Please . No way would all these righties be banging the war drum if thier kids had a chance of being shipped out .
I would not be so sure of that.

But if some of these chickenhawks had served themselves, they probably would not be so unbelievably idiotic in their assumptions about tactics and strategy.
Please . No way would all these righties be banging the war drum if thier kids had a chance of being shipped out .

The "kids" that get shipped out volunteered to go in the first place. Of course liberals can't keep their noses out of everybody else's business.
What is "cowering from terrorism"?

I find that conservatives have this paradox . They say they want to control the budget, but at the same time want to double the military and fight wars all over the globe .

You can't have both.
never said "doubling milotary" was he answer. But military cuts should definitely not be happening. Now a days government buts there head in everything thats what I mean on limited government. and as far as "cowering from terrorism" I mean the commander in chief we currently have uses the endless rhetoric on defeating Isis (that never happens.) We need a courageous leader back in office who is not afraid to destroy Isis by any means.

Interesting. You realize that you are drafting age . Would you be cool wh being drafted to go fight Isis ?

Why in Heaven's name would he be drafted? You lefties are always trotting out this scare tactic for young people, just like you trot out "take your Social Security and make you eat dog food" for geezers. The US has had no need for a draft since right after I was born, nor does anyone anticipate one being necessary in the forseeable future.

But when you have war you should have a draft. Instead of just paying off for kids to go get the heads blown off.

A draft reduces combat effectiveness….you don't want people who don't want to be there to fight with you……

Well we managed to win a couple biggee wars using the draft .
A draft reduces combat effectiveness….you don't want people who don't want to be there to fight with you……

I don't buy that simplicity.

Almost two thirds of our servicemen were draftees in WWII.

Only a quarter of our servicemen in Vietnam were.

In nam many "volunteered" before their draft # came up so they could pick better spots . Jump before being pushed .

And don't forget how the pols manipulated the draft rules to favor wealthy kids who went to college instead .
never said "doubling milotary" was he answer. But military cuts should definitely not be happening. Now a days government buts there head in everything thats what I mean on limited government. and as far as "cowering from terrorism" I mean the commander in chief we currently have uses the endless rhetoric on defeating Isis (that never happens.) We need a courageous leader back in office who is not afraid to destroy Isis by any means.

Interesting. You realize that you are drafting age . Would you be cool wh being drafted to go fight Isis ?

Why in Heaven's name would he be drafted? You lefties are always trotting out this scare tactic for young people, just like you trot out "take your Social Security and make you eat dog food" for geezers. The US has had no need for a draft since right after I was born, nor does anyone anticipate one being necessary in the forseeable future.

But when you have war you should have a draft. Instead of just paying off for kids to go get the heads blown off.

So your theory is that impressing people to fight whether they want to or not is somehow inherently more noble than comprising your military out of people who have volunteered?

Did you know you're a fucktard, or was this a newsflash when you joined this board?

The theory is that if u can't stomach a draft, then you shouldn't be voting for war . It's a check on our politicians .

And our military is not volunteer . They are paid professionals .

It's become too easy for politicians to send our troops out.

No, Chuckles, the theory is that because YOU have subjective "morals", that must mean everyone does.

The truth is that you're not representative of anyone but self-absorbed a-holes like yourself.

The fact that we pay the military to do their jobs doesn't negate the fact that they voluntarily chose to apply for those jobs, dumbshit. Learn to comprehend English.
Interesting. You realize that you are drafting age . Would you be cool wh being drafted to go fight Isis ?

Why in Heaven's name would he be drafted? You lefties are always trotting out this scare tactic for young people, just like you trot out "take your Social Security and make you eat dog food" for geezers. The US has had no need for a draft since right after I was born, nor does anyone anticipate one being necessary in the forseeable future.

But when you have war you should have a draft. Instead of just paying off for kids to go get the heads blown off.

So your theory is that impressing people to fight whether they want to or not is somehow inherently more noble than comprising your military out of people who have volunteered?

Did you know you're a fucktard, or was this a newsflash when you joined this board?

The theory is that if u can't stomach a draft, then you shouldn't be voting for war .

No, the theory is, if leftists could get everybody involved, more people would be scared of going to war.

Or possibly that if the left can make military service into a victimhood scare tactic like they do every other issue, they'll get their way.
Please . No way would all these righties be banging the war drum if thier kids had a chance of being shipped out .

Like I said, just because your "morals" are based on "what's in it for me?" doesn't make you exemplary of anyone but shitstains like yourself.

For the record, my oldest son is 20, and every male member of my family except my husband (who was turned down for medical reasons) has served in one branch or another of the US military. My son intends to do the same . . . voluntarily, because unlike dipshits like you, he believes in his country.
Please . No way would all these righties be banging the war drum if thier kids had a chance of being shipped out .

Like I said, just because your "morals" are based on "what's in it for me?" doesn't make you exemplary of anyone but shitstains like yourself.

For the record, my oldest son is 20, and every male member of my family except my husband (who was turned down for medical reasons) has served in one branch or another of the US military. My son intends to do the same . . . voluntarily, because unlike dipshits like you, he believes in his country.

You are a fool then.

I believe in this country . And I respect the military enough to not send them to fight superflous wars . You seriously want to place your sons life in the hands of these reckless pols who think nothing of him dieing ?
A draft reduces combat effectiveness….you don't want people who don't want to be there to fight with you……

I don't buy that simplicity.

Almost two thirds of our servicemen were draftees in WWII.

Only a quarter of our servicemen in Vietnam were.

In nam many "volunteered" before their draft # came up so they could pick better spots . Jump before being pushed .

And that didn't happen in WWII, when far more people were being drafted?
A draft reduces combat effectiveness….you don't want people who don't want to be there to fight with you……

I don't buy that simplicity.

Almost two thirds of our servicemen were draftees in WWII.

Only a quarter of our servicemen in Vietnam were.

In nam many "volunteered" before their draft # came up so they could pick better spots . Jump before being pushed .

And that didn't happen in WWII, when far more people were being drafted?

Probably . But still 2/3 were draftees!
Please . No way would all these righties be banging the war drum if thier kids had a chance of being shipped out .

Like I said, just because your "morals" are based on "what's in it for me?" doesn't make you exemplary of anyone but shitstains like yourself.

For the record, my oldest son is 20, and every male member of my family except my husband (who was turned down for medical reasons) has served in one branch or another of the US military. My son intends to do the same . . . voluntarily, because unlike dipshits like you, he believes in his country.

You are a fool then.

I believe in this country . And I respect the military enough to not send them to fight superflous wars . You seriously want to place your sons life in the hands of these reckless pols who think nothing of him dieing ?

What makes you believe they think nothing of him dying? I'm sure they care more about him dying than you.

You just want to use the military like you liberals use everybody else: to forward your own political agenda. You really want to show you care about our men and women in the military? Send them some candy overseas, contribute to the Wounded Warriors, volunteer at your nearest VA hospital, that's how you show that you care.

But for the life of me, don't tell us that you care by stopping them from what they joined the military to do and act like it's not a selfish deed. You don't want them going to war because you don't like war--not because you care about them so much.
Study hard and get good grades..............

Go to this University and learn the Constitution and all about Political Science.


Start Reading these articles.......

The Federalist Papers - THOMAS (Library of Congress)

Good Luck!
Hello everyone , I have a few questions regarding steps I would need to take to one day become a US representative and Eventually Senator. I am curious what Degree is common and things I need to do. I am currently in High School and would love if any one could help. Thanks a lot.
Political Science (pre-law) undergrad and then law school---is the route many take. Obtaining a MA in poly sci is incredibly useful because your dealing with policy, budgeting, analysis. Look for internships and work on campaigns.

Here is what a MA in political science (depending on location and the university) might contain:
MA in Political Science, School of Public Affairs | American University, Washington DC

Many people look ahead at the graduate programs and stay with the same university.

People hate professional politicians who started their quest as early as high school.

Do somthing random , that you will enjoy . Try to get around and expose yourself to different places and people .

Actually, people like it when you can speak intelligently.
Please . No way would all these righties be banging the war drum if thier kids had a chance of being shipped out .

Like I said, just because your "morals" are based on "what's in it for me?" doesn't make you exemplary of anyone but shitstains like yourself.

For the record, my oldest son is 20, and every male member of my family except my husband (who was turned down for medical reasons) has served in one branch or another of the US military. My son intends to do the same . . . voluntarily, because unlike dipshits like you, he believes in his country.

You are a fool then.

I believe in this country . And I respect the military enough to not send them to fight superflous wars . You seriously want to place your sons life in the hands of these reckless pols who think nothing of him dieing ?

and you want to give them absolute power over your healthcare, your retirement, your paycheck, and where you can live, what you can buy, how you can engage in sex..........
Please . No way would all these righties be banging the war drum if thier kids had a chance of being shipped out .

Like I said, just because your "morals" are based on "what's in it for me?" doesn't make you exemplary of anyone but shitstains like yourself.

For the record, my oldest son is 20, and every male member of my family except my husband (who was turned down for medical reasons) has served in one branch or another of the US military. My son intends to do the same . . . voluntarily, because unlike dipshits like you, he believes in his country.

You are a fool then.

I believe in this country . And I respect the military enough to not send them to fight superflous wars . You seriously want to place your sons life in the hands of these reckless pols who think nothing of him dieing ?

and you want to give them absolute power over your healthcare, your retirement, your paycheck, and where you can live, what you can buy, how you can engage in sex..........

You must be talking about the GOP .
Please . No way would all these righties be banging the war drum if thier kids had a chance of being shipped out .

Like I said, just because your "morals" are based on "what's in it for me?" doesn't make you exemplary of anyone but shitstains like yourself.

For the record, my oldest son is 20, and every male member of my family except my husband (who was turned down for medical reasons) has served in one branch or another of the US military. My son intends to do the same . . . voluntarily, because unlike dipshits like you, he believes in his country.

You are a fool then.

I believe in this country . And I respect the military enough to not send them to fight superflous wars . You seriously want to place your sons life in the hands of these reckless pols who think nothing of him dieing ?

and you want to give them absolute power over your healthcare, your retirement, your paycheck, and where you can live, what you can buy, how you can engage in sex..........

You must be talking about the GOP .

really? You are slow arn't you...?
Please . No way would all these righties be banging the war drum if thier kids had a chance of being shipped out .

Like I said, just because your "morals" are based on "what's in it for me?" doesn't make you exemplary of anyone but shitstains like yourself.

For the record, my oldest son is 20, and every male member of my family except my husband (who was turned down for medical reasons) has served in one branch or another of the US military. My son intends to do the same . . . voluntarily, because unlike dipshits like you, he believes in his country.

You are a fool then.

I believe in this country . And I respect the military enough to not send them to fight superflous wars . You seriously want to place your sons life in the hands of these reckless pols who think nothing of him dieing ?

and you want to give them absolute power over your healthcare, your retirement, your paycheck, and where you can live, what you can buy, how you can engage in sex..........

You must be talking about the GOP .

really? You are slow arn't you...?

Let's see . Healthcare they won't allow abortion without a bunch of hurdles , they let your employer fuck with your health plan because of their beliefs .

How u can engage in sex ? Conservatives have all kinds of rules .

You won't have a retirement under GOP watch .

What you can buy depends on what Jesus would say . No vices for you !

You seriously think the GOP is better with that stuff ? What are you smoking ? It can't be weed cause conservatives are against it.
Learn to be a brownose
A suck up
Learn to charm the pants off both women and men.

Learn how to get people to like you even if you stabbed them in the gut.

A little narcissism is helpful--when you have to throw away the people you used to get ahead.

Keep the engine on your bus running for those you will have to run over!!
Like I said, just because your "morals" are based on "what's in it for me?" doesn't make you exemplary of anyone but shitstains like yourself.

For the record, my oldest son is 20, and every male member of my family except my husband (who was turned down for medical reasons) has served in one branch or another of the US military. My son intends to do the same . . . voluntarily, because unlike dipshits like you, he believes in his country.

You are a fool then.

I believe in this country . And I respect the military enough to not send them to fight superflous wars . You seriously want to place your sons life in the hands of these reckless pols who think nothing of him dieing ?

and you want to give them absolute power over your healthcare, your retirement, your paycheck, and where you can live, what you can buy, how you can engage in sex..........

You must be talking about the GOP .

really? You are slow arn't you...?

Let's see . Healthcare they won't allow abortion without a bunch of hurdles , they let your employer fuck with your health plan because of their beliefs .

How u can engage in sex ? Conservatives have all kinds of rules .

You won't have a retirement under GOP watch .

What you can buy depends on what Jesus would say . No vices for you !

You seriously think the GOP is better with that stuff ? What are you smoking ? It can't be weed cause conservatives are against it.

They don't want women to murder their babies…wow…bad on them huh…..

Your employer is providing your healthcare they get to decide what you get…you don't like it get your own healthcare….how is that wrong?

You checked out college campuses lately and their sex codes……?

You won't have retirement under the Dems……..they have destroyed social security and are now looking to take over our 401ks……

And I think conservatives are better with that stuff…since they believe in the Bill of Rights and the Constitution……….

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