A civilized nation must respect the rights of all its people

Nobody cares about your idea of what constitutes "civilized". I'm quite sure our definitions differ.
To be sure, it is ONLY his definition that matters.
Are you anti-American?
OP's definition of a civilized country represents the USA.
Wrong! But thanks for playing.
Feel free to elaborate & express some intelligence, if you can.
The freedom to express and practice religion is the first fucking amendment. Freedom of speech, freedom of expression, freedom of religion. Those are American.
I agree. The 1st Amendment is vital, including the freedom to criticize religion or certain lifestyles or even "racial behaviors".
However, business discrimination toward customers is a tricky matter.
A civilized nation must respect the rights of all its people to live without fear for their lives, property and to be treated fairly in our justice system. It shouldn't matter who you're, what you believe or how you dress. Americans have the right of life, liberty and the parsuite of happiness...Some of the shit I hear coming from certain African nations and south Asian nations makes me sad as they can't accept that some people want to marry a partner of the same sex or allow their people to choose the other "gender" to spend their own goddamn life as. As far as I am concern that is a dictatorship as the individual doesn't have a choice in who they wish to be in life!

For religious people,,,I am not saying that you should be forced to do anything, but you also have to accept if you're a civilized human being that you have to live with these people and treat them with a element of respect. You don't have a right to harm them or demand the government to do so. You can live your life but you can't violate other peoples rights!

LGBT people deserve to feel safe and without harm in this nation that's suppose to be civilized and free. If you're a MAN and want to be a WOMEN. WHY NOT? Isn't it not the individuals choice to take the path they choose within a truly free society. And we as a society better defend this individuals right to make it.
What about my freedom? What if I feel uncomfortable sharing a bathroom and locker room with a man who wants to be a woman? Do I have to give up my freedom for theirs?
Socially engineering waistlines with a soda tax and personal freedom are fundamentally incompatible. Democrats are the Nazi party
To be sure, it is ONLY his definition that matters.
Are you anti-American?
OP's definition of a civilized country represents the USA.
Wrong! But thanks for playing.
Feel free to elaborate & express some intelligence, if you can.
The freedom to express and practice religion is the first fucking amendment. Freedom of speech, freedom of expression, freedom of religion. Those are American.
I agree. The 1st Amendment is vital, including the freedom to criticize religion or certain lifestyles or even "racial behaviors".
However, business discrimination toward customers is a tricky matter.

The rights of those customers was not violated. No one has a right to force anyone to do anything. That couple could have gone to one of several other bakers, but they went to the Christian baker for the specific purpose of causing a problem. The 1st Amendment rights of the baker was clearly violated.
He is stupid....and he seems to take pride in being a moron....go figure.

No, you're the stupid one. You believe that government is the problem. It's not. Lack of respect for your people is the problem. That you consider the Bundy's to be patriots, instead of low life parasites who are think that they own this country, and don't have to pay rent or respect the landowner, or the laws, tells all.

Bundy has been locked up, as he deserved to be. If he'd been black, the cops would have just showed up and shot him.

Baltimore police are starting to accept responsibility for harassing and abusing the black citizens of Baltimore, just because they're black. That's not political correctness, and it's not a solution to the problem, but it's a start.[/QUOT

Listen up, you commie klunt, you don't have the slightest clue as to what the Oregon stand-off was all about and how your beloved "gubermint" via the BLM is stealing people's property. I SPIT on the federal "gubermint" and I give it the middle finger salute every day. It's not what you think it is because you have been dumbed down. It is a corporation with 185,000 subsidiaries. It's function is to make money off of you. Wake the fuck up, idiot......take off the rose colored glasses. Your beloved "gubermint" is the biggest terrorist threat the world has ever seen. The international bankers that own it has used USA,INC military might as a hammer and the rest of the countries with resources they covet as a nail. I doubt you can handle the truth because you strike me as being UTTERLY fucking stupid. Eat shit and die a cruel and horrific death.
Tell that to the Hammond family...tell that to the Bundys.....fuck the federal "gubermint" that is owned by a foreign banking cartel....double middle finger salute to them.You don't know shit form shinola.......
Now little asshole, the Hammonds did some really knot headed things, and deserved the original sentence. As for the second sentence, it was wrong, but it was you 'Conservatives' that pushed the mandatory sentencing laws. So you are too blame for that second sentence that the Hammonds have to serve. As for the Bundy's, if they get life, it will be justice. A bunch of real cocksucks that deserve to occupy federal property the rest of their natural lives. The Federal Pen, that is.

Yeah, a good little commie rat bastard like you would say something like that. As usual, you are 100 percent wrong about the Hammonds and you can rest assured that I have NO respect nor do I acknowledge federal "gubermint" and since I am no longer a 14th amendment citizen, they have no reason to darken my doorstep but you can bet that I will continue to expose these frauds and thieves every chance I get.
Tell that to the Hammond family...tell that to the Bundys.....fuck the federal "gubermint" that is owned by a foreign banking cartel....double middle finger salute to them.You don't know shit form shinola.......
Now little asshole, the Hammonds did some really knot headed things, and deserved the original sentence. As for the second sentence, it was wrong, but it was you 'Conservatives' that pushed the mandatory sentencing laws. So you are too blame for that second sentence that the Hammonds have to serve. As for the Bundy's, if they get life, it will be justice. A bunch of real cocksucks that deserve to occupy federal property the rest of their natural lives. The Federal Pen, that is.

Yeah, a good little commie rat bastard like you would say something like that. As usual, you are 100 percent wrong about the Hammonds and you can rest assured that I have NO respect nor do I acknowledge federal "gubermint" and since I am no longer a 14th amendment citizen, they have no reason to darken my doorstep but you can bet that I will continue to expose these frauds and thieves every chance I get.
Old Crook-O-Shit believes whatever the statist MSM tells him. His lack of intellect prevents him from overcoming the brainwashing.

We have a federal government destroying the Bill of Rights, but many Americans have absolutely no understanding of this.

Should Cankles win and by executive order confiscate guns from law abiding Americans, would anyone on the Left voice opposition?
Tell that to the Hammond family...tell that to the Bundys.....fuck the federal "gubermint" that is owned by a foreign banking cartel....double middle finger salute to them.You don't know shit form shinola.......
Now little asshole, the Hammonds did some really knot headed things, and deserved the original sentence. As for the second sentence, it was wrong, but it was you 'Conservatives' that pushed the mandatory sentencing laws. So you are too blame for that second sentence that the Hammonds have to serve. As for the Bundy's, if they get life, it will be justice. A bunch of real cocksucks that deserve to occupy federal property the rest of their natural lives. The Federal Pen, that is.

Yeah, a good little commie rat bastard like you would say something like that. As usual, you are 100 percent wrong about the Hammonds and you can rest assured that I have NO respect nor do I acknowledge federal "gubermint" and since I am no longer a 14th amendment citizen, they have no reason to darken my doorstep but you can bet that I will continue to expose these frauds and thieves every chance I get.
Old Crook-O-Shit believes whatever the statist MSM tells him. His lack of intellect prevents him from overcoming the brainwashing.

We have a federal government destroying the Bill of Rights, but many Americans have absolutely no understanding of this.

Should Cankles win and by executive order confiscate guns from law abiding Americans, would anyone on the Left voice opposition?

No, but the leftard clown posse would "rat out" anyone that they suspected had a gun.
What about my freedom? What if I feel uncomfortable sharing a bathroom and locker room with a man who wants to be a woman? Do I have to give up my freedom for theirs?

If you feel uncomfortable sharing a bathroom with available facilities with anyone then you don't really need to use the bathroom, since the bathroom is there fundamentally for bio-neurological processes, both autonomic (excretion) and sympathetic (hygiene) that if not given the preference to can cause serious pain and even total organ failure or serious fatal damage. Your political lawful freedom in relation to the human body isn't there to protect you from behavioral confusion followed by an emotional purge, it's there to protect you from death.

Now, do you have to give up your freedom to live? No, you don't. Do you have to respect others freedom to have a life of exceeding quality, a healthy life? Yes, you do. Are you welcome to let go of your own life that is unwilling to prioritize health? Yes, you are.

Perhaps you can postpone your bio-neurological maintenance for the sake of your rigid emotions and short termed plans, while the more identity flexible citizen assures themselves of their law abiding health. If you do not insist in that misplaced behavior of isolating segregation you won't need to get a grave stone for your resting bed, nor kidney stones for your urethra, to teach you what solidarity means.
What about my freedom? What if I feel uncomfortable sharing a bathroom and locker room with a man who wants to be a woman? Do I have to give up my freedom for theirs?

If you feel uncomfortable sharing a bathroom with available facilities with anyone then you don't really need to use the bathroom, since the bathroom is there fundamentally for bio-neurological processes, both autonomic (excretion) and sympathetic (hygiene) that if not given the preference to can cause serious pain and even total organ failure or serious fatal damage. Your political lawful freedom in relation to the human body isn't there to protect you from behavioral confusion followed by an emotional purge, it's there to protect you from death.

Now, do you have to give up your freedom to live? No, you don't. Do you have to respect others freedom to have a life of exceeding quality, a healthy life? Yes, you do. Are you welcome to let go of your own life that is unwilling to prioritize health? Yes, you are.

Perhaps you can postpone your bio-neurological maintenance for the sake of your rigid emotions and short termed plans, while the more identity flexible citizen assures themselves of their law abiding health. If you do not insist in that misplaced behavior of isolating segregation you won't need to get a grave stone for your resting bed, nor kidney stones for your urethra, to teach you what solidarity means.

Another idiot who sees nothing wrong with violating another's rights.
What about my freedom? What if I feel uncomfortable sharing a bathroom and locker room with a man who wants to be a woman? Do I have to give up my freedom for theirs?

If you feel uncomfortable sharing a bathroom with available facilities with anyone then you don't really need to use the bathroom, since the bathroom is there fundamentally for bio-neurological processes, both autonomic (excretion) and sympathetic (hygiene) that if not given the preference to can cause serious pain and even total organ failure or serious fatal damage. Your political lawful freedom in relation to the human body isn't there to protect you from behavioral confusion followed by an emotional purge, it's there to protect you from death.

Now, do you have to give up your freedom to live? No, you don't. Do you have to respect others freedom to have a life of exceeding quality, a healthy life? Yes, you do. Are you welcome to let go of your own life that is unwilling to prioritize health? Yes, you are.

Perhaps you can postpone your bio-neurological maintenance for the sake of your rigid emotions and short termed plans, while the more identity flexible citizen assures themselves of their law abiding health. If you do not insist in that misplaced behavior of isolating segregation you won't need to get a grave stone for your resting bed, nor kidney stones for your urethra, to teach you what solidarity means.

Fuck the queers and the trans-gendered freaks...they will get no respect or acknowledgement from me.
What about my freedom? What if I feel uncomfortable sharing a bathroom and locker room with a man who wants to be a woman? Do I have to give up my freedom for theirs?

If you feel uncomfortable sharing a bathroom with available facilities with anyone then you don't really need to use the bathroom, since the bathroom is there fundamentally for bio-neurological processes, both autonomic (excretion) and sympathetic (hygiene) that if not given the preference to can cause serious pain and even total organ failure or serious fatal damage. Your political lawful freedom in relation to the human body isn't there to protect you from behavioral confusion followed by an emotional purge, it's there to protect you from death.

Now, do you have to give up your freedom to live? No, you don't. Do you have to respect others freedom to have a life of exceeding quality, a healthy life? Yes, you do. Are you welcome to let go of your own life that is unwilling to prioritize health? Yes, you are.

Perhaps you can postpone your bio-neurological maintenance for the sake of your rigid emotions and short termed plans, while the more identity flexible citizen assures themselves of their law abiding health. If you do not insist in that misplaced behavior of isolating segregation you won't need to get a grave stone for your resting bed, nor kidney stones for your urethra, to teach you what solidarity means.
Or perhaps people with dicks can pee in the men's room to accommodate their biological and neurological needs.
why don't I have that right? I choose to live away from all the assorted human filth that the democrats champion, but they will not let me.

safe means stay away from blacks for instance.
So no white man would ever subject you to criminal acts?

He didn't say that.

White men are much less likely to perpetrate violence than black men are, and he has a right to consider that when choosing a residence.
What about my freedom? What if I feel uncomfortable sharing a bathroom and locker room with a man who wants to be a woman? Do I have to give up my freedom for theirs?

If you feel uncomfortable sharing a bathroom with available facilities with anyone then you don't really need to use the bathroom, since the bathroom is there fundamentally for bio-neurological processes, both autonomic (excretion) and sympathetic (hygiene) that if not given the preference to can cause serious pain and even total organ failure or serious fatal damage. Your political lawful freedom in relation to the human body isn't there to protect you from behavioral confusion followed by an emotional purge, it's there to protect you from death.

Now, do you have to give up your freedom to live? No, you don't. Do you have to respect others freedom to have a life of exceeding quality, a healthy life? Yes, you do. Are you welcome to let go of your own life that is unwilling to prioritize health? Yes, you are.

Perhaps you can postpone your bio-neurological maintenance for the sake of your rigid emotions and short termed plans, while the more identity flexible citizen assures themselves of their law abiding health. If you do not insist in that misplaced behavior of isolating segregation you won't need to get a grave stone for your resting bed, nor kidney stones for your urethra, to teach you what solidarity means.

Fuck the queers and the trans-gendered freaks...they will get no respect or acknowledgement from me.

I am not sure you really know what you are typing about, especially considering the position you are taking.

Perhaps you should be a little more careful with your words, since your grammar is so tidy.
A civilized nation must respect the rights of all its people to live without fear for their lives, property and to be treated fairly in our justice system. It shouldn't matter who you're, what you believe or how you dress. Americans have the right of life, liberty and the parsuite of happiness...Some of the shit I hear coming from certain African nations and south Asian nations makes me sad as they can't accept that some people want to marry a partner of the same sex or allow their people to choose the other "gender" to spend their own goddamn life as. As far as I am concern that is a dictatorship as the individual doesn't have a choice in who they wish to be in life!

For religious people,,,I am not saying that you should be forced to do anything, but you also have to accept if you're a civilized human being that you have to live with these people and treat them with a element of respect. You don't have a right to harm them or demand the government to do so. You can live your life but you can't violate other peoples rights!

LGBT people deserve to feel safe and without harm in this nation that's suppose to be civilized and free. If you're a MAN and want to be a WOMEN. WHY NOT? Isn't it not the individuals choice to take the path they choose within a truly free society. And we as a society better defend this individuals right to make it.
Making people subsidize booger-eaters in the name of booger-eating is not a right.

You don't have a right to kill, beat or attack them either!
There is no right to do that to anyone. Completely separate issue.
What about my freedom? What if I feel uncomfortable sharing a bathroom and locker room with a man who wants to be a woman? Do I have to give up my freedom for theirs?

If you feel uncomfortable sharing a bathroom with available facilities with anyone then you don't really need to use the bathroom, since the bathroom is there fundamentally for bio-neurological processes, both autonomic (excretion) and sympathetic (hygiene) that if not given the preference to can cause serious pain and even total organ failure or serious fatal damage. Your political lawful freedom in relation to the human body isn't there to protect you from behavioral confusion followed by an emotional purge, it's there to protect you from death.

Now, do you have to give up your freedom to live? No, you don't. Do you have to respect others freedom to have a life of exceeding quality, a healthy life? Yes, you do. Are you welcome to let go of your own life that is unwilling to prioritize health? Yes, you are.

Perhaps you can postpone your bio-neurological maintenance for the sake of your rigid emotions and short termed plans, while the more identity flexible citizen assures themselves of their law abiding health. If you do not insist in that misplaced behavior of isolating segregation you won't need to get a grave stone for your resting bed, nor kidney stones for your urethra, to teach you what solidarity means.
Or perhaps people with dicks can pee in the men's room to accommodate their biological and neurological needs.

Do you need a survey pamphlet before admitted to relieve yourself?
A dollar quarter isn't enough?

I am asking only because you seem to be requiring more dicks in your own room.

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