poor that I've known have college degrees, but can not find a job in their discipline.

This is not a nation that has equal opportunity, and for many there are no realistic opportunities. Hard work does not pay. Education is not a possibility for many.

Those of us who have had reasonable opportunities in life should be so quick to make up these imaginary 'wealthy' poor people and pretend that real poverty doesn't exist.

Look man, anyone can find an anectdote.....so stop your whining.....factory jobs doing min wage???? in what city? I've worked in a few factories and never made min wage......not even close.....but hey lets move it to $100/hour, I still dont get a response from libtards why they dont want to do that...hmmmmI wonder why?
The trick in this thread is a classic use of the half-truth.

The OP points out some poor cities in the US, then shows they've been mostly run by Democrats...

...the other half of the truth, which of course destroys the OP's trick,

is that the richer cities in the U.S. are also mostly run by Democrats. You know, like San Francisco, or San Jose, CA., or Seattle.

You're right, so the democrats are run by very rich elites that bash on rich people, yet they keep putting in loopho....er deductions.....and blame republicans for it........but you are right the democrats are rich as hell and very poor...not much middle ground......Nice find Carb!!!!!!!!!!
Right. People are hurting for money because they don't have the proper attitude.
Does anyone actually believe such silly BS?

Clearly psychopaths do.

No you're right having a shitty attitude is great to be successful, negative, bitchy, self righteous, lazy, and entitlement people do well....I mean people who show up late everyday do awesome!!!!!!

Do you guys even know what you're talking about.....you make it seem like attitude doesnt matter......WOW...no wonder you guys are so successfull......LOL

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The trick in this thread is a classic use of the half-truth.

The OP points out some poor cities in the US, then shows they've been mostly run by Democrats...

...the other half of the truth, which of course destroys the OP's trick,

is that the richer cities in the U.S. are also mostly run by Democrats. You know, like San Francisco, or San Jose, CA., or Seattle.

You're right, so the democrats are run by very rich elites that bash on rich people, yet they keep putting in loopho....er deductions.....and blame republicans for it........but you are right the democrats are rich as hell and very poor...not much middle ground......Nice find Carb!!!!!!!!!!

And there you have it. The democrat politicians are just as wealthy and as personally money grubbing as any republican ever thought about being. They just spout a lot of BS about how they are in it for the 'little man.' All the while, the little man has become the welfare man whore who carouses unil the wee hours of the morning, sleeps until noon, is covered in tats, and spends all his money on drugs so then the rich dem politicians have to vote in a lot of 'school feeding' programs so the children of the 'little man' don't starve due to his neglect of them. But the democratic politicians themselves get rich while in office, just like the rest.

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