A Cold Wind Is Blowin In...The White House Steps Up Smear Campaign Against Fox News.

I guess it'd help if you started listing the supposed lies.

How about we start with the claim that he's a "Nazi" or a "Stalinist". Both of which were made by hosts of FoxNews.
Maybe on opinion programs.

You can dig up a Youtube of Keith Olberdink calling Shrubbie a fascist, if that makes you feel better.
I guess it'd help if you started listing the supposed lies.

How about we start with the claim that he's a "Nazi" or a "Stalinist". Both of which were made by hosts of FoxNews.
Maybe on opinion programs.

You can dig up a Youtube of Keith Olberdink calling Shrubbie a fascist, if that makes you feel better.

And, as I always say, MSNBC is just as bad a FoxNews.

I seem to remember Bush saying things about MSNBC, and I also remember very clearly Bush not giving MSNBC interviews. All of which was completely justified, as MSNBC is also a propaganda outlet, just like FoxNews.
I guess it'd help if you started listing the supposed lies.

How about we start with the claim that he's a "Nazi" or a "Stalinist". Both of which were made by hosts of FoxNews.
Maybe on opinion programs.

You can dig up a Youtube of Keith Olberdink calling Shrubbie a fascist, if that makes you feel better.

sounds like you think those two shows are rightwing mouthpieces too?
sounds like you think those two shows are rightwing mouthpieces too?
Not at all.

I'm demonstrating the difference between news reporting and opinion programs.

When any of you leftist whackos hear of Shep Smith or Carl Cameron calling Barry the Manchild a commie, you be sure to let us all know.
This is nothing new.

The previous administration routinely rewarded Fox News for being so compliant to their needs and called out Journalists that dared to investigate them. Wasn't the New York Times routinely accused of Treason under Bush?

Journalists need to remember that if they're doing their job right, no one is going to like them.

do you have links to this? and how did they reward fox news?

It was a pretty well known fact that the only news channel allowed on AF-1 was Fox News during the Bush years and Bush and Co. were more than happy to award interviews to Fox shows or Right Wing Radio.

White Houses have always rewarded news agencies willing to be sympathetic and punished those unwilling to play along. Pretending that its somehow a Democrat thing is just being silly.

Fact is though, the real criminal here isn't the one rewarding or punishing, its the news agency kissing up to the politician. The 4th Estate is supposed to be openly hostile to the government in defense of our freedoms. They slept on the job during the Bush years and they're sleeping on the job now.
I find it to be pretty shocking that so few even know about all the independent studies which have consistently shown that Fox News really is the most balanced News Network on TV. This was definitely proven to be true during the last Election. Oh well,i guess ignorance really is bliss to many.

all libtards gone to nirvana by now!
Point still missed by so many. This isn't just a Left vs. Right thing. This issue is far more serious than that. Government intimidation of the Free Press should alarm all Americans. This is just plain bad for America. Too bad so many are just too petty & small-minded to see this.
Just underscores that the vast array of "news" programming, internet, etc are not really producing the "Information Age" they are producing the "Disinformation Age." Folks find it all to easy to cocoon themselves into the comfortable "news" sources that pander to their own bias.

So instead of getting one or three or four outlets that are going to catch heat if the waiver from a balanced view, we have many many outlets catering to their own audience with absolutely no reprecussions for presenting a decidely lopsided view and interpretation of events.

And so many delude themselves into thinking they are "informing" themselves through these outlets.
Too funny. Let's see, Fox pseudo news was Bush's greatest cheerleader, OT Bush the draft dodger was a cheerleader too, kinda funny on a number of levels. Fox cheered a loser with the worst ratings in the history of presidents, a man who couldn't even speak English and was a embarrassment to America. That fact established, now they condemn Obama, given their record of stupidity criticism from them should be viewed as a good thing. LOL

PS the Internet was created by government you buffoons, and Gore helped. More LOL.
You can smell it coming, anyday now, Barry will apoint:

A propaganda czar. *

*If you support this postion you might be labeled a neocon by Mani ;)
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I find it to be pretty shocking that so few even know about all the independent studies which have consistently shown that Fox News really is the most balanced News Network on TV. This was definitely proven to be true during the last Election. Oh well,i guess ignorance really is bliss to many.

Fox news Viewers vs. Daily Show Viewers

Pew Research said:
The poll also found that respondents with the most correct answers were more likely to watch ''The Daily Show'' and the ''Colbert Report'' on cable's Comedy Central network and peruse the major newspaper internet websites.

Those respondents with the least correct answers, on the other hand, were more likely to watch the right-wing Fox News cable channel, local television news, or the major television network morning news programmes.
Yes the independent studies of the last Election do prove that Fox News was by far the most balanced in their coverage of both parties. Especially when it comes to the Sarah Palin coverage. The Liberal Mainstream Media was an absolute disgrace the way they viciously attacked and smeared her children. Fox News has been proven to have handled that issue with far more fairness & balance than the Liberal MSM did. It really is so surprising that so few know about these independent studies showing that Fox News really is the most balanced News Network. Hmm?
Point still missed by so many. This isn't just a Left vs. Right thing. This issue is far more serious than that. Government intimidation of the Free Press should alarm all Americans. This is just plain bad for America. Too bad so many are just too petty & small-minded to see this.

I don't have a problem with the hostility. I do have a problem with the agencies that kiss up.

The government and the press should have a hostile relationship.
Point still missed by so many. This isn't just a Left vs. Right thing. This issue is far more serious than that. Government intimidation of the Free Press should alarm all Americans. This is just plain bad for America. Too bad so many are just too petty & small-minded to see this.

of course you were ALL over the media in the Bush years........sure!
it's funny.... the word Czar has suddenly appeared since the last election - how many Czars did Bush appoint?
Point still missed by so many. This isn't just a Left vs. Right thing. This issue is far more serious than that. Government intimidation of the Free Press should alarm all Americans. This is just plain bad for America. Too bad so many are just too petty & small-minded to see this.

of course you were ALL over the media in the Bush years........sure!

During the Bush years, the media did their job.

Now, the only outlet doing their job is deemed as the enemy.

So yes, now we are all over the media. We have learned to count on them for information we need to make educated decisions.
it's funny.... the word Czar has suddenly appeared since the last election - how many Czars did Bush appoint?

I believe he appoiinted 6...and all were scrutinized by the media and by congress.

Now we have 36, and only one news oputlet decided to check into the backgrounds since congress leadership did not deem it as necessary.

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