A closer look at the creation story


Gold Member
Mar 28, 2014
Often when reading about the age of the earth, atheists tend to believe that the earth is millions of years old. Yet, many bible believing Christians believe that the creation of the earth occurred in 7 of our days that we experience on earth today. The purpose of this thread is to address the Christian view of a six day creation according to our current days. Let's turn to Genesis chapter 1:

Genesis 1:1-5
1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.

2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.

3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.

4 And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness.

5 And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day.

The above are the events of the first day of creation as told in the King James Version of the Bible. The first thing to note is that the earth itself was created in what God calls "the beginning". The earth at this time was without form and void and darkness was upon the face of the deep. This seems to indicate that the entire earth was covered with water and no land with shape and mountains was yet established. It says that God moved upon the face of the waters. Once the earth was in this initial state, only then was light introduced upon the earth and the beginning of counting days was reckoned.

After the initial creation of the earth, God said, "Let there be light" and there was light. God divided the light from the darkness and called the light day and the darkness night. The evening and the morning were the first day. What was the source of the light of the first day? According to the following verses it was not the sun.

Genesis 1:14-19
14 And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years:

15 And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth: and it was so.

16 And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also.

17 And God set them in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth,

18 And to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness: and God saw that it was good.

19 And the evening and the morning were the fourth day.

Evidently God had not yet set the sun, moon, or stars in the heavens above the earth until the 4th day of creation. So from this we can know that it was not the light of the sun the first gave light upon the earth during the first 3 days of creation. It had to be a separate source of light. Perhaps also, God had not given the earth the same rotation that it has today. What evidence in the Bible do we have of days being longer than they are today?

2 Peter 3:8
8 But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.

If the days of the creation were after the Lord's time, then each day of the creation would have been one thousand of our years. This is why the duration of man's temporal existence upon this earth is 7000 years. The seventh thousand year being that of the millennial era of the earth. Perhaps it wasn't until the fall of Adam and Eve that God gave unto them their own reckoning of time in this temporal existence known as mortality.
No, if you had read the Dead Sea Scrolls you'd know what words/terms used in that Biblical age meant in their period of time not retranslated as we use words today.
source for what days meant in this context:
The Ages of The World Scroll 4Q180-181
reveals Days=Ages.

The Sheva(7) Ages(days)
Stages of Processions:
1)Dinosaur age, leaving us with Fossil Fuel to help out latter stages needing fuel for Industrial age and Travel for Infrastructure.
2)then evolving man
Hunter / Gatherers - Prior to 5,000 BC (about a million years)
3)Agricultural Age: - 5,000 BC to 500 BC (about 5,000 years)This was the age of rapid spread of civilization to all corners of theearth.
4) Age of Trade: - 500 BC to 1730 AD (about 2,000 years)This was the age of rapid spread of wealth and knowledge. From thisage came technology, 'modern' concepts of math, scientific method,medicine, warfare.
5)Industrial Age: 1730 AD - 1950 AD (about 200 years) The rise and fall of great Captains of Industry, railroads, shipping,air transport, conquering of physical frontiers, modern military warmachines, major empires rise and fall on a global scale: Trade still very important, but now, seen as a means to delivery the greatest number of goods to the greatest number of people for thegreatest profit. Agriculture still very important, but not seen as theprimary engine of the economy... Hunter gatherers almost disappearing.
6) Information Age: 1950 to 1999 (about 50 years) Witness the rise of abandoned old industrial buildings by the rives of the major cities. Industry, Trade, Agriculture are still in the foundation of our economy, but are dominated by the frenetic application of information systems technologies to make these products better, cheaper and deliver them more effectively. Also leads to networking ideas and next age of molecular manifacturing.
7)The Day of rest is the Messianic Age with molecular manufacturing and biotech where everything progressed into this promise fulfilled in perfection.
Now go back to other riddles where Jonah (Said to represent Israel) spends 3days(ages) in the belly of the whale (Rome swallowed Israel).
Remember:in ancient slang Rome is called Seas and it's Army called Ships, so they would not know they were being spoken of during revolts. Slang used in the Jonah story refer to the Ship (Roman army) in the Sea(Rome).

People need to learn Hebrew and the slang and poetic usage of words by the sages in that era. Lexicons are your friend in deciphering
"the Bible"(MIKra).
The earth and the Universe are billions of years old and is completely compatible with scripture.
The earth and the Universe are billions of years old and is completely compatible with scripture.

What scripture and how much expertise do you have?
Genesis Chapters 1 and 2 is the allegorical account of creation and tells us that God created space and time and that man is a product of that creation.

Seems accurate to me.
The earth and the Universe are billions of years old and is completely compatible with scripture.

What scripture and how much expertise do you have?
Genesis Chapters 1 and 2 is the allegorical account of creation and tells us that God created space and time and that man is a product of that creation.

Seems accurate to me.

The story of Genesis has absolutely nothing whatever to do with the beginning of the universe, space, time, the solar system, the earth, nor the first plants, animals, or humans..

Genesis is about the creation of the distinction between heaven and earth, a world above and the world below, by an extraterrestrial intelligence when law designed to instruct perplexed human beings to distinguish between clean and unclean, right and wrong, true and false, good and evil, life and death, was spoken into existence like a dividing light in a world that was without shape or form, astonishingly void, and covered in darkness for billions of years.
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This seems to indicate that the entire earth was covered with water and no land with shape and mountains was yet established. It says that God moved upon the face of the waters. Once the earth was in this initial state, only then was light introduced upon the earth and the beginning of counting days was reckoned.

it was a shot in the dark ....


primordial Earth, its beginning - light was not a problem.

what that book does not cover is the evolution of the metaphysical forces that created the physiology that is the physical representation of the spiritual content that all beings posses - on Earth. the origin of the Almighty or the collective that is the source from whence we come and may return to.
an extraterrestrial intelligence when law designed to instruct perplexed human beings to distinguish between clean and unclean, right and wrong, true and false, good and evil, life and death, was spoken into existence like a dividing light in a world that was without shape or form, astonishingly void, and covered in darkness for billions of years.
The earth and the Universe are billions of years old and is completely compatible with scripture.

What scripture and how much expertise do you have?
Genesis Chapters 1 and 2 is the allegorical account of creation and tells us that God created space and time and that man is a product of that creation.

Seems accurate to me.

The story of Genesis has absolutely nothing whatever to do with the beginning of the universe, space, time, the solar system, the earth, nor the first plants, animals, or humans..

Genesis is about the creation of the distinction between heaven and earth, a world above and the world below, by an extraterrestrial intelligence when law designed to instruct perplexed human beings to distinguish between clean and unclean, right and wrong, true and false, good and evil, life and death, was spoken into existence like a dividing light in a world that was without shape or form, astonishingly void, and covered in darkness for billions of years.
Hahaha, what a bunch of magical hooha...pass the crack pipe...
A closer look at the creation story

IN THE BEGINNING there was creation. . . .

. . . . no doubt about it.
Yet not a shred of evidence... weird... no doubt, yet no evidence...

I wonder if we have a word for that?


Jeses, dumbass, NO EVIDENCE of the creation of the universe? Hey, shitstain, try opening your eyes and looking around you.





It had to come from somewhere.
A closer look at the creation story

IN THE BEGINNING there was creation. . . .

. . . . no doubt about it.
Yet not a shred of evidence... weird... no doubt, yet no evidence...

I wonder if we have a word for that?

View attachment 254361

Jeses, dumbass, NO EVIDENCE of the creation of the universe? Hey, shitstain, try opening your eyes and looking around you.





It had to come from somewhere.
So confident...yet not a shred of evidence presented. I wonder if we have a word for that? Confident belief, without evidence....
A closer look at the creation story

IN THE BEGINNING there was creation. . . .

. . . . no doubt about it.
Yet not a shred of evidence... weird... no doubt, yet no evidence...

I wonder if we have a word for that?

View attachment 254361

Jeses, dumbass, NO EVIDENCE of the creation of the universe? Hey, shitstain, try opening your eyes and looking around you.





It had to come from somewhere.
So confident...yet not a shred of evidence presented. I wonder if we have a word for that? Confident belief, without evidence....

The earth and the Universe are billions of years old and is completely compatible with scripture.

What scripture and how much expertise do you have?
Genesis Chapters 1 and 2 is the allegorical account of creation and tells us that God created space and time and that man is a product of that creation.

Seems accurate to me.

The story of Genesis has absolutely nothing whatever to do with the beginning of the universe, space, time, the solar system, the earth, nor the first plants, animals, or humans..

Genesis is about the creation of the distinction between heaven and earth, a world above and the world below, by an extraterrestrial intelligence when law designed to instruct perplexed human beings to distinguish between clean and unclean, right and wrong, true and false, good and evil, life and death, was spoken into existence like a dividing light in a world that was without shape or form, astonishingly void, and covered in darkness for billions of years.
Hahaha, what a bunch of magical hooha...pass the crack pipe...

lolol... Of course it seems that way to you, never having thought very deeply about the subject, and I would have agreed with you if in those codified instructions I did not find a wisdom and understanding of the human mind, superior to even our own modern theories, providing a clear means of living a fulfilled life and maintaining good mental health in a strange world filled with strange creatures and wild beasts always on the prowl for the gullible, without pharmaceuticals, gurus, therapy, religious rituals, club membership and you don't have to go anywhere, do anything, climb any mountain, renounce worldly goods, suspend disbelief, swallow a load of crap, neither does it matter if you are young or old, rich or poor, healthy or sick, gay or straight, male or female, (or somewhere in between), and it doesn't cost a dime.
A closer look at the creation story

IN THE BEGINNING there was creation. . . .

. . . . no doubt about it.
Yet not a shred of evidence... weird... no doubt, yet no evidence...

I wonder if we have a word for that?

View attachment 254361

Jeses, dumbass, NO EVIDENCE of the creation of the universe? Hey, shitstain, try opening your eyes and looking around you.





It had to come from somewhere.
So confident...yet not a shred of evidence presented. I wonder if we have a word for that? Confident belief, without evidence....

Faith,of course. March under your true flag and stop saying you possess evidence.
IN THE BEGINNING there was creation. . . .

. . . . no doubt about it.
Yet not a shred of evidence... weird... no doubt, yet no evidence...

I wonder if we have a word for that?

View attachment 254361

Jeses, dumbass, NO EVIDENCE of the creation of the universe? Hey, shitstain, try opening your eyes and looking around you.





It had to come from somewhere.
So confident...yet not a shred of evidence presented. I wonder if we have a word for that? Confident belief, without evidence....

Faith,of course. March under your true flag and stop saying you possess evidence.

I never said I had evidence, you ass! SHOW ME where I ever said that in my original post? Show me where I even USED the word evidence in my first post, Dum Dum? I said there was no doubt about there being creation in the beginning. It was a JOKE; a play on WORDS. Gee, you sure never learned logical thinking, have you? Did you even make it out of HS? What was your major, pencil sharpening?

If there was a beginning, there was a time when something BEGAN. Therefore, modus ponens, it HAD to have been created somehow. It had a START. THAT is the moment of creation.

That creation is all around you today. We call it the Cosmos or Phenomenal Universe.

Open the window and take it all in, you brainless twit.
I never said I had evidence, you ass!
Yes you did. You claimed the universe is evidence. And your argument that this is evidence is based on the premise that "if something exists, it was therefore created."

And I reject this silly argument, and maintain that the universe is merely evidence the universe exists, not that it was created.

You should be able to artuculate your points on your own, without my assistance. Do better.
I never said I had evidence, you ass!
Yes you did. You claimed the universe is evidence. And your argument that this is evidence is based on the premise that "if something exists, it was therefore created."

YOUR A FUCKING LIAR. PRODUCE one of my posts where I said: I had evidence of creation, you pathetic liar troll!

Tell me, "scientist," do you even know what FFT stands for? No looking it up.

You don't even have the last part right about my so called "premise." You apparently can't fucking read. You put words in people's mouth's, you misinterpret what they actually SAID, then start fights over it which the other person can't win because you already don't know your ass from a hole in the wall.

ALL I SAID is that IF THERE WAS A BEGINNING then we surely had creation.

THAT'S NOT AN OPINION. That is a logical fact.

Since we know of nothing which has ever been infinite, unlimited or eternal, since the cosmos is expanding, it only follows that it was once smaller. Studies of deep space show a procession of cosmic devolution consistent with that theory, so it follows there was a time when the universe started expanding. That was its beginning, Even in a repeating universe, each new expansion is a new start. At that point, the universe must have been very small, compact, hot and dense in a state before there were galaxies, stars, solar systems and planets or people, since none of those could exist. When that new start began, so did the cycle of creation.

Go argue with somebody else, windbag. I've spent a lifetime studying astronomy, cosmology and physics. I still teach the stuff informally. When I left High School, I almost went into it as my profession. And you don't know shit, gasbag.

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