A court that doesn't represent the poeple

The supreme Court no longer represents the will of the poeple.

Test your Supreme Court knowledge: In the entire history of the court, exactly one justice has been

a) nominated by a president who didnā€™t win the popular vote and

b) confirmed by a majority of senators who collectively won fewer votes in their last election than did the senators who voted against that justiceā€™s confirmation......

Donald Trump won just under 46 percent of the popular vote and 2.8 million fewer votes than Hillary Clinton. And Judge Gorsuch was confirmed by a vote of 54-45. According to Kevin McMahon of Trinity College, who wrote all this up this year in his paper ā€œWill the Supreme Court Still ā€˜Seldom Stray Very Farā€™?: Regime Politics in a Polarized America,ā€ the 54 senators who voted to elevate Judge Gorsuch had received around 54 million votes, and the 45 senators who opposed him got more than 73 million. Thatā€™s 58 percent to 42 percent......

And it gets worse, Thomas and Alito were both confirmed by senators who got less votes than the opposition. That mean 4 out of 9 judges were appointed against the wishes of the majority.

The Supreme Court no longer represents the people.

Opinion | The Supreme Courtā€™s Legitimacy Crisis

I dunno who these 'poeple' are but I applaud your monolithic hatred of Trump. So strong, so twisted, so outright foolish. SCOTUS was left oriented then, Trump replaced liberals with, let's say, less liberal judges and you guys, start drowning in your own tears. :boo_hoo14: Grow the fuck up will ya?:CryingCow::crying:
The supreme Court no longer represents the will of the poeple.

Test your Supreme Court knowledge: In the entire history of the court, exactly one justice has been

a) nominated by a president who didnā€™t win the popular vote and

b) confirmed by a majority of senators who collectively won fewer votes in their last election than did the senators who voted against that justiceā€™s confirmation......

Donald Trump won just under 46 percent of the popular vote and 2.8 million fewer votes than Hillary Clinton. And Judge Gorsuch was confirmed by a vote of 54-45. According to Kevin McMahon of Trinity College, who wrote all this up this year in his paper ā€œWill the Supreme Court Still ā€˜Seldom Stray Very Farā€™?: Regime Politics in a Polarized America,ā€ the 54 senators who voted to elevate Judge Gorsuch had received around 54 million votes, and the 45 senators who opposed him got more than 73 million. Thatā€™s 58 percent to 42 percent......

And it gets worse, Thomas and Alito were both confirmed by senators who got less votes than the opposition. That mean 4 out of 9 judges were appointed against the wishes of the majority.

The Supreme Court no longer represents the people.

Opinion | The Supreme Courtā€™s Legitimacy Crisis
A few years ago you are right it was too leftist, now it's coming back to the will of the people.
The supreme Court no longer represents the will of the poeple.

Test your Supreme Court knowledge: In the entire history of the court, exactly one justice has been

a) nominated by a president who didnā€™t win the popular vote and

b) confirmed by a majority of senators who collectively won fewer votes in their last election than did the senators who voted against that justiceā€™s confirmation......

Donald Trump won just under 46 percent of the popular vote and 2.8 million fewer votes than Hillary Clinton. And Judge Gorsuch was confirmed by a vote of 54-45. According to Kevin McMahon of Trinity College, who wrote all this up this year in his paper ā€œWill the Supreme Court Still ā€˜Seldom Stray Very Farā€™?: Regime Politics in a Polarized America,ā€ the 54 senators who voted to elevate Judge Gorsuch had received around 54 million votes, and the 45 senators who opposed him got more than 73 million. Thatā€™s 58 percent to 42 percent......

And it gets worse, Thomas and Alito were both confirmed by senators who got less votes than the opposition. That mean 4 out of 9 judges were appointed against the wishes of the majority.

The Supreme Court no longer represents the people.

Opinion | The Supreme Courtā€™s Legitimacy Crisis
The court no longer is just. Lady liberty is crushed and repukes are glowing in the rejection of truth.

Hey Tax Man, you got more 'funny faces' then I've ever seen. Apparently your post was a funny joke.
The supreme Court no longer represents the will of the poeple.

Test your Supreme Court knowledge: In the entire history of the court, exactly one justice has been

a) nominated by a president who didnā€™t win the popular vote and

b) confirmed by a majority of senators who collectively won fewer votes in their last election than did the senators who voted against that justiceā€™s confirmation......

Donald Trump won just under 46 percent of the popular vote and 2.8 million fewer votes than Hillary Clinton. And Judge Gorsuch was confirmed by a vote of 54-45. According to Kevin McMahon of Trinity College, who wrote all this up this year in his paper ā€œWill the Supreme Court Still ā€˜Seldom Stray Very Farā€™?: Regime Politics in a Polarized America,ā€ the 54 senators who voted to elevate Judge Gorsuch had received around 54 million votes, and the 45 senators who opposed him got more than 73 million. Thatā€™s 58 percent to 42 percent......

And it gets worse, Thomas and Alito were both confirmed by senators who got less votes than the opposition. That mean 4 out of 9 judges were appointed against the wishes of the majority.

The Supreme Court no longer represents the people.

Opinion | The Supreme Courtā€™s Legitimacy Crisis
Welcome to the last 60 years of hell for more than half the nation.

Take your fucking medicine and LIKE IT!!!

The supreme Court no longer represents the will of the poeple.

Test your Supreme Court knowledge: In the entire history of the court, exactly one justice has been

a) nominated by a president who didnā€™t win the popular vote and

b) confirmed by a majority of senators who collectively won fewer votes in their last election than did the senators who voted against that justiceā€™s confirmation......

Donald Trump won just under 46 percent of the popular vote and 2.8 million fewer votes than Hillary Clinton. And Judge Gorsuch was confirmed by a vote of 54-45. According to Kevin McMahon of Trinity College, who wrote all this up this year in his paper ā€œWill the Supreme Court Still ā€˜Seldom Stray Very Farā€™?: Regime Politics in a Polarized America,ā€ the 54 senators who voted to elevate Judge Gorsuch had received around 54 million votes, and the 45 senators who opposed him got more than 73 million. Thatā€™s 58 percent to 42 percent......

And it gets worse, Thomas and Alito were both confirmed by senators who got less votes than the opposition. That mean 4 out of 9 judges were appointed against the wishes of the majority.

The Supreme Court no longer represents the people.

Opinion | The Supreme Courtā€™s Legitimacy Crisis
A few years ago you are right it was too leftist, now it's coming back to the will of the people.

Frankly I'm not sure just how conservative Trump's SCOTUS appointees are. I consider anyone living in DC to be liberal in the first place.
The democrat Party rejects all our fundamental values and principles. They need their own country, one that does not share a border with the USA
The democrat Party rejects all our fundamental values and principles. They need their own country, one that does not share a border with the USA

I do like that idea of shipping the rotters off shore. My friend said we should build walls around liberal centers. Not to keep people out but to keep them in. We could have a big beautiful door through through which people who are certified to be free of Neo-Marxist propaganda can once again join normal society. In the meantime, seal them off from normal, productive society.
The supreme Court no longer represents the will of the poeple.

Test your Supreme Court knowledge: In the entire history of the court, exactly one justice has been

a) nominated by a president who didnā€™t win the popular vote and

b) confirmed by a majority of senators who collectively won fewer votes in their last election than did the senators who voted against that justiceā€™s confirmation......

Donald Trump won just under 46 percent of the popular vote and 2.8 million fewer votes than Hillary Clinton. And Judge Gorsuch was confirmed by a vote of 54-45. According to Kevin McMahon of Trinity College, who wrote all this up this year in his paper ā€œWill the Supreme Court Still ā€˜Seldom Stray Very Farā€™?: Regime Politics in a Polarized America,ā€ the 54 senators who voted to elevate Judge Gorsuch had received around 54 million votes, and the 45 senators who opposed him got more than 73 million. Thatā€™s 58 percent to 42 percent......

And it gets worse, Thomas and Alito were both confirmed by senators who got less votes than the opposition. That mean 4 out of 9 judges were appointed against the wishes of the majority.

The Supreme Court no longer represents the people.

Opinion | The Supreme Courtā€™s Legitimacy Crisis
Courts are not SUPPOSED to represent the people, they are to uphold the LAW.
The supreme Court no longer represents the will of the poeple.

Test your Supreme Court knowledge: In the entire history of the court, exactly one justice has been

a) nominated by a president who didnā€™t win the popular vote and

b) confirmed by a majority of senators who collectively won fewer votes in their last election than did the senators who voted against that justiceā€™s confirmation......

Donald Trump won just under 46 percent of the popular vote and 2.8 million fewer votes than Hillary Clinton. And Judge Gorsuch was confirmed by a vote of 54-45. According to Kevin McMahon of Trinity College, who wrote all this up this year in his paper ā€œWill the Supreme Court Still ā€˜Seldom Stray Very Farā€™?: Regime Politics in a Polarized America,ā€ the 54 senators who voted to elevate Judge Gorsuch had received around 54 million votes, and the 45 senators who opposed him got more than 73 million. Thatā€™s 58 percent to 42 percent......

And it gets worse, Thomas and Alito were both confirmed by senators who got less votes than the opposition. That mean 4 out of 9 judges were appointed against the wishes of the majority.

The Supreme Court no longer represents the people.

Opinion | The Supreme Courtā€™s Legitimacy Crisis
A few years ago you are right it was too leftist, now it's coming back to the will of the people.

Frankly I'm not sure just how conservative Trump's SCOTUS appointees are. I consider anyone living in DC to be liberal in the first place.
Yes I agree we've been stabbed in the back a few times Obamacare and the ruling on Heller
The supreme Court no longer represents the will of the poeple.

Test your Supreme Court knowledge: In the entire history of the court, exactly one justice has been

a) nominated by a president who didnā€™t win the popular vote and

b) confirmed by a majority of senators who collectively won fewer votes in their last election than did the senators who voted against that justiceā€™s confirmation......

Donald Trump won just under 46 percent of the popular vote and 2.8 million fewer votes than Hillary Clinton. And Judge Gorsuch was confirmed by a vote of 54-45. According to Kevin McMahon of Trinity College, who wrote all this up this year in his paper ā€œWill the Supreme Court Still ā€˜Seldom Stray Very Farā€™?: Regime Politics in a Polarized America,ā€ the 54 senators who voted to elevate Judge Gorsuch had received around 54 million votes, and the 45 senators who opposed him got more than 73 million. Thatā€™s 58 percent to 42 percent......

And it gets worse, Thomas and Alito were both confirmed by senators who got less votes than the opposition. That mean 4 out of 9 judges were appointed against the wishes of the majority.

The Supreme Court no longer represents the people.

Opinion | The Supreme Courtā€™s Legitimacy Crisis
Courts are not SUPPOSED to represent the people, they are to uphold the LAW.
This too is true to a point, but past courts and leftist run lower courts have bastardized what constitutes a right. and restricted other almost to nonexistence Gun control the patriot act same-sex marriage treaties that handicap American industry. Some laws are corrupt and the courts allowed them to happen.
Courts aren't supposed to represent the will of the people?

What country are you from?

The Courts are supposed to represent the Rike of Law, as written. They are not intended to interpret the Law, just enforce it; except when the legitimacy of the Law itself is on trial. In that case they are to interpret the Lsw against the Founding Documebts of the city or state or the US Constitution in the case of Federal Law.

It was the original intent and understanding of the Founding Generation that the courts would interpret the Constitution and determine its meaning, ultimately the Supreme Court:

This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding.

Article VI, Section 2 ā€“ US Constitution

The Constitution therefore exists solely in the context of its case law, as determined by the Supreme Court.

The rule of law means that the courts follow established precedent.

Sadly, there now exists a conservative Supreme Court majority willing to follow political dogma rather than the rule of law and established precedent.
And yet you have ABSOLUTELY no facts or evidence to support this claim.
Bart O'Kavanaugh's own words aren't good enough for you?
Look at it this way. You'll be fucking DEAD by the time the Court goes back to being commie. It's over. You may as well just leave. The days of this bullshit:


are fucking OVER!!

Enough of the bullshit. We need 100 more years of constitutionalists who believe in the amendment process, not the dumb fuck "living document" cocksucking pile of commie nonsense.

Although Blues Legend shows a majority for Trump, even if he hadn't, the Electoral College is a body of Constitutional Supporters who rule based on giving states with small populations a real voice in government to prevent the big boys and girls from ignoring their contributions to the nation for which they were rewarded into the future for joining forces with the United States.

The influences were basically good, depending on whether you think women's emancipation is good or bad in the case of one of the states who signed on and were promised 2 things: (1) The women of Wyoming were given equal votes the same as men. This was due to the harsh conditions of the state nicknamed "The Equality State:" weather is so harsh that going outside from October to May can be quite fatal to ranchers even outfitted with the best cold-weather clothing known to nineteenth-century America. Indeed, in many places in the 7th-largest state in the Union, ranches that served the nation by providing it with beef were manned by only a rancher and his wife, and saving a herd of two or three thousand cattle that had to be driven by trail bosses to railroads from Cheyenne. The pie was sweetened when the historic oil gusher drillers found extremely large quantities of oil in the Salt Creek Field close to Casper, Wyoming, discovered in 1889. Wyoming became a state the following year, 1890. It was guaranteed 3 votes (2 senate, 1 House of Representatives) and it was granted the vote for women due to their amazing contribution to keeping businesses and homes prosperous and full of children by lives of dedicated work to family and community. And it caught on. 30 years later, all the women in the United States could vote. Needless to mention, the Naval Oil Reserve in Midwest, WY, served the military needs of the US For 100 years before it returned to private ownership in 2015.

Think of how much the smallest state population-wise contributed to America's success just by furnishing the military with all it had for 100 years while America was still interested in all nations enjoying Bill of Rights guarantees in countries that signed on to freedom from fear of violation of the citizens human rights. Those guarantees given by states-rights minded welcomers of newcomer states into being full US citizenship who decided on these protections in exchange for joining the USA with official statehood are all good.

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