If your gonna be a pol you can't hide from these type of questions .
fine , I believe in limited government, and lower taxes that come out of that. I believe in not cowering away from terrorism. I believe in defending the 2nd amendment at all costs. I believe in finding ways to lower the US debt instead if continuously raising the ceiling putting off the debt until next time (and the next time , and the next time, etc...) Those are a few of my views . Any further questions are welcome .

What is "cowering from terrorism"?

I find that conservatives have this paradox . They say they want to control the budget, but at the same time want to double the military and fight wars all over the globe .

You can't have both.
never said "doubling milotary" was he answer. But military cuts should definitely not be happening. Now a days government buts there head in everything thats what I mean on limited government. and as far as "cowering from terrorism" I mean the commander in chief we currently have uses the endless rhetoric on defeating Isis (that never happens.) We need a courageous leader back in office who is not afraid to destroy Isis by any means.

Interesting. You realize that you are drafting age . Would you be cool wh being drafted to go fight Isis ?

Well if we keep Democrats out of leadership, nobody has to worry about the draft. Democrats were the only ones to bring it up multiple times.
A question for you.

Why are u a republican?

Because Republicans are slime balls; they are just less of slime balls than the Democrats.

It's odd that a teen would be a heartless evil republican . That comes later . He must be just doing what his parents command . They probably beat him.

They? Probably right on the "they" part. He's going Republican because he has both parents and know who they are.
Hello everyone , I have a few questions regarding steps I would need to take to one day become a US representative and Eventually Senator. I am curious what Degree is common and things I need to do. I am currently in High School and would love if any one could help. Thanks a lot.
My buddy is working for a guy who's running for something. If he wins my buddy can stop being a cop and work for this politician full time 6 figure income. From there who knows. Maybe he can run himself one day.

I think you should run for city council. It doesn't pay anything but looks great on a resume.
Poly Sci, history, sociology. And start taking part in elections now. Volunteer to man the phones for one party or the other. Do take some 200 science courses so you do not come across as totally retarded as some of our present politicians do. Of either party.
man the phones ? what do you mean by that, and how would I get involved?
Many political campaigns have phone banks to get out the vote. You get a list of names and call them, and request that they vote. Often you do not even say what for, just please get out and vote in this election. Of course, the list is tilted towards those that are thought to be in sympathy with what your party desires to happen.
A question for you.

Why are u a republican?
haha gr
A question for you.

Why are u a republican?

Because Republicans are slime balls; they are just less of slime balls than the Democrats.

It's odd that a teen would be a heartless evil republican . That comes later . He must be just doing what his parents command . They probably beat him.
ooh, love the jab, but no. I've fully developed my own opinion surpassing my own parents political knowledge. I could write a list of all the reasons I chose republican, but instead you'll just have to take my word that ive completely educated myself.
Oh my. Oh well, I think you will be amazed how much more knowledgeable you will find your parents have become by the time you are 25.
haha gr
ooh, love the jab, but no. I've fully developed my own opinion surpassing my own parents political knowledge. I could write a list of all the reasons I chose republican, but instead you'll just have to take my word that ive completely educated myself.

Oh....please write the list. We need help understanding.[/QUOTEc]
Im not going to engage in a silly online argument. Aren't we all entitled to opinions? I shouldn't have to explain why I'm a Republican.

If your gonna be a pol you can't hide from these type of questions .
fine , I believe in limited government, and lower taxes that come out of that. I believe in not cowering away from terrorism. I believe in defending the 2nd amendment at all costs. I believe in finding ways to lower the US debt instead if continuously raising the ceiling putting off the debt until next time (and the next time , and the next time, etc...) Those are a few of my views . Any further questions are welcome .

What is "cowering from terrorism"?

I find that conservatives have this paradox . They say they want to control the budget, but at the same time want to double the military and fight wars all over the globe .

You can't have both.

Yeah, because defense is the ONLY thing the federal government spends money on. :eusa_liar:
If your gonna be a pol you can't hide from these type of questions .
fine , I believe in limited government, and lower taxes that come out of that. I believe in not cowering away from terrorism. I believe in defending the 2nd amendment at all costs. I believe in finding ways to lower the US debt instead if continuously raising the ceiling putting off the debt until next time (and the next time , and the next time, etc...) Those are a few of my views . Any further questions are welcome .

What is "cowering from terrorism"?

I find that conservatives have this paradox . They say they want to control the budget, but at the same time want to double the military and fight wars all over the globe .

You can't have both.
never said "doubling milotary" was he answer. But military cuts should definitely not be happening. Now a days government buts there head in everything thats what I mean on limited government. and as far as "cowering from terrorism" I mean the commander in chief we currently have uses the endless rhetoric on defeating Isis (that never happens.) We need a courageous leader back in office who is not afraid to destroy Isis by any means.

Interesting. You realize that you are drafting age . Would you be cool wh being drafted to go fight Isis ?

Why in Heaven's name would he be drafted? You lefties are always trotting out this scare tactic for young people, just like you trot out "take your Social Security and make you eat dog food" for geezers. The US has had no need for a draft since right after I was born, nor does anyone anticipate one being necessary in the forseeable future.
Hello everyone , I have a few questions regarding steps I would need to take to one day become a US representative and Eventually Senator. I am curious what Degree is common and things I need to do. I am currently in High School and would love if any one could help. Thanks a lot.
Political Science (pre-law) undergrad and then law school---is the route many take. Obtaining a MA in poly sci is incredibly useful because your dealing with policy, budgeting, analysis. Look for internships and work on campaigns.

Here is what a MA in political science (depending on location and the university) might contain:
MA in Political Science, School of Public Affairs | American University, Washington DC

Many people look ahead at the graduate programs and stay with the same university.
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Good luck. Be "for" something and resist the urge to assume reflexively opposite positions based solely on politics and suspicion. In other words do not be like most republicans and all conservatives
Oh....please write the list. We need help understanding.[/QUOTEc]
Im not going to engage in a silly online argument. Aren't we all entitled to opinions? I shouldn't have to explain why I'm a Republican.

If your gonna be a pol you can't hide from these type of questions .
fine , I believe in limited government, and lower taxes that come out of that. I believe in not cowering away from terrorism. I believe in defending the 2nd amendment at all costs. I believe in finding ways to lower the US debt instead if continuously raising the ceiling putting off the debt until next time (and the next time , and the next time, etc...) Those are a few of my views . Any further questions are welcome .

What is "cowering from terrorism"?

I find that conservatives have this paradox . They say they want to control the budget, but at the same time want to double the military and fight wars all over the globe .

You can't have both.

Yeah, because defense is the ONLY thing the federal government spends money on. :eusa_liar:

The military is about half of your tax dollars. So good luck making cuts without cutting the military.
fine , I believe in limited government, and lower taxes that come out of that. I believe in not cowering away from terrorism. I believe in defending the 2nd amendment at all costs. I believe in finding ways to lower the US debt instead if continuously raising the ceiling putting off the debt until next time (and the next time , and the next time, etc...) Those are a few of my views . Any further questions are welcome .

What is "cowering from terrorism"?

I find that conservatives have this paradox . They say they want to control the budget, but at the same time want to double the military and fight wars all over the globe .

You can't have both.
never said "doubling milotary" was he answer. But military cuts should definitely not be happening. Now a days government buts there head in everything thats what I mean on limited government. and as far as "cowering from terrorism" I mean the commander in chief we currently have uses the endless rhetoric on defeating Isis (that never happens.) We need a courageous leader back in office who is not afraid to destroy Isis by any means.

Interesting. You realize that you are drafting age . Would you be cool wh being drafted to go fight Isis ?

Why in Heaven's name would he be drafted? You lefties are always trotting out this scare tactic for young people, just like you trot out "take your Social Security and make you eat dog food" for geezers. The US has had no need for a draft since right after I was born, nor does anyone anticipate one being necessary in the forseeable future.

But when you have war you should have a draft. Instead of just paying off for kids to go get the heads blown off.

What is "cowering from terrorism"?

I find that conservatives have this paradox . They say they want to control the budget, but at the same time want to double the military and fight wars all over the globe .

You can't have both.
never said "doubling milotary" was he answer. But military cuts should definitely not be happening. Now a days government buts there head in everything thats what I mean on limited government. and as far as "cowering from terrorism" I mean the commander in chief we currently have uses the endless rhetoric on defeating Isis (that never happens.) We need a courageous leader back in office who is not afraid to destroy Isis by any means.

Interesting. You realize that you are drafting age . Would you be cool wh being drafted to go fight Isis ?

Why in Heaven's name would he be drafted? You lefties are always trotting out this scare tactic for young people, just like you trot out "take your Social Security and make you eat dog food" for geezers. The US has had no need for a draft since right after I was born, nor does anyone anticipate one being necessary in the forseeable future.

But when you have war you should have a draft. Instead of just paying off for kids to go get the heads blown off.

So your theory is that impressing people to fight whether they want to or not is somehow inherently more noble than comprising your military out of people who have volunteered?

Did you know you're a fucktard, or was this a newsflash when you joined this board?
Hello everyone , I have a few questions regarding steps I would need to take to one day become a US representative and Eventually Senator. I am curious what Degree is common and things I need to do. I am currently in High School and would love if any one could help. Thanks a lot.
We elect a lot of lawyers. They make the laws, after all.

Too few of our politicians are economists. How the economy works is almost every politician's biggest weak spot.
To get political experience, all you have to do is show up at a campaign office and say you want to help. As a young beginner, you will be assigned a lot of menial tasks. However, you will quickly learn who the movers and shakers are.

The trick is to stay involved between elections. Get your face out there. Join an organization like the Young Republicans, or Young Americans for Freedom.

I joined YAF when I was 15. Watch out for the Nazi elements. You'll see what I mean. And don't be afraid to bitch slap them around, even if they are older and more "respected". It's time for a serious housecleaning.

And watch out for all the booze. It's real easy for a kid to get liquored up in political organizations. Don't be stupid. Stay away from that shit. Hold a tonic water if you feel you have to blend in. No one will know the difference. I knew many a Republican conservative teen who fell into the bottle and never came out.

Attend conferences every chance you get. And there are training seminars which teach you how to run a political campaign. I learned very valuable lessons at those. I see big name politicians making amateur mistakes I was warned about in those courses.

Learn how our government works. You must absolutely, positively stay away from the right wing propaganda outlets. They lie to you. They do. Sorry.

Read legislative bills for yourself. Don't take the word of these propaganda mills. They are full of shit. You will do yourself a big favor by learning how to find the full text of bills for yourself, and read them for yourself. Make this a lifelong habit. It will pay huge dividends.

And make sure to read amendments to bills. Then you will see why so many politicians are lawyers. And you will see which politicians are owned by which special interests. Over time, you will have an eerie ability to predict what any particular politician will say about any particular subject, based on your knowledge of who owns them.

Memorize who is the Speaker of the House. The Majority and Minority leaders of both houses. The Whips. Who are your Senators. Who is your Congressman.

Make speeches at your state legislature. It's easy. Find a bill you care about, and find out what committee is having open meetings. That's how I got started. You will come to the attention of people. You will make enemies and friends this way. And this is the quickest way to actually start making a difference in the world.

Attend open meetings of the opposition. Listen to their arguments with an open mind, and think about how you would counter their arguments.

If you join an organization, you are going to be sent into the fray. Even though you are a kid, you may be sent to man a recruitment table at a local college, for example. All the liberal/commie political science majors will stop by to fuck with you. Be ready for that. It's a lot of fun.

And yes, join a political forum like this one and participate. Learn from your mistakes.
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Skip school altogether. Instead, devote you time and energy working for your local arm of the mafia. That way when you run for elected office you'll at least be on a level playing field with the other crooks and whatnot involved in 'public service.'
What is "cowering from terrorism"?

I find that conservatives have this paradox . They say they want to control the budget, but at the same time want to double the military and fight wars all over the globe .

You can't have both.
never said "doubling milotary" was he answer. But military cuts should definitely not be happening. Now a days government buts there head in everything thats what I mean on limited government. and as far as "cowering from terrorism" I mean the commander in chief we currently have uses the endless rhetoric on defeating Isis (that never happens.) We need a courageous leader back in office who is not afraid to destroy Isis by any means.

Interesting. You realize that you are drafting age . Would you be cool wh being drafted to go fight Isis ?

Why in Heaven's name would he be drafted? You lefties are always trotting out this scare tactic for young people, just like you trot out "take your Social Security and make you eat dog food" for geezers. The US has had no need for a draft since right after I was born, nor does anyone anticipate one being necessary in the forseeable future.

But when you have war you should have a draft. Instead of just paying off for kids to go get the heads blown off.

So your theory is that impressing people to fight whether they want to or not is somehow inherently more noble than comprising your military out of people who have volunteered?

Did you know you're a fucktard, or was this a newsflash when you joined this board?

The theory is that if u can't stomach a draft, then you shouldn't be voting for war . It's a check on our politicians .

And our military is not volunteer . They are paid professionals .

It's become too easy for politicians to send our troops out.
never said "doubling milotary" was he answer. But military cuts should definitely not be happening. Now a days government buts there head in everything thats what I mean on limited government. and as far as "cowering from terrorism" I mean the commander in chief we currently have uses the endless rhetoric on defeating Isis (that never happens.) We need a courageous leader back in office who is not afraid to destroy Isis by any means.

Interesting. You realize that you are drafting age . Would you be cool wh being drafted to go fight Isis ?

Why in Heaven's name would he be drafted? You lefties are always trotting out this scare tactic for young people, just like you trot out "take your Social Security and make you eat dog food" for geezers. The US has had no need for a draft since right after I was born, nor does anyone anticipate one being necessary in the forseeable future.

But when you have war you should have a draft. Instead of just paying off for kids to go get the heads blown off.

So your theory is that impressing people to fight whether they want to or not is somehow inherently more noble than comprising your military out of people who have volunteered?

Did you know you're a fucktard, or was this a newsflash when you joined this board?

The theory is that if u can't stomach a draft, then you shouldn't be voting for war .

No, the theory is, if leftists could get everybody involved, more people would be scared of going to war.
Please . No way would all these righties be banging the war drum if thier kids had a chance of being shipped out .

What is "cowering from terrorism"?

I find that conservatives have this paradox . They say they want to control the budget, but at the same time want to double the military and fight wars all over the globe .

You can't have both.
never said "doubling milotary" was he answer. But military cuts should definitely not be happening. Now a days government buts there head in everything thats what I mean on limited government. and as far as "cowering from terrorism" I mean the commander in chief we currently have uses the endless rhetoric on defeating Isis (that never happens.) We need a courageous leader back in office who is not afraid to destroy Isis by any means.

Interesting. You realize that you are drafting age . Would you be cool wh being drafted to go fight Isis ?

Why in Heaven's name would he be drafted? You lefties are always trotting out this scare tactic for young people, just like you trot out "take your Social Security and make you eat dog food" for geezers. The US has had no need for a draft since right after I was born, nor does anyone anticipate one being necessary in the forseeable future.

But when you have war you should have a draft. Instead of just paying off for kids to go get the heads blown off.

A draft reduces combat effectiveness….you don't want people who don't want to be there to fight with you……
Hello everyone , I have a few questions regarding steps I would need to take to one day become a US representative and Eventually Senator. I am curious what Degree is common and things I need to do. I am currently in High School and would love if any one could help. Thanks a lot.
Political Science (pre-law) undergrad and then law school---is the route many take. Obtaining a MA in poly sci is incredibly useful because your dealing with policy, budgeting, analysis. Look for internships and work on campaigns.

Here is what a MA in political science (depending on location and the university) might contain:
MA in Political Science, School of Public Affairs | American University, Washington DC

Many people look ahead at the graduate programs and stay with the same university.

People hate professional politicians who started their quest as early as high school.

Do somthing random , that you will enjoy . Try to get around and expose yourself to different places and people .

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