A Certain Kind of Poor Folk

It amazes me that a bunch of privileged spoiled-brat wingnuts have a gall to hypothesize about the poor they way that you all are on this message board.

You know nothing about the subject.

I've worked in factories with people who have to live a support a family on minimum wage. I've lived in areas where there simply aren't enough jobs. The poor are very real. They often times have to live several families in a single room. They often cannot get heat in the winter.
They are often hungry and have to ration food between family members.

These are WORKING poor. Those on welfare usually do not live any better.

Some of the poor that I've known have college degrees, but can not find a job in their discipline.

This is not a nation that has equal opportunity, and for many there are no realistic opportunities. Hard work does not pay. Education is not a possibility for many.

Those of us who have had reasonable opportunities in life should be so quick to make up these imaginary 'wealthy' poor people and pretend that real poverty doesn't exist.

Did you bother to read the OP?
i didnt read much.

But I also dont read the scribblings on the walls of insane asylums
as a matter of economics based on the US Goods and Services economy - the more the gov't distributes monetary values to the groups most likely to spend the proceeds the stronger the economy will expand and increase its receivables.

the problems arise in the US economy when monetary values become condensed precipitating a decline in economic transactions.

recognizing gov't expenditures to the "poor" as a stimulus to the economy to the extent of maintaining a minimum allowance for positive economic expansion would go a long way in solving not only economic downturns but socioeconomic plights as crime and ignorance as well.

redistribution of wealth at some level should be required of the gov't in maintaining a sound Goods and Services economy an enlightened society would embrace as both necessary and for the wellbeing of all its citizenry.

I see the basis of your misunderstandings!

You don't realize that government is to aid in the creation of wealth, by support of the free market....

....not the redistribution of wealth.

It is not the government’s job to determine merit, rather to provide a set of laws that one may expect to be applied without intervention. Laws, under our Constitution, apply not to classes of people, but to classes of actions.
You dont get to deside what the constitution says.

you can tell us what your wall srcibblings mean but not the constitution.

that is for the scotus
It amazes me that a bunch of privileged spoiled-brat wingnuts have a gall to hypothesize about the poor they way that you all are on this message board.

You know nothing about the subject.

I've worked in factories with people who have to live a support a family on minimum wage. I've lived in areas where there simply aren't enough jobs. The poor are very real. They often times have to live several families in a single room. They often cannot get heat in the winter.
They are often hungry and have to ration food between family members.

These are WORKING poor. Those on welfare usually do not live any better.

Some of the poor that I've known have college degrees, but can not find a job in their discipline.

This is not a nation that has equal opportunity, and for many there are no realistic opportunities. Hard work does not pay. Education is not a possibility for many.

Those of us who have had reasonable opportunities in life should be so quick to make up these imaginary 'wealthy' poor people and pretend that real poverty doesn't exist.

1. "It amazes me that a bunch of privileged spoiled-brat wingnuts have a gall to hypothesize about the poor..."
You are mistaken, not a new phenomenon in your case. The problem some of us have is not hypothesizing, but in supposing that folks like you are educable.

2. "...people who have to live a support a family on minimum wage."
80% of those on minimum wage are not poor.
They live with their family.

3. "I've lived in areas where there simply aren't enough jobs."
I understand that in most areas, folks are still allowed to move.

4. "The poor are very real."
No doubt. The question is the definition of same.
Mine is in the OP. Yours?

5. "...often times have to live several families in a single room. They often cannot get heat in the winter."
Now your talkin' poor!

6. "They are often hungry and have to ration food between family members."
This is pretty much bunk.
'a. As a group, America's poor are far from being chronically undernourished. The average consumption of protein, vitamins, and minerals is virtually the same for poor and middle-class children and, in most cases, is well above recommended norms. Poor children actually consume more meat than do higher-income children and have average protein intakes 100 percent above recommended levels. Most poor children today are, in fact, supernourished and grow up to be, on average, one inch taller and 10 pounds heavier than the GIs who stormed the beaches of Normandy in World War II.'
How Poor Are America's Poor? Examining the "Plague" of Poverty in America

7. "These are WORKING poor."
Did you know that the Republicans are responsible for Earned Income Tax Credits?
You didn't?

8."Those on welfare usually do not live any better."
There are studies that show that those on welfare actually have more spendable cash than those working folks supporting them.

9. "Some of the poor that I've known have college degrees, but can not find a job in their discipline."
They shouldn't have majored in Angry Women's Studies, or Frisbee.

10. "Education is not a possibility for many."
Your post sure proves this one.

11. "Hard work does not pay."
Pick up a copy of "Scratch Beginnings," by Alan Shepard.
Pretty much knocks you out.
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Good post PC. The term poor has definitely changed over he last 50 years. When I was a girl, there was no welfare and people who couldn't afford to raise their children put them in 'The Friendly Home.' We still have a road in Murray called 'Poor Farm Road' but no Poor Farm. The poor weren't subsidized the way they are today. Today, you can't really tell who is poor and who is not. Everyone has the same stuff only 'the poor' have more tats, cell phones, piercings, nine inch nails, and hair extensions. I have seen them in their subsidized homes and in my office on a near daily basis for 25 years. Those of us who work have to 'manage' our money and try to invest what we can to have something for retirement.

the good ol days ??

A client of mine was telling me a story Friday about a neighbor's daughter who couldn't find work. The neighbor had heard a great strategy from someone on the radio (he told me, but I don't remember who it was). The four-step strategy was this:
  1. Decide what kind of job you want
  2. Call them up and volunteer
  3. Show up when you're supposed to
  4. Show up sober
That's pretty much the strategy. She was on employment and had the time, so she tried it. She had always been interested in being a paralegal but couldn't afford the courses. She contacted a few legal firms and one said yes.

About four months in, an opening came up, and she got the gig. Salary, benefits, etc., in the career she wanted, and they're paying for her additional courses.

Yes, I know, either I'm lying or that strategy "would never work".

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There may be reasons why a person doesnt move up but,

Yeah, look at a job, attitude determines altitude....people with bad attitudes usally dont go anywhere and are stuck in dead en jobs, whether they are lazy, stupid, or have mental issues. It's not hard to detect someone who bitches about their boss or job, then they wander why they're not promoted.....

"Attitude" has little or nothing to do with what jobs are available to a given person in a given area.
Some people actually take jobs irrespective of reward because it is a job that must be done.
Not every one defines "moving up" in the same way. It may surprise you to learn but it really isn't always about the money. And, no, not everyone who is barely getting by bitches about it or blames someone else.
Maybe it's just me but I have at least as much respect for teachers, soldiers, cops, EMTs etc. as I do for the wealthy CEO of a company that makes toothpaste.

Except for soldiers, I don't have much respect for any of those other greedy bastards.

Good to know that you categorize teachers, cops, EMT's and just about everyone other than a wealthy CEO as a greedy bastard. That is rich.

A client of mine was telling me a story Friday about a neighbor's daughter who couldn't find work. The neighbor had heard a great strategy from someone on the radio (he told me, but I don't remember who it was). The four-step strategy was this:
  1. Decide what kind of job you want
  2. Call them up and volunteer
  3. Show up when you're supposed to
  4. Show up sober
That's pretty much the strategy. She was on employment and had the time, so she tried it. She had always been interested in being a paralegal but couldn't afford the courses. She contacted a few legal firms and one said yes.

About four months in, an opening came up, and she got the gig. Salary, benefits, etc., in the career she wanted, and they're paying for her additional courses.

Yes, I know, either I'm lying or that strategy "would never work".



The hand-wringer would rather blame you as you suggest.

Have you seen this?
"... three “golden rules” for avoiding poverty that researchers identified over the years: (1) graduate from high school; (2) marry before having children; and (3) get a job."
Marriage Shows the Way Out of Poverty
Good post PC. The term poor has definitely changed over he last 50 years. When I was a girl, there was no welfare and people who couldn't afford to raise their children put them in 'The Friendly Home.' We still have a road in Murray called 'Poor Farm Road' but no Poor Farm. The poor weren't subsidized the way they are today. Today, you can't really tell who is poor and who is not. Everyone has the same stuff only 'the poor' have more tats, cell phones, piercings, nine inch nails, and hair extensions. I have seen them in their subsidized homes and in my office on a near daily basis for 25 years. Those of us who work have to 'manage' our money and try to invest what we can to have something for retirement.

"On January 8, 1964, President Lyndon B.
Johnson delivered a State of the Union address to Congress in which he declared an
“unconditional war on poverty in America.”
At the time, the poverty rate in America was
around 19 percent and falling rapidly. This
year, it is reported that the poverty rate is expected to be roughly 15.1 percent and climbing."

$1 trillion.....
And yet the reliable Democrat voter keeps on keepin' on.

Beyond corruption, it's stupidity.
Stupidity will be fatal to this nation.
It amazes me that a bunch of privileged spoiled-brat wingnuts have a gall to hypothesize about the poor they way that you all are on this message board.

You know nothing about the subject.

I've worked in factories with people who have to live a support a family on minimum wage. I've lived in areas where there simply aren't enough jobs. The poor are very real. They often times have to live several families in a single room. They often cannot get heat in the winter.
They are often hungry and have to ration food between family members.

These are WORKING poor. Those on welfare usually do not live any better.

Some of the poor that I've known have college degrees, but can not find a job in their discipline.

This is not a nation that has equal opportunity, and for many there are no realistic opportunities. Hard work does not pay. Education is not a possibility for many.

Those of us who have had reasonable opportunities in life should be so quick to make up these imaginary 'wealthy' poor people and pretend that real poverty doesn't exist.

Did you know that the Republicans are responsible for Earned Income Tax Credits?
You didn't?

Did you know that the today's Neo-Cons have been demonizing those who get the EITC (i.e. the poor would only use it to buy laptops at Radio Shack) and have been trying to get rid of it for years?

You didn't?

Interesting complaint, PC

Apparently the poor aren't quite poor enough to satisfy your need for them to suffer.

Those selfish bastards!

So you think our income should be taken for the benefit of people who aren't suffering?

Why is that? You don't think even one penny should be given to those who ARE suffering.

Jesus would be so proud to know that those who follow him would depict him as a gun carrying homophobe who would spit on poor people.
The term poor has been redefined. It used to mean being cold, hungry, not having a coat in winter nor a lump of coal to cook your food.

Today, someone is poor if they only have a 40" flat screen television instead of a a 50" flat screen television.
Well that puts me in the lower middle class, mine is a 43".

I agree with OP and define poor in the same way. I am sickened by Obama's class warfare which only will slow economic growth and American self reliance.

It's not only Obama's class warfare, it's both parties working on it for decades. The 70's was a watershed decade for eliminating the middle class as lobbyists quadrupled if not more so and politicians continued to sell us out to them. Shit, lobbyists WRITE the bills now!

It's time to wake the hell up people - it's all their faults. I'm reading a couple of books about it now, advent of "wedge economics" hand in hand with "wedge politics." It's got deep deep roots!

US History: Economics of the 1970's

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