A Commission to Study Reparations is Not Reparations

Martin Luther King Jr was right...

"We're coming to get our check."

"Your check is in the mail"-Your Dimwinger Handlers.

If you don't see it this year, check back in 4 years and the next election, Simp. :auiqs.jpg:
Dude, I can't have a conversation with you, when you are clearly in your own world, and living in denial of what the supreme law of the land means.

Did you not follow that last Supreme Court ruling? If they can't even get permission for affirmative action in admissions and hiring, what the hell makes you think the SCOTUS will interpret, "reparations," as constitutional?

Stop hitting the bottle and the pipe man.


Would reparations for slavery be constitutional?​

Supreme Court Strikes Down Use of Race in College Admissions​

Your argument has no merit. Japanese got reparations. Various Native American tribes have gotten reparations. So now suddenly reparations aren't constitutional?

Race has not stopped being used, whites are still admitted based on race. That never stopped. The cry came from whites to stop others from getting what whites have always got.

Reparations are NOT being asked for because we are black. They are asked for due to various human rights and equal protection violations. Your argument misses these facts to reach for an excuse to oppose reparations given to blacks for things other groups have gotten reparations for.
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Your argument has no merit. Japanese got reparations. Various Native American tribes have gotten reparations. So now suddenly reparations aren't constitutional?

Race has not stopped being used, whites are still admitted based on race. That never stopped. The cry came from whites to stop others from getting what whites have always got.

Reparations are being asked for because we are black. They are asked for due to various humsn rights and equal protection violations. Your argument misses these factd to reach for an excuse to oppode reparations given to blacks for things other groups have gotten reparations for.
Hey punk, your Dimwinger handlers are telling you the check is in the mail. Keep running to the box every morning..............and if it isn't there soon check back with them 4 years from now when they need your vote. :auiqs.jpg:
Whites on the right,

Stop arguing about reparations as if they are just for slavery.

Nor has the federal government atoned for the lost equity from anti-Black housing, transportation, and business policy. Slavery, Jim Crow segregation, anti-Black practices like redlining, and other discriminatory public policies in criminal justice and education...

How about we discuss reparations for these things?
Whites on the right,

Stop arguing about reparations as if they are just for slavery.

Nor has the federal government atoned for the lost equity from anti-Black housing, transportation, and business policy. Slavery, Jim Crow segregation, anti-Black practices like redlining, and other discriminatory public policies in criminal justice and education...

How about we discuss reparations for these things?
Send a letter to all the Dimwingers who enacted all those things, Simp.
Why would we owe money to the least valuable race of people not just in this country but on the planet? Nobody needs you fucking people. You’re worthless. There is nothing of value you add to society and certainly nothing your ancestors added that warrants you getting a fucking dime.
Cleearly you are uneducated.

The ties between slavery and capitalism in the United States weren’t always crystal clear in our history books. For a long time, historians mostly depicted slavery as a regional institution of cruelty in the South, and certainly not the driver of broader American economic prosperity.

Now 16 scholars are helping to set the record straight by exploring the ties between 19th century economic development and a brutal system of human bondage in the 2016 book Slavery’s Capitalism: A New History of American Economic Development.

Contrary to popular belief, the small farmers of New England weren’t alone responsible for establishing America’s economic position as capitalism expanded. Rather, the hard labor of slaves in places like Alabama, South Carolina, and Mississippi needs to be kept in view as well. In fact, more than half of the nation’s exports in the first six decades of the 19th century consisted of raw cotton, almost all of it grown by slaves, according to the book, which was edited by Sven Beckert, the Laird Bell Professor of History at Harvard University and visiting professor at HBS, as well as Seth Rockman, Associate Professor of History at Brown University.

The slave economy of the southern states had ripple effects throughout the entire US economy, with plenty of merchants in New York City, Boston, and elsewhere helping to organize the trade of slave-grown agricultural commodities—and enjoying plenty of riches as a result.

“In the decades between the American Revolution and the Civil War, slavery—as a source of the cotton that fed Rhode Island’s mills, as a source of the wealth that filled New York’s banks, as a source of the markets that inspired Massachusetts manufacturers—proved indispensable to national economic development,” Beckert and Rockman write in the introduction to the book. “… Cotton offered a reason for entrepreneurs and inventors to build manufactories in such places as Lowell, Pawtucket, and Paterson, thereby connecting New England’s Industrial Revolution to the advancing plantation frontier of the Deep South. And financing cotton growing, as well as marketing and transporting the crop, was a source of great wealth for the nation’s merchants and banks.”

Your argument has no merit. Japanese got reparations. Various Native American tribes have gotten reparations. So now suddenly reparations aren't constitutional?

Race has not stopped being used, whites are still admitted based on race. That never stopped. The cry came from whites to stop others from getting what whites have always got.

Reparations are being asked for because we are black. They are asked for due to various humsn rights and equal protection violations. Your argument misses these factd to reach for an excuse to oppode reparations given to blacks for things other groups have gotten reparations for.
Those instances, I understand.

IN each case, every individual in the class, was enumerated.

If you want to support a law, which spells out the exact economic harms, and each and every enumerated individual, sure, go for it.

I was reading some of the links, and the material, and I have followed some of the folks in this movement, and the claims to emotional and psychological damage, and well as pain and suffering caused by slavery and Jim Crow, as a reason for reparations? For it happening to ancestors? Complete bullshit. You don't deserve reparations for pain and suffering, of the pain and suffering, that did not even happen to you. GTFO of here with that garbage.

They are asked for due to various humsn rights and equal protection violations.

Whatever those "violations," are? If they specifically happened to you? Then you sue whomever did them to you. If someone did them to your ancestors? You don't deserve squat for them. Oh well, they happened, shit happens, everyone's ancestors had good luck and bad luck. It is not the job of the government to pay people because of shitty luck. What reparations should be for, is demonstrated economic discrimination by the state, against specific individuals. LIKE native Americans, or LIKE interned Japanese.

If you want to make that case? MAKE IT. But don't draw some ambiguous. . . Oh, "boo hoo, some whites were mean to my great great grandpa, or lynched my great great auntie, gibbs me some money. . " Nope, that is not what those other groups got money for. They demonstrated real economic harms in a court of law.

Do you want me to link you to all the broken legal treaties of those sovereign nations?

What you are suggesting in your OP won't ever fly according to the Fourteenth Amendment though. What you want, is just cash payments for being black. Sorry. It won't work. Obama never had any ancestors that were slaves, neither did Kamala, neither deserves a red cent. The garbage you posted implies that they do. They could never demonstrate, in a court of law, how the state had harmed them, like the Native Americans or Japanese had, whom you are making this comparative argument from.

There has been lots of injustice to lots of people in this nation's history.

Now, if you want to prove, actual economic harms, yeah, I'm on board. But you need to prove them. The shit I read about giving reparations to folks like Obama, or others in the black elites? Well, clearly it is bogus.

In the end, being black, just hasn't held them back all that much, and disproves the myth that it is impossible to get ahead for all person of color.

What you are pushing for? Too broad, and your comparative examples do not justify what you are seeking.

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Any time the issue of reparations for blacks is mentioned, we get the same dumb comments from the sane dumb people. So how about we look at what reparations would really be for and not what right wing white race hustlers tell other whites what they are for. So let's look at some studies AND DISCUSS ONLY WHAT THESE STUDIES PRESENT. None of the usual ignorance. Any occurrance will be reported immediately.

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Why we need reparations for Black Americans​

Rashawn Ray and Andre M. Perry​

April 15, 2020

Central to the idea of the American Dream lies an assumption that we all have an equal opportunity to generate the kind of wealth that brings meaning to the words “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness,” boldly penned in the Declaration of Independence. The American Dream portends that with hard work, a person can own a home, start a business, and grow a nest egg for generations to draw upon. This belief, however, has been defied repeatedly by the United States government’s own decrees that denied wealth-building opportunities to Black Americans.

Today, the average white family has roughly 10 times the amount of wealth as the average Black family. White college graduates have over seven times more wealth than Black college graduates. Making the American Dream an equitable reality demands the same U.S. government that denied wealth to Blacks restore that deferred wealth through reparations to their descendants in the form of individual cash payments in the amount that will close the Black-white racial wealth divide. Additionally, reparations should come in the form of wealth-building opportunities that address racial disparities in education, housing, and business ownership.

In 1860, over $3 billion was the value assigned to the physical bodies of enslaved Black Americans to be used as free labor and production. This was more money than was invested in factories and railroads combined. In 1861, the value placed on cotton produced by enslaved Blacks was $250 million. Slavery enriched white slave owners and their descendants, and it fueled the country’s economy while suppressing wealth building for the enslaved. The United States has yet to compensate descendants of enslaved Black Americans for their labor. Nor has the federal government atoned for the lost equity from anti-Black housing, transportation, and business policy. Slavery, Jim Crow segregation, anti-Black practices like redlining, and other discriminatory public policies in criminal justice and education have robbed Black Americans of the opportunities to build wealth (defined as assets minus debt) afforded to their white peers.

So as we see, slavery is not all reparations should cover.

These commissions are nothing more than stalling tactics.

However, reparations are coming.
How do beggars think Asians and East Indians come to America and immediately start out-earning wicked whitey and building wealth?
How do beggars think Asians and East Indians come to America and immediately start out-earning wicked whitey and building wealth?
East Indians are Asians. And most of them are here on an H1B Visa which comes with jobs in corporations. Take out the East Indians and Asian income goes way down. Your boy Ramaswamy is an affirmative action, Soros minority grant recipient, but he will tell you how he made it on his own.

There is no H1B for blacks and since whites have got at least 8 handouts from the government that helped them gain wealth, why are whites still begging?
Men can claim to be women.

Whites can claim to be blacks.

Go study “reparations” all you want. But only in Democrap deep blue shitholes will it ever come to exist.

And then, you know “those people” will just declare their blackness so they can recoup what the government will try to seize from them to “pay for” that stupidity.

Ho hum.
Those instances, I understand.

IN each case, every individual in the class, was enumerated.

If you want to support a law, which spells out the exact economic harms, and each and every enumerated individual, sure, go for it.

I was reading some of the links, and the material, and I have followed some of the folks in this movement, and the claims to emotional and psychological damage, and well as pain and suffering caused by slavery and Jim Crow, as a reason for reparations? For it happening to ancestors? Complete bullshit. You don't deserve reparations for pain and suffering, of the pain and suffering, that did not even happen to you. GTFO of here with that garbage.

Whatever those "violations," are? If they specifically happened to you? Then you sue whomever did them to you. If someone did them to your ancestors? You don't deserve squat for them. Oh well, they happened, shit happens, everyone's ancestors had good luck and bad luck. It is not the job of the government to pay people because of shitty luck. What reparations should be for, is demonstrated economic discrimination by the state, against specific individuals. LIKE native Americans, or LIKE interned Japanese.

If you want to make that case? MAKE IT. But don't draw some ambiguous. . . Oh, "boo hoo, some whites were mean to my great great grandpa, or lynched my great great auntie, gibbs me some money. . " Nope, that is not what those other groups got money for. They demonstrated real economic harms in a court of law.

Do you want me to link you to all the broken legal treaties of those sovereign nations?

What you are suggesting in your OP won't ever fly according to the Fourteenth Amendment though. What you want, is just cash payments for being black. Sorry. It won't work. Obama never had any ancestors that were slaves, neither did Kamala, neither deserves a red cent. The garbage you posted implies that they do. They could never demonstrate, in a court of law, how the state had harmed them, like the Native Americans or Japanese had, whom you are making this comparative argument from.

There has been lots of injustice to lots of people in this nation's history.

Now, if you want to prove, actual economic harms, yeah, I'm on board. But you need to prove them. The shit I read about giving reparations to folks like Obama, or others in the black elites? Well, clearly it is bogus.

In the end, being black, just hasn't held them back all that much, and disproves the myth that it is impossible to get ahead for all person of color.

What you are pushing for? Too broad, and your comparative examples do not justify what you are seeking.

Your argument gets dumber and dumber. Yes, I have faced racism in America. Again, stop pretending that slavery is where everything ended.

And stop using anecdotes to make claims. David Duke and Metzger are racists, does this make all whites racists? So stop using examples of 1-2 blacks to try justifying your opposition to reparations. We are 13 percent of the population and have 2 percent of the wealth. That never comes up when you bastards talk about per capita. A black man earns 82 cents for every dollar a white man makes even with the same experience and education. Black women, 63 cents for every dollar a white man makes and 19 cents per dollar less than a white female. There are nearly 48 million blacks, so don't tell me about Obama and Harris.

There is no excuse, defense or opposition that justifies the refusal to pay blacks reparations. Period.
Your argument gets dumber and dumber. Yes, I have faced racism in America. Again, stop pretending that slavery is where everything ended.

And stop using anecdotes to make claims. David Duke and Metzger are racists, does this make all whites racists? So stop using examples of 1-2 blacks to try justifying your opposition to reparations. We are 13 percent of the population and have 2 percent of the wealth. That never comes up when you bastards talk about per capita. A black man earns 82 cents for every dollar a white man makes even with the same experience and education. Black women, 63 cents for every dollar a white man makes and 19 cents per dollar less than a white female. There are nearly 48 million blacks, so don't tell me about Obama and Harris.

There is no excuse, defense or opposition that justifies the refusal to pay blacks reparations. Period.
Relax Punk, Dimwingers are telling you the check is in the mail. Be sure to vote for them this year, and if the check doesn't show up they will get back to you 4 years from now when they need your vote again, Simp.
There will never be reparations, that is just a democrat lure to keep blacks in the urban plantations.
Reparations at the time of REAL emancipation (not the Emancipation Proclamation, which was nothing more than propaganda) would have been totally appropriate, and could have been implemented at little real cost. Further, they would not have violated the Equal Protection clause.

Furthermore, reparations by both the Feds and States in our past when official government policies intentionally worked to the detriment of emancipated Blacks and their descendants.

But alas, all the "enslaved people" are now deceased, and the laws and policies that harmed the descendants of enslaved people are now all gone.

You can't pay reparations (damages) to people who were not directly victimized. It doesn't happen. It has nothing to do with the equal protection clause.
I don’t doubt you’re right.

What is the expected or estimated cost of reparations?
To fly, reparations must be in a non-injurious form.

And while this would actually be pretty easy to do, reparations are about as likely as M4A, affordable housing, and an end to endless war.

Any indications otherwise are just pandering for votes/power.
Any time the issue of reparations for blacks is mentioned, we get the same dumb comments from the sane dumb people. So how about we look at what reparations would really be for and not what right wing white race hustlers tell other whites what they are for? So let's look at some studies AND DISCUSS ONLY WHAT THESE STUDIES PRESENT. None of the usual ignorance. Any occurrance will be reported immediately.
Report away racist.
Whites on the right,

Stop arguing about reparations as if they are just for slavery.

Nor has the federal government atoned for the lost equity from anti-Black housing, transportation, and business policy. Slavery, Jim Crow segregation, anti-Black practices like redlining, and other discriminatory public policies in criminal justice and education...

How about we discuss reparations for these things?
The Farrakhan Lover wants everything handed to him. Who determines who will qualify and who doesn’t and by how much? Why doesn’t he blame his own party the DEMORATS??

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