A Cold Wind Is Blowin In...The White House Steps Up Smear Campaign Against Fox News.

Namvet, how much crack do you smoke before sitting down and sharing your thoughts here?
This is nothing new.

The previous administration routinely rewarded Fox News for being so compliant to their needs and called out Journalists that dared to investigate them. Wasn't the New York Times routinely accused of Treason under Bush?

Journalists need to remember that if they're doing their job right, no one is going to like them.
Does not sound like the Bush white house to me. Do you have any quotes, citations on this?
Namvet, how much crack do you smoke before sitting down and sharing your thoughts here?

none. its just that your mis direction comments about Bush are all to obvious. :lol::lol: and its YOUR libs who are calling Osama spineless ???? that's just to funny. a spineless lib
This is nothing new.

The previous administration routinely rewarded Fox News for being so compliant to their needs and called out Journalists that dared to investigate them. Wasn't the New York Times routinely accused of Treason under Bush?

Journalists need to remember that if they're doing their job right, no one is going to like them.
Does not sound like the Bush white house to me. Do you have any quotes, citations on this?

Posted some stories earlier, including some Cheney quotes on the New York Times reporting on various activities of the Bush Administration.

The point is that both sides do this. They pretty much always have and always will. What shouldn't be happening is the kissing up by the news agencies.
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Posted some stories earlier, including some Cheney quotes on the New York Times reporting on various activities of the Bush Administration.
Shouldn't be too much trouble for you to post them again then. (Your link goes back only to post #1 of this thread.)

And thus far, the only comparisons to this aren't Bush ones, it's Nixon.

That I have seen and have actually witnessed when they happened.
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Posted some stories earlier, including some Cheney quotes on the New York Times reporting on various activities of the Bush Administration.
Shouldn't be too much trouble for you to post them again then. (Your link goes back only to post #1 of this thread.)

And thus far, the only comparisons to this aren't Bush ones, it's Nixon.

That I have seen and have actually witnessed when they happened.

The link worked fine for me, but here is my post again in its entirety, with the links embedded:

Dr.Traveler said:
if it is so well known that bush an co. only allowed fox on air force one...why is it i can't find anything to substantiate that? and i'm still waiting for evidence of bush rewarding fox news as you claim....

I'll have to get back to you on it. Its an old story and the Google hits seem to be clogged with Obama vs. Fox no matter what I try. I do have this one:

14 Hours with Cheney

Which mentions the fact that the TV's on Air Force 2 were set to Fox News.

There is also this story: Reporters demand CNN.

This one mentions that the Reporter Pool on Air Force 1 had to make a stink to get the channels changed after initially being told that they had to watch Fox.

no one is pretending....i'm asking for proof...i'm also still waiting for proof of bush attacking the media....this "it is well known" is not going to fly

Cheney was a pretty agressive bulldog for the White House. Considering he was the Vice President, do you really think he acted against Mr. Bush's wishes? Here is a quote of him going after the media in 2006: Cheney: New York Times harms US Security

Does that satisfy you?
Judging by your avatar, you're the only one on crack in this forum.

who asked you cowfucker? - you should get back to seceding from the U.S. or whatever you do with your livestock for fun.

no. im having to much fun watching you and your DICKtator explode !!!!:lol:

so the answer is - sooo much crack that you are paranoid enuf to believe that I installed a dictator in the U.S. and now control everything in the U.S.A......wow!
Point still missed by so many. This isn't just a Left vs. Right thing. This issue is far more serious than that. Government intimidation of the Free Press should alarm all Americans. This is just plain bad for America. Too bad so many are just too petty & small-minded to see this.

No, if government were trying to pass laws against a media outlet, or apply executive measures to curtail the actions of a media outlet, then THAT would be worrying.

But none of those things are happening.

The White House publicly criticizing a media outlet that continuously freely criticizes the President is not "intimidation".

"Intimidation" would be if the President sent the FBI into NewsCorp headquarters and threatened them with arrest.
Posted some stories earlier, including some Cheney quotes on the New York Times reporting on various activities of the Bush Administration.
Shouldn't be too much trouble for you to post them again then. (Your link goes back only to post #1 of this thread.)

And thus far, the only comparisons to this aren't Bush ones, it's Nixon.

That I have seen and have actually witnessed when they happened.

The link worked fine for me, but here is my post again in its entirety, with the links embedded:

Dr.Traveler said:
I'll have to get back to you on it. Its an old story and the Google hits seem to be clogged with Obama vs. Fox no matter what I try. I do have this one:

14 Hours with Cheney

Which mentions the fact that the TV's on Air Force 2 were set to Fox News.

There is also this story: Reporters demand CNN.

This one mentions that the Reporter Pool on Air Force 1 had to make a stink to get the channels changed after initially being told that they had to watch Fox.

no one is pretending....i'm asking for proof...i'm also still waiting for proof of bush attacking the media....this "it is well known" is not going to fly
Cheney was a pretty agressive bulldog for the White House. Considering he was the Vice President, do you really think he acted against Mr. Bush's wishes? Here is a quote of him going after the media in 2006: Cheney: New York Times harms US Security

Does that satisfy you?
Oh I see. We're supposed to take stuff from partisan sources and treat them as fact.:cuckoo:

But even if we did, there's NO comparison between that and what we're seeing today. It's apples to oranges.

But wait, there's MORE:

You're employing the Appeal to Mom, "Mom! The other kid did it too!!!" fallacy, which is in the "bandwagon" category of logical fallacies.

And you don't realize that you're actually arguing against Obama, by saying, "Well so what, Booooosh did it too!!!"

Because there was supposed to be change, right?

And, it must be said that when an organization effectively becomes an arm of a political party, then political attacks on that organization are certainly justified.

In fact, it could be said that, since FoxNews is basically a propaganda wing for the RNC, the RNC should be forced to claim all that free airtime as Political Donations.

I'm thinking you missed the numerous posts I've made in this very thread about how the Government and the Press should have an antagonistic relationship.

I absolutely do not care that the Bush Administration went after the NY Times or that the Obama Administration goes after Fox. If anything, that means that both organizations are doing their jobs. If a journalist is doing the work they're supposed to be doing, then yes, the administration should be getting mad enough to go after them.
who asked you cowfucker? - you should get back to seceding from the U.S. or whatever you do with your livestock for fun.

no. im having to much fun watching you and your DICKtator explode !!!!:lol:

so the answer is - sooo much crack that you are paranoid enuf to believe that I installed a dictator in the U.S. and now control everything in the U.S.A......wow!

who asked the question cowfuck???!!! :lol::lol::lol: Lonestar_logic is right !!!

Judging by your avatar, you're the only one on crack in this forum.

I'm thinking you missed the numerous posts I've made in this very thread about how the Government and the Press should have an antagonistic relationship.

I absolutely do not care that the Bush Administration went after the NY Times or that the Obama Administration goes after Fox. If anything, that means that both organizations are doing their jobs. If a journalist is doing the work they're supposed to be doing, then yes, the administration should be getting mad enough to go after them.
NONE should. A thin-skinned one would. Such as what we saw with Nixon and we're seeing now. As soon as you post some youtube videos of Boooosh railing against CNN or NYT or something in any way comparable to what we see Obama doing today, the comparison fails, limply.
NONE should. A thin-skinned one would. Such as what we saw with Nixon and we're seeing now. As soon as you post some youtube videos of Boooosh railing against CNN or NYT or something in any way comparable to what we see Obama doing today, the comparison fails, limply.

Bush Says He Signed Off on NSA Wiretaps.

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- In acknowledging the message was true, President Bush took aim at the messenger Saturday, saying that a newspaper jeopardized national security by revealing that he authorized wiretaps on U.S. citizens after September 11....
NONE should. A thin-skinned one would. Such as what we saw with Nixon and we're seeing now. As soon as you post some youtube videos of Boooosh railing against CNN or NYT or something in any way comparable to what we see Obama doing today, the comparison fails, limply.

Bush Says He Signed Off on NSA Wiretaps.

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- In acknowledging the message was true, President Bush took aim at the messenger Saturday, saying that a newspaper jeopardized national security by revealing that he authorized wiretaps on U.S. citizens after September 11....
You think that's the same claim Obama's making? You actually think this is comparable?

C'mon now.... Engage the intellectual honesty drive.
Namvet and Lonestar blow each other so much it's getting gross....come on guys you should start seeing other people!

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