A challenge for the left & I bet none of them can fulfill it...

In short, "no solution exists, so why the hell try".

The lunatics mostly obtain guns legally. Of course some guns are stolen, but purchased or stolen guns used in mass shootings of innocent men, women and children originated from the hand of a gun producer, and/or purveyor to a gun buyer; somewhere along that line one of them was careless, greedy or complicit in the future use of the gun for evil.
Are you willing to use the same logic concerning automobiles, planes, knives, ships, baseball bats, axes, hammers, natural gas piped into homes, arrows, swimming pools, race tracks, drag racers, parachutes, tall buildings, bridges, and many other items, inventions, and instruments of an advanced and civilized world?

Again, it's PEOPLE and NOT guns. Does a car kill anyone when not in motion? Does a kitchen knife kill anyone while it's in a drawer? Does an airplane kill anyone while sitting idle at an airport? Does a tall building kill anyone unless some nut jumps from it? Does a swimming pool kill anyone unless a careless person drowns in it? How does a gun kill unless a person uses it to kill?

Should we ban automobiles due to the high number of deaths each year from wrecks? Should we ban hospitals because over 400,000 people die each year from infections obtained during hospital stays? Should we ban airplanes because they crash and kill hundreds at a time?

Why are you pointing out things that are regulated, registered and often times illegal? This just deflated your argument.
So are guns regulated, must be registered, and illegal to have in certain cases. Yet, laws do not stop gun violence.

Are the guns used by gang members registered? Are the guns purchased from the trunk of cars registered? Are the guns sold between family members registered? Are all guns sold on the internet registered? Are all guns sold at yard sales and flea markets registered? Are all guns that come across our borders registered? Are all guns sold from one friend to another friend registered?

Do existing gun laws prevent gun violence? Will gang members turn in their unregistered weapons? Will criminals turn in their unregistered weapons? Will drug dealers and pimps turn in their unregistered weapons? Who has unregistered weapons, where are they, and how many are unregistered? Who will go door-to-door and search for unregistered weapons? How will laws keep guns out of the hands of citizens, and how will laws stop gun violence?
Yes, the current regulations put on Automatic weapons has most likely saved lives. If any one of these mass shooters was using a machine gun rather than the hand guns and rifles they could have inflicted much more damage. Give them grenades and body armor and watch the body counts increase... It's not always an issue of "all or nothing" severity and collateral damage need to be considered. We are talking about people's lives here. Do you not understand that?
Again, anyone with the money and connections can get their hands on any weapon they want, there's nothing to stop them from doing so. Criminals have used body armor in the past ( Los Angeles California ). Killers will kill, regardless of gun regulations, laws, legislation, or restrictions. Also, check your history concerning machine guns ( 1920s and 1930s ).

Serious question: What will stop killers from killing?
Serious question: How will laws and regulations stop gun violence?
Serious question: How is it possible to ensure that ONLY registered guns are in the hands of citizens?
Serious question: What's to keep gang members, criminals, and lunatics from getting their hands on guns?
Serious question: What's to stop guns from crossing our borders?
Serious question: How have existing gun laws prevented mass killings from happening? ( Orlando )
Serious question: How will gun laws prevent the use of stolen guns in criminal activity?
Serious question: How will gun laws prevent friends from selling guns to friends?
Serious question: How will gun laws prevent the sale of guns on the black market?
Like I said, nothing is going to stop killing, gun violence, or mass shootings. But our regulations can help decrease the body count. And limit access to weapons that can inflict massive amounts of death in short periods of time.

Here is a real example. The Orlando shooter went to a gun store to buy more weapons and body armor. They thankfully didn't sell to him. Let's say we do things your way and drop gun control regulations, and he goes in there and buys body armor and a machine gun. Do you really think the body count would have been only 50?
In short, "no solution exists, so why the hell try".

The lunatics mostly obtain guns legally. Of course some guns are stolen, but purchased or stolen guns used in mass shootings of innocent men, women and children originated from the hand of a gun producer, and/or purveyor to a gun buyer; somewhere along that line one of them was careless, greedy or complicit in the future use of the gun for evil.
Are you willing to use the same logic concerning automobiles, planes, knives, ships, baseball bats, axes, hammers, natural gas piped into homes, arrows, swimming pools, race tracks, drag racers, parachutes, tall buildings, bridges, and many other items, inventions, and instruments of an advanced and civilized world?

Again, it's PEOPLE and NOT guns. Does a car kill anyone when not in motion? Does a kitchen knife kill anyone while it's in a drawer? Does an airplane kill anyone while sitting idle at an airport? Does a tall building kill anyone unless some nut jumps from it? Does a swimming pool kill anyone unless a careless person drowns in it? How does a gun kill unless a person uses it to kill?

Should we ban automobiles due to the high number of deaths each year from wrecks? Should we ban hospitals because over 400,000 people die each year from infections obtained during hospital stays? Should we ban airplanes because they crash and kill hundreds at a time?

Why are you pointing out things that are regulated, registered and often times illegal? This just deflated your argument.
So are guns regulated, must be registered, and illegal to have in certain cases. Yet, laws do not stop gun violence.

Are the guns used by gang members registered? Are the guns purchased from the trunk of cars registered? Are the guns sold between family members registered? Are all guns sold on the internet registered? Are all guns sold at yard sales and flea markets registered? Are all guns that come across our borders registered? Are all guns sold from one friend to another friend registered?

Do existing gun laws prevent gun violence? Will gang members turn in their unregistered weapons? Will criminals turn in their unregistered weapons? Will drug dealers and pimps turn in their unregistered weapons? Who has unregistered weapons, where are they, and how many are unregistered? Who will go door-to-door and search for unregistered weapons? How will laws keep guns out of the hands of citizens, and how will laws stop gun violence?

Do existing laws prevent people from being killed on carnival rides? From being eaten by alligators? dying from automobile accidents? Drowning in swimming pools? Being killed by drunk drivers? Being hit by lightning? Of course not. Never have and never will.
Yes, laws and regulations affect many of those... Carnival rides need safety checks, people's lives are saved by seat belts and airbags every day in auto accidents, DUIs take drunks off the road and make them think twice before driving drunk, fences around pools prevent children from drowning... The list goes on
Really? Are you sure about that?

Then how do drunk drivers kill so many people each year?
Why do kids still drown in swimming pools?
Why do small children still die as a result of carnival rides?
Why do motorists die even with seat belts on when involved in horrible high speed car accidents?
Why do airbags cause the death of people, and result in so many law suits?
Does speed limits on our roads and highways prevent speeding?
Does drunk driving laws prevent drunks from driving?
Do our laws concerning crime prevent bank robberies?
Do our laws prevent rape, child molestation, theft, the sell of illegal drugs, or prevent income tax evasion?
Do our laws prevent prostitution?

So, in your opinion, ramping up gun laws will prevent gun violence? In your opinion, ramping up gun laws will prevent lunatics and crazies from going postal and killing people?
Are you willing to use the same logic concerning automobiles, planes, knives, ships, baseball bats, axes, hammers, natural gas piped into homes, arrows, swimming pools, race tracks, drag racers, parachutes, tall buildings, bridges, and many other items, inventions, and instruments of an advanced and civilized world?

Again, it's PEOPLE and NOT guns. Does a car kill anyone when not in motion? Does a kitchen knife kill anyone while it's in a drawer? Does an airplane kill anyone while sitting idle at an airport? Does a tall building kill anyone unless some nut jumps from it? Does a swimming pool kill anyone unless a careless person drowns in it? How does a gun kill unless a person uses it to kill?

Should we ban automobiles due to the high number of deaths each year from wrecks? Should we ban hospitals because over 400,000 people die each year from infections obtained during hospital stays? Should we ban airplanes because they crash and kill hundreds at a time?

Why are you pointing out things that are regulated, registered and often times illegal? This just deflated your argument.
So are guns regulated, must be registered, and illegal to have in certain cases. Yet, laws do not stop gun violence.

Are the guns used by gang members registered? Are the guns purchased from the trunk of cars registered? Are the guns sold between family members registered? Are all guns sold on the internet registered? Are all guns sold at yard sales and flea markets registered? Are all guns that come across our borders registered? Are all guns sold from one friend to another friend registered?

Do existing gun laws prevent gun violence? Will gang members turn in their unregistered weapons? Will criminals turn in their unregistered weapons? Will drug dealers and pimps turn in their unregistered weapons? Who has unregistered weapons, where are they, and how many are unregistered? Who will go door-to-door and search for unregistered weapons? How will laws keep guns out of the hands of citizens, and how will laws stop gun violence?

Do existing laws prevent people from being killed on carnival rides? From being eaten by alligators? dying from automobile accidents? Drowning in swimming pools? Being killed by drunk drivers? Being hit by lightning? Of course not. Never have and never will.
Yes, laws and regulations affect many of those... Carnival rides need safety checks, people's lives are saved by seat belts and airbags every day in auto accidents, DUIs take drunks off the road and make them think twice before driving drunk, fences around pools prevent children from drowning... The list goes on
Really? Are you sure about that?

Then how do drunk drivers kill so many people each year?
Why do kids still drown in swimming pools?
Why do small children still die as a result of carnival rides?
Why do motorists die even with seat belts on when involved in horrible high speed car accidents?
Why do airbags cause the death of people, and result in so many law suits?
Does speed limits on our roads and highways prevent speeding?
Does drunk driving laws prevent drunks from driving?
Do our laws concerning crime prevent bank robberies?
Do our laws prevent rape, child molestation, theft, the sell of illegal drugs, or prevent income tax evasion?
Do our laws prevent prostitution?

So, in your opinion, ramping up gun laws will prevent gun violence? In your opinion, ramping up gun laws will prevent lunatics and crazies from going postal and killing people?
I know, and just think of the anti-bacterial laws that passed to kill off man's greatest killer..
Obviously you’re truly this stupid.

And don’t respond with “personal attack rather than addressing the thread topic” because your thread premise is so intensely stupid that it doesn’t warrant a serious response.

Ahahaha you flap your big lips about personal attacks...while engaging in a personal attack brilliant! :laugh:
Are you willing to use the same logic concerning automobiles, planes, knives, ships, baseball bats, axes, hammers, natural gas piped into homes, arrows, swimming pools, race tracks, drag racers, parachutes, tall buildings, bridges, and many other items, inventions, and instruments of an advanced and civilized world?

Again, it's PEOPLE and NOT guns. Does a car kill anyone when not in motion? Does a kitchen knife kill anyone while it's in a drawer? Does an airplane kill anyone while sitting idle at an airport? Does a tall building kill anyone unless some nut jumps from it? Does a swimming pool kill anyone unless a careless person drowns in it? How does a gun kill unless a person uses it to kill?

Should we ban automobiles due to the high number of deaths each year from wrecks? Should we ban hospitals because over 400,000 people die each year from infections obtained during hospital stays? Should we ban airplanes because they crash and kill hundreds at a time?

Why are you pointing out things that are regulated, registered and often times illegal? This just deflated your argument.
So are guns regulated, must be registered, and illegal to have in certain cases. Yet, laws do not stop gun violence.

Are the guns used by gang members registered? Are the guns purchased from the trunk of cars registered? Are the guns sold between family members registered? Are all guns sold on the internet registered? Are all guns sold at yard sales and flea markets registered? Are all guns that come across our borders registered? Are all guns sold from one friend to another friend registered?

Do existing gun laws prevent gun violence? Will gang members turn in their unregistered weapons? Will criminals turn in their unregistered weapons? Will drug dealers and pimps turn in their unregistered weapons? Who has unregistered weapons, where are they, and how many are unregistered? Who will go door-to-door and search for unregistered weapons? How will laws keep guns out of the hands of citizens, and how will laws stop gun violence?

Do existing laws prevent people from being killed on carnival rides? From being eaten by alligators? dying from automobile accidents? Drowning in swimming pools? Being killed by drunk drivers? Being hit by lightning? Of course not. Never have and never will.
Yes, laws and regulations affect many of those... Carnival rides need safety checks, people's lives are saved by seat belts and airbags every day in auto accidents, DUIs take drunks off the road and make them think twice before driving drunk, fences around pools prevent children from drowning... The list goes on
Really? Are you sure about that?

Then how do drunk drivers kill so many people each year?
Why do kids still drown in swimming pools?
Why do small children still die as a result of carnival rides?
Why do motorists die even with seat belts on when involved in horrible high speed car accidents?
Why do airbags cause the death of people, and result in so many law suits?
Does speed limits on our roads and highways prevent speeding?
Does drunk driving laws prevent drunks from driving?
Do our laws concerning crime prevent bank robberies?
Do our laws prevent rape, child molestation, theft, the sell of illegal drugs, or prevent income tax evasion?
Do our laws prevent prostitution?

So, in your opinion, ramping up gun laws will prevent gun violence? In your opinion, ramping up gun laws will prevent lunatics and crazies from going postal and killing people?
It's not all or nothing... All these things will still happen. My claim is that they minimize the number of casualties. Are you claiming that no lives are being saved from any of these pretective/preventative measures?
Are you willing to use the same logic concerning automobiles, planes, knives, ships, baseball bats, axes, hammers, natural gas piped into homes, arrows, swimming pools, race tracks, drag racers, parachutes, tall buildings, bridges, and many other items, inventions, and instruments of an advanced and civilized world?

Again, it's PEOPLE and NOT guns. Does a car kill anyone when not in motion? Does a kitchen knife kill anyone while it's in a drawer? Does an airplane kill anyone while sitting idle at an airport? Does a tall building kill anyone unless some nut jumps from it? Does a swimming pool kill anyone unless a careless person drowns in it? How does a gun kill unless a person uses it to kill?

Should we ban automobiles due to the high number of deaths each year from wrecks? Should we ban hospitals because over 400,000 people die each year from infections obtained during hospital stays? Should we ban airplanes because they crash and kill hundreds at a time?

Why are you pointing out things that are regulated, registered and often times illegal? This just deflated your argument.
So are guns regulated, must be registered, and illegal to have in certain cases. Yet, laws do not stop gun violence.

Are the guns used by gang members registered? Are the guns purchased from the trunk of cars registered? Are the guns sold between family members registered? Are all guns sold on the internet registered? Are all guns sold at yard sales and flea markets registered? Are all guns that come across our borders registered? Are all guns sold from one friend to another friend registered?

Do existing gun laws prevent gun violence? Will gang members turn in their unregistered weapons? Will criminals turn in their unregistered weapons? Will drug dealers and pimps turn in their unregistered weapons? Who has unregistered weapons, where are they, and how many are unregistered? Who will go door-to-door and search for unregistered weapons? How will laws keep guns out of the hands of citizens, and how will laws stop gun violence?
Yes, the current regulations put on Automatic weapons has most likely saved lives. If any one of these mass shooters was using a machine gun rather than the hand guns and rifles they could have inflicted much more damage. Give them grenades and body armor and watch the body counts increase... It's not always an issue of "all or nothing" severity and collateral damage need to be considered. We are talking about people's lives here. Do you not understand that?
Again, anyone with the money and connections can get their hands on any weapon they want, there's nothing to stop them from doing so. Criminals have used body armor in the past ( Los Angeles California ). Killers will kill, regardless of gun regulations, laws, legislation, or restrictions. Also, check your history concerning machine guns ( 1920s and 1930s ).

Serious question: What will stop killers from killing?
Serious question: How will laws and regulations stop gun violence?
Serious question: How is it possible to ensure that ONLY registered guns are in the hands of citizens?
Serious question: What's to keep gang members, criminals, and lunatics from getting their hands on guns?
Serious question: What's to stop guns from crossing our borders?
Serious question: How have existing gun laws prevented mass killings from happening? ( Orlando )
Serious question: How will gun laws prevent the use of stolen guns in criminal activity?
Serious question: How will gun laws prevent friends from selling guns to friends?
Serious question: How will gun laws prevent the sale of guns on the black market?
Like I said, nothing is going to stop killing, gun violence, or mass shootings. But our regulations can help decrease the body count. And limit access to weapons that can inflict massive amounts of death in short periods of time.

Here is a real example. The Orlando shooter went to a gun store to buy more weapons and body armor. They thankfully didn't sell to him. Let's say we do things your way and drop gun control regulations, and he goes in there and buys body armor and a machine gun. Do you really think the body count would have been only 50?
Speculation, at best. No one knows for sure what might have happened under different circumstances. We have no way of knowing how many he would've killed before the cops killed him. The point is, many died, and there's absolutely nothing that would've stopped him from killing many people.

It's not the number of deaths, but gun violence in general, whether it's 3 or 4, or dozens at a time. The point is, and I repeat myself here, there is no way humanly possible to end gun violence. We do not have the technology to read minds. We don't know if the grocery store clerk is on the edge of sanity or not. We don't know if our next door neighbor is depressed, angry, and ready to end it all, and take several innocent people with him when he goes. We don't know if our mail carrier is going through a nasty divorce and wants to just end his life, and take several innocent people with him/her. We never know who is going to go postal, when, why, nor how. We can't read minds. We can't test everyone for mental illnesses every few months forever. We can't stop suicides, murder, illegal drugs, wars, depression, hatred, nor any other human emotions or behavior if we don't know in advance.

Think about domestic disputes, vengeance, hatred, racism, fanatics, terrorists, lunatics, crazies, suicidal people, the mentally disturbed, alcoholics, drug addicts, gangs, criminals, rogue supremacist groups, religious zealots, and others. How do we stop them? How are we going to find them, disarm them, and prevent the tragedies that they would've caused?

Can laws solve all of the problems concerning gun violence and deaths?
Why are you pointing out things that are regulated, registered and often times illegal? This just deflated your argument.
So are guns regulated, must be registered, and illegal to have in certain cases. Yet, laws do not stop gun violence.

Are the guns used by gang members registered? Are the guns purchased from the trunk of cars registered? Are the guns sold between family members registered? Are all guns sold on the internet registered? Are all guns sold at yard sales and flea markets registered? Are all guns that come across our borders registered? Are all guns sold from one friend to another friend registered?

Do existing gun laws prevent gun violence? Will gang members turn in their unregistered weapons? Will criminals turn in their unregistered weapons? Will drug dealers and pimps turn in their unregistered weapons? Who has unregistered weapons, where are they, and how many are unregistered? Who will go door-to-door and search for unregistered weapons? How will laws keep guns out of the hands of citizens, and how will laws stop gun violence?
Yes, the current regulations put on Automatic weapons has most likely saved lives. If any one of these mass shooters was using a machine gun rather than the hand guns and rifles they could have inflicted much more damage. Give them grenades and body armor and watch the body counts increase... It's not always an issue of "all or nothing" severity and collateral damage need to be considered. We are talking about people's lives here. Do you not understand that?
Again, anyone with the money and connections can get their hands on any weapon they want, there's nothing to stop them from doing so. Criminals have used body armor in the past ( Los Angeles California ). Killers will kill, regardless of gun regulations, laws, legislation, or restrictions. Also, check your history concerning machine guns ( 1920s and 1930s ).

Serious question: What will stop killers from killing?
Serious question: How will laws and regulations stop gun violence?
Serious question: How is it possible to ensure that ONLY registered guns are in the hands of citizens?
Serious question: What's to keep gang members, criminals, and lunatics from getting their hands on guns?
Serious question: What's to stop guns from crossing our borders?
Serious question: How have existing gun laws prevented mass killings from happening? ( Orlando )
Serious question: How will gun laws prevent the use of stolen guns in criminal activity?
Serious question: How will gun laws prevent friends from selling guns to friends?
Serious question: How will gun laws prevent the sale of guns on the black market?
Like I said, nothing is going to stop killing, gun violence, or mass shootings. But our regulations can help decrease the body count. And limit access to weapons that can inflict massive amounts of death in short periods of time.

Here is a real example. The Orlando shooter went to a gun store to buy more weapons and body armor. They thankfully didn't sell to him. Let's say we do things your way and drop gun control regulations, and he goes in there and buys body armor and a machine gun. Do you really think the body count would have been only 50?
Speculation, at best. No one knows for sure what might have happened under different circumstances. We have no way of knowing how many he would've killed before the cops killed him. The point is, many died, and there's absolutely nothing that would've stopped him from killing many people.

It's not the number of deaths, but gun violence in general, whether it's 3 or 4, or dozens at a time. The point is, and I repeat myself here, there is no way humanly possible to end gun violence. We do not have the technology to read minds. We don't know if the grocery store clerk is on the edge of sanity or not. We don't know if our next door neighbor is depressed, angry, and ready to end it all, and take several innocent people with him when he goes. We don't know if our mail carrier is going through a nasty divorce and wants to just end his life, and take several innocent people with him/her. We never know who is going to go postal, when, why, nor how. We can't read minds. We can't test everyone for mental illnesses every few months forever. We can't stop suicides, murder, illegal drugs, wars, depression, hatred, nor any other human emotions or behavior if we don't know in advance.

Think about domestic disputes, vengeance, hatred, racism, fanatics, terrorists, lunatics, crazies, suicidal people, the mentally disturbed, alcoholics, drug addicts, gangs, criminals, rogue supremacist groups, religious zealots, and others. How do we stop them? How are we going to find them, disarm them, and prevent the tragedies that they would've caused?

Can laws solve all of the problems concerning gun violence and deaths?
I agree, there will always be gun violence and nothing will stop all of these tragic killing from happening. But just use your brain, give Orlando guy body armor a machine gun and grenades... What do you think would have happened?

You seem to be saying that if we can't stop all violence then we should t do anything that can reduce it. This makes no sense to me
Why are you pointing out things that are regulated, registered and often times illegal? This just deflated your argument.
So are guns regulated, must be registered, and illegal to have in certain cases. Yet, laws do not stop gun violence.

Are the guns used by gang members registered? Are the guns purchased from the trunk of cars registered? Are the guns sold between family members registered? Are all guns sold on the internet registered? Are all guns sold at yard sales and flea markets registered? Are all guns that come across our borders registered? Are all guns sold from one friend to another friend registered?

Do existing gun laws prevent gun violence? Will gang members turn in their unregistered weapons? Will criminals turn in their unregistered weapons? Will drug dealers and pimps turn in their unregistered weapons? Who has unregistered weapons, where are they, and how many are unregistered? Who will go door-to-door and search for unregistered weapons? How will laws keep guns out of the hands of citizens, and how will laws stop gun violence?

Do existing laws prevent people from being killed on carnival rides? From being eaten by alligators? dying from automobile accidents? Drowning in swimming pools? Being killed by drunk drivers? Being hit by lightning? Of course not. Never have and never will.
Yes, laws and regulations affect many of those... Carnival rides need safety checks, people's lives are saved by seat belts and airbags every day in auto accidents, DUIs take drunks off the road and make them think twice before driving drunk, fences around pools prevent children from drowning... The list goes on
Really? Are you sure about that?

Then how do drunk drivers kill so many people each year?
Why do kids still drown in swimming pools?
Why do small children still die as a result of carnival rides?
Why do motorists die even with seat belts on when involved in horrible high speed car accidents?
Why do airbags cause the death of people, and result in so many law suits?
Does speed limits on our roads and highways prevent speeding?
Does drunk driving laws prevent drunks from driving?
Do our laws concerning crime prevent bank robberies?
Do our laws prevent rape, child molestation, theft, the sell of illegal drugs, or prevent income tax evasion?
Do our laws prevent prostitution?

So, in your opinion, ramping up gun laws will prevent gun violence? In your opinion, ramping up gun laws will prevent lunatics and crazies from going postal and killing people?
It's not all or nothing... All these things will still happen. My claim is that they minimize the number of casualties. Are you claiming that no lives are being saved from any of these pretective/preventative measures?
Well, if existing laws have no effect on gun violence, what additional laws will? Any idea? What additional laws will prevent what happened in Orlando, Charleston South Carolina, Los Angeles, Columbine High School, and other senseless deadly attacks on innocent citizens? Any idea?

How do we keep guns out of the hands of crazies, lunatics, the mentally disturbed, and the haters? Any suggestions?
If he/she could prove a point I'd join you.

Oh, I think Young Blood has proven the case many times already.

In your own words, what was proved? Seriously, I'd like to hear from you what exactly was proven.

Like I just told you - land mines are NOT legal, by any stretch of the imagination. Never have been, never will. Get your act together before you enter into an argument that you have no chance of winning.

Nobody is arguing that landmines are legal. I didn't think you were following along.
No you are asking why we should not ban guns.

First is that a gun ban will not stop mass murders.
Second, criminals can obtain guns through the black market
And Third, you are disarming innocent people for what killers do

The only thing you gain from a ban of guns is a false sense of security. You may have ban the sales, but the ban does not remove guns from the society.
As already correctly noted: no one is advocating that guns be ‘banned,’ the notion is both un-Constitutional and untenable.

No one is advocating that citizens be ‘disarmed,’ that’s a ridiculous lie.

And that criminals can obtain firearms by means other than an FFL fails as a red herring fallacy.
In your own words, what was proved? Seriously, I'd like to hear from you what exactly was proven.

Like I just told you - land mines are NOT legal, by any stretch of the imagination. Never have been, never will. Get your act together before you enter into an argument that you have no chance of winning.

Nobody is arguing that landmines are legal. I didn't think you were following along.
No you are asking why we should not ban guns.

First is that a gun ban will not stop mass murders.
Second, criminals can obtain guns through the black market
And Third, you are disarming innocent people for what killers do

The only thing you gain from a ban of guns is a false sense of security. You may have ban the sales, but the ban does not remove guns from the society.
Nobody is being disarmed... That's a fallacy. Weapons that cause mass casualties being banned is a smart move, like machine guns and bazookas. Keeping high risk individuals from easy access to purchasing lethal weapons is responsible action. Law abiding gun owners are not effected in this conversation
"Nobody is being disarmed.."

Ah yes.....we all will eventually still have our squirt guns.......but WAIT....even those are being forbidden in grade schools.....
Again, no one is being ‘disarmed,’ it’s complete idiocy to ‘argue’ otherwise.
So are guns regulated, must be registered, and illegal to have in certain cases. Yet, laws do not stop gun violence.

Are the guns used by gang members registered? Are the guns purchased from the trunk of cars registered? Are the guns sold between family members registered? Are all guns sold on the internet registered? Are all guns sold at yard sales and flea markets registered? Are all guns that come across our borders registered? Are all guns sold from one friend to another friend registered?

Do existing gun laws prevent gun violence? Will gang members turn in their unregistered weapons? Will criminals turn in their unregistered weapons? Will drug dealers and pimps turn in their unregistered weapons? Who has unregistered weapons, where are they, and how many are unregistered? Who will go door-to-door and search for unregistered weapons? How will laws keep guns out of the hands of citizens, and how will laws stop gun violence?

Do existing laws prevent people from being killed on carnival rides? From being eaten by alligators? dying from automobile accidents? Drowning in swimming pools? Being killed by drunk drivers? Being hit by lightning? Of course not. Never have and never will.
Yes, laws and regulations affect many of those... Carnival rides need safety checks, people's lives are saved by seat belts and airbags every day in auto accidents, DUIs take drunks off the road and make them think twice before driving drunk, fences around pools prevent children from drowning... The list goes on
Really? Are you sure about that?

Then how do drunk drivers kill so many people each year?
Why do kids still drown in swimming pools?
Why do small children still die as a result of carnival rides?
Why do motorists die even with seat belts on when involved in horrible high speed car accidents?
Why do airbags cause the death of people, and result in so many law suits?
Does speed limits on our roads and highways prevent speeding?
Does drunk driving laws prevent drunks from driving?
Do our laws concerning crime prevent bank robberies?
Do our laws prevent rape, child molestation, theft, the sell of illegal drugs, or prevent income tax evasion?
Do our laws prevent prostitution?

So, in your opinion, ramping up gun laws will prevent gun violence? In your opinion, ramping up gun laws will prevent lunatics and crazies from going postal and killing people?
It's not all or nothing... All these things will still happen. My claim is that they minimize the number of casualties. Are you claiming that no lives are being saved from any of these pretective/preventative measures?
Well, if existing laws have no effect on gun violence, what additional laws will? Any idea? What additional laws will prevent what happened in Orlando, Charleston South Carolina, Los Angeles, Columbine High School, and other senseless deadly attacks on innocent citizens? Any idea?

How do we keep guns out of the hands of crazies, lunatics, the mentally disturbed, and the haters? Any suggestions?
Yes, we don't let risky people easy buy a gun at a store. Make them try to steal one where they could get caught or make them ask around to buy one on the black market which then involves others as accomplices in their crimes.

I can pretty confidently say that the fact the Orlando shooter didn't have a machine gun grenades and body armor reduced the body count. Perhaps better FBI servellence could have prevented the attack but we are never going to stop all of them. Best we can do is lay out as many speed bumps as possible to slow them down and implement as many prevention techniques as we can.
So are guns regulated, must be registered, and illegal to have in certain cases. Yet, laws do not stop gun violence.

Are the guns used by gang members registered? Are the guns purchased from the trunk of cars registered? Are the guns sold between family members registered? Are all guns sold on the internet registered? Are all guns sold at yard sales and flea markets registered? Are all guns that come across our borders registered? Are all guns sold from one friend to another friend registered?

Do existing gun laws prevent gun violence? Will gang members turn in their unregistered weapons? Will criminals turn in their unregistered weapons? Will drug dealers and pimps turn in their unregistered weapons? Who has unregistered weapons, where are they, and how many are unregistered? Who will go door-to-door and search for unregistered weapons? How will laws keep guns out of the hands of citizens, and how will laws stop gun violence?
Yes, the current regulations put on Automatic weapons has most likely saved lives. If any one of these mass shooters was using a machine gun rather than the hand guns and rifles they could have inflicted much more damage. Give them grenades and body armor and watch the body counts increase... It's not always an issue of "all or nothing" severity and collateral damage need to be considered. We are talking about people's lives here. Do you not understand that?
Again, anyone with the money and connections can get their hands on any weapon they want, there's nothing to stop them from doing so. Criminals have used body armor in the past ( Los Angeles California ). Killers will kill, regardless of gun regulations, laws, legislation, or restrictions. Also, check your history concerning machine guns ( 1920s and 1930s ).

Serious question: What will stop killers from killing?
Serious question: How will laws and regulations stop gun violence?
Serious question: How is it possible to ensure that ONLY registered guns are in the hands of citizens?
Serious question: What's to keep gang members, criminals, and lunatics from getting their hands on guns?
Serious question: What's to stop guns from crossing our borders?
Serious question: How have existing gun laws prevented mass killings from happening? ( Orlando )
Serious question: How will gun laws prevent the use of stolen guns in criminal activity?
Serious question: How will gun laws prevent friends from selling guns to friends?
Serious question: How will gun laws prevent the sale of guns on the black market?
Like I said, nothing is going to stop killing, gun violence, or mass shootings. But our regulations can help decrease the body count. And limit access to weapons that can inflict massive amounts of death in short periods of time.

Here is a real example. The Orlando shooter went to a gun store to buy more weapons and body armor. They thankfully didn't sell to him. Let's say we do things your way and drop gun control regulations, and he goes in there and buys body armor and a machine gun. Do you really think the body count would have been only 50?
Speculation, at best. No one knows for sure what might have happened under different circumstances. We have no way of knowing how many he would've killed before the cops killed him. The point is, many died, and there's absolutely nothing that would've stopped him from killing many people.

It's not the number of deaths, but gun violence in general, whether it's 3 or 4, or dozens at a time. The point is, and I repeat myself here, there is no way humanly possible to end gun violence. We do not have the technology to read minds. We don't know if the grocery store clerk is on the edge of sanity or not. We don't know if our next door neighbor is depressed, angry, and ready to end it all, and take several innocent people with him when he goes. We don't know if our mail carrier is going through a nasty divorce and wants to just end his life, and take several innocent people with him/her. We never know who is going to go postal, when, why, nor how. We can't read minds. We can't test everyone for mental illnesses every few months forever. We can't stop suicides, murder, illegal drugs, wars, depression, hatred, nor any other human emotions or behavior if we don't know in advance.

Think about domestic disputes, vengeance, hatred, racism, fanatics, terrorists, lunatics, crazies, suicidal people, the mentally disturbed, alcoholics, drug addicts, gangs, criminals, rogue supremacist groups, religious zealots, and others. How do we stop them? How are we going to find them, disarm them, and prevent the tragedies that they would've caused?

Can laws solve all of the problems concerning gun violence and deaths?
I agree, there will always be gun violence and nothing will stop all of these tragic killing from happening. But just use your brain, give Orlando guy body armor a machine gun and grenades... What do you think would have happened?

You seem to be saying that if we can't stop all violence then we should t do anything that can reduce it. This makes no sense to me
No, I'm NOT saying that at all. What I am saying, is that there are NO additional laws, those not already on the books, that will prevent what we've seen, and what we'll no doubt see in the future. We have strict gun laws now, and still we have mass killings by guns.

Do you know of any additional laws that we could enact, that would greatly minimize, or stop what has been making headlines such as Orlando? Limiting magazine capacity will not solve, nor minimize the attacks. Banning automatic weapons will not prevent what we saw in Orlando. Anyone can purchase kits to make semi-automatic weapons, fully automatic. Background checks will not stop nor minimize the attacks.

Any suggestions? Give me an example of what you would do if you had the power and authority to enact laws.
If he/she could prove a point I'd join you.

Oh, I think Young Blood has proven the case many times already.

In your own words, what was proved? Seriously, I'd like to hear from you what exactly was proven.

Like I just told you - land mines are NOT legal, by any stretch of the imagination. Never have been, never will. Get your act together before you enter into an argument that you have no chance of winning.

Nobody is arguing that landmines are legal. I didn't think you were following along.
No you are asking why we should not ban guns.

First is that a gun ban will not stop mass murders.
Second, criminals can obtain guns through the black market
And Third, you are disarming innocent people for what killers do

The only thing you gain from a ban of guns is a false sense of security. You may have ban the sales, but the ban does not remove guns from the society.

Guns should not be banned, prohibition never works (prostitution, alcohol and marijuana are prime examples of why). Guns need to be controlled, only those who value their supposed right, over the needs of others (that is callous sociopaths), those who profit from guns and ammo and members of Congress who put their jobs before the life of others act otherwise.
Do existing laws prevent people from being killed on carnival rides? From being eaten by alligators? dying from automobile accidents? Drowning in swimming pools? Being killed by drunk drivers? Being hit by lightning? Of course not. Never have and never will.
Yes, laws and regulations affect many of those... Carnival rides need safety checks, people's lives are saved by seat belts and airbags every day in auto accidents, DUIs take drunks off the road and make them think twice before driving drunk, fences around pools prevent children from drowning... The list goes on
Really? Are you sure about that?

Then how do drunk drivers kill so many people each year?
Why do kids still drown in swimming pools?
Why do small children still die as a result of carnival rides?
Why do motorists die even with seat belts on when involved in horrible high speed car accidents?
Why do airbags cause the death of people, and result in so many law suits?
Does speed limits on our roads and highways prevent speeding?
Does drunk driving laws prevent drunks from driving?
Do our laws concerning crime prevent bank robberies?
Do our laws prevent rape, child molestation, theft, the sell of illegal drugs, or prevent income tax evasion?
Do our laws prevent prostitution?

So, in your opinion, ramping up gun laws will prevent gun violence? In your opinion, ramping up gun laws will prevent lunatics and crazies from going postal and killing people?
It's not all or nothing... All these things will still happen. My claim is that they minimize the number of casualties. Are you claiming that no lives are being saved from any of these pretective/preventative measures?
Well, if existing laws have no effect on gun violence, what additional laws will? Any idea? What additional laws will prevent what happened in Orlando, Charleston South Carolina, Los Angeles, Columbine High School, and other senseless deadly attacks on innocent citizens? Any idea?

How do we keep guns out of the hands of crazies, lunatics, the mentally disturbed, and the haters? Any suggestions?
Yes, we don't let risky people easy buy a gun at a store. Make them try to steal one where they could get caught or make them ask around to buy one on the black market which then involves others as accomplices in their crimes.

I can pretty confidently say that the fact the Orlando shooter didn't have a machine gun grenades and body armor reduced the body count. Perhaps better FBI servellence could have prevented the attack but we are never going to stop all of them. Best we can do is lay out as many speed bumps as possible to slow them down and implement as many prevention techniques as we can.
OK. Fair enough. So, tell me how we can do it? What additional laws can we enact to prevent incidents such as Orlando, Los Angeles, and other known tragedies involving guns. Please give me an example of a law that would be effective, fair to everyone, and greatly reduce gun violence.
Yes, the current regulations put on Automatic weapons has most likely saved lives. If any one of these mass shooters was using a machine gun rather than the hand guns and rifles they could have inflicted much more damage. Give them grenades and body armor and watch the body counts increase... It's not always an issue of "all or nothing" severity and collateral damage need to be considered. We are talking about people's lives here. Do you not understand that?
Again, anyone with the money and connections can get their hands on any weapon they want, there's nothing to stop them from doing so. Criminals have used body armor in the past ( Los Angeles California ). Killers will kill, regardless of gun regulations, laws, legislation, or restrictions. Also, check your history concerning machine guns ( 1920s and 1930s ).

Serious question: What will stop killers from killing?
Serious question: How will laws and regulations stop gun violence?
Serious question: How is it possible to ensure that ONLY registered guns are in the hands of citizens?
Serious question: What's to keep gang members, criminals, and lunatics from getting their hands on guns?
Serious question: What's to stop guns from crossing our borders?
Serious question: How have existing gun laws prevented mass killings from happening? ( Orlando )
Serious question: How will gun laws prevent the use of stolen guns in criminal activity?
Serious question: How will gun laws prevent friends from selling guns to friends?
Serious question: How will gun laws prevent the sale of guns on the black market?
Like I said, nothing is going to stop killing, gun violence, or mass shootings. But our regulations can help decrease the body count. And limit access to weapons that can inflict massive amounts of death in short periods of time.

Here is a real example. The Orlando shooter went to a gun store to buy more weapons and body armor. They thankfully didn't sell to him. Let's say we do things your way and drop gun control regulations, and he goes in there and buys body armor and a machine gun. Do you really think the body count would have been only 50?
Speculation, at best. No one knows for sure what might have happened under different circumstances. We have no way of knowing how many he would've killed before the cops killed him. The point is, many died, and there's absolutely nothing that would've stopped him from killing many people.

It's not the number of deaths, but gun violence in general, whether it's 3 or 4, or dozens at a time. The point is, and I repeat myself here, there is no way humanly possible to end gun violence. We do not have the technology to read minds. We don't know if the grocery store clerk is on the edge of sanity or not. We don't know if our next door neighbor is depressed, angry, and ready to end it all, and take several innocent people with him when he goes. We don't know if our mail carrier is going through a nasty divorce and wants to just end his life, and take several innocent people with him/her. We never know who is going to go postal, when, why, nor how. We can't read minds. We can't test everyone for mental illnesses every few months forever. We can't stop suicides, murder, illegal drugs, wars, depression, hatred, nor any other human emotions or behavior if we don't know in advance.

Think about domestic disputes, vengeance, hatred, racism, fanatics, terrorists, lunatics, crazies, suicidal people, the mentally disturbed, alcoholics, drug addicts, gangs, criminals, rogue supremacist groups, religious zealots, and others. How do we stop them? How are we going to find them, disarm them, and prevent the tragedies that they would've caused?

Can laws solve all of the problems concerning gun violence and deaths?
I agree, there will always be gun violence and nothing will stop all of these tragic killing from happening. But just use your brain, give Orlando guy body armor a machine gun and grenades... What do you think would have happened?

You seem to be saying that if we can't stop all violence then we should t do anything that can reduce it. This makes no sense to me
No, I'm NOT saying that at all. What I am saying, is that there are NO additional laws, those not already on the books, that will prevent what we've seen, and what we'll no doubt see in the future. We have strict gun laws now, and still we have mass killings by guns.

Do you know of any additional laws that we could enact, that would greatly minimize, or stop what has been making headlines such as Orlando? Limiting magazine capacity will not solve, nor minimize the attacks. Banning automatic weapons will not prevent what we saw in Orlando. Anyone can purchase kits to make semi-automatic weapons, fully automatic. Background checks will not stop nor minimize the attacks.

Any suggestions? Give me an example of what you would do if you had the power and authority to enact laws.
I'm personally not a big advocate to banning assault riffles but I'm not opposed to the discussion and think it is a healthy one for our law makers to have. The regulations on automatic weapons and others capable of mass destruction is a very good thing that I'm confident has saved lives.

A better background check system could have prevented the Orlando shooting.... He was under FBI surveillance for 10 months. I'd hope that when he went into a gun store to purchase body armor and more weapons that would set off a flag and the gun store and FBI would be made aware. Perhaps the FBI would have watched him again, seen him casing out Disney and the club, they may have been able to get him before he acted.
So are guns regulated, must be registered, and illegal to have in certain cases. Yet, laws do not stop gun violence.

Are the guns used by gang members registered? Are the guns purchased from the trunk of cars registered? Are the guns sold between family members registered? Are all guns sold on the internet registered? Are all guns sold at yard sales and flea markets registered? Are all guns that come across our borders registered? Are all guns sold from one friend to another friend registered?

Do existing gun laws prevent gun violence? Will gang members turn in their unregistered weapons? Will criminals turn in their unregistered weapons? Will drug dealers and pimps turn in their unregistered weapons? Who has unregistered weapons, where are they, and how many are unregistered? Who will go door-to-door and search for unregistered weapons? How will laws keep guns out of the hands of citizens, and how will laws stop gun violence?
Yes, the current regulations put on Automatic weapons has most likely saved lives. If any one of these mass shooters was using a machine gun rather than the hand guns and rifles they could have inflicted much more damage. Give them grenades and body armor and watch the body counts increase... It's not always an issue of "all or nothing" severity and collateral damage need to be considered. We are talking about people's lives here. Do you not understand that?
Again, anyone with the money and connections can get their hands on any weapon they want, there's nothing to stop them from doing so. Criminals have used body armor in the past ( Los Angeles California ). Killers will kill, regardless of gun regulations, laws, legislation, or restrictions. Also, check your history concerning machine guns ( 1920s and 1930s ).

Serious question: What will stop killers from killing?
Serious question: How will laws and regulations stop gun violence?
Serious question: How is it possible to ensure that ONLY registered guns are in the hands of citizens?
Serious question: What's to keep gang members, criminals, and lunatics from getting their hands on guns?
Serious question: What's to stop guns from crossing our borders?
Serious question: How have existing gun laws prevented mass killings from happening? ( Orlando )
Serious question: How will gun laws prevent the use of stolen guns in criminal activity?
Serious question: How will gun laws prevent friends from selling guns to friends?
Serious question: How will gun laws prevent the sale of guns on the black market?
Like I said, nothing is going to stop killing, gun violence, or mass shootings. But our regulations can help decrease the body count. And limit access to weapons that can inflict massive amounts of death in short periods of time.

Here is a real example. The Orlando shooter went to a gun store to buy more weapons and body armor. They thankfully didn't sell to him. Let's say we do things your way and drop gun control regulations, and he goes in there and buys body armor and a machine gun. Do you really think the body count would have been only 50?
Speculation, at best. No one knows for sure what might have happened under different circumstances. We have no way of knowing how many he would've killed before the cops killed him. The point is, many died, and there's absolutely nothing that would've stopped him from killing many people.

It's not the number of deaths, but gun violence in general, whether it's 3 or 4, or dozens at a time. The point is, and I repeat myself here, there is no way humanly possible to end gun violence. We do not have the technology to read minds. We don't know if the grocery store clerk is on the edge of sanity or not. We don't know if our next door neighbor is depressed, angry, and ready to end it all, and take several innocent people with him when he goes. We don't know if our mail carrier is going through a nasty divorce and wants to just end his life, and take several innocent people with him/her. We never know who is going to go postal, when, why, nor how. We can't read minds. We can't test everyone for mental illnesses every few months forever. We can't stop suicides, murder, illegal drugs, wars, depression, hatred, nor any other human emotions or behavior if we don't know in advance.

Think about domestic disputes, vengeance, hatred, racism, fanatics, terrorists, lunatics, crazies, suicidal people, the mentally disturbed, alcoholics, drug addicts, gangs, criminals, rogue supremacist groups, religious zealots, and others. How do we stop them? How are we going to find them, disarm them, and prevent the tragedies that they would've caused?

Can laws solve all of the problems concerning gun violence and deaths?
I agree, there will always be gun violence and nothing will stop all of these tragic killing from happening. But just use your brain, give Orlando guy body armor a machine gun and grenades... What do you think would have happened?

You seem to be saying that if we can't stop all violence then we should t do anything that can reduce it. This makes no sense to me
What can be done? Ideas? Suggestions?
Again, anyone with the money and connections can get their hands on any weapon they want, there's nothing to stop them from doing so. Criminals have used body armor in the past ( Los Angeles California ). Killers will kill, regardless of gun regulations, laws, legislation, or restrictions. Also, check your history concerning machine guns ( 1920s and 1930s ).

Serious question: What will stop killers from killing?
Serious question: How will laws and regulations stop gun violence?
Serious question: How is it possible to ensure that ONLY registered guns are in the hands of citizens?
Serious question: What's to keep gang members, criminals, and lunatics from getting their hands on guns?
Serious question: What's to stop guns from crossing our borders?
Serious question: How have existing gun laws prevented mass killings from happening? ( Orlando )
Serious question: How will gun laws prevent the use of stolen guns in criminal activity?
Serious question: How will gun laws prevent friends from selling guns to friends?
Serious question: How will gun laws prevent the sale of guns on the black market?
Like I said, nothing is going to stop killing, gun violence, or mass shootings. But our regulations can help decrease the body count. And limit access to weapons that can inflict massive amounts of death in short periods of time.

Here is a real example. The Orlando shooter went to a gun store to buy more weapons and body armor. They thankfully didn't sell to him. Let's say we do things your way and drop gun control regulations, and he goes in there and buys body armor and a machine gun. Do you really think the body count would have been only 50?
Speculation, at best. No one knows for sure what might have happened under different circumstances. We have no way of knowing how many he would've killed before the cops killed him. The point is, many died, and there's absolutely nothing that would've stopped him from killing many people.

It's not the number of deaths, but gun violence in general, whether it's 3 or 4, or dozens at a time. The point is, and I repeat myself here, there is no way humanly possible to end gun violence. We do not have the technology to read minds. We don't know if the grocery store clerk is on the edge of sanity or not. We don't know if our next door neighbor is depressed, angry, and ready to end it all, and take several innocent people with him when he goes. We don't know if our mail carrier is going through a nasty divorce and wants to just end his life, and take several innocent people with him/her. We never know who is going to go postal, when, why, nor how. We can't read minds. We can't test everyone for mental illnesses every few months forever. We can't stop suicides, murder, illegal drugs, wars, depression, hatred, nor any other human emotions or behavior if we don't know in advance.

Think about domestic disputes, vengeance, hatred, racism, fanatics, terrorists, lunatics, crazies, suicidal people, the mentally disturbed, alcoholics, drug addicts, gangs, criminals, rogue supremacist groups, religious zealots, and others. How do we stop them? How are we going to find them, disarm them, and prevent the tragedies that they would've caused?

Can laws solve all of the problems concerning gun violence and deaths?
I agree, there will always be gun violence and nothing will stop all of these tragic killing from happening. But just use your brain, give Orlando guy body armor a machine gun and grenades... What do you think would have happened?

You seem to be saying that if we can't stop all violence then we should t do anything that can reduce it. This makes no sense to me
No, I'm NOT saying that at all. What I am saying, is that there are NO additional laws, those not already on the books, that will prevent what we've seen, and what we'll no doubt see in the future. We have strict gun laws now, and still we have mass killings by guns.

Do you know of any additional laws that we could enact, that would greatly minimize, or stop what has been making headlines such as Orlando? Limiting magazine capacity will not solve, nor minimize the attacks. Banning automatic weapons will not prevent what we saw in Orlando. Anyone can purchase kits to make semi-automatic weapons, fully automatic. Background checks will not stop nor minimize the attacks.

Any suggestions? Give me an example of what you would do if you had the power and authority to enact laws.
I'm personally not a big advocate to banning assault riffles but I'm not opposed to the discussion and think it is a healthy one for our law makers to have. The regulations on automatic weapons and others capable of mass destruction is a very good thing that I'm confident has saved lives.

A better background check system could have prevented the Orlando shooting.... He was under FBI surveillance for 10 months. I'd hope that when he went into a gun store to purchase body armor and more weapons that would set off a flag and the gun store and FBI would be made aware. Perhaps the FBI would have watched him again, seen him casing out Disney and the club, they may have been able to get him before he acted.
So, in other words, you have no answer? You just guess, speculate, that some action MAY prevent future deadly attacks where guns may be involved? So, you don't have any idea as to what law, or laws, could be enacted that would greatly reduce deadly gun violence? So, you're whole argument is that we need to do something, but you have no earthly idea as to what that "something" might be?

Am I correct? If not, then please explain exactly how you would greatly reduce deadly gun violence in this country. Thanks.

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