A court that doesn't represent the poeple

The supreme Court no longer represents the will of the poeple.

Test your Supreme Court knowledge: In the entire history of the court, exactly one justice has been

a) nominated by a president who didnā€™t win the popular vote and

b) confirmed by a majority of senators who collectively won fewer votes in their last election than did the senators who voted against that justiceā€™s confirmation......

Donald Trump won just under 46 percent of the popular vote and 2.8 million fewer votes than Hillary Clinton. And Judge Gorsuch was confirmed by a vote of 54-45. According to Kevin McMahon of Trinity College, who wrote all this up this year in his paper ā€œWill the Supreme Court Still ā€˜Seldom Stray Very Farā€™?: Regime Politics in a Polarized America,ā€ the 54 senators who voted to elevate Judge Gorsuch had received around 54 million votes, and the 45 senators who opposed him got more than 73 million. Thatā€™s 58 percent to 42 percent......

And it gets worse, Thomas and Alito were both confirmed by senators who got less votes than the opposition. That mean 4 out of 9 judges were appointed against the wishes of the majority.

The Supreme Court no longer represents the people.

Opinion | The Supreme Courtā€™s Legitimacy Crisis
It hasn't in decades, which is why the left had to depend on the court to do its dirty work. Congress wouldn't dare pass their bullshit.
The supreme Court no longer represents the will of the poeple.

Test your Supreme Court knowledge: In the entire history of the court, exactly one justice has been

a) nominated by a president who didnā€™t win the popular vote and

b) confirmed by a majority of senators who collectively won fewer votes in their last election than did the senators who voted against that justiceā€™s confirmation......

Donald Trump won just under 46 percent of the popular vote and 2.8 million fewer votes than Hillary Clinton. And Judge Gorsuch was confirmed by a vote of 54-45. According to Kevin McMahon of Trinity College, who wrote all this up this year in his paper ā€œWill the Supreme Court Still ā€˜Seldom Stray Very Farā€™?: Regime Politics in a Polarized America,ā€ the 54 senators who voted to elevate Judge Gorsuch had received around 54 million votes, and the 45 senators who opposed him got more than 73 million. Thatā€™s 58 percent to 42 percent......

And it gets worse, Thomas and Alito were both confirmed by senators who got less votes than the opposition. That mean 4 out of 9 judges were appointed against the wishes of the majority.

The Supreme Court no longer represents the people.

Opinion | The Supreme Courtā€™s Legitimacy Crisis

Where does it say in the Constitution that Supreme Court job is to represent will of the people?

It's in the section that says Conservative White Men are innocent until accused.

Thanks, it's bit hard to find.

By the way, can you tell me when the Communist Manifesto Amendment was ratified by the states?
The supreme Court no longer represents the will of the poeple.

Test your Supreme Court knowledge: In the entire history of the court, exactly one justice has been

a) nominated by a president who didnā€™t win the popular vote and

b) confirmed by a majority of senators who collectively won fewer votes in their last election than did the senators who voted against that justiceā€™s confirmation......

Donald Trump won just under 46 percent of the popular vote and 2.8 million fewer votes than Hillary Clinton. And Judge Gorsuch was confirmed by a vote of 54-45. According to Kevin McMahon of Trinity College, who wrote all this up this year in his paper ā€œWill the Supreme Court Still ā€˜Seldom Stray Very Farā€™?: Regime Politics in a Polarized America,ā€ the 54 senators who voted to elevate Judge Gorsuch had received around 54 million votes, and the 45 senators who opposed him got more than 73 million. Thatā€™s 58 percent to 42 percent......

And it gets worse, Thomas and Alito were both confirmed by senators who got less votes than the opposition. That mean 4 out of 9 judges were appointed against the wishes of the majority.

The Supreme Court no longer represents the people.

Opinion | The Supreme Courtā€™s Legitimacy Crisis

Where does it say in the Constitution that Supreme Court job is to represent will of the people?

It's in the section that says Conservative White Men are innocent until accused.

Thanks, it's bit hard to find.

By the way, can you tell me when the Communist Manifesto Amendment was ratified by the states?

FDR slipped that bit into the legislation to pass Social Security after the Battle of Hastings. Congress then passed a resolution that no states would need to ratify it if Eleanor Roosevelt could beat Mamie Eisenhower at lawn bowling, which she did with ease.
The supreme Court no longer represents the will of the people.

:eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar: The American people elected Trump in a landslide, he won 30 states outright, over 300 EC votes, the overall popular vote in 49 states by 1 million votes. Then nominated Kavanaugh who was confirmed in a bi-partisan vote of the Senate. So much for your thread I destroyed it.
Nobody elected tRump in a landslide. He lost the popular vote by 3,000,000 votes even with Putin's help. You failed to address the Senate is at all.

My point stands and my thread is doing fine thanks.
Your point is ignorant and wrong.

This is called trolling.
If it wasn't for trolls this board wouldn't exist.
But it has dropped about 70,000 points in U.S. website ranking in the last six months.
Good to see so many getting sick and tired of the trolls.
O/P has a valid point, SCOTUS is just another arm of the GOP now.
Sort of like Fox Noise is the media arm.
And The National Enquirer used to be the print media arm until the publisher decided to cooperate with Robert Mueller.

Prove it
The supreme Court no longer represents the will of the people.

:eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar: The American people elected Trump in a landslide, he won 30 states outright, over 300 EC votes, the overall popular vote in 49 states by 1 million votes. Then nominated Kavanaugh who was confirmed in a bi-partisan vote of the Senate. So much for your thread I destroyed it.

See what I'm saying? What a stupid argument by this conservative. Losing the popular vote is being elected by the people in a landslide?

An interesting fact about Trump's election win:
He did not win his own state, which a candidate usually does.
Hillary won by 59% to Duhnald's 36%.

Duhnald didn't even win his old neighborhood, Queens.
Hillary won by 75%

Duhnald didn't even win Manhattan, his home for the last 35 years!
He lost to Hillary by 87%!

He's hated in New York, his very own home.
But people in fly over country just love his con man ass.

New York Election Results 2016


Thank goodness the rest of the country doesn't get saddled with the "choices" that New York City makes, Waiting! They elected Hillary Clinton...probably the most corrupt politician in modern US history...they elected Bill De Blasio...they elected Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. I hate to break this to you but the rest of the country pretty much thinks New York City has it's collective head up it's collective ass when it comes to politics!

It's by far the bedrock of this country's wealth.
The people with their heads up their asses are in the gray areas.


So now the left is for the wealthy, who knew?
The supreme Court no longer represents the will of the poeple.

Test your Supreme Court knowledge: In the entire history of the court, exactly one justice has been

a) nominated by a president who didnā€™t win the popular vote and

b) confirmed by a majority of senators who collectively won fewer votes in their last election than did the senators who voted against that justiceā€™s confirmation......

Donald Trump won just under 46 percent of the popular vote and 2.8 million fewer votes than Hillary Clinton. And Judge Gorsuch was confirmed by a vote of 54-45. According to Kevin McMahon of Trinity College, who wrote all this up this year in his paper ā€œWill the Supreme Court Still ā€˜Seldom Stray Very Farā€™?: Regime Politics in a Polarized America,ā€ the 54 senators who voted to elevate Judge Gorsuch had received around 54 million votes, and the 45 senators who opposed him got more than 73 million. Thatā€™s 58 percent to 42 percent......

And it gets worse, Thomas and Alito were both confirmed by senators who got less votes than the opposition. That mean 4 out of 9 judges were appointed against the wishes of the majority.

The Supreme Court no longer represents the people.

Opinion | The Supreme Courtā€™s Legitimacy Crisis

Where does it say in the Constitution that Supreme Court job is to represent will of the people?

It's in the section that says Conservative White Men are innocent until accused.

Thanks, it's bit hard to find.

By the way, can you tell me when the Communist Manifesto Amendment was ratified by the states?

I can! Half-past never!
Like we always said the left pisses on the Constitution and American flag, they want mob rule.
The supreme Court no longer represents the will of the poeple.

Test your Supreme Court knowledge: In the entire history of the court, exactly one justice has been

a) nominated by a president who didnā€™t win the popular vote and

b) confirmed by a majority of senators who collectively won fewer votes in their last election than did the senators who voted against that justiceā€™s confirmation......

Donald Trump won just under 46 percent of the popular vote and 2.8 million fewer votes than Hillary Clinton. And Judge Gorsuch was confirmed by a vote of 54-45. According to Kevin McMahon of Trinity College, who wrote all this up this year in his paper ā€œWill the Supreme Court Still ā€˜Seldom Stray Very Farā€™?: Regime Politics in a Polarized America,ā€ the 54 senators who voted to elevate Judge Gorsuch had received around 54 million votes, and the 45 senators who opposed him got more than 73 million. Thatā€™s 58 percent to 42 percent......

And it gets worse, Thomas and Alito were both confirmed by senators who got less votes than the opposition. That mean 4 out of 9 judges were appointed against the wishes of the majority.

The Supreme Court no longer represents the people.

Opinion | The Supreme Courtā€™s Legitimacy Crisis

Ever notice that anything liberals donā€™t like is a ā€œcrisisā€?
The supreme Court no longer represents the will of the poeple.

Test your Supreme Court knowledge: In the entire history of the court, exactly one justice has been

a) nominated by a president who didnā€™t win the popular vote and

b) confirmed by a majority of senators who collectively won fewer votes in their last election than did the senators who voted against that justiceā€™s confirmation......

Donald Trump won just under 46 percent of the popular vote and 2.8 million fewer votes than Hillary Clinton. And Judge Gorsuch was confirmed by a vote of 54-45. According to Kevin McMahon of Trinity College, who wrote all this up this year in his paper ā€œWill the Supreme Court Still ā€˜Seldom Stray Very Farā€™?: Regime Politics in a Polarized America,ā€ the 54 senators who voted to elevate Judge Gorsuch had received around 54 million votes, and the 45 senators who opposed him got more than 73 million. Thatā€™s 58 percent to 42 percent......

And it gets worse, Thomas and Alito were both confirmed by senators who got less votes than the opposition. That mean 4 out of 9 judges were appointed against the wishes of the majority.

The Supreme Court no longer represents the people.

Opinion | The Supreme Courtā€™s Legitimacy Crisis
It never did. It is not supposed to.it represents the constitution. It is not elected.
The supreme Court no longer represents the will of the poeple.

Test your Supreme Court knowledge: In the entire history of the court, exactly one justice has been

a) nominated by a president who didnā€™t win the popular vote and

b) confirmed by a majority of senators who collectively won fewer votes in their last election than did the senators who voted against that justiceā€™s confirmation......

Donald Trump won just under 46 percent of the popular vote and 2.8 million fewer votes than Hillary Clinton. And Judge Gorsuch was confirmed by a vote of 54-45. According to Kevin McMahon of Trinity College, who wrote all this up this year in his paper ā€œWill the Supreme Court Still ā€˜Seldom Stray Very Farā€™?: Regime Politics in a Polarized America,ā€ the 54 senators who voted to elevate Judge Gorsuch had received around 54 million votes, and the 45 senators who opposed him got more than 73 million. Thatā€™s 58 percent to 42 percent......

And it gets worse, Thomas and Alito were both confirmed by senators who got less votes than the opposition. That mean 4 out of 9 judges were appointed against the wishes of the majority.

The Supreme Court no longer represents the people.

Opinion | The Supreme Courtā€™s Legitimacy Crisis

Ever notice that anything liberals donā€™t like is a ā€œcrisisā€?
Like the illegal immigrant crisis you all have conniptions over?
The supreme Court no longer represents the will of the poeple.

Test your Supreme Court knowledge: In the entire history of the court, exactly one justice has been

a) nominated by a president who didnā€™t win the popular vote and

b) confirmed by a majority of senators who collectively won fewer votes in their last election than did the senators who voted against that justiceā€™s confirmation......

Donald Trump won just under 46 percent of the popular vote and 2.8 million fewer votes than Hillary Clinton. And Judge Gorsuch was confirmed by a vote of 54-45. According to Kevin McMahon of Trinity College, who wrote all this up this year in his paper ā€œWill the Supreme Court Still ā€˜Seldom Stray Very Farā€™?: Regime Politics in a Polarized America,ā€ the 54 senators who voted to elevate Judge Gorsuch had received around 54 million votes, and the 45 senators who opposed him got more than 73 million. Thatā€™s 58 percent to 42 percent......

And it gets worse, Thomas and Alito were both confirmed by senators who got less votes than the opposition. That mean 4 out of 9 judges were appointed against the wishes of the majority.

The Supreme Court no longer represents the people.

Opinion | The Supreme Courtā€™s Legitimacy Crisis
It never did. It is not supposed to.it represents the constitution. It is not elected.

Every so often.....you surprise me.
The supreme Court no longer represents the will of the poeple.

Test your Supreme Court knowledge: In the entire history of the court, exactly one justice has been

a) nominated by a president who didnā€™t win the popular vote and

b) confirmed by a majority of senators who collectively won fewer votes in their last election than did the senators who voted against that justiceā€™s confirmation......

Donald Trump won just under 46 percent of the popular vote and 2.8 million fewer votes than Hillary Clinton. And Judge Gorsuch was confirmed by a vote of 54-45. According to Kevin McMahon of Trinity College, who wrote all this up this year in his paper ā€œWill the Supreme Court Still ā€˜Seldom Stray Very Farā€™?: Regime Politics in a Polarized America,ā€ the 54 senators who voted to elevate Judge Gorsuch had received around 54 million votes, and the 45 senators who opposed him got more than 73 million. Thatā€™s 58 percent to 42 percent......

And it gets worse, Thomas and Alito were both confirmed by senators who got less votes than the opposition. That mean 4 out of 9 judges were appointed against the wishes of the majority.

The Supreme Court no longer represents the people.

Opinion | The Supreme Courtā€™s Legitimacy Crisis
It never did. It is not supposed to.it represents the constitution. It is not elected.

Every so often.....you surprise me.
The thought of a court representing the will of the people and not the rule of law is frightening.
The supreme Court no longer represents the will of the poeple.

Test your Supreme Court knowledge: In the entire history of the court, exactly one justice has been

a) nominated by a president who didnā€™t win the popular vote and

b) confirmed by a majority of senators who collectively won fewer votes in their last election than did the senators who voted against that justiceā€™s confirmation......

Donald Trump won just under 46 percent of the popular vote and 2.8 million fewer votes than Hillary Clinton. And Judge Gorsuch was confirmed by a vote of 54-45. According to Kevin McMahon of Trinity College, who wrote all this up this year in his paper ā€œWill the Supreme Court Still ā€˜Seldom Stray Very Farā€™?: Regime Politics in a Polarized America,ā€ the 54 senators who voted to elevate Judge Gorsuch had received around 54 million votes, and the 45 senators who opposed him got more than 73 million. Thatā€™s 58 percent to 42 percent......

And it gets worse, Thomas and Alito were both confirmed by senators who got less votes than the opposition. That mean 4 out of 9 judges were appointed against the wishes of the majority.

The Supreme Court no longer represents the people.

Opinion | The Supreme Courtā€™s Legitimacy Crisis
It never did. It is not supposed to.it represents the constitution. It is not elected.

Every so often.....you surprise me.
The thought of a court representing the will of the people and not the rule of law is frightening.

But it is how the left has pursued it's agenda for years. What they can't get legislated in a statehouse....they try to get legislated in the courthouse.
The supreme Court no longer represents the will of the poeple.

Test your Supreme Court knowledge: In the entire history of the court, exactly one justice has been

a) nominated by a president who didnā€™t win the popular vote and

b) confirmed by a majority of senators who collectively won fewer votes in their last election than did the senators who voted against that justiceā€™s confirmation......

Donald Trump won just under 46 percent of the popular vote and 2.8 million fewer votes than Hillary Clinton. And Judge Gorsuch was confirmed by a vote of 54-45. According to Kevin McMahon of Trinity College, who wrote all this up this year in his paper ā€œWill the Supreme Court Still ā€˜Seldom Stray Very Farā€™?: Regime Politics in a Polarized America,ā€ the 54 senators who voted to elevate Judge Gorsuch had received around 54 million votes, and the 45 senators who opposed him got more than 73 million. Thatā€™s 58 percent to 42 percent......

And it gets worse, Thomas and Alito were both confirmed by senators who got less votes than the opposition. That mean 4 out of 9 judges were appointed against the wishes of the majority.

The Supreme Court no longer represents the people.

Opinion | The Supreme Courtā€™s Legitimacy Crisis
It never did. It is not supposed to.it represents the constitution. It is not elected.

Every so often.....you surprise me.
The thought of a court representing the will of the people and not the rule of law is frightening.

But it is how the left has pursued it's agenda for years. What they can't get legislated in a statehouse....they try to get legislated in the courthouse.

Both sides have attempted that.
The supreme Court no longer represents the will of the poeple.

And it gets worse, Thomas and Alito were both confirmed by senators who got less votes than the opposition. That mean 4 out of 9 judges were appointed against the wishes of the majority.

The Supreme Court no longer represents the people.

Opinion | The Supreme Courtā€™s Legitimacy Crisis
It never did. It is not supposed to.it represents the constitution. It is not elected.

Every so often.....you surprise me.
The thought of a court representing the will of the people and not the rule of law is frightening.

But it is how the left has pursued it's agenda for years. What they can't get legislated in a statehouse....they try to get legislated in the courthouse.

Both sides have attempted that.

Won't argue that....

I just don't see it that the right has been as agressive.

Kavanaugh wasn't put there to help solidify law...he was put there to ensure that only proper laws are allowed to stand.

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