Zone1 A christian-atheist compromise?

It's going on in the Ukraine right now.
The Dems started this "war" to cover up their heinous money laundering scams, bio weapons labs, and Hunters dealings over there. Genocide from Democrats that have announced many, MANY times how Christian and god loving they are.

"The Crusades" was a war on humanity enacted by the religious "leaders", lasting almost 200 years, murdering, raping, pillaging, and destroying everything that didn't believe what THEY did!!!! MILLIONS of lives, property, forests, and even animals slaughtered and destroyed in the name of your god.

And I cannot count the hundreds of thousands of times I've heard a self-righteous Christian say "I hope god strikes you dead".

Yeah.........thats REAL Christianity.

You are conflating mere religion (including corrupt or unbiblical churches) and political movements - with Christianity. Two very different things, when you really get down to it.

But at least now the mystery is solved, in regard to what you were talking about, thanks. :)
You demand perverts have a special exemption. They don't.

They can do what they want in this perverted culture the God haters have pushed on us, but in the end your path will lead to eternal DEATH.
Make your choice. The consequences are yours too.

So far, in my life, the true perverts on this planet all claim to be Christians.
I've worked with MANY people over the decades that claim to be Christians, yet they are the most perverse, sick, twisted, and hate-mongering people I've ever met.

I'm not say ALL Christians are degredations of their own making, but it's over 95% so far.
FJB says she's Christian, yet she isn't this way at all. She doesn't go for the BS. Just like one of my Aunts who claimed she was Christian one time, and shocked me. I'd never heard her spew religious rhetoric, cuss, swear, state she wanted someone dead, steal, or even go to church. I asked her about it. Here's what she said, "God is in my hear, and I know from that, what is right and what is wrong and what I should be doing with my life and for others. God isn't in a million dollar building, or in a televangelist asking for my money, so theres no reason for me to go to church or listen to a televangelist".

My Aunt gave me a little clarity at that point in time. And I've kept it with me all these years.

It's not the FEW that I have problems with, its the MAJORITY I have problems with.
I honestly don't know what you had in mind, what Christians murder constantly?

ETA: I see you just posted a reply to Death Angel answering the same question, so now I know what you are talking about. I'll get back to this a little later, or I'm sure DA can respond to it.

I'm not sure what your background is, or what caused you to have so much hate for Christians.... can I ask you what church you grew up going to, if any?

I can't think of any Christians I personally know who are like that.

You see, what you don't seem to get is that there's a big difference between someone saying they're Christian in a cultural sense (in other words, someone who comes from a Christian background and may sometimes go to church) and someone who is born again, and truly walking with God, in a relationship that involves continual growth and transformation. The latter - someone who is truly regenerated - is not going to be lying all the time, murdering, or doing other horrible things that clearly go against God's will. The former? It's possible. But even then, you are making it sound like all Christians are evil monsters....which is a bit over the top, even in regard to cultural Christians.

Wow, again, I don't know what 'christians' you are around, but they certainly don't sound like christians according to Jesus' definition. Jesus said "you will know them by their fruit"..... and He also said, those who love God OBEY God.

If someone is continually not obeying God, and living their lives they way THEY want to.... then they don't love God, and they are almost certainly not saved.

My mother was what was called a "Sunday Christian" when I was younger. She practiced her religion on Sundays, and the rest of the week, she was a lying, conniving, hateful *you know what*.

She also was a church hopper, dragging my sister and me to many different kinds of churches, of many different kinds of religions, looking for the right one to forgive her for whatever she was looking for forgiveness for, if at all. Evey six months to a year, it was a different church and a different religion.

So, I got to see a WIDE, WIDE array of different reglions all preaching the same lies and hypocrisy.

Being a kid, I could go pretty much anywhere I wanted and the adults just didn't care.
The gossip mongering! The hate talk!! The backstabbing!!! The adulterers!!!! They con artists!!!!!!

The buildings changed, the names of the religions changed, the names of the churches changed, the locations changed.........but the people were ALL THE SAME.

Ego-maniacal narcissists, using religion as a crutch, a weapon of guilt, and a verbal gun to deter, derail, deminish, belittle, berate, or destroy anybody that got in their way of their self-indignant, self-righteous, predatory agendas of being narcissistic clones of each other.

The conversations I overheard. The things I saw happen. The things that happened to me. The laughs I got from these "leaders" when I asked for help for what I was going through at home at that time. Being treated like a cancer, and not a human being.

In a church, out of church, on TV from's all the same thing from all the same kind of people. They just do what they do and say what they say "in the name of god" and "in the name of love", when what it really is, is MIND CONTROL, abuse, and criminal activities.
You are conflating mere religion (including corrupt or unbiblical churches) and political movements - with Christianity. Two very different things, when you really get down to it.

But at least now the mystery is solved, in regard to what you were talking about, thanks. :)

Mmm hmmm.

Covering it up, I expected as much.
Can't take the blame, so you project it elsewhere.
Thats one of the main focus points of religions all over the planet.........BLAME IT on someone else.
Finally, a proper homophobic christian speaking out for what's right. Why don't you just scrap the 10 commandments you don't care about or follow anyway and replace them with a nice succinct,
1 Hate
2 Hate
2 Hate
4 Hate
5 Hate
6 Hate
7 Hate
The only hate being displayed is from you. You do have issues. I hope you seek help.
My mother was what was called a "Sunday Christian" when I was younger. She practiced her religion on Sundays, and the rest of the week, she was a lying, conniving, hateful *you know what*.

She also was a church hopper, dragging my sister and me to many different kinds of churches, of many different kinds of religions, looking for the right one to forgive her for whatever she was looking for forgiveness for, if at all. Evey six months to a year, it was a different church and a different religion.

So, I got to see a WIDE, WIDE array of different reglions all preaching the same lies and hypocrisy.

Being a kid, I could go pretty much anywhere I wanted and the adults just didn't care.
The gossip mongering! The hate talk!! The backstabbing!!! The adulterers!!!! They con artists!!!!!!

The buildings changed, the names of the religions changed, the names of the churches changed, the locations changed.........but the people were ALL THE SAME.

Ego-maniacal narcissists, using religion as a crutch, a weapon of guilt, and a verbal gun to deter, derail, deminish, belittle, berate, or destroy anybody that got in their way of their self-indignant, self-righteous, predatory agendas of being narcissistic clones of each other.

The conversations I overheard. The things I saw happen. The things that happened to me. The laughs I got from these "leaders" when I asked for help for what I was going through at home at that time. Being treated like a cancer, and not a human being.

In a church, out of church, on TV from's all the same thing from all the same kind of people. They just do what they do and say what they say "in the name of god" and "in the name of love", when what it really is, is MIND CONTROL, abuse, and criminal activities.

Thanks for telling me a little about your background. I actually can relate to that, to a certain extent. As a child, I was dragged to Catholic church with my mom and my sisters (my Dad was an atheist) and every Sunday here's what I saw... people going to church, but then the rest of the week acting like anyone else. At least the people I saw. That was the very reason why I rejected all of it and why I was a non-believer, for many years.

I didn't see any truth attached to religion, just people going through the motions because it was a cultural or tradition thing.

But my mistake? Throwing out the baby with the bathwater. Many years later, even though I wasn't looking for God, I became a believer because God opened my eyes and I realized that there's a HUGE difference between mere religion, and actually becoming a child of God through regeneration and new life from God... the latter is true christianity. The former is just culture and tradition stuff.

ETA: after I became a believer, I didn't go back to the Catholic church. I've been going to non-denominational bible-based churches.

Mmm hmmm.

Covering it up, I expected as much.
Can't take the blame, so you project it elsewhere.
Thats one of the main focus points of religions all over the planet.........BLAME IT on someone else.

I can see you just don't get it. In fact, you don't seem open to even the remote possibility that you are wrong. That is having a mind and heart that is completely closed. That is not the way to be, if you love and value truth. Being stubbornly closed-minded as Fort Knox is not going to get you anywhere, and that closed-mindedness goes hand in hand with pride. And what's important to know is that pride is blinding. So if truth is important to you? At least a modicum of open-mindedness and humility is necessary.

Again, don't conflate mere religion with true faith, spiritual birth and truly walking with God which inevitably leads to NEW LIFE, growth and transformation. I don't expect you to understand or believe that right now....But you're not arguing against just me, you're arguing against the experiences of millions (or even billions of people) AND the very word of God itself.
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I've worked with MANY people over the decades that claim to be Christians, yet they are the most perverse, sick, twisted, and hate-mongering people I've ever met.

I'm not say ALL Christians are degredations
Yeah, you pretty much did. You're not going to put me on defense.
Regardless of your accusations, GOD says and determines what is right and good. Not you. Neither does anyone's behavior determine where you stand on Judgement Day. We ALL face Judgement for the life we live. Whether you accept that fact or not.

Your ACCUSATIONS won't mean a damn thing the day YOU stand before your Creator.
I've worked with MANY people over the decades that claim to be Christians, yet they are the most perverse, sick, twisted, and hate-mongering people I've ever met
You're lying. You're looking for excuses to justify your own lusts and HATE.

Do you even get a glimpse of the pure HATE and LIES coming from your bitter and angry soul? I already know the answer. I see you as a potentially violent individual who should be under surveillance. You carry a LOT of anger and rage. Eventually that's going to spill out to the innocent around you
and I realized that there's a HUGE difference between mere religion, and actually becoming a child of God through regeneration and new life from God... the latter is true christianity. The former is just culture and tradition stuff
Exactly! I'm glad SOME get it. The God Haters never will. They're just looking for excuses to justify their own behsvior
Yeah, you pretty much did. You're not going to put me on defense.
Regardless of your accusations, GOD says and determines what is right and good. Not you. Neither does anyone's behavior determine where you stand on Judgement Day. We ALL face Judgement for the life we live. Whether you accept that fact or not.

Your ACCUSATIONS won't mean a damn thing the day YOU stand before your Creator.

I determine whats right and wrong...not some made up fantasy character............ against what is thrown in my face by self-important, ego-maniacal, money and power driven narcissists hellbent on controlling the stupid and weak minded.........and expect ME to follow in their "sheeples" hoofsteps???


According to YOUR religious beliefs, your god is a jealous god. Jealousy is considered a sin.
Your god is a sinner.
Your god claims murder is a sin and wrong, but yet the bible is filled with examples of it, in the NAME of said god.
Your god claims that there is a "plan", but yet can't be bothered to extrapolate on that?
Evasive and confusing.
Your god claims that there is free will, but yet you have to do as you are commanded? You cannot have it both ways.
Your god claims you cannot love your brother or sister and hate another.....but yet, thats a Christian core value........hate others that won't serve you or bow to your ways.

And as of today, I still don't know of any proof of any kind that any of what the bible states or religion states is true.
No facts, no rock solid evidence of any kind.........only heresay, conjecture, fabrication, fantasy, cons, shams, scams, lies, coincidence, happenchance, magic tricks, and trickery.

WHY is your god so shy? Gods are not known to be shy and cowardly. Gods are known to be brazen and in your face with their power and might, showing you what they can and can't do in order to keep you in your place. Your god is the only one in any book or historical document anywhere that has never shown themself or given any hard core proof of existence.

This in itself SCREAMS fake and fraud.

Give me some proof.

I've asked many religious people from many different religions for absolute proof of their gods existence over the decades.......and to this day, I have never recieved any.
You're lying. You're looking for excuses to justify your own lusts and HATE.

Do you even get a glimpse of the pure HATE and LIES coming from your bitter and angry soul? I already know the answer. I see you as a potentially violent individual who should be under surveillance. You carry a LOT of anger and rage. Eventually that's going to spill out to the innocent around you

I'm not the one who is bitter and angry.
Religious people are the ones that cannot face themselves nor face reality. They have to turn to fantasy and story books to douse their feelings of self-loathing, self-hate, inadequacy, and redundancy.

YOU know nothing about me. You never will. Because you've been brainwashed. You believe what YOU believe and everybody else is wrong. PERIOD. That is YOUR problem, not mine.

I don't use religion to hide myself from the world, and become a fake and phoney person, and use that religion to trash others that don't believe as I do.

You are the one projecting at me, I'm just defending myself against another scared human that can't face themselves and who they are, so they hide behind religion to puff up their ego so they can trash other people.
No no no, don't misunderstand. I think you're being a right and proper Christian, an emblem of true Christianity, a bastion of adherent religious homophobic zeal for other Christians to emulate and admire.

Please, go join your Christian brethren from Russia in their glorious crusade to rid Ukraine of its hateful gays and nazi jews.
Russia is an Atheistic nation that tolerates religion.
You're wrong right here. You just don't see it because you're blind You stumble, fall on your face, pick yourself up and continue on pretending nothing happened. You're a very disingenuous person, and that's putting it mildly

Projection from you too? LOL
To be expected.

Take a look in the mirror. Thats THE most dangerous kind of person there is.
History proves it.
According to YOUR religious beliefs, your god is a jealous god. Jealousy is considered a sin
You don't understand the definition of jealousy. It has more than one.

God is "jealous" FOR His people the way a father or mother is jealous FOR their children.

You're not very bright,, are you
And he'll be the first to attack you for criticizing their "choice" to watch.
Maybe. But would anyone be wrong for criticizing it? I'm not so sure. I think it's more about how one goes about it. We abide a lot of things we shouldn't. I certainly don't have any answers. I'm a meat eater. I can acknowledge my selfishness in doing so but I'm still doing it. I can complain about what Hollywood produces but I still watch some of it. At the end of the day isn't this experiencing good and the absence of good? Wasn't it always known by God even before he created creation? Experiencing good and the absence of good is required for knowing good and the absence of good. So I roll with it having complete trust in God that good comes from bad.
I determine whats right and wrong...not some made up fantasy character
😂. Okay, then so do I. At least I'm not full of hate anger and bitter ess like you.

I'll say it again. You're not well. I hope someone is looking out for you before you go off the deep end.

Let me axe you. Should anyone worry about you in your community? How do you feel when you drive by a church? Are you making plans? Should we contact the authorities?
If you want a history lesson, I charge $200 an hour.

Besides, I have a firm reason to beleive you are unteachable, since you don't comprehend reality at all.
You're not worth a free post on a messageboard. To be honest, I haven't fully read a single post from you. I just skim past and respond to bits and pieces.

I see that you're I'll and have nothing to offer but satanic rage.

I seriously consider you one of the mentally ill posters whose hatred of God has left you an empty shell.

I'm done with you now and will place you on ignore.

I pray you find the help you need before someone gets hurt


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