A Certain Kind of Poor Folk

Well, I have to go get ready for work, now. 19 more days to work after today, and I get to live off the taxpayers! Whooo Hooo! Stereotype all you want.
Well, I have to go get ready for work, now. 19 more days to work after today, and I get to live off the taxpayers! Whooo Hooo! Stereotype all you want.

you know what the differenace between you and me is?

I have no problem with you or anyone collecting SS.

Ayn Rand lived on it too when her historically failed ideas failed right inside her own life.

Thats a good thing.

thats why its there.

the best laid plans of mice and men
Well, I have to go get ready for work, now. 19 more days to work after today, and I get to live off the taxpayers! Whooo Hooo! Stereotype all you want.

you know what the differenace between you and me is?

I have no problem with you or anyone collecting SS.

Ayn Rand lived on it too when her historically failed ideas failed right inside her own life.

Thats a good thing.

thats why its there.

the best laid plans of mice and men

"the best laid plans of mice and men"
Ms. Truthie!!!!

Wow....so very glad....and impressed...to see a 'poetry' reference!


But, I don't believe you should have chosen that one, if your intended to support Social Security....
...you see the next line is 'Gang aft agley,'

It means, 'often go astray.'
Mess up.

As with Social Security, messed up:

The Social Security plan was that workers would pay for retirees, and, based on actuarial tables, those who died earlier than expected would add to the fund.

a. No one considered that life expectancy would increase?

b. No one considered that the balance of workers and retirees might change?

c. No one calculated the long-term costs?
"Broke," Beck

d. Ida May Fuller, the first person to begin receiving benefits, in January, 1940, when she was 65- she lived to be 100. “…worked for three years under the Social Security program. The accumulated taxes on her salary during those three years was a total of $24.75. Her initial monthly check was $22.54. During her lifetime she collected a total of $22,888.92 in Social Security benefits.” Social Security History

e. “Social Security will pay out more this year than it gets in payroll taxes, marking the first time since the program will be in the red since it was overhauled in 1983, according to the annual authoritative report released Thursday by the program's actuary.” Social Security in the red this year - Washington Times

f. “…redeeming trust fund assets until reserves are exhausted in 2037, at which point tax income would be sufficient to pay about 75 percent of scheduled benefits through 2084.”
Trustees Report Summary

The best laid schemes o' Mice an' Men,
Gang aft agley,
An' lea'e us nought but grief an' pain,
For promis'd joy!

-- "To A Mouse" by Robert Burns
No one wants to mention near bankrupt Los Angeles, or drowning New York City. Run by democrats too.

Or even, sad the say the fiscal sewer that California has become.
dear silly woman,

the best laid plans of moce and men means Ayn Rand who her whole life railed against SS because it made people weak and they needed to care for themselves or fail which was their punishment deemed by the gods of the free market.

then she refused to accept the deemed punishments of the gods of the free market.
No one wants to mention near bankrupt Los Angeles, or drowning New York City. Run by democrats too.

Or even, sad the say the fiscal sewer that California has become.

but you should thank them if you think they are tearing the country appart.

its your dream.

be sure to carry your chisel sharp side down so you dont hurt yourself while you run away
The trick in this thread is a classic use of the half-truth.

The OP points out some poor cities in the US, then shows they've been mostly run by Democrats...

...the other half of the truth, which of course destroys the OP's trick,

is that the richer cities in the U.S. are also mostly run by Democrats. You know, like San Francisco, or San Jose, CA., or Seattle.

You're right,...

You should have stopped right there; it could have been your first intelligent post of the year.
Well, I have to go get ready for work, now. 19 more days to work after today, and I get to live off the taxpayers! Whooo Hooo! Stereotype all you want.

you know what the differenace between you and me is?

I have no problem with you or anyone collecting SS.

Ayn Rand lived on it too when her historically failed ideas failed right inside her own life.

Thats a good thing.

thats why its there.

the best laid plans of mice and men

"the best laid plans of mice and men"
Ms. Truthie!!!!

Wow....so very glad....and impressed...to see a 'poetry' reference!


But, I don't believe you should have chosen that one, if your intended to support Social Security....
...you see the next line is 'Gang aft agley,'

It means, 'often go astray.'
Mess up.

As with Social Security, messed up:

The Social Security plan was that workers would pay for retirees, and, based on actuarial tables, those who died earlier than expected would add to the fund.

a. No one considered that life expectancy would increase?

b. No one considered that the balance of workers and retirees might change?

c. No one calculated the long-term costs?
"Broke," Beck

d. Ida May Fuller, the first person to begin receiving benefits, in January, 1940, when she was 65- she lived to be 100. “…worked for three years under the Social Security program. The accumulated taxes on her salary during those three years was a total of $24.75. Her initial monthly check was $22.54. During her lifetime she collected a total of $22,888.92 in Social Security benefits.” Social Security History

e. “Social Security will pay out more this year than it gets in payroll taxes, marking the first time since the program will be in the red since it was overhauled in 1983, according to the annual authoritative report released Thursday by the program's actuary.” Social Security in the red this year - Washington Times

f. “…redeeming trust fund assets until reserves are exhausted in 2037, at which point tax income would be sufficient to pay about 75 percent of scheduled benefits through 2084.”
Trustees Report Summary

The best laid schemes o' Mice an' Men,
Gang aft agley,
An' lea'e us nought but grief an' pain,
For promis'd joy!

-- "To A Mouse" by Robert Burns

Social Security was not 'in the red' last year. That is idiocy. Social Security payouts were covered by payroll tax receipts plus some of the year's interest earned on Trust Fund securities.

The principal in the Trust Fund actually increased.

Stop posting lies, please.
Right. People are hurting for money because they don't have the proper attitude.
Does anyone actually believe such silly BS?

Clearly psychopaths do.

No you're right having a shitty attitude is great to be successful, negative, bitchy, self righteous, lazy, and entitlement people do well....I mean people who show up late everyday do awesome!!!!!!

Do you guys even know what you're talking about.....you make it seem like attitude doesnt matter......WOW...no wonder you guys are so successfull......LOL

Famous Attitude Quotes

Is there not a high percentage of wealthy people with truly shitty attitudes? I don't know how "successful" you are but your attitude sucks.
Nobody said attitude isn't a factor just not that it is far from being the most important or only factor.
I am quite happy with my level of success. How about you?
Only idiots and assholes measure the worth of a man in dollars and cents.
Well, I have to go get ready for work, now. 19 more days to work after today, and I get to live off the taxpayers! Whooo Hooo! Stereotype all you want.

You mean you be living off YOUR money, money that YOU set aside via your social security?
I would like to point out that the original article which PC quoted railing against social programs, was posted on the Heritiage Foundation website. The Heritigage Foundation is an extreme right wing think tank which believes that ALL social programs, including public education, should be abolished. All of their research, studies and position papers start with the assumption that all social programs are bad and wasteful, and all private businesses are good.

I agree that social programs are expensive. Especially since virtually every program in the US is "means tested", which adds layers of administration and costs to every program. Studies have shown that "means testing" adds more costs to a program than it saves, but Americans are so obsessed that someone who doesn't deserve it might get a dollar or two, that they'll spend thousands to make sure that doesn't happen.

Any efforts to increase minimum wages, is met with howls of derision from the right, and yet increasing the minimum wage would substanially reduce or eliminate the need for many of the income assistance programs which you rail against. There are lots of ways of reducing dependence on social programs, and all of them start with increasing the wage of workers which have been stagnant for 35 years.
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[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8GBAsFwPglw]Paul Weyrich - "I don't want everybody to vote" (Goo Goo) - YouTube[/ame]

this is the founder of the heritage foundation
Raising the minimum wage increases unemployment, especially for prospective entrants to the workforce. But don't let that get in the way of your utopian vision.

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