A civilized nation must respect the rights of all its people

Tell that to the Hammond family...tell that to the Bundys.....fuck the federal "gubermint" that is owned by a foreign banking cartel....double middle finger salute to them.You don't know shit form shinola.......
Now little asshole, the Hammonds did some really knot headed things, and deserved the original sentence. As for the second sentence, it was wrong, but it was you 'Conservatives' that pushed the mandatory sentencing laws. So you are too blame for that second sentence that the Hammonds have to serve. As for the Bundy's, if they get life, it will be justice. A bunch of real cocksucks that deserve to occupy federal property the rest of their natural lives. The Federal Pen, that is.
The topic of this thread is respecting the rights of gay and transgender people to live freely and safely within our society. Now back on topic if you're not stupid of course, hahaha!

why don't I have that right? I choose to live away from all the assorted human filth that the democrats champion, but they will not let me.

safe means stay away from blacks for instance.
Well now, why don't you just move up to Alaska, clear up to the North Slope. Then you can be away from fellow Americans, and when the bears finish off your silly carcass, the rest of us will have one less nutbar to worry about.
Tell that to the Hammond family...tell that to the Bundys.....fuck the federal "gubermint" that is owned by a foreign banking cartel....double middle finger salute to them.You don't know shit form shinola.......

Well, if you hate the federal government and all government so bad...Why not move to southern Somalia? You know a place that has little to no government and get back to me about how evil government is...Shit for a brain!

I myself would prefer to move you people to Somalia.

Governments are only as evil as the people at the top make it. The people currently at the top of the US government are evil, and they are currently all yours.
why don't I have that right? I choose to live away from all the assorted human filth that the democrats champion, but they will not let me.

safe means stay away from blacks for instance.
So no white man would every subject you to criminal acts?

Don't bother, people like this won't understand what you are saying. They have the mind of a child. Good/bad, black/white, all one or the other. There are no shades of grey. Their brain simply never developed.
A civilized nation must respect the rights of all its people to live without fear for their lives, property and to be treated fairly in our justice system. It shouldn't matter who you're, what you believe or how you dress. Americans have the right of life, liberty and the parsuite of happiness...Some of the shit I hear coming from certain African nations and south Asian nations makes me sad as they can't accept that some people want to marry a partner of the same sex or allow their people to choose the other "gender" to spend their own goddamn life as. As far as I am concern that is a dictatorship as the individual doesn't have a choice in who they wish to be in life!

For religious people,,,I am not saying that you should be forced to do anything, but you also have to accept if you're a civilized human being that you have to live with these people and treat them with a element of respect. You don't have a right to harm them or demand the government to do so. You can live your life but you can't violate other peoples rights!

LGBT people deserve to feel safe and without harm in this nation that's suppose to be civilized and free. If you're a MAN and want to be a WOMEN. WHY NOT? Isn't it not the individuals choice to take the path they choose within a truly free society. And we as a society better defend this individuals right to make it.

The issue isn't with people wanting to be who they want to be, the issue is some of those people wanting to use government to force the rest of us to come along for the ride.
The topic of this thread is respecting the rights of gay and transgender people to live freely and safely within our society. Now back on topic if you're not stupid of course, hahaha!

why don't I have that right? I choose to live away from all the assorted human filth that the democrats champion, but they will not let me.

safe means stay away from blacks for instance.
Well now, why don't you just move up to Alaska, clear up to the North Slope. Then you can be away from fellow Americans, and when the bears finish off your silly carcass, the rest of us will have one less nutbar to worry about.

or you assholes could just leave us alone, how about that?
how come the amish are not forced to integrate in your oppressive diversity utopia?
A civilized nation must respect the rights of all its people to live without fear for their lives, property and to be treated fairly in our justice system. It shouldn't matter who you're, what you believe or how you dress. Americans have the right of life, liberty and the parsuite of happiness...Some of the shit I hear coming from certain African nations and south Asian nations makes me sad as they can't accept that some people want to marry a partner of the same sex or allow their people to choose the other "gender" to spend their own goddamn life as. As far as I am concern that is a dictatorship as the individual doesn't have a choice in who they wish to be in life!

For religious people,,,I am not saying that you should be forced to do anything, but you also have to accept if you're a civilized human being that you have to live with these people and treat them with a element of respect. You don't have a right to harm them or demand the government to do so. You can live your life but you can't violate other peoples rights!

LGBT people deserve to feel safe and without harm in this nation that's suppose to be civilized and free. If you're a MAN and want to be a WOMEN. WHY NOT? Isn't it not the individuals choice to take the path they choose within a truly free society. And we as a society better defend this individuals right to make it.

So, a civilzed nation should respect the rights is all its people, unless you disagree with those rights. At least that is what you said.

We lost the right to practice our religion as it dictates, and we are on the verge of losing our 4th and 2nd Amendment rights. That's ok with you apparently.
A civilized nation must respect the rights of all its people to live without fear for their lives, property and to be treated fairly in our justice system. It shouldn't matter who you're, what you believe or how you dress. Americans have the right of life, liberty and the parsuite of happiness...Some of the shit I hear coming from certain African nations and south Asian nations makes me sad as they can't accept that some people want to marry a partner of the same sex or allow their people to choose the other "gender" to spend their own goddamn life as. As far as I am concern that is a dictatorship as the individual doesn't have a choice in who they wish to be in life!

For religious people,,,I am not saying that you should be forced to do anything, but you also have to accept if you're a civilized human being that you have to live with these people and treat them with a element of respect. You don't have a right to harm them or demand the government to do so. You can live your life but you can't violate other peoples rights!

LGBT people deserve to feel safe and without harm in this nation that's suppose to be civilized and free. If you're a MAN and want to be a WOMEN. WHY NOT? Isn't it not the individuals choice to take the path they choose within a truly free society. And we as a society better defend this individuals right to make it.

So, a civilzed nation should respect the rights is all its people, unless you disagree with those rights. At least that is what you said.

We lost the right to practice our religion as it dictates, and we are on the verge of losing our 4th and 2nd Amendment rights. That's ok with you apparently.

right, high talking platitudes to cover their inner nazi
A civilized nation must respect the rights of all its people to live without fear for their lives, property and to be treated fairly in our justice system. It shouldn't matter who you're, what you believe or how you dress. Americans have the right of life, liberty and the parsuite of happiness...Some of the shit I hear coming from certain African nations and south Asian nations makes me sad as they can't accept that some people want to marry a partner of the same sex or allow their people to choose the other "gender" to spend their own goddamn life as. As far as I am concern that is a dictatorship as the individual doesn't have a choice in who they wish to be in life!

For religious people,,,I am not saying that you should be forced to do anything, but you also have to accept if you're a civilized human being that you have to live with these people and treat them with a element of respect. You don't have a right to harm them or demand the government to do so. You can live your life but you can't violate other peoples rights!

LGBT people deserve to feel safe and without harm in this nation that's suppose to be civilized and free. If you're a MAN and want to be a WOMEN. WHY NOT? Isn't it not the individuals choice to take the path they choose within a truly free society. And we as a society better defend this individuals right to make it.

You're born with your gender. It's not a choice. Same with the race you are. Can't change it because you feel like it. Someone born a male can't be a female because he says he feels like it same as someone born white or black can't become another race because they choose to do so. Some things simply can't be changed. There are things that I can't be or do despite wanting to be or do them. Difference is I realize that certain things can't happen and am not a whiny bitch like those you support when someone says NO.

I don't have to respect deviance. Saying that I do is demanding I do something I choose not to. If you think that someone can be female because HE feels like it, respect my right to believe it's deviant and that he can't.

You say you support same sex marriage and give reasons why. Does that mean you support a brother/sister marriage? Father/Daughter? Mother/Son? I've found that most supporting homos marrying claiming it's about a choice and freedom are the quickest to deny that freedom to marriages they don't agree with.
A civilized nation must respect the rights of all its people to live without fear for their lives, property and to be treated fairly in our justice system. It shouldn't matter who you're, what you believe or how you dress. Americans have the right of life, liberty and the parsuite of happiness...Some of the shit I hear coming from certain African nations and south Asian nations makes me sad as they can't accept that some people want to marry a partner of the same sex or allow their people to choose the other "gender" to spend their own goddamn life as. As far as I am concern that is a dictatorship as the individual doesn't have a choice in who they wish to be in life!

For religious people,,,I am not saying that you should be forced to do anything, but you also have to accept if you're a civilized human being that you have to live with these people and treat them with a element of respect. You don't have a right to harm them or demand the government to do so. You can live your life but you can't violate other peoples rights!

LGBT people deserve to feel safe and without harm in this nation that's suppose to be civilized and free. If you're a MAN and want to be a WOMEN. WHY NOT? Isn't it not the individuals choice to take the path they choose within a truly free society. And we as a society better defend this individuals right to make it.

So, a civilzed nation should respect the rights is all its people, unless you disagree with those rights. At least that is what you said.

We lost the right to practice our religion as it dictates, and we are on the verge of losing our 4th and 2nd Amendment rights. That's ok with you apparently.
Who has lost their freedom to practice their religion? wtf?
A civilized nation must respect the rights of all its people to live without fear for their lives, property and to be treated fairly in our justice system. It shouldn't matter who you're, what you believe or how you dress. Americans have the right of life, liberty and the parsuite of happiness...Some of the shit I hear coming from certain African nations and south Asian nations makes me sad as they can't accept that some people want to marry a partner of the same sex or allow their people to choose the other "gender" to spend their own goddamn life as. As far as I am concern that is a dictatorship as the individual doesn't have a choice in who they wish to be in life!

For religious people,,,I am not saying that you should be forced to do anything, but you also have to accept if you're a civilized human being that you have to live with these people and treat them with a element of respect. You don't have a right to harm them or demand the government to do so. You can live your life but you can't violate other peoples rights!

LGBT people deserve to feel safe and without harm in this nation that's suppose to be civilized and free. If you're a MAN and want to be a WOMEN. WHY NOT? Isn't it not the individuals choice to take the path they choose within a truly free society. And we as a society better defend this individuals right to make it.

So, a civilzed nation should respect the rights is all its people, unless you disagree with those rights. At least that is what you said.

We lost the right to practice our religion as it dictates, and we are on the verge of losing our 4th and 2nd Amendment rights. That's ok with you apparently.

He left out one part of what he believes. He says people have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness as long as he and those like him agree with what is being done.

He says he supports same sex marriage giving reasons as to why he does. I've found many of them that say two consenting people that love each other should be able to marry. However, when I ask whether or not they support a brother/sister, father/daughter, or mother/son marriage, they are quick to deny freedom and choice to those types claiming that certain things can be limited. While I don't agree with same sex or any of the others, if those arguing consenting adults, love each other, and freedom/choice truly believed it, they wouldn't oppose the other types. Since they do, what you and I have said about their concept of respecting rights of others is true.
A civilized nation must respect the rights of all its people to live without fear for their lives, property and to be treated fairly in our justice system. It shouldn't matter who you're, what you believe or how you dress. Americans have the right of life, liberty and the parsuite of happiness...Some of the shit I hear coming from certain African nations and south Asian nations makes me sad as they can't accept that some people want to marry a partner of the same sex or allow their people to choose the other "gender" to spend their own goddamn life as. As far as I am concern that is a dictatorship as the individual doesn't have a choice in who they wish to be in life!

For religious people,,,I am not saying that you should be forced to do anything, but you also have to accept if you're a civilized human being that you have to live with these people and treat them with a element of respect. You don't have a right to harm them or demand the government to do so. You can live your life but you can't violate other peoples rights!

LGBT people deserve to feel safe and without harm in this nation that's suppose to be civilized and free. If you're a MAN and want to be a WOMEN. WHY NOT? Isn't it not the individuals choice to take the path they choose within a truly free society. And we as a society better defend this individuals right to make it.

So, a civilzed nation should respect the rights is all its people, unless you disagree with those rights. At least that is what you said.

We lost the right to practice our religion as it dictates, and we are on the verge of losing our 4th and 2nd Amendment rights. That's ok with you apparently.
Who has lost their freedom to practice their religion? wtf?

All of us. I can be forced to participate in a Gay Wedding even though my religion might forbid it (hypothetically, in my case). Where the hell have you been?
A civilized nation must respect the rights of all its people to live without fear for their lives, property and to be treated fairly in our justice system. It shouldn't matter who you're, what you believe or how you dress. Americans have the right of life, liberty and the parsuite of happiness...Some of the shit I hear coming from certain African nations and south Asian nations makes me sad as they can't accept that some people want to marry a partner of the same sex or allow their people to choose the other "gender" to spend their own goddamn life as. As far as I am concern that is a dictatorship as the individual doesn't have a choice in who they wish to be in life!

For religious people,,,I am not saying that you should be forced to do anything, but you also have to accept if you're a civilized human being that you have to live with these people and treat them with a element of respect. You don't have a right to harm them or demand the government to do so. You can live your life but you can't violate other peoples rights!

LGBT people deserve to feel safe and without harm in this nation that's suppose to be civilized and free. If you're a MAN and want to be a WOMEN. WHY NOT? Isn't it not the individuals choice to take the path they choose within a truly free society. And we as a society better defend this individuals right to make it.

So, a civilzed nation should respect the rights is all its people, unless you disagree with those rights. At least that is what you said.

We lost the right to practice our religion as it dictates, and we are on the verge of losing our 4th and 2nd Amendment rights. That's ok with you apparently.

He left out one part of what he believes. He says people have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness as long as he and those like him agree with what is being done.

He says he supports same sex marriage giving reasons as to why he does. I've found many of them that say two consenting people that love each other should be able to marry. However, when I ask whether or not they support a brother/sister, father/daughter, or mother/son marriage, they are quick to deny freedom and choice to those types claiming that certain things can be limited. While I don't agree with same sex or any of the others, if those arguing consenting adults, love each other, and freedom/choice truly believed it, they wouldn't oppose the other types. Since they do, what you and I have said about their concept of respecting rights of others is true.

It's so utterly transparent. We are free to exercise our government approved rights.
the last thing a democrat should be beating his chest over is liberty

now put that soda down, Hillary says NO
A civilized nation must respect the rights of all its people to live without fear for their lives, property and to be treated fairly in our justice system. It shouldn't matter who you're, what you believe or how you dress. Americans have the right of life, liberty and the parsuite of happiness...Some of the shit I hear coming from certain African nations and south Asian nations makes me sad as they can't accept that some people want to marry a partner of the same sex or allow their people to choose the other "gender" to spend their own goddamn life as. As far as I am concern that is a dictatorship as the individual doesn't have a choice in who they wish to be in life!

For religious people,,,I am not saying that you should be forced to do anything, but you also have to accept if you're a civilized human being that you have to live with these people and treat them with a element of respect. You don't have a right to harm them or demand the government to do so. You can live your life but you can't violate other peoples rights!

LGBT people deserve to feel safe and without harm in this nation that's suppose to be civilized and free. If you're a MAN and want to be a WOMEN. WHY NOT? Isn't it not the individuals choice to take the path they choose within a truly free society. And we as a society better defend this individuals right to make it.

So, a civilzed nation should respect the rights is all its people, unless you disagree with those rights. At least that is what you said.

We lost the right to practice our religion as it dictates, and we are on the verge of losing our 4th and 2nd Amendment rights. That's ok with you apparently.
Who has lost their freedom to practice their religion? wtf?

All of us. I can be forced to participate in a Gay Wedding even though my religion might forbid it (hypothetically, in my case). Where the hell have you been?
Yeah the gay wedding police is gonna force you to attend your gay neighbors wedding. lmao
I care far more about real human beings that are Americans over some 2,000 year old book. But that is me personally...That is the way I wish it would be.

Sadly, this isn't a perfect world...So we have to respect each others right to coexist.
lets try and force cigarettes out of people's mouths and legalize pot at the same time, fukking brilliant

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