A challenge for the left & I bet none of them can fulfill it...

What will stop the mass killings?
How can mass killing be stopped?
What will stop people from getting guns?
How can you stop guns from coming across our borders?
If we can't stop people from buying illegal drugs, how can we stop them from buying guns?
How can you stop people from selling guns out of the trunks of their cars?
How will you stop guns from being sold within families?
How can you stop guns from being sold on the black market?
How will you stop guns from being traded and exchanged between friends?

*** Waiting on your answer / suggestion. Thanks

We regulate people. We require drivers to be licensed, we require swimming pools to have fences around them, we make the possession of a push button or gravity knife illegal and jail those who possess them. Gun control is not a panacea, it is a reasonable way for reasonable people to respond to an absurd situation.
FYI - Requiring drivers to be licensed has never stopped drunk drivers from killing people.
Requiring fences around pools hasn't stopped kids from drowning in swimming pools.
Making certain knives illegal hasn't stopped stabbings.
And, there's NO gun control that will stop gun violence, period.

If you know of a law, or laws, that will stop gun violence, then please state it instead of just throwing a blanket statement out concerning some law that performs magic.

Requiring drivers to be licensed has never stopped drunk drivers? That's bullshit, take their license away and many don't drive...yes, yes, some will, many don't. Your arguments are lacking.
FYI - Taking license away if "AFTER THE FACT", and NOT a prevention.
Your reasoning is lacking.
FYI - We can also put murders in prison for life, AFTER THE FACT !!!!!

Punishment after the fact does not prevent murder, never has, never will.
Taking drivers' licenses away has never stopped drunk driving deaths, never has, never will. We hear and read about it all the time.

You reasoning and logic is lacking. People are more concerned with prevention that punishment. Punishment doesn't bring back lost loved ones.

Drunk drivers are often times repeat offenders, idiot.

Also by making drunk driving a crime if one is pulled over while being drunk, either through erratic behavior or even a tail light being out and then the police discovering the driver is drunk takes their driving privileges away.

Once again, drunk driving laws reduce the offense, not eliminate it.

Tax evasion - usually caught after the fact.
Murder - caught after the fact
Robbery, kidnapping - so on and so forth, a crime is usually committed first.
Hey, asshole. I'm not an idiot. If you want to reduce this conversation to name calling and personal attacks, I'll be happy to oblige. Otherwise, please keep this conversation civil and absent of name calling and personal attacks. Act adult and try to discuss this issue in a civil manner. Thanks.

Yes, drunk drivers are sometimes repeat offenders, true. And, likewise, murderers that get released from prison sometimes murder again. So, what's your point? In both cases, nothing is prevented, nothing. Locking away drunk drivers for life doesn't mean that another drunk driver wont kill people. Are you suggesting that we lock up ALL drunks in hopes of preventing drunk driver deaths?

FYI - Putting people in prison does NOT prevent crime. We have the largest prison population in the world, FACT. Yet, we have more crime that anyone in the world, FACT. Prison terms do not prevent crimes, period.

Punishment is after the fact, and not prevention.
We regulate people. We require drivers to be licensed, we require swimming pools to have fences around them, we make the possession of a push button or gravity knife illegal and jail those who possess them. Gun control is not a panacea, it is a reasonable way for reasonable people to respond to an absurd situation.
FYI - Requiring drivers to be licensed has never stopped drunk drivers from killing people.
Requiring fences around pools hasn't stopped kids from drowning in swimming pools.
Making certain knives illegal hasn't stopped stabbings.
And, there's NO gun control that will stop gun violence, period.

If you know of a law, or laws, that will stop gun violence, then please state it instead of just throwing a blanket statement out concerning some law that performs magic.

Requiring drivers to be licensed has never stopped drunk drivers? That's bullshit, take their license away and many don't drive...yes, yes, some will, many don't. Your arguments are lacking.
FYI - Taking license away if "AFTER THE FACT", and NOT a prevention.
Your reasoning is lacking.
FYI - We can also put murders in prison for life, AFTER THE FACT !!!!!

Punishment after the fact does not prevent murder, never has, never will.
Taking drivers' licenses away has never stopped drunk driving deaths, never has, never will. We hear and read about it all the time.

You reasoning and logic is lacking. People are more concerned with prevention that punishment. Punishment doesn't bring back lost loved ones.

Drunk drivers are often times repeat offenders, idiot.

Also by making drunk driving a crime if one is pulled over while being drunk, either through erratic behavior or even a tail light being out and then the police discovering the driver is drunk takes their driving privileges away.

Once again, drunk driving laws reduce the offense, not eliminate it.

Tax evasion - usually caught after the fact.
Murder - caught after the fact
Robbery, kidnapping - so on and so forth, a crime is usually committed first.
Hey, asshole. I'm not an idiot. If you want to reduce this conversation to name calling and personal attacks, I'll be happy to oblige. Otherwise, please keep this conversation civil and absent of name calling and personal attacks. Act adult and try to discuss this issue in a civil manner. Thanks.

Yes, drunk drivers are sometimes repeat offenders, true. And, likewise, murderers that get released from prison sometimes murder again. So, what's your point? In both cases, nothing is prevented, nothing. Locking away drunk drivers for life doesn't mean that another drunk driver wont kill people. Are you suggesting that we lock up ALL drunks in hopes of preventing drunk driver deaths?

FYI - Putting people in prison does NOT prevent crime. We have the largest prison population in the world, FACT. Yet, we have more crime that anyone in the world, FACT. Prison terms do not prevent crimes, period.

Punishment is after the fact, and not prevention.

You're an idiot because you seem to be saying drunk driving laws don't prevent drunk driving and why bother making murder illegal.

And yes, putting people in prison reduces crime, we just don't always put the right people in prison.

Jesus Christ, I'm done. Sorry for the name calling but your arguments are absurd.
Very funny, really cute.
It's not my fault that you have no reasonable answers.

FYI - It's impossible to keep guns out of the hands of anyone that wants them, impossible.
Has background checks stopped anyone that really wants a gun, from getting their hands on a gun? If so, please tell who tried to get a gun and couldn't.
Do drug dealers go through the legal process to buy guns?
Do pimps go through the legal process to buy guns?
Do people that buy them out of a car trunk, on the black market, through friends or relatives, go through the legal process to buy guns?
Do terrorists go through the legal process to buy guns?

Can a background check determine who may go postal tomorrow?
Can a background check determine who may get fired from their job tomorrow and return to the workplace and kill their co-workers and ex-boss?
Can a background check reveal someone on the verge of suicide, and that might take a dozen innocent lives before they take their own life?
Can a background check determine who may snap, pick up a gun, and take out their entire family before turning the gun on themselves?

Awaiting your answers. Thanks.

Once again, nobody is saying gun control will stop all gun violence.

Just using the examples that Wry Catcher brought up. Pool fences are required for pools, kids still drown, that doesn't mean the law is ineffective.

It's illegal to drive with a seat belt, some still do it and there is no way to stop them if they don't want to wear one.

Forcing a gundealer to run a background check and not give someone a gun if they happen to be on a terrorist watch list is not a big deal, it's common sense. That doesn't mean gun violence ends, nobody is arguing that point.
Thanks. That's exactly my point.
It's impossible to stop gun violence.
It's impossible to keep guns out of the hands of those that really want them.
It's impossible to read minds and determine who may snap next.
It's impossible to prevent guns from being sold.
It's impossible to prevent guns from being traded.
It's impossible to prevent guns from being handed down through families.
It's impossible to keep guns from crossing our borders.
It's impossible to know who has what weapons, and how many they have.
It's ridiculous to expect background checks to stop gun violence.

At this time, there are NO solutions, No answers, and the technology to read minds does NOT exist, period.
We can discuss this from now until eternity, and the answers will be the same.
We can argue the point to no avail.

Who are you debating then?

Gun Control can only reduce the threat of guns, not end it all together. This is why I've been saying your posts are lame, you're debating a strawman.

Hell at this point I'm not even sure you think drunk driving should be a crime.
I'm simply saying that laws can NOT prevent gun violence. Yet, some will argue from now until eternity that we need stricter laws, more thorough background checks, ban high capacity clips, etc., etc., etc., etc..

The cold hard truth is NOTHING is going to help, nor solve the problem, period. IF anyone had an answer or solution, they would have said so by now. This subject has been beat to death for years now, yet, no one has come up with anything even close to a solution.

Go back and read some of the lame ridiculous comment in this thread. Some hear have said background checks, some have said gun control laws, some have said watch people, and other lame solutions. Again, there is NO solution, period. Nothing will help, period.

High capacity what?

Anyway, you've been saying very simply that you are stuck on one point. If gun conrol does not prevent every crime involving a gun then it's not worth it and to prove your point you are now arguing that drunk driving laws and drivers licenses are pointless. That is a ridiculous point of view.
And your points are just as ridiculous, if not more so.

( high capacity mags, sorry for the omission )

No, I'm NOT stuck on one point. I have made many points. But, the main point that I've made, is that it's impossible to stop gun violence, impossible to get guns off our streets, and impossible to keep gun out of the hands of those that really want them. And, so far, no one has been able to dispute what I've said. No one has offered any answers or solutions.

All I've heard is "gun control laws", background checks", "watching people", and none of which makes sense. Besides, we already have gun laws, we already do background checks, and the FBI, ATF, CIA, and HSA already watch people. So, there's nothing new on the table because no one knows the answer nor the solution.
Once again, nobody is saying gun control will stop all gun violence.

Just using the examples that Wry Catcher brought up. Pool fences are required for pools, kids still drown, that doesn't mean the law is ineffective.

It's illegal to drive with a seat belt, some still do it and there is no way to stop them if they don't want to wear one.

Forcing a gundealer to run a background check and not give someone a gun if they happen to be on a terrorist watch list is not a big deal, it's common sense. That doesn't mean gun violence ends, nobody is arguing that point.
Thanks. That's exactly my point.
It's impossible to stop gun violence.
It's impossible to keep guns out of the hands of those that really want them.
It's impossible to read minds and determine who may snap next.
It's impossible to prevent guns from being sold.
It's impossible to prevent guns from being traded.
It's impossible to prevent guns from being handed down through families.
It's impossible to keep guns from crossing our borders.
It's impossible to know who has what weapons, and how many they have.
It's ridiculous to expect background checks to stop gun violence.

At this time, there are NO solutions, No answers, and the technology to read minds does NOT exist, period.
We can discuss this from now until eternity, and the answers will be the same.
We can argue the point to no avail.

Who are you debating then?

Gun Control can only reduce the threat of guns, not end it all together. This is why I've been saying your posts are lame, you're debating a strawman.

Hell at this point I'm not even sure you think drunk driving should be a crime.
I'm simply saying that laws can NOT prevent gun violence. Yet, some will argue from now until eternity that we need stricter laws, more thorough background checks, ban high capacity clips, etc., etc., etc., etc..

The cold hard truth is NOTHING is going to help, nor solve the problem, period. IF anyone had an answer or solution, they would have said so by now. This subject has been beat to death for years now, yet, no one has come up with anything even close to a solution.

Go back and read some of the lame ridiculous comment in this thread. Some hear have said background checks, some have said gun control laws, some have said watch people, and other lame solutions. Again, there is NO solution, period. Nothing will help, period.

High capacity what?

Anyway, you've been saying very simply that you are stuck on one point. If gun conrol does not prevent every crime involving a gun then it's not worth it and to prove your point you are now arguing that drunk driving laws and drivers licenses are pointless. That is a ridiculous point of view.
And your points are just as ridiculous, if not more so.

( high capacity mags, sorry for the omission )

No, I'm NOT stuck on one point. I have made many points. But, the main point that I've made, is that it's impossible to stop gun violence, impossible to get guns off our streets, and impossible to keep gun out of the hands of those that really want them. And, so far, no one has been able to dispute what I've said. No one has offered any answers or solutions.

Nobody, not one fucking person is saying gun laws will prevent all gun violence. Why do you keep arguing against a point that no one is making?

All I've heard is "gun control laws", background checks", "watching people", and none of which makes sense. Besides, we already have gun laws, we already do background checks, and the FBI, ATF, CIA, and HSA already watch people. So, there's nothing new on the table because no one knows the answer nor the solution.

We don't do background checks in private or straw purchases, gun shows are a wink link in background checks as well. The background check system doesn't look at terrorist watch or no fly lists and I while I'm doubtful of gun bans, the discussion is worthy. Not with you though, you can't even accept that laws have any impact on crime at all. I'm now done with your broken record argument mostly based on a strawman.
FYI - Requiring drivers to be licensed has never stopped drunk drivers from killing people.
Requiring fences around pools hasn't stopped kids from drowning in swimming pools.
Making certain knives illegal hasn't stopped stabbings.
And, there's NO gun control that will stop gun violence, period.

If you know of a law, or laws, that will stop gun violence, then please state it instead of just throwing a blanket statement out concerning some law that performs magic.

Requiring drivers to be licensed has never stopped drunk drivers? That's bullshit, take their license away and many don't drive...yes, yes, some will, many don't. Your arguments are lacking.
FYI - Taking license away if "AFTER THE FACT", and NOT a prevention.
Your reasoning is lacking.
FYI - We can also put murders in prison for life, AFTER THE FACT !!!!!

Punishment after the fact does not prevent murder, never has, never will.
Taking drivers' licenses away has never stopped drunk driving deaths, never has, never will. We hear and read about it all the time.

You reasoning and logic is lacking. People are more concerned with prevention that punishment. Punishment doesn't bring back lost loved ones.

Drunk drivers are often times repeat offenders, idiot.

Also by making drunk driving a crime if one is pulled over while being drunk, either through erratic behavior or even a tail light being out and then the police discovering the driver is drunk takes their driving privileges away.

Once again, drunk driving laws reduce the offense, not eliminate it.

Tax evasion - usually caught after the fact.
Murder - caught after the fact
Robbery, kidnapping - so on and so forth, a crime is usually committed first.
Hey, asshole. I'm not an idiot. If you want to reduce this conversation to name calling and personal attacks, I'll be happy to oblige. Otherwise, please keep this conversation civil and absent of name calling and personal attacks. Act adult and try to discuss this issue in a civil manner. Thanks.

Yes, drunk drivers are sometimes repeat offenders, true. And, likewise, murderers that get released from prison sometimes murder again. So, what's your point? In both cases, nothing is prevented, nothing. Locking away drunk drivers for life doesn't mean that another drunk driver wont kill people. Are you suggesting that we lock up ALL drunks in hopes of preventing drunk driver deaths?

FYI - Putting people in prison does NOT prevent crime. We have the largest prison population in the world, FACT. Yet, we have more crime that anyone in the world, FACT. Prison terms do not prevent crimes, period.

Punishment is after the fact, and not prevention.

You're an idiot because you seem to be saying drunk driving laws don't prevent drunk driving and why bother making murder illegal.

And yes, putting people in prison reduces crime, we just don't always put the right people in prison.

Jesus Christ, I'm done. Sorry for the name calling but your arguments are absurd.
Look asswipe piece of shit, I have never ever said that murder shouldn't be illegal. That's a very silly and asinine thing to say asshole.
Also, drunk driving laws DO NOT prevent drink driving, only a damn fool and idiot would say such nonsense.
No, prison does not reduce crime. Please show any data that would verify that prison time reduces crime. Our prison population is the largest in the world, and the prisons are packed with inmates. And more are sentenced to prison each and every day.

And likewise, your arguments are asinine and pathetically silly. Have a nice day
Thanks. That's exactly my point.
It's impossible to stop gun violence.
It's impossible to keep guns out of the hands of those that really want them.
It's impossible to read minds and determine who may snap next.
It's impossible to prevent guns from being sold.
It's impossible to prevent guns from being traded.
It's impossible to prevent guns from being handed down through families.
It's impossible to keep guns from crossing our borders.
It's impossible to know who has what weapons, and how many they have.
It's ridiculous to expect background checks to stop gun violence.

At this time, there are NO solutions, No answers, and the technology to read minds does NOT exist, period.
We can discuss this from now until eternity, and the answers will be the same.
We can argue the point to no avail.

Who are you debating then?

Gun Control can only reduce the threat of guns, not end it all together. This is why I've been saying your posts are lame, you're debating a strawman.

Hell at this point I'm not even sure you think drunk driving should be a crime.
I'm simply saying that laws can NOT prevent gun violence. Yet, some will argue from now until eternity that we need stricter laws, more thorough background checks, ban high capacity clips, etc., etc., etc., etc..

The cold hard truth is NOTHING is going to help, nor solve the problem, period. IF anyone had an answer or solution, they would have said so by now. This subject has been beat to death for years now, yet, no one has come up with anything even close to a solution.

Go back and read some of the lame ridiculous comment in this thread. Some hear have said background checks, some have said gun control laws, some have said watch people, and other lame solutions. Again, there is NO solution, period. Nothing will help, period.

High capacity what?

Anyway, you've been saying very simply that you are stuck on one point. If gun conrol does not prevent every crime involving a gun then it's not worth it and to prove your point you are now arguing that drunk driving laws and drivers licenses are pointless. That is a ridiculous point of view.
And your points are just as ridiculous, if not more so.

( high capacity mags, sorry for the omission )

No, I'm NOT stuck on one point. I have made many points. But, the main point that I've made, is that it's impossible to stop gun violence, impossible to get guns off our streets, and impossible to keep gun out of the hands of those that really want them. And, so far, no one has been able to dispute what I've said. No one has offered any answers or solutions.

Nobody, not one fucking person is saying gun laws will prevent all gun violence. Why do you keep arguing against a point that no one is making?

All I've heard is "gun control laws", background checks", "watching people", and none of which makes sense. Besides, we already have gun laws, we already do background checks, and the FBI, ATF, CIA, and HSA already watch people. So, there's nothing new on the table because no one knows the answer nor the solution.

We don't do background checks in private or straw purchases, gun shows are a wink link in background checks as well. The background check system doesn't look at terrorist watch or no fly lists and I while I'm doubtful of gun bans, the discussion is worthy. Not with you though, you can't even accept that laws have any impact on crime at all. I'm now done with your broken record argument mostly based on a strawman.
Very cute
Funny and lame.
Strawman? Bullshit.

Just because you have no answers or solutions, doesn't mean that what I've said is wrong. You haven't disputed a single thing that I've said, nothing.
Thanks. That's exactly my point.
It's impossible to stop gun violence.
It's impossible to keep guns out of the hands of those that really want them.
It's impossible to read minds and determine who may snap next.
It's impossible to prevent guns from being sold.
It's impossible to prevent guns from being traded.
It's impossible to prevent guns from being handed down through families.
It's impossible to keep guns from crossing our borders.
It's impossible to know who has what weapons, and how many they have.
It's ridiculous to expect background checks to stop gun violence.

At this time, there are NO solutions, No answers, and the technology to read minds does NOT exist, period.
We can discuss this from now until eternity, and the answers will be the same.
We can argue the point to no avail.

Who are you debating then?

Gun Control can only reduce the threat of guns, not end it all together. This is why I've been saying your posts are lame, you're debating a strawman.

Hell at this point I'm not even sure you think drunk driving should be a crime.
I'm simply saying that laws can NOT prevent gun violence. Yet, some will argue from now until eternity that we need stricter laws, more thorough background checks, ban high capacity clips, etc., etc., etc., etc..

The cold hard truth is NOTHING is going to help, nor solve the problem, period. IF anyone had an answer or solution, they would have said so by now. This subject has been beat to death for years now, yet, no one has come up with anything even close to a solution.

Go back and read some of the lame ridiculous comment in this thread. Some hear have said background checks, some have said gun control laws, some have said watch people, and other lame solutions. Again, there is NO solution, period. Nothing will help, period.

High capacity what?

Anyway, you've been saying very simply that you are stuck on one point. If gun conrol does not prevent every crime involving a gun then it's not worth it and to prove your point you are now arguing that drunk driving laws and drivers licenses are pointless. That is a ridiculous point of view.
And your points are just as ridiculous, if not more so.

( high capacity mags, sorry for the omission )

No, I'm NOT stuck on one point. I have made many points. But, the main point that I've made, is that it's impossible to stop gun violence, impossible to get guns off our streets, and impossible to keep gun out of the hands of those that really want them. And, so far, no one has been able to dispute what I've said. No one has offered any answers or solutions.

Nobody, not one fucking person is saying gun laws will prevent all gun violence. Why do you keep arguing against a point that no one is making?

All I've heard is "gun control laws", background checks", "watching people", and none of which makes sense. Besides, we already have gun laws, we already do background checks, and the FBI, ATF, CIA, and HSA already watch people. So, there's nothing new on the table because no one knows the answer nor the solution.

We don't do background checks in private or straw purchases, gun shows are a wink link in background checks as well. The background check system doesn't look at terrorist watch or no fly lists and I while I'm doubtful of gun bans, the discussion is worthy. Not with you though, you can't even accept that laws have any impact on crime at all. I'm now done with your broken record argument mostly based on a strawman.

They dont' do background checks in straw purchases?

Gun shows are a 'wink link' (?)
(I haven't been to a gun show that didn't require background checks)
But if they were mandatory at all gun shows, that won't stop the guys with a trunk load of firearms in the parking lot.
Who are you debating then?

Gun Control can only reduce the threat of guns, not end it all together. This is why I've been saying your posts are lame, you're debating a strawman.

Hell at this point I'm not even sure you think drunk driving should be a crime.
I'm simply saying that laws can NOT prevent gun violence. Yet, some will argue from now until eternity that we need stricter laws, more thorough background checks, ban high capacity clips, etc., etc., etc., etc..

The cold hard truth is NOTHING is going to help, nor solve the problem, period. IF anyone had an answer or solution, they would have said so by now. This subject has been beat to death for years now, yet, no one has come up with anything even close to a solution.

Go back and read some of the lame ridiculous comment in this thread. Some hear have said background checks, some have said gun control laws, some have said watch people, and other lame solutions. Again, there is NO solution, period. Nothing will help, period.

High capacity what?

Anyway, you've been saying very simply that you are stuck on one point. If gun conrol does not prevent every crime involving a gun then it's not worth it and to prove your point you are now arguing that drunk driving laws and drivers licenses are pointless. That is a ridiculous point of view.
And your points are just as ridiculous, if not more so.

( high capacity mags, sorry for the omission )

No, I'm NOT stuck on one point. I have made many points. But, the main point that I've made, is that it's impossible to stop gun violence, impossible to get guns off our streets, and impossible to keep gun out of the hands of those that really want them. And, so far, no one has been able to dispute what I've said. No one has offered any answers or solutions.

Nobody, not one fucking person is saying gun laws will prevent all gun violence. Why do you keep arguing against a point that no one is making?

All I've heard is "gun control laws", background checks", "watching people", and none of which makes sense. Besides, we already have gun laws, we already do background checks, and the FBI, ATF, CIA, and HSA already watch people. So, there's nothing new on the table because no one knows the answer nor the solution.

We don't do background checks in private or straw purchases, gun shows are a wink link in background checks as well. The background check system doesn't look at terrorist watch or no fly lists and I while I'm doubtful of gun bans, the discussion is worthy. Not with you though, you can't even accept that laws have any impact on crime at all. I'm now done with your broken record argument mostly based on a strawman.

They dont' do background checks in straw purchases?

Gun shows are a 'wink link' (?)
(I haven't been to a gun show that didn't require background checks)
But if they were mandatory at all gun shows, that won't stop the guys with a trunk load of firearms in the parking lot.
Absolutely correct.
Cite an instance, ANY INSTANCE, of a Gun willingly & knowingly killing someone.

If you can not find any such case then tell me, what is the one common denominator that forces that gun to kill even though it doesn't have the will to do it itself.


Why are you making the case to legalize anthrax?
I have not heard of this kind of gun.

Why does this argument only apply to guns?

Cigarettes don't give you cancer, people give you cancer!

It's a dumb argument.

Cigarettes can't light themselves and smoke themselves. A person has to choose to do so.
Who are you debating then?

Gun Control can only reduce the threat of guns, not end it all together. This is why I've been saying your posts are lame, you're debating a strawman.

Hell at this point I'm not even sure you think drunk driving should be a crime.
I'm simply saying that laws can NOT prevent gun violence. Yet, some will argue from now until eternity that we need stricter laws, more thorough background checks, ban high capacity clips, etc., etc., etc., etc..

The cold hard truth is NOTHING is going to help, nor solve the problem, period. IF anyone had an answer or solution, they would have said so by now. This subject has been beat to death for years now, yet, no one has come up with anything even close to a solution.

Go back and read some of the lame ridiculous comment in this thread. Some hear have said background checks, some have said gun control laws, some have said watch people, and other lame solutions. Again, there is NO solution, period. Nothing will help, period.

High capacity what?

Anyway, you've been saying very simply that you are stuck on one point. If gun conrol does not prevent every crime involving a gun then it's not worth it and to prove your point you are now arguing that drunk driving laws and drivers licenses are pointless. That is a ridiculous point of view.
And your points are just as ridiculous, if not more so.

( high capacity mags, sorry for the omission )

No, I'm NOT stuck on one point. I have made many points. But, the main point that I've made, is that it's impossible to stop gun violence, impossible to get guns off our streets, and impossible to keep gun out of the hands of those that really want them. And, so far, no one has been able to dispute what I've said. No one has offered any answers or solutions.

Nobody, not one fucking person is saying gun laws will prevent all gun violence. Why do you keep arguing against a point that no one is making?

All I've heard is "gun control laws", background checks", "watching people", and none of which makes sense. Besides, we already have gun laws, we already do background checks, and the FBI, ATF, CIA, and HSA already watch people. So, there's nothing new on the table because no one knows the answer nor the solution.

We don't do background checks in private or straw purchases, gun shows are a wink link in background checks as well. The background check system doesn't look at terrorist watch or no fly lists and I while I'm doubtful of gun bans, the discussion is worthy. Not with you though, you can't even accept that laws have any impact on crime at all. I'm now done with your broken record argument mostly based on a strawman.

They dont' do background checks in straw purchases?

Gun shows are a 'wink link' (?)
(I haven't been to a gun show that didn't require background checks)
But if they were mandatory at all gun shows, that won't stop the guys with a trunk load of firearms in the parking lot.

How many people have had a gun stolen from their house or locked vehicle? What background check is going to be done on the thief that stole those.
I'm simply saying that laws can NOT prevent gun violence. Yet, some will argue from now until eternity that we need stricter laws, more thorough background checks, ban high capacity clips, etc., etc., etc., etc..

The cold hard truth is NOTHING is going to help, nor solve the problem, period. IF anyone had an answer or solution, they would have said so by now. This subject has been beat to death for years now, yet, no one has come up with anything even close to a solution.

Go back and read some of the lame ridiculous comment in this thread. Some hear have said background checks, some have said gun control laws, some have said watch people, and other lame solutions. Again, there is NO solution, period. Nothing will help, period.

High capacity what?

Anyway, you've been saying very simply that you are stuck on one point. If gun conrol does not prevent every crime involving a gun then it's not worth it and to prove your point you are now arguing that drunk driving laws and drivers licenses are pointless. That is a ridiculous point of view.
And your points are just as ridiculous, if not more so.

( high capacity mags, sorry for the omission )

No, I'm NOT stuck on one point. I have made many points. But, the main point that I've made, is that it's impossible to stop gun violence, impossible to get guns off our streets, and impossible to keep gun out of the hands of those that really want them. And, so far, no one has been able to dispute what I've said. No one has offered any answers or solutions.

Nobody, not one fucking person is saying gun laws will prevent all gun violence. Why do you keep arguing against a point that no one is making?

All I've heard is "gun control laws", background checks", "watching people", and none of which makes sense. Besides, we already have gun laws, we already do background checks, and the FBI, ATF, CIA, and HSA already watch people. So, there's nothing new on the table because no one knows the answer nor the solution.

We don't do background checks in private or straw purchases, gun shows are a wink link in background checks as well. The background check system doesn't look at terrorist watch or no fly lists and I while I'm doubtful of gun bans, the discussion is worthy. Not with you though, you can't even accept that laws have any impact on crime at all. I'm now done with your broken record argument mostly based on a strawman.

They dont' do background checks in straw purchases?

Gun shows are a 'wink link' (?)
(I haven't been to a gun show that didn't require background checks)
But if they were mandatory at all gun shows, that won't stop the guys with a trunk load of firearms in the parking lot.

How many people have had a gun stolen from their house or locked vehicle? What background check is going to be done on the thief that stole those.
Absolutely correct. I agree.
High capacity what?

Anyway, you've been saying very simply that you are stuck on one point. If gun conrol does not prevent every crime involving a gun then it's not worth it and to prove your point you are now arguing that drunk driving laws and drivers licenses are pointless. That is a ridiculous point of view.
And your points are just as ridiculous, if not more so.

( high capacity mags, sorry for the omission )

No, I'm NOT stuck on one point. I have made many points. But, the main point that I've made, is that it's impossible to stop gun violence, impossible to get guns off our streets, and impossible to keep gun out of the hands of those that really want them. And, so far, no one has been able to dispute what I've said. No one has offered any answers or solutions.

Nobody, not one fucking person is saying gun laws will prevent all gun violence. Why do you keep arguing against a point that no one is making?

All I've heard is "gun control laws", background checks", "watching people", and none of which makes sense. Besides, we already have gun laws, we already do background checks, and the FBI, ATF, CIA, and HSA already watch people. So, there's nothing new on the table because no one knows the answer nor the solution.

We don't do background checks in private or straw purchases, gun shows are a wink link in background checks as well. The background check system doesn't look at terrorist watch or no fly lists and I while I'm doubtful of gun bans, the discussion is worthy. Not with you though, you can't even accept that laws have any impact on crime at all. I'm now done with your broken record argument mostly based on a strawman.

They dont' do background checks in straw purchases?

Gun shows are a 'wink link' (?)
(I haven't been to a gun show that didn't require background checks)
But if they were mandatory at all gun shows, that won't stop the guys with a trunk load of firearms in the parking lot.

How many people have had a gun stolen from their house or locked vehicle? What background check is going to be done on the thief that stole those.
Absolutely correct. I agree.

I'm one of them that had one stolen. I've asked more than one supporting more gun laws which background check the thief was subject to related to that gun. NONE have replied with an answer.
And your points are just as ridiculous, if not more so.

( high capacity mags, sorry for the omission )

No, I'm NOT stuck on one point. I have made many points. But, the main point that I've made, is that it's impossible to stop gun violence, impossible to get guns off our streets, and impossible to keep gun out of the hands of those that really want them. And, so far, no one has been able to dispute what I've said. No one has offered any answers or solutions.

Nobody, not one fucking person is saying gun laws will prevent all gun violence. Why do you keep arguing against a point that no one is making?

All I've heard is "gun control laws", background checks", "watching people", and none of which makes sense. Besides, we already have gun laws, we already do background checks, and the FBI, ATF, CIA, and HSA already watch people. So, there's nothing new on the table because no one knows the answer nor the solution.

We don't do background checks in private or straw purchases, gun shows are a wink link in background checks as well. The background check system doesn't look at terrorist watch or no fly lists and I while I'm doubtful of gun bans, the discussion is worthy. Not with you though, you can't even accept that laws have any impact on crime at all. I'm now done with your broken record argument mostly based on a strawman.

They dont' do background checks in straw purchases?

Gun shows are a 'wink link' (?)
(I haven't been to a gun show that didn't require background checks)
But if they were mandatory at all gun shows, that won't stop the guys with a trunk load of firearms in the parking lot.

How many people have had a gun stolen from their house or locked vehicle? What background check is going to be done on the thief that stole those.
Absolutely correct. I agree.

I'm one of them that had one stolen. I've asked more than one supporting more gun laws which background check the thief was subject to related to that gun. NONE have replied with an answer.
Nobody is answering because it's a dumb loaded question. Here is your answer NONE. You happy? Does it prove anything? No

Yes, people will steal guns and buy them illegally. That is a separate discussion. People also buy guns legally and then use them for crimes and killing. This IS something that we can control. There are things that can be done to REDUCE access, damage, and body counts. It's a simple and obvious point and has been proven effective, deal with it and stop with the mindless partisan denial
Nobody, not one fucking person is saying gun laws will prevent all gun violence. Why do you keep arguing against a point that no one is making?

We don't do background checks in private or straw purchases, gun shows are a wink link in background checks as well. The background check system doesn't look at terrorist watch or no fly lists and I while I'm doubtful of gun bans, the discussion is worthy. Not with you though, you can't even accept that laws have any impact on crime at all. I'm now done with your broken record argument mostly based on a strawman.

They dont' do background checks in straw purchases?

Gun shows are a 'wink link' (?)
(I haven't been to a gun show that didn't require background checks)
But if they were mandatory at all gun shows, that won't stop the guys with a trunk load of firearms in the parking lot.

How many people have had a gun stolen from their house or locked vehicle? What background check is going to be done on the thief that stole those.
Absolutely correct. I agree.

I'm one of them that had one stolen. I've asked more than one supporting more gun laws which background check the thief was subject to related to that gun. NONE have replied with an answer.
Nobody is answering because it's a dumb loaded question. Here is your answer NONE. You happy? Does it prove anything? No

Yes, people will steal guns and buy them illegally. That is a separate discussion. People also buy guns legally and then use them for crimes and killing. This IS something that we can control. There are things that can be done to REDUCE access, damage, and body counts. It's a simple and obvious point and has been proven effective, deal with it and stop with the mindless partisan denial
Just curious here, exactly what has been "proven effective"? Please explain.
Just curious here, what are the things "that can be done to REDUCE access, damage, and body counts"?

"Mindless partisan denial"? .......... Mindless? Partisan" Denial? Please explain. Thanks.

FYI - I'm NOT mindless. I'm NOT partisan. I'm NOT in denial about anything. Obviously, you have me mistaken for someone else. Please explain your reason(s) for such a silly remark. Thanks.
They dont' do background checks in straw purchases?

Gun shows are a 'wink link' (?)
(I haven't been to a gun show that didn't require background checks)
But if they were mandatory at all gun shows, that won't stop the guys with a trunk load of firearms in the parking lot.

How many people have had a gun stolen from their house or locked vehicle? What background check is going to be done on the thief that stole those.
Absolutely correct. I agree.

I'm one of them that had one stolen. I've asked more than one supporting more gun laws which background check the thief was subject to related to that gun. NONE have replied with an answer.
Nobody is answering because it's a dumb loaded question. Here is your answer NONE. You happy? Does it prove anything? No

Yes, people will steal guns and buy them illegally. That is a separate discussion. People also buy guns legally and then use them for crimes and killing. This IS something that we can control. There are things that can be done to REDUCE access, damage, and body counts. It's a simple and obvious point and has been proven effective, deal with it and stop with the mindless partisan denial
Just curious here, exactly what has been "proven effective"? Please explain.
Just curious here, what are the things "that can be done to REDUCE access, damage, and body counts"?

"Mindless partisan denial"? .......... Mindless? Partisan" Denial? Please explain. Thanks.

FYI - I'm NOT mindless. I'm NOT partisan. I'm NOT in denial about anything. Obviously, you have me mistaken for someone else. Please explain your reason(s) for such a silly remark. Thanks.
We spoke about it yesterday and I think ended on agreeing to disagree... To me it is pretty obvious. The fact that anybody can't just walk into Walmart and buy a machine gun and hand grenades, reduces the amount of "fire power" that people can easily gain access too. Put a machine gun In The hands of criminals instead of a pistol or riffle and you will see more damage. It's simple math and obvious to me that lives have been saved as a result. This warrants gun control and regulatory discussions for our law makers to have to make sure we are being as diligent as possible. This is what separates us from the tribal savages that are ruining Africa and the Middle East

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