A challenge for the left & I bet none of them can fulfill it...

Really? Are you sure about that?

Then how do drunk drivers kill so many people each year?
Why do kids still drown in swimming pools?
Why do small children still die as a result of carnival rides?
Why do motorists die even with seat belts on when involved in horrible high speed car accidents?
Why do airbags cause the death of people, and result in so many law suits?
Does speed limits on our roads and highways prevent speeding?
Does drunk driving laws prevent drunks from driving?
Do our laws concerning crime prevent bank robberies?
Do our laws prevent rape, child molestation, theft, the sell of illegal drugs, or prevent income tax evasion?
Do our laws prevent prostitution?

So, in your opinion, ramping up gun laws will prevent gun violence? In your opinion, ramping up gun laws will prevent lunatics and crazies from going postal and killing people?
It's not all or nothing... All these things will still happen. My claim is that they minimize the number of casualties. Are you claiming that no lives are being saved from any of these pretective/preventative measures?
Well, if existing laws have no effect on gun violence, what additional laws will? Any idea? What additional laws will prevent what happened in Orlando, Charleston South Carolina, Los Angeles, Columbine High School, and other senseless deadly attacks on innocent citizens? Any idea?

How do we keep guns out of the hands of crazies, lunatics, the mentally disturbed, and the haters? Any suggestions?
Yes, we don't let risky people easy buy a gun at a store. Make them try to steal one where they could get caught or make them ask around to buy one on the black market which then involves others as accomplices in their crimes.

I can pretty confidently say that the fact the Orlando shooter didn't have a machine gun grenades and body armor reduced the body count. Perhaps better FBI servellence could have prevented the attack but we are never going to stop all of them. Best we can do is lay out as many speed bumps as possible to slow them down and implement as many prevention techniques as we can.
OK. Fair enough. So, tell me how we can do it? What additional laws can we enact to prevent incidents such as Orlando, Los Angeles, and other known tragedies involving guns. Please give me an example of a law that would be effective, fair to everyone, and greatly reduce gun violence.

See, that's just it. They can't "enact" anything that doesn't basically go directly against the second amendment. Now, the liber, communist, pussy left will scream for "laws" all day and all night, because they have no respect whatsoever for the Constitution of the Bill of Rights. None whatsoever. However, try to take abortions away from women and they'll go to war with you. You see, to liberal communists - "freedom" applies to every liberal agenda on earth - just as long as it doesn't include conservatives. We're not entitled to "freedom".
Plenty has been enacted and it has saved lives despite your cries that it was taking away your rights.
It's not all or nothing... All these things will still happen. My claim is that they minimize the number of casualties. Are you claiming that no lives are being saved from any of these pretective/preventative measures?
Well, if existing laws have no effect on gun violence, what additional laws will? Any idea? What additional laws will prevent what happened in Orlando, Charleston South Carolina, Los Angeles, Columbine High School, and other senseless deadly attacks on innocent citizens? Any idea?

How do we keep guns out of the hands of crazies, lunatics, the mentally disturbed, and the haters? Any suggestions?
Yes, we don't let risky people easy buy a gun at a store. Make them try to steal one where they could get caught or make them ask around to buy one on the black market which then involves others as accomplices in their crimes.

I can pretty confidently say that the fact the Orlando shooter didn't have a machine gun grenades and body armor reduced the body count. Perhaps better FBI servellence could have prevented the attack but we are never going to stop all of them. Best we can do is lay out as many speed bumps as possible to slow them down and implement as many prevention techniques as we can.
OK. Fair enough. So, tell me how we can do it? What additional laws can we enact to prevent incidents such as Orlando, Los Angeles, and other known tragedies involving guns. Please give me an example of a law that would be effective, fair to everyone, and greatly reduce gun violence.

See, that's just it. They can't "enact" anything that doesn't basically go directly against the second amendment. Now, the liber, communist, pussy left will scream for "laws" all day and all night, because they have no respect whatsoever for the Constitution of the Bill of Rights. None whatsoever. However, try to take abortions away from women and they'll go to war with you. You see, to liberal communists - "freedom" applies to every liberal agenda on earth - just as long as it doesn't include conservatives. We're not entitled to "freedom".
Plenty has been enacted and it has saved lives despite your cries that it was taking away your rights.

Really? Name a couple......
Nobody is arguing that landmines are legal. I didn't think you were following along.
No you are asking why we should not ban guns.

First is that a gun ban will not stop mass murders.
Second, criminals can obtain guns through the black market
And Third, you are disarming innocent people for what killers do

The only thing you gain from a ban of guns is a false sense of security. You may have ban the sales, but the ban does not remove guns from the society.
As already correctly noted: no one is advocating that guns be ‘banned,’ the notion is both un-Constitutional and untenable.

No one is advocating that citizens be ‘disarmed,’ that’s a ridiculous lie.

And that criminals can obtain firearms by means other than an FFL fails as a red herring fallacy.

Nope. you and yours just want to "amend" the Constitution to say something that it doesn't currently say - so that down the line - you can do your tyrannical thing. You fool no one hypocrite.

No one here is seriously advocating the repeal of the 2nd amendment and it's actually an entirely different debate than talking about what should be legal or not legal within the bound of the 2nd. Histrionics about over ruling the 2nd doesn't do you guys any good, it's in the bill of rights, it's protected and at this moment it's damn near impossible to overturn an amendment. If it were to become possible then at that point you've already lost.

You know, you jerk offs aren't fooling anyone. Of course you are advocating the repeal of the second amendment. What the hell do you take us for? idiots? Tell you what, I'll scede to your demands and call for a repeal to the second amendment. Just as soon as you assholes stop murdering hundreds of thousands of babies each year - claiming it as a "woman's right".

I don't believe in the repeal of the 2nd.

As for abortion, its' an entirely different subject, why would making a trade make any sense at all? I guess you're one of those pro-life people willing to sell the lives of all those 'innocent babies' in exchange for something. Kind of a sick and perverted view.
No you are asking why we should not ban guns.

First is that a gun ban will not stop mass murders.
Second, criminals can obtain guns through the black market
And Third, you are disarming innocent people for what killers do

The only thing you gain from a ban of guns is a false sense of security. You may have ban the sales, but the ban does not remove guns from the society.
As already correctly noted: no one is advocating that guns be ‘banned,’ the notion is both un-Constitutional and untenable.

No one is advocating that citizens be ‘disarmed,’ that’s a ridiculous lie.

And that criminals can obtain firearms by means other than an FFL fails as a red herring fallacy.

Nope. you and yours just want to "amend" the Constitution to say something that it doesn't currently say - so that down the line - you can do your tyrannical thing. You fool no one hypocrite.

No one here is seriously advocating the repeal of the 2nd amendment and it's actually an entirely different debate than talking about what should be legal or not legal within the bound of the 2nd. Histrionics about over ruling the 2nd doesn't do you guys any good, it's in the bill of rights, it's protected and at this moment it's damn near impossible to overturn an amendment. If it were to become possible then at that point you've already lost.

You know, you jerk offs aren't fooling anyone. Of course you are advocating the repeal of the second amendment. What the hell do you take us for? idiots? Tell you what, I'll scede to your demands and call for a repeal to the second amendment. Just as soon as you assholes stop murdering hundreds of thousands of babies each year - claiming it as a "woman's right".

I don't believe in the repeal of the 2nd.

As for abortion, its' an entirely different subject, why would making a trade make any sense at all? I guess you're one of those pro-life people willing to sell the lives of all those 'innocent babies' in exchange for something. Kind of a sick and perverted view.

"It's an entirely different subject". Funny - I thought murder was murder......
As already correctly noted: no one is advocating that guns be ‘banned,’ the notion is both un-Constitutional and untenable.

No one is advocating that citizens be ‘disarmed,’ that’s a ridiculous lie.

And that criminals can obtain firearms by means other than an FFL fails as a red herring fallacy.

Nope. you and yours just want to "amend" the Constitution to say something that it doesn't currently say - so that down the line - you can do your tyrannical thing. You fool no one hypocrite.

No one here is seriously advocating the repeal of the 2nd amendment and it's actually an entirely different debate than talking about what should be legal or not legal within the bound of the 2nd. Histrionics about over ruling the 2nd doesn't do you guys any good, it's in the bill of rights, it's protected and at this moment it's damn near impossible to overturn an amendment. If it were to become possible then at that point you've already lost.

You know, you jerk offs aren't fooling anyone. Of course you are advocating the repeal of the second amendment. What the hell do you take us for? idiots? Tell you what, I'll scede to your demands and call for a repeal to the second amendment. Just as soon as you assholes stop murdering hundreds of thousands of babies each year - claiming it as a "woman's right".

I don't believe in the repeal of the 2nd.

As for abortion, its' an entirely different subject, why would making a trade make any sense at all? I guess you're one of those pro-life people willing to sell the lives of all those 'innocent babies' in exchange for something. Kind of a sick and perverted view.

"It's an entirely different subject". Funny - I thought murder was murder......

It's another topic entirely. Many including myself do not consider abortion to be murder. If I did I wouldn't just passively comment about it anonymously on a forum.
Well, if existing laws have no effect on gun violence, what additional laws will? Any idea? What additional laws will prevent what happened in Orlando, Charleston South Carolina, Los Angeles, Columbine High School, and other senseless deadly attacks on innocent citizens? Any idea?

How do we keep guns out of the hands of crazies, lunatics, the mentally disturbed, and the haters? Any suggestions?
Yes, we don't let risky people easy buy a gun at a store. Make them try to steal one where they could get caught or make them ask around to buy one on the black market which then involves others as accomplices in their crimes.

I can pretty confidently say that the fact the Orlando shooter didn't have a machine gun grenades and body armor reduced the body count. Perhaps better FBI servellence could have prevented the attack but we are never going to stop all of them. Best we can do is lay out as many speed bumps as possible to slow them down and implement as many prevention techniques as we can.
OK. Fair enough. So, tell me how we can do it? What additional laws can we enact to prevent incidents such as Orlando, Los Angeles, and other known tragedies involving guns. Please give me an example of a law that would be effective, fair to everyone, and greatly reduce gun violence.

See, that's just it. They can't "enact" anything that doesn't basically go directly against the second amendment. Now, the liber, communist, pussy left will scream for "laws" all day and all night, because they have no respect whatsoever for the Constitution of the Bill of Rights. None whatsoever. However, try to take abortions away from women and they'll go to war with you. You see, to liberal communists - "freedom" applies to every liberal agenda on earth - just as long as it doesn't include conservatives. We're not entitled to "freedom".
Plenty has been enacted and it has saved lives despite your cries that it was taking away your rights.

Really? Name a couple......
The fact we can't go into Walmart and buy a machine gun, hand grenades, a bazooka, and mustard gas to start. Doesn't that make just a little sense to you?
Yes, we don't let risky people easy buy a gun at a store. Make them try to steal one where they could get caught or make them ask around to buy one on the black market which then involves others as accomplices in their crimes.

I can pretty confidently say that the fact the Orlando shooter didn't have a machine gun grenades and body armor reduced the body count. Perhaps better FBI servellence could have prevented the attack but we are never going to stop all of them. Best we can do is lay out as many speed bumps as possible to slow them down and implement as many prevention techniques as we can.
OK. Fair enough. So, tell me how we can do it? What additional laws can we enact to prevent incidents such as Orlando, Los Angeles, and other known tragedies involving guns. Please give me an example of a law that would be effective, fair to everyone, and greatly reduce gun violence.

See, that's just it. They can't "enact" anything that doesn't basically go directly against the second amendment. Now, the liber, communist, pussy left will scream for "laws" all day and all night, because they have no respect whatsoever for the Constitution of the Bill of Rights. None whatsoever. However, try to take abortions away from women and they'll go to war with you. You see, to liberal communists - "freedom" applies to every liberal agenda on earth - just as long as it doesn't include conservatives. We're not entitled to "freedom".
Plenty has been enacted and it has saved lives despite your cries that it was taking away your rights.

Really? Name a couple......
The fact we can't go into Walmart and buy a machine gun, hand grenades, a bazooka, and mustard gas to start. Doesn't that make just a little sense to you?

Yeah but what are we going to do to solve all those machine gun, hand grenade, bazooka and mustard gas crimes?
You're not even on topic at this point.

The OP simply asked when a gun ever knew or chose to shoot someone. Your'e not getting into very, very specific uses of drugs, you say it's a choice. So is deciding to shoot someone, that is also a choice and to be clear, made by the person not the gun. Just like drugs.

You could poison someone with the same drugs that are used to help people, just like guns. But no, you have this bizarre argument that drugs are only used for personal use and guns are only used for personal protection, simply not true.

Land mines are explosives and they can harm multiple people...yeah, same with guns.

Really the only thing all these objects have in common is that none of them think for themselves and with the exception of guns nobody is asking when they ever did.
... You put us on that topic in the first place, I'm fairly certain.

Yes, it's a choice made by someone to kill another, to abuse a tool meant for protection and for hunting to feed yourself and your family. Much like other tools, they are amoral, and it's entirely up to the person using them to use them for their intended purpose. Banning a tool wouldn't stop criminals from abusing them, only prevent law-abiding citizens from using them properly.

Land Mines, again, could destroy other things even when used properly, for their intended purpose. They are nothing like guns, there's no parallel there. There's no point to be made by bringing up Land Mines.
Why is it that land mines are illegal for civilians? Because of there potential for destruction? A land mine is generally effective within 50 meters. A round from a gun may be able to kill someone a mile away. Even if you are using a weapon properly, you could miss your target and hit an innocent passerby downrange. Give some psychopath a semiautomatic weapon with a large capacity magazine and there is a pretty big potential for destruction. I'd rather take my chances in a crowded bar against a psycho with a bolt action hunting rifle with a 5 round magazine that can get a shot off every couple seconds than a psycho with a semiauto rifle or pistol who can empty a 20 or 30 round magazine into the crowd in the same amount of time.
Yes, we don't let risky people easy buy a gun at a store. Make them try to steal one where they could get caught or make them ask around to buy one on the black market which then involves others as accomplices in their crimes.

I can pretty confidently say that the fact the Orlando shooter didn't have a machine gun grenades and body armor reduced the body count. Perhaps better FBI servellence could have prevented the attack but we are never going to stop all of them. Best we can do is lay out as many speed bumps as possible to slow them down and implement as many prevention techniques as we can.
OK. Fair enough. So, tell me how we can do it? What additional laws can we enact to prevent incidents such as Orlando, Los Angeles, and other known tragedies involving guns. Please give me an example of a law that would be effective, fair to everyone, and greatly reduce gun violence.

See, that's just it. They can't "enact" anything that doesn't basically go directly against the second amendment. Now, the liber, communist, pussy left will scream for "laws" all day and all night, because they have no respect whatsoever for the Constitution of the Bill of Rights. None whatsoever. However, try to take abortions away from women and they'll go to war with you. You see, to liberal communists - "freedom" applies to every liberal agenda on earth - just as long as it doesn't include conservatives. We're not entitled to "freedom".
Plenty has been enacted and it has saved lives despite your cries that it was taking away your rights.

Really? Name a couple......
The fact we can't go into Walmart and buy a machine gun, hand grenades, a bazooka, and mustard gas to start. Doesn't that make just a little sense to you?

Name a time when we COULD go into a Walmart and buy a machine gun, hand grenades, a bazooka and mustard gas.

Please tell me when we could. Some of you folks are really reaching here, in your effort to bolster your bullshit....
OK. Fair enough. So, tell me how we can do it? What additional laws can we enact to prevent incidents such as Orlando, Los Angeles, and other known tragedies involving guns. Please give me an example of a law that would be effective, fair to everyone, and greatly reduce gun violence.

See, that's just it. They can't "enact" anything that doesn't basically go directly against the second amendment. Now, the liber, communist, pussy left will scream for "laws" all day and all night, because they have no respect whatsoever for the Constitution of the Bill of Rights. None whatsoever. However, try to take abortions away from women and they'll go to war with you. You see, to liberal communists - "freedom" applies to every liberal agenda on earth - just as long as it doesn't include conservatives. We're not entitled to "freedom".
Plenty has been enacted and it has saved lives despite your cries that it was taking away your rights.

Really? Name a couple......
The fact we can't go into Walmart and buy a machine gun, hand grenades, a bazooka, and mustard gas to start. Doesn't that make just a little sense to you?

Name a time when we COULD go into a Walmart and buy a machine gun, hand grenades, a bazooka and mustard gas.

Please tell me when we could. Some of you folks are really reaching here, in your effort to bolster your bullshit....
Shouldn't we be able to do so? According to many on the right, the 2nd amendment says the general populace (well regulated militia) should be able to arm themselves with the same weapons the Army has. Machine guns, land mines, etc are all common weapons to soldiers. If those weapons have been deemed to be unsuitable for the public, why can't semiautomatic rifles and pistols also be deemed unsuitable for the public?
As already correctly noted: no one is advocating that guns be ‘banned,’ the notion is both un-Constitutional and untenable.

No one is advocating that citizens be ‘disarmed,’ that’s a ridiculous lie.

And that criminals can obtain firearms by means other than an FFL fails as a red herring fallacy.

Nope. you and yours just want to "amend" the Constitution to say something that it doesn't currently say - so that down the line - you can do your tyrannical thing. You fool no one hypocrite.

No one here is seriously advocating the repeal of the 2nd amendment and it's actually an entirely different debate than talking about what should be legal or not legal within the bound of the 2nd. Histrionics about over ruling the 2nd doesn't do you guys any good, it's in the bill of rights, it's protected and at this moment it's damn near impossible to overturn an amendment. If it were to become possible then at that point you've already lost.

You know, you jerk offs aren't fooling anyone. Of course you are advocating the repeal of the second amendment. What the hell do you take us for? idiots? Tell you what, I'll scede to your demands and call for a repeal to the second amendment. Just as soon as you assholes stop murdering hundreds of thousands of babies each year - claiming it as a "woman's right".

I don't believe in the repeal of the 2nd.

As for abortion, its' an entirely different subject, why would making a trade make any sense at all? I guess you're one of those pro-life people willing to sell the lives of all those 'innocent babies' in exchange for something. Kind of a sick and perverted view.

"It's an entirely different subject". Funny - I thought murder was murder......
You ‘thought’ wrong, as in fact abortion is not ‘murder,’ which renders it indeed another topic.
Cite an instance, ANY INSTANCE, of a Gun willingly & knowingly killing someone.

If you can not find any such case then tell me, what is the one common denominator that forces that gun to kill even though it doesn't have the will to do it itself.

Great point, Gramps! I agree with you. The guns aren't the problem. The people are the problem!

Let's not ban guns. Let's ban people from owning guns!
Nobody is arguing that landmines are legal. I didn't think you were following along.
No you are asking why we should not ban guns.

First is that a gun ban will not stop mass murders.
Second, criminals can obtain guns through the black market
And Third, you are disarming innocent people for what killers do

The only thing you gain from a ban of guns is a false sense of security. You may have ban the sales, but the ban does not remove guns from the society.
As already correctly noted: no one is advocating that guns be ‘banned,’ the notion is both un-Constitutional and untenable.

No one is advocating that citizens be ‘disarmed,’ that’s a ridiculous lie.

And that criminals can obtain firearms by means other than an FFL fails as a red herring fallacy.

Nope. you and yours just want to "amend" the Constitution to say something that it doesn't currently say - so that down the line - you can do your tyrannical thing. You fool no one hypocrite.

No one here is seriously advocating the repeal of the 2nd amendment and it's actually an entirely different debate than talking about what should be legal or not legal within the bound of the 2nd. Histrionics about over ruling the 2nd doesn't do you guys any good, it's in the bill of rights, it's protected and at this moment it's damn near impossible to overturn an amendment. If it were to become possible then at that point you've already lost.

You know, you jerk offs aren't fooling anyone. Of course you are advocating the repeal of the second amendment. What the hell do you take us for? idiots? Tell you what, I'll scede to your demands and call for a repeal to the second amendment. Just as soon as you assholes stop murdering hundreds of thousands of babies each year - claiming it as a "woman's right".
And that you and most others on the right are reprehensible liars comes as no surprise.

The notion that anyone wants to ‘amend’ the Constitution to ‘repeal’ the Second Amendment is another ridiculous rightwing lie, nothing but an idiotic straw man fallacy.

The Second Amendment exists solely in the context of its case law, as determined by the Supreme Court, where the Court alone has the authority to decide what the Second Amendment ‘says.’

It is a settled and accepted fact of law, beyond dispute, that the Second Amendment recognizes an individual right to possess a firearm.

It is a settled and accepted fact of law, beyond dispute, that the Second Amendment right is not ‘unlimited,’ it is subject to reasonable restrictions by government, where the courts decide whether those restrictions are Constitutional or not – and ultimately the Supreme Court will make those decisions.

And it is a settled and accepted fact of law, beyond dispute, that the Second Amendment is incorporated to the states and local jurisdictions by the 14th Amendment, where the states have no ‘right’ to place restrictions on the Second Amendment right repugnant to the Constitution and Second Amendment case law.

Second Amendment jurisprudence is in its infancy, still evolving.

There will likely be conflicting decisions in the appellate courts compelling the Supreme Court to weigh in on various issues concerning the regulation of firearms.

But until such time as the Supreme Court makes a ruling on a given gun regulation case, those measures are lawful, Constitutional, and not in ‘violation’ of the Second Amendment.
OK. Fair enough. So, tell me how we can do it? What additional laws can we enact to prevent incidents such as Orlando, Los Angeles, and other known tragedies involving guns. Please give me an example of a law that would be effective, fair to everyone, and greatly reduce gun violence.

See, that's just it. They can't "enact" anything that doesn't basically go directly against the second amendment. Now, the liber, communist, pussy left will scream for "laws" all day and all night, because they have no respect whatsoever for the Constitution of the Bill of Rights. None whatsoever. However, try to take abortions away from women and they'll go to war with you. You see, to liberal communists - "freedom" applies to every liberal agenda on earth - just as long as it doesn't include conservatives. We're not entitled to "freedom".
Plenty has been enacted and it has saved lives despite your cries that it was taking away your rights.

Really? Name a couple......
The fact we can't go into Walmart and buy a machine gun, hand grenades, a bazooka, and mustard gas to start. Doesn't that make just a little sense to you?

Name a time when we COULD go into a Walmart and buy a machine gun, hand grenades, a bazooka and mustard gas.

Please tell me when we could. Some of you folks are really reaching here, in your effort to bolster your bullshit....
You know why we can't? Ding ding ding, gun control regulations prevent it. The same stuff you all are so adamantly against. Apply your talking points and now look at the reality where anybody can get this stuff and see the world we would live in... Maybe you can then grasp the concept of how common sense gun control actually makes sense
Cite an instance, ANY INSTANCE, of a Gun willingly & knowingly killing someone.

If you can not find any such case then tell me, what is the one common denominator that forces that gun to kill even though it doesn't have the will to do it itself.

The problem is NOT guns, rather it's PEOPLE, period. A gun does no harm unless a mentally unstable person uses it to inflict harm. The problem is the mentally disturbed, the haters, the vengeful, the fanatics, the extremists, the rogue banner carriers, the suicidal, the losers that need front page headlines, the wannabe martyrs, gangs, criminals, egotistical bullies ( including members of law enforcement ), and racists.

Guns do not kill, but lunatics with guns do kill.

I'll never understand what's so hard to understand about the problem. I do not know why people blame guns. I do not know why people think that we can legislate guns out of the hands of the above mentioned people. People will get their hands on guns whether we have gun restriction laws or not, just plain fact.

In short, "no solution exists, so why the hell try".

The lunatics mostly obtain guns legally. Of course some guns are stolen, but purchased or stolen guns used in mass shootings of innocent men, women and children originated from the hand of a gun producer, and/or purveyor to a gun buyer; somewhere along that line one of them was careless, greedy or complicit in the future use of the gun for evil.
Are you willing to use the same logic concerning automobiles, planes, knives, ships, baseball bats, axes, hammers, natural gas piped into homes, arrows, swimming pools, race tracks, drag racers, parachutes, tall buildings, bridges, and many other items, inventions, and instruments of an advanced and civilized world?

Again, it's PEOPLE and NOT guns. Does a car kill anyone when not in motion? Does a kitchen knife kill anyone while it's in a drawer? Does an airplane kill anyone while sitting idle at an airport? Does a tall building kill anyone unless some nut jumps from it? Does a swimming pool kill anyone unless a careless person drowns in it? How does a gun kill unless a person uses it to kill?

Should we ban automobiles due to the high number of deaths each year from wrecks? Should we ban hospitals because over 400,000 people die each year from infections obtained during hospital stays? Should we ban airplanes because they crash and kill hundreds at a time?

Each item in your list has a primary purpose, as does a gun. The gun is a killing instrument, a car/plane/ship transports, a baseball bat is for recreation and a swimming pool is used to cool off and get exercise. Get the point?
Cite an instance, ANY INSTANCE, of a Gun willingly & knowingly killing someone.

If you can not find any such case then tell me, what is the one common denominator that forces that gun to kill even though it doesn't have the will to do it itself.

The problem is NOT guns, rather it's PEOPLE, period. A gun does no harm unless a mentally unstable person uses it to inflict harm. The problem is the mentally disturbed, the haters, the vengeful, the fanatics, the extremists, the rogue banner carriers, the suicidal, the losers that need front page headlines, the wannabe martyrs, gangs, criminals, egotistical bullies ( including members of law enforcement ), and racists.

Guns do not kill, but lunatics with guns do kill.

I'll never understand what's so hard to understand about the problem. I do not know why people blame guns. I do not know why people think that we can legislate guns out of the hands of the above mentioned people. People will get their hands on guns whether we have gun restriction laws or not, just plain fact.

In short, "no solution exists, so why the hell try".

The lunatics mostly obtain guns legally. Of course some guns are stolen, but purchased or stolen guns used in mass shootings of innocent men, women and children originated from the hand of a gun producer, and/or purveyor to a gun buyer; somewhere along that line one of them was careless, greedy or complicit in the future use of the gun for evil.
Are you willing to use the same logic concerning automobiles, planes, knives, ships, baseball bats, axes, hammers, natural gas piped into homes, arrows, swimming pools, race tracks, drag racers, parachutes, tall buildings, bridges, and many other items, inventions, and instruments of an advanced and civilized world?

Again, it's PEOPLE and NOT guns. Does a car kill anyone when not in motion? Does a kitchen knife kill anyone while it's in a drawer? Does an airplane kill anyone while sitting idle at an airport? Does a tall building kill anyone unless some nut jumps from it? Does a swimming pool kill anyone unless a careless person drowns in it? How does a gun kill unless a person uses it to kill?

Should we ban automobiles due to the high number of deaths each year from wrecks? Should we ban hospitals because over 400,000 people die each year from infections obtained during hospital stays? Should we ban airplanes because they crash and kill hundreds at a time?

Why are you pointing out things that are regulated, registered and often times illegal? This just deflated your argument.
So are guns regulated, must be registered, and illegal to have in certain cases. Yet, laws do not stop gun violence.

Are the guns used by gang members registered? Are the guns purchased from the trunk of cars registered? Are the guns sold between family members registered? Are all guns sold on the internet registered? Are all guns sold at yard sales and flea markets registered? Are all guns that come across our borders registered? Are all guns sold from one friend to another friend registered?

Do existing gun laws prevent gun violence? Will gang members turn in their unregistered weapons? Will criminals turn in their unregistered weapons? Will drug dealers and pimps turn in their unregistered weapons? Who has unregistered weapons, where are they, and how many are unregistered? Who will go door-to-door and search for unregistered weapons? How will laws keep guns out of the hands of citizens, and how will laws stop gun violence?

Why have any penal code? Do laws prevent petty theft, drunk driving, insider trading, etc?
Cite an instance, ANY INSTANCE, of a Gun willingly & knowingly killing someone.

If you can not find any such case then tell me, what is the one common denominator that forces that gun to kill even though it doesn't have the will to do it itself.

The problem is NOT guns, rather it's PEOPLE, period. A gun does no harm unless a mentally unstable person uses it to inflict harm. The problem is the mentally disturbed, the haters, the vengeful, the fanatics, the extremists, the rogue banner carriers, the suicidal, the losers that need front page headlines, the wannabe martyrs, gangs, criminals, egotistical bullies ( including members of law enforcement ), and racists.

Guns do not kill, but lunatics with guns do kill.

I'll never understand what's so hard to understand about the problem. I do not know why people blame guns. I do not know why people think that we can legislate guns out of the hands of the above mentioned people. People will get their hands on guns whether we have gun restriction laws or not, just plain fact.

In short, "no solution exists, so why the hell try".

The lunatics mostly obtain guns legally. Of course some guns are stolen, but purchased or stolen guns used in mass shootings of innocent men, women and children originated from the hand of a gun producer, and/or purveyor to a gun buyer; somewhere along that line one of them was careless, greedy or complicit in the future use of the gun for evil.
Are you willing to use the same logic concerning automobiles, planes, knives, ships, baseball bats, axes, hammers, natural gas piped into homes, arrows, swimming pools, race tracks, drag racers, parachutes, tall buildings, bridges, and many other items, inventions, and instruments of an advanced and civilized world?

Again, it's PEOPLE and NOT guns. Does a car kill anyone when not in motion? Does a kitchen knife kill anyone while it's in a drawer? Does an airplane kill anyone while sitting idle at an airport? Does a tall building kill anyone unless some nut jumps from it? Does a swimming pool kill anyone unless a careless person drowns in it? How does a gun kill unless a person uses it to kill?

Should we ban automobiles due to the high number of deaths each year from wrecks? Should we ban hospitals because over 400,000 people die each year from infections obtained during hospital stays? Should we ban airplanes because they crash and kill hundreds at a time?

Each item in your list has a primary purpose, as does a gun. The gun is a killing instrument, a car/plane/ship transports, a baseball bat is for recreation and a swimming pool is used to cool off and get exercise. Get the point?
The point is, "THEY STILL KILL" !!!!!
Research how many people die in car accidents each year.
Research how many people are stabbed to death each year.
Research how many people die of infections obtained while in a hospital.
Research how many die in plane crashes each year.

The point is, people die from the hands of man all the time, and will continue to die from the hands of man, no stopping it.
The point is, "People kill people", and will continue to kill people, no stopping it.

Drunk drivers kill.
Gang members kill
Members of law enforcement kill
Illegal drugs kill
Terrorists kill
Religious fanatics kill
Domestic rage kills spouses and entire families
The angry and mentally unstable kill

Guns are used
Knives are used
Planes are used
Explosives are used
Axes are used
Baseball bats are used
Vehicles are used
Drugs are used
Alcohol is used
Poisons are used
Rope is used

The point is, "People kill, and will continue to kill, no stopping it.
The problem is NOT guns, rather it's PEOPLE, period. A gun does no harm unless a mentally unstable person uses it to inflict harm. The problem is the mentally disturbed, the haters, the vengeful, the fanatics, the extremists, the rogue banner carriers, the suicidal, the losers that need front page headlines, the wannabe martyrs, gangs, criminals, egotistical bullies ( including members of law enforcement ), and racists.

Guns do not kill, but lunatics with guns do kill.

I'll never understand what's so hard to understand about the problem. I do not know why people blame guns. I do not know why people think that we can legislate guns out of the hands of the above mentioned people. People will get their hands on guns whether we have gun restriction laws or not, just plain fact.

In short, "no solution exists, so why the hell try".

The lunatics mostly obtain guns legally. Of course some guns are stolen, but purchased or stolen guns used in mass shootings of innocent men, women and children originated from the hand of a gun producer, and/or purveyor to a gun buyer; somewhere along that line one of them was careless, greedy or complicit in the future use of the gun for evil.
Are you willing to use the same logic concerning automobiles, planes, knives, ships, baseball bats, axes, hammers, natural gas piped into homes, arrows, swimming pools, race tracks, drag racers, parachutes, tall buildings, bridges, and many other items, inventions, and instruments of an advanced and civilized world?

Again, it's PEOPLE and NOT guns. Does a car kill anyone when not in motion? Does a kitchen knife kill anyone while it's in a drawer? Does an airplane kill anyone while sitting idle at an airport? Does a tall building kill anyone unless some nut jumps from it? Does a swimming pool kill anyone unless a careless person drowns in it? How does a gun kill unless a person uses it to kill?

Should we ban automobiles due to the high number of deaths each year from wrecks? Should we ban hospitals because over 400,000 people die each year from infections obtained during hospital stays? Should we ban airplanes because they crash and kill hundreds at a time?

Why are you pointing out things that are regulated, registered and often times illegal? This just deflated your argument.
So are guns regulated, must be registered, and illegal to have in certain cases. Yet, laws do not stop gun violence.

Are the guns used by gang members registered? Are the guns purchased from the trunk of cars registered? Are the guns sold between family members registered? Are all guns sold on the internet registered? Are all guns sold at yard sales and flea markets registered? Are all guns that come across our borders registered? Are all guns sold from one friend to another friend registered?

Do existing gun laws prevent gun violence? Will gang members turn in their unregistered weapons? Will criminals turn in their unregistered weapons? Will drug dealers and pimps turn in their unregistered weapons? Who has unregistered weapons, where are they, and how many are unregistered? Who will go door-to-door and search for unregistered weapons? How will laws keep guns out of the hands of citizens, and how will laws stop gun violence?

Why have any penal code? Do laws prevent petty theft, drunk driving, insider trading, etc?
We have laws because we are a civilized society, and not cavemen, nor are we a barbaric people. We have laws to ensure a certain degree of civility and harmony within society. We have laws to protect people, their rights, and to ensure a certain degree of fairness, justice, and equality. We have laws to keep society as orderly and sane as humanly possible.

There will always be those with mental disorders, scores to settle, haters, fanatics, maniacs, and wannabe martyrs, whether religious in nature or otherwise. There will always be the social misfits, the suicidal, the frustrated, the ones looking for their fifteen minutes of fame and national headlines, and the rogue anti-establishment basket cases. It's impossible for us to read minds. The technology doesn't exist that would allow us to determine which ones are on the verge of going postal and taking out dozens of innocent lives.

Some people are animalistic, barbaric, uncivil, and natural born haters. Who are they, where are they, and when will they go off the edge and slaughter innocent people? How can we tell the ones that could snap at any minute? Our laws can not determine the mental state of every single person on Earth. Our laws can not keep tragedies from happening. Our laws can not prevent senseless acts of terrorism, violence, and mass slaughter. It's impossible. You can not legislate sanity, morals, behavior, nor can you legislate removing weapons from the hands of those that want them, it's impossible.

People that want to do others harm, will find a way to do it. People that want to do harm to others, will use whatever they can get or find to do the deed. What about chemical and biological weapons? What about poisoning our water supplies? What about deadly gas released in crowded areas? What about deadly bacteria released into the air? What about explosives ( Oklahoma City )? What about air planes ( 9 - 11 - 2001 )?

Laws can not stop what we've seen take place, and will see again before all is said and done, no stopping it, it's impossible to stop.
Cite an instance, ANY INSTANCE, of a Gun willingly & knowingly killing someone.

If you can not find any such case then tell me, what is the one common denominator that forces that gun to kill even though it doesn't have the will to do it itself.

The problem is NOT guns, rather it's PEOPLE, period. A gun does no harm unless a mentally unstable person uses it to inflict harm. The problem is the mentally disturbed, the haters, the vengeful, the fanatics, the extremists, the rogue banner carriers, the suicidal, the losers that need front page headlines, the wannabe martyrs, gangs, criminals, egotistical bullies ( including members of law enforcement ), and racists.

Guns do not kill, but lunatics with guns do kill.

I'll never understand what's so hard to understand about the problem. I do not know why people blame guns. I do not know why people think that we can legislate guns out of the hands of the above mentioned people. People will get their hands on guns whether we have gun restriction laws or not, just plain fact.

In short, "no solution exists, so why the hell try".

The lunatics mostly obtain guns legally. Of course some guns are stolen, but purchased or stolen guns used in mass shootings of innocent men, women and children originated from the hand of a gun producer, and/or purveyor to a gun buyer; somewhere along that line one of them was careless, greedy or complicit in the future use of the gun for evil.
Are you willing to use the same logic concerning automobiles, planes, knives, ships, baseball bats, axes, hammers, natural gas piped into homes, arrows, swimming pools, race tracks, drag racers, parachutes, tall buildings, bridges, and many other items, inventions, and instruments of an advanced and civilized world?

Again, it's PEOPLE and NOT guns. Does a car kill anyone when not in motion? Does a kitchen knife kill anyone while it's in a drawer? Does an airplane kill anyone while sitting idle at an airport? Does a tall building kill anyone unless some nut jumps from it? Does a swimming pool kill anyone unless a careless person drowns in it? How does a gun kill unless a person uses it to kill?

Should we ban automobiles due to the high number of deaths each year from wrecks? Should we ban hospitals because over 400,000 people die each year from infections obtained during hospital stays? Should we ban airplanes because they crash and kill hundreds at a time?

Each item in your list has a primary purpose, as does a gun. The gun is a killing instrument, a car/plane/ship transports, a baseball bat is for recreation and a swimming pool is used to cool off and get exercise. Get the point?
The point is, "THEY STILL KILL" !!!!!
Research how many people die in car accidents each year.
Research how many people are stabbed to death each year.
Research how many people die of infections obtained while in a hospital.
Research how many die in plane crashes each year.

The point is, people die from the hands of man all the time, and will continue to die from the hands of man, no stopping it.
The point is, "People kill people", and will continue to kill people, no stopping it.

Drunk drivers kill.
Gang members kill
Members of law enforcement kill
Illegal drugs kill
Terrorists kill
Religious fanatics kill
Domestic rage kills spouses and entire families
The angry and mentally unstable kill

Guns are used
Knives are used
Planes are used
Explosives are used
Axes are used
Baseball bats are used
Vehicles are used
Drugs are used
Alcohol is used
Poisons are used
Rope is used

The point is, "People kill, and will continue to kill, no stopping it.

Yes, people kill. Can
In short, "no solution exists, so why the hell try".

The lunatics mostly obtain guns legally. Of course some guns are stolen, but purchased or stolen guns used in mass shootings of innocent men, women and children originated from the hand of a gun producer, and/or purveyor to a gun buyer; somewhere along that line one of them was careless, greedy or complicit in the future use of the gun for evil.
Are you willing to use the same logic concerning automobiles, planes, knives, ships, baseball bats, axes, hammers, natural gas piped into homes, arrows, swimming pools, race tracks, drag racers, parachutes, tall buildings, bridges, and many other items, inventions, and instruments of an advanced and civilized world?

Again, it's PEOPLE and NOT guns. Does a car kill anyone when not in motion? Does a kitchen knife kill anyone while it's in a drawer? Does an airplane kill anyone while sitting idle at an airport? Does a tall building kill anyone unless some nut jumps from it? Does a swimming pool kill anyone unless a careless person drowns in it? How does a gun kill unless a person uses it to kill?

Should we ban automobiles due to the high number of deaths each year from wrecks? Should we ban hospitals because over 400,000 people die each year from infections obtained during hospital stays? Should we ban airplanes because they crash and kill hundreds at a time?

Why are you pointing out things that are regulated, registered and often times illegal? This just deflated your argument.
So are guns regulated, must be registered, and illegal to have in certain cases. Yet, laws do not stop gun violence.

Are the guns used by gang members registered? Are the guns purchased from the trunk of cars registered? Are the guns sold between family members registered? Are all guns sold on the internet registered? Are all guns sold at yard sales and flea markets registered? Are all guns that come across our borders registered? Are all guns sold from one friend to another friend registered?

Do existing gun laws prevent gun violence? Will gang members turn in their unregistered weapons? Will criminals turn in their unregistered weapons? Will drug dealers and pimps turn in their unregistered weapons? Who has unregistered weapons, where are they, and how many are unregistered? Who will go door-to-door and search for unregistered weapons? How will laws keep guns out of the hands of citizens, and how will laws stop gun violence?

Why have any penal code? Do laws prevent petty theft, drunk driving, insider trading, etc?
We have laws because we are a civilized society, and not cavemen, nor are we a barbaric people. We have laws to ensure a certain degree of civility and harmony within society. We have laws to protect people, their rights, and to ensure a certain degree of fairness, justice, and equality. We have laws to keep society as orderly and sane as humanly possible.

There will always be those with mental disorders, scores to settle, haters, fanatics, maniacs, and wannabe martyrs, whether religious in nature or otherwise. There will always be the social misfits, the suicidal, the frustrated, the ones looking for their fifteen minutes of fame and national headlines, and the rogue anti-establishment basket cases. It's impossible for us to read minds. The technology doesn't exist that would allow us to determine which ones are on the verge of going postal and taking out dozens of innocent lives.

Some people are animalistic, barbaric, uncivil, and natural born haters. Who are they, where are they, and when will they go off the edge and slaughter innocent people? How can we tell the ones that could snap at any minute? Our laws can not determine the mental state of every single person on Earth. Our laws can not keep tragedies from happening. Our laws can not prevent senseless acts of terrorism, violence, and mass slaughter. It's impossible. You can not legislate sanity, morals, behavior, nor can you legislate removing weapons from the hands of those that want them, it's impossible.

People that want to do others harm, will find a way to do it. People that want to do harm to others, will use whatever they can get or find to do the deed. What about chemical and biological weapons? What about poisoning our water supplies? What about deadly gas released in crowded areas? What about deadly bacteria released into the air? What about explosives ( Oklahoma City )? What about air planes ( 9 - 11 - 2001 )?

Laws can not stop what we've seen take place, and will see again before all is said and done, no stopping it, it's impossible to stop.

Seems much easier to get a gun than too hijack a plane or buy a ton of fertilizer and rent a truck. Two data points vis a vis how many mass shootings in the past ten years?
The problem is NOT guns, rather it's PEOPLE, period. A gun does no harm unless a mentally unstable person uses it to inflict harm. The problem is the mentally disturbed, the haters, the vengeful, the fanatics, the extremists, the rogue banner carriers, the suicidal, the losers that need front page headlines, the wannabe martyrs, gangs, criminals, egotistical bullies ( including members of law enforcement ), and racists.

Guns do not kill, but lunatics with guns do kill.

I'll never understand what's so hard to understand about the problem. I do not know why people blame guns. I do not know why people think that we can legislate guns out of the hands of the above mentioned people. People will get their hands on guns whether we have gun restriction laws or not, just plain fact.

In short, "no solution exists, so why the hell try".

The lunatics mostly obtain guns legally. Of course some guns are stolen, but purchased or stolen guns used in mass shootings of innocent men, women and children originated from the hand of a gun producer, and/or purveyor to a gun buyer; somewhere along that line one of them was careless, greedy or complicit in the future use of the gun for evil.
Are you willing to use the same logic concerning automobiles, planes, knives, ships, baseball bats, axes, hammers, natural gas piped into homes, arrows, swimming pools, race tracks, drag racers, parachutes, tall buildings, bridges, and many other items, inventions, and instruments of an advanced and civilized world?

Again, it's PEOPLE and NOT guns. Does a car kill anyone when not in motion? Does a kitchen knife kill anyone while it's in a drawer? Does an airplane kill anyone while sitting idle at an airport? Does a tall building kill anyone unless some nut jumps from it? Does a swimming pool kill anyone unless a careless person drowns in it? How does a gun kill unless a person uses it to kill?

Should we ban automobiles due to the high number of deaths each year from wrecks? Should we ban hospitals because over 400,000 people die each year from infections obtained during hospital stays? Should we ban airplanes because they crash and kill hundreds at a time?

Each item in your list has a primary purpose, as does a gun. The gun is a killing instrument, a car/plane/ship transports, a baseball bat is for recreation and a swimming pool is used to cool off and get exercise. Get the point?
The point is, "THEY STILL KILL" !!!!!
Research how many people die in car accidents each year.
Research how many people are stabbed to death each year.
Research how many people die of infections obtained while in a hospital.
Research how many die in plane crashes each year.

The point is, people die from the hands of man all the time, and will continue to die from the hands of man, no stopping it.
The point is, "People kill people", and will continue to kill people, no stopping it.

Drunk drivers kill.
Gang members kill
Members of law enforcement kill
Illegal drugs kill
Terrorists kill
Religious fanatics kill
Domestic rage kills spouses and entire families
The angry and mentally unstable kill

Guns are used
Knives are used
Planes are used
Explosives are used
Axes are used
Baseball bats are used
Vehicles are used
Drugs are used
Alcohol is used
Poisons are used
Rope is used

The point is, "People kill, and will continue to kill, no stopping it.

Yes, people kill. Can
Are you willing to use the same logic concerning automobiles, planes, knives, ships, baseball bats, axes, hammers, natural gas piped into homes, arrows, swimming pools, race tracks, drag racers, parachutes, tall buildings, bridges, and many other items, inventions, and instruments of an advanced and civilized world?

Again, it's PEOPLE and NOT guns. Does a car kill anyone when not in motion? Does a kitchen knife kill anyone while it's in a drawer? Does an airplane kill anyone while sitting idle at an airport? Does a tall building kill anyone unless some nut jumps from it? Does a swimming pool kill anyone unless a careless person drowns in it? How does a gun kill unless a person uses it to kill?

Should we ban automobiles due to the high number of deaths each year from wrecks? Should we ban hospitals because over 400,000 people die each year from infections obtained during hospital stays? Should we ban airplanes because they crash and kill hundreds at a time?

Why are you pointing out things that are regulated, registered and often times illegal? This just deflated your argument.
So are guns regulated, must be registered, and illegal to have in certain cases. Yet, laws do not stop gun violence.

Are the guns used by gang members registered? Are the guns purchased from the trunk of cars registered? Are the guns sold between family members registered? Are all guns sold on the internet registered? Are all guns sold at yard sales and flea markets registered? Are all guns that come across our borders registered? Are all guns sold from one friend to another friend registered?

Do existing gun laws prevent gun violence? Will gang members turn in their unregistered weapons? Will criminals turn in their unregistered weapons? Will drug dealers and pimps turn in their unregistered weapons? Who has unregistered weapons, where are they, and how many are unregistered? Who will go door-to-door and search for unregistered weapons? How will laws keep guns out of the hands of citizens, and how will laws stop gun violence?

Why have any penal code? Do laws prevent petty theft, drunk driving, insider trading, etc?
We have laws because we are a civilized society, and not cavemen, nor are we a barbaric people. We have laws to ensure a certain degree of civility and harmony within society. We have laws to protect people, their rights, and to ensure a certain degree of fairness, justice, and equality. We have laws to keep society as orderly and sane as humanly possible.

There will always be those with mental disorders, scores to settle, haters, fanatics, maniacs, and wannabe martyrs, whether religious in nature or otherwise. There will always be the social misfits, the suicidal, the frustrated, the ones looking for their fifteen minutes of fame and national headlines, and the rogue anti-establishment basket cases. It's impossible for us to read minds. The technology doesn't exist that would allow us to determine which ones are on the verge of going postal and taking out dozens of innocent lives.

Some people are animalistic, barbaric, uncivil, and natural born haters. Who are they, where are they, and when will they go off the edge and slaughter innocent people? How can we tell the ones that could snap at any minute? Our laws can not determine the mental state of every single person on Earth. Our laws can not keep tragedies from happening. Our laws can not prevent senseless acts of terrorism, violence, and mass slaughter. It's impossible. You can not legislate sanity, morals, behavior, nor can you legislate removing weapons from the hands of those that want them, it's impossible.

People that want to do others harm, will find a way to do it. People that want to do harm to others, will use whatever they can get or find to do the deed. What about chemical and biological weapons? What about poisoning our water supplies? What about deadly gas released in crowded areas? What about deadly bacteria released into the air? What about explosives ( Oklahoma City )? What about air planes ( 9 - 11 - 2001 )?

Laws can not stop what we've seen take place, and will see again before all is said and done, no stopping it, it's impossible to stop.

Seems much easier to get a gun than too hijack a plane or buy a ton of fertilizer and rent a truck. Two data points vis a vis how many mass shootings in the past ten years?
What will stop the mass killings?
How can mass killing be stopped?
What will stop people from getting guns?
How can you stop guns from coming across our borders?
If we can't stop people from buying illegal drugs, how can we stop them from buying guns?
How can you stop people from selling guns out of the trunks of their cars?
How will you stop guns from being sold within families?
How can you stop guns from being sold on the black market?
How will you stop guns from being traded and exchanged between friends?

*** Waiting on your answer / suggestion. Thanks

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