A court that doesn't represent the poeple

The supreme Court no longer represents the will of the poeple.

Test your Supreme Court knowledge: In the entire history of the court, exactly one justice has been

a) nominated by a president who didnā€™t win the popular vote and

b) confirmed by a majority of senators who collectively won fewer votes in their last election than did the senators who voted against that justiceā€™s confirmation......

Donald Trump won just under 46 percent of the popular vote and 2.8 million fewer votes than Hillary Clinton. And Judge Gorsuch was confirmed by a vote of 54-45. According to Kevin McMahon of Trinity College, who wrote all this up this year in his paper ā€œWill the Supreme Court Still ā€˜Seldom Stray Very Farā€™?: Regime Politics in a Polarized America,ā€ the 54 senators who voted to elevate Judge Gorsuch had received around 54 million votes, and the 45 senators who opposed him got more than 73 million. Thatā€™s 58 percent to 42 percent......

And it gets worse, Thomas and Alito were both confirmed by senators who got less votes than the opposition. That mean 4 out of 9 judges were appointed against the wishes of the majority.

The Supreme Court no longer represents the people.

Opinion | The Supreme Courtā€™s Legitimacy Crisis
It never did. It is not supposed to.it represents the constitution. It is not elected.
Actually, the judiciary represents indirect democracy and consequently the will of the people, including the Supreme Court.

The people of the states determine their Electors, who then elect the president, who in turn makes judicial appointments to the Federal courts.

The Senate confirms those appointments, senators elected by the people.

The judicial process begins with the political process, reflecting the will of the people.

And if the people object to the judicial appointments made by a president, or oppose a senatorā€™s vote to confirm a judicial nominee, the voters are at liberty to remove from office that president or senator ā€“ again, reflecting the will of the people.

It was the original intent and understanding of the Founding Generation that the courts would interpret the Constitution and determine its meaning, ultimately the Supreme Court:

This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding.

Article VI, Section 2 ā€“ US Constitution

The Constitution therefore exists solely in the context of its case law, as determined by the Supreme Court.

The rule of law means that the courts follow established precedent.

Sadly, there now exists a conservative Supreme Court majority willing to follow political dogma rather than the rule of law and established precedent.

Wrong the original intent was to APPLY the Constitution, not make it say what a Justice thought it should say. It says judges of every state, not the Supreme Court. The Constitution does not exist solely in the context of case law. Justices can interpret ( which is wrong) or miss apply the Constitution. This allows them to revisit it at a later date. The Constitution exists on its own, which is what allows it to overturn laws, regardless of their precedent of existing prior to the Court's review.
The supreme Court no longer represents the will of the poeple.

Test your Supreme Court knowledge: In the entire history of the court, exactly one justice has been

a) nominated by a president who didnā€™t win the popular vote and

b) confirmed by a majority of senators who collectively won fewer votes in their last election than did the senators who voted against that justiceā€™s confirmation......

Donald Trump won just under 46 percent of the popular vote and 2.8 million fewer votes than Hillary Clinton. And Judge Gorsuch was confirmed by a vote of 54-45. According to Kevin McMahon of Trinity College, who wrote all this up this year in his paper ā€œWill the Supreme Court Still ā€˜Seldom Stray Very Farā€™?: Regime Politics in a Polarized America,ā€ the 54 senators who voted to elevate Judge Gorsuch had received around 54 million votes, and the 45 senators who opposed him got more than 73 million. Thatā€™s 58 percent to 42 percent......

And it gets worse, Thomas and Alito were both confirmed by senators who got less votes than the opposition. That mean 4 out of 9 judges were appointed against the wishes of the majority.

The Supreme Court no longer represents the people.

Opinion | The Supreme Courtā€™s Legitimacy Crisis
It never did. It is not supposed to.it represents the constitution. It is not elected.

Every so often.....you surprise me.
The thought of a court representing the will of the people and not the rule of law is frightening.
Whatā€™s frightening is a Supreme Court that represents neither, which is the Court we currently have.
Taken completely out of context and am not convinced is even an accurate quote to begin with. Not to speak of the lack of relevance it has to the topic.

Hmm, maybe you should do a little research before saying something stupid.
Whatā€™s frightening is a Supreme Court that represents neither, which is the Court we currently have.

You make it sound like there is no rule of law. In reality, you just can't handle that liberal dogma is being challenged by this court. That doesn't make it wrong. We are attempting to protect a class of person you are unwilling to protect.
The supreme Court no longer represents the will of the poeple.

Test your Supreme Court knowledge: In the entire history of the court, exactly one justice has been

a) nominated by a president who didnā€™t win the popular vote and

b) confirmed by a majority of senators who collectively won fewer votes in their last election than did the senators who voted against that justiceā€™s confirmation......

Donald Trump won just under 46 percent of the popular vote and 2.8 million fewer votes than Hillary Clinton. And Judge Gorsuch was confirmed by a vote of 54-45. According to Kevin McMahon of Trinity College, who wrote all this up this year in his paper ā€œWill the Supreme Court Still ā€˜Seldom Stray Very Farā€™?: Regime Politics in a Polarized America,ā€ the 54 senators who voted to elevate Judge Gorsuch had received around 54 million votes, and the 45 senators who opposed him got more than 73 million. Thatā€™s 58 percent to 42 percent......

And it gets worse, Thomas and Alito were both confirmed by senators who got less votes than the opposition. That mean 4 out of 9 judges were appointed against the wishes of the majority.

The Supreme Court no longer represents the people.

Opinion | The Supreme Courtā€™s Legitimacy Crisis
I hate to break this to you, but the Supreme Court's responsibility isn't to the people, but to the U.S. Constitution and whether any case brought before it, is a violation of that Constitution, or not.
The supreme Court no longer represents the will of the poeple.

Test your Supreme Court knowledge: In the entire history of the court, exactly one justice has been

a) nominated by a president who didnā€™t win the popular vote and

b) confirmed by a majority of senators who collectively won fewer votes in their last election than did the senators who voted against that justiceā€™s confirmation......

Donald Trump won just under 46 percent of the popular vote and 2.8 million fewer votes than Hillary Clinton. And Judge Gorsuch was confirmed by a vote of 54-45. According to Kevin McMahon of Trinity College, who wrote all this up this year in his paper ā€œWill the Supreme Court Still ā€˜Seldom Stray Very Farā€™?: Regime Politics in a Polarized America,ā€ the 54 senators who voted to elevate Judge Gorsuch had received around 54 million votes, and the 45 senators who opposed him got more than 73 million. Thatā€™s 58 percent to 42 percent......

And it gets worse, Thomas and Alito were both confirmed by senators who got less votes than the opposition. That mean 4 out of 9 judges were appointed against the wishes of the majority.

The Supreme Court no longer represents the people.

Opinion | The Supreme Courtā€™s Legitimacy Crisis
It never did. It is not supposed to.it represents the constitution. It is not elected.

Every so often.....you surprise me.
The thought of a court representing the will of the people and not the rule of law is frightening.
Whatā€™s frightening is a Supreme Court that represents neither, which is the Court we currently have.
Again making statements with ABSOLUTELY no evidence to support the claim. What has happened is Liberals have weaponized the Court and attacked basic laws.
The supreme Court no longer represents the will of the poeple.

Test your Supreme Court knowledge: In the entire history of the court, exactly one justice has been

a) nominated by a president who didnā€™t win the popular vote and

b) confirmed by a majority of senators who collectively won fewer votes in their last election than did the senators who voted against that justiceā€™s confirmation......

Donald Trump won just under 46 percent of the popular vote and 2.8 million fewer votes than Hillary Clinton. And Judge Gorsuch was confirmed by a vote of 54-45. According to Kevin McMahon of Trinity College, who wrote all this up this year in his paper ā€œWill the Supreme Court Still ā€˜Seldom Stray Very Farā€™?: Regime Politics in a Polarized America,ā€ the 54 senators who voted to elevate Judge Gorsuch had received around 54 million votes, and the 45 senators who opposed him got more than 73 million. Thatā€™s 58 percent to 42 percent......

And it gets worse, Thomas and Alito were both confirmed by senators who got less votes than the opposition. That mean 4 out of 9 judges were appointed against the wishes of the majority.

The Supreme Court no longer represents the people.

Opinion | The Supreme Courtā€™s Legitimacy Crisis
It never did. It is not supposed to.it represents the constitution. It is not elected.
Actually, the judiciary represents indirect democracy and consequently the will of the people, including the Supreme Court.

The people of the states determine their Electors, who then elect the president, who in turn makes judicial appointments to the Federal courts.

The Senate confirms those appointments, senators elected by the people.

The judicial process begins with the political process, reflecting the will of the people.

And if the people object to the judicial appointments made by a president, or oppose a senatorā€™s vote to confirm a judicial nominee, the voters are at liberty to remove from office that president or senator ā€“ again, reflecting the will of the people.

Except you can hold a majority in the senate without the collective vote totals being in your favor.

Just like you can win the electoral college with a little more than 25% of the popular vote.
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The supreme Court no longer represents the will of the poeple.

Test your Supreme Court knowledge: In the entire history of the court, exactly one justice has been

a) nominated by a president who didnā€™t win the popular vote and

b) confirmed by a majority of senators who collectively won fewer votes in their last election than did the senators who voted against that justiceā€™s confirmation......

Donald Trump won just under 46 percent of the popular vote and 2.8 million fewer votes than Hillary Clinton. And Judge Gorsuch was confirmed by a vote of 54-45. According to Kevin McMahon of Trinity College, who wrote all this up this year in his paper ā€œWill the Supreme Court Still ā€˜Seldom Stray Very Farā€™?: Regime Politics in a Polarized America,ā€ the 54 senators who voted to elevate Judge Gorsuch had received around 54 million votes, and the 45 senators who opposed him got more than 73 million. Thatā€™s 58 percent to 42 percent......

And it gets worse, Thomas and Alito were both confirmed by senators who got less votes than the opposition. That mean 4 out of 9 judges were appointed against the wishes of the majority.

The Supreme Court no longer represents the people.

Opinion | The Supreme Courtā€™s Legitimacy Crisis
It never did. It is not supposed to.it represents the constitution. It is not elected.
Actually, the judiciary represents indirect democracy and consequently the will of the people, including the Supreme Court.

The people of the states determine their Electors, who then elect the president, who in turn makes judicial appointments to the Federal courts.

The Senate confirms those appointments, senators elected by the people.

The judicial process begins with the political process, reflecting the will of the people.

And if the people object to the judicial appointments made by a president, or oppose a senatorā€™s vote to confirm a judicial nominee, the voters are at liberty to remove from office that president or senator ā€“ again, reflecting the will of the people.

Except you can hold a majority in the senate without the collective vote totals being in your favor.

Just like you can win the electoral college with a little more than 25% of the popular vote.
Which the Founding Fathers KNEW.
The supreme Court no longer represents the will of the poeple.

Test your Supreme Court knowledge: In the entire history of the court, exactly one justice has been

a) nominated by a president who didnā€™t win the popular vote and

b) confirmed by a majority of senators who collectively won fewer votes in their last election than did the senators who voted against that justiceā€™s confirmation......

Donald Trump won just under 46 percent of the popular vote and 2.8 million fewer votes than Hillary Clinton. And Judge Gorsuch was confirmed by a vote of 54-45. According to Kevin McMahon of Trinity College, who wrote all this up this year in his paper ā€œWill the Supreme Court Still ā€˜Seldom Stray Very Farā€™?: Regime Politics in a Polarized America,ā€ the 54 senators who voted to elevate Judge Gorsuch had received around 54 million votes, and the 45 senators who opposed him got more than 73 million. Thatā€™s 58 percent to 42 percent......

And it gets worse, Thomas and Alito were both confirmed by senators who got less votes than the opposition. That mean 4 out of 9 judges were appointed against the wishes of the majority.

The Supreme Court no longer represents the people.

Opinion | The Supreme Courtā€™s Legitimacy Crisis
It never did. It is not supposed to.it represents the constitution. It is not elected.
Actually, the judiciary represents indirect democracy and consequently the will of the people, including the Supreme Court.

The people of the states determine their Electors, who then elect the president, who in turn makes judicial appointments to the Federal courts.

The Senate confirms those appointments, senators elected by the people.

The judicial process begins with the political process, reflecting the will of the people.

And if the people object to the judicial appointments made by a president, or oppose a senatorā€™s vote to confirm a judicial nominee, the voters are at liberty to remove from office that president or senator ā€“ again, reflecting the will of the people.

Except you can hold a majority in the senate without the collective vote totals being in your favor.

Just like you can win the electoral college with a little more than 25% of the popular vote.
Which the Founding Fathers KNEW.

Yes they did.

They never envisioned the kind of leviathan we have for a federal government. They expected the states to do the heavy lifting.
The supreme Court no longer represents the will of the poeple.

And it gets worse, Thomas and Alito were both confirmed by senators who got less votes than the opposition. That mean 4 out of 9 judges were appointed against the wishes of the majority.

The Supreme Court no longer represents the people.

Opinion | The Supreme Courtā€™s Legitimacy Crisis
It never did. It is not supposed to.it represents the constitution. It is not elected.

Every so often.....you surprise me.
The thought of a court representing the will of the people and not the rule of law is frightening.
Whatā€™s frightening is a Supreme Court that represents neither, which is the Court we currently have.
Again making statements with ABSOLUTELY no evidence to support the claim. What has happened is Liberals have weaponized the Court and attacked basic laws.

I would say that is on your end as well. Citizen United, gutting voting rights....
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Dimms misuse SCOTUS, itā€™s no wonder their followers donā€™t know what the court is for.
Courts aren't supposed to represent the will of the people?

What country are you from?

The Courts are supposed to represent the Rike of Law, as written. They are not intended to interpret the Law, just enforce it; except when the legitimacy of the Law itself is on trial. In that case they are to interpret the Lsw against the Founding Documebts of the city or state or the US Constitution in the case of Federal Law.

It was the original intent and understanding of the Founding Generation that the courts would interpret the Constitution and determine its meaning, ultimately the Supreme Court:

This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding.

Article VI, Section 2 ā€“ US Constitution

The Constitution therefore exists solely in the context of its case law, as determined by the Supreme Court.

The rule of law means that the courts follow established precedent.

Sadly, there now exists a conservative Supreme Court majority willing to follow political dogma rather than the rule of law and established precedent.
And yet you have ABSOLUTELY no facts or evidence to support this claim.
Bart O'Kavanaugh's own words aren't good enough for you?
Courts aren't supposed to represent the will of the people?

What country are you from?

The Courts are supposed to represent the Rike of Law, as written. They are not intended to interpret the Law, just enforce it; except when the legitimacy of the Law itself is on trial. In that case they are to interpret the Lsw against the Founding Documebts of the city or state or the US Constitution in the case of Federal Law.

It was the original intent and understanding of the Founding Generation that the courts would interpret the Constitution and determine its meaning, ultimately the Supreme Court:

This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding.

Article VI, Section 2 ā€“ US Constitution

The Constitution therefore exists solely in the context of its case law, as determined by the Supreme Court.

The rule of law means that the courts follow established precedent.

Sadly, there now exists a conservative Supreme Court majority willing to follow political dogma rather than the rule of law and established precedent.
And yet you have ABSOLUTELY no facts or evidence to support this claim.

C Clayton invariably makes it up as he goes.

Guys like him believe the court should be making laws....that's the way progressives think....not the way the founders meant it to be. Duh
See what I'm saying? What a stupid argument by this conservative. Losing the popular vote is being elected by the people in a landslide?
Losing the popular vote (including illegal aliens), is being elected by the AMERICAN people in a landslide
The supreme Court no longer represents the will of the poeple.

Test your Supreme Court knowledge: In the entire history of the court, exactly one justice has been

a) nominated by a president who didnā€™t win the popular vote and

b) confirmed by a majority of senators who collectively won fewer votes in their last election than did the senators who voted against that justiceā€™s confirmation......

Donald Trump won just under 46 percent of the popular vote and 2.8 million fewer votes than Hillary Clinton. And Judge Gorsuch was confirmed by a vote of 54-45. According to Kevin McMahon of Trinity College, who wrote all this up this year in his paper ā€œWill the Supreme Court Still ā€˜Seldom Stray Very Farā€™?: Regime Politics in a Polarized America,ā€ the 54 senators who voted to elevate Judge Gorsuch had received around 54 million votes, and the 45 senators who opposed him got more than 73 million. Thatā€™s 58 percent to 42 percent......

And it gets worse, Thomas and Alito were both confirmed by senators who got less votes than the opposition. That mean 4 out of 9 judges were appointed against the wishes of the majority.

The Supreme Court no longer represents the people.

Opinion | The Supreme Courtā€™s Legitimacy Crisis
The court no longer is just. Lady liberty is crushed and repukes are glowing in the rejection of truth.
Looks like the Court disagrees with you..

Sucks to be you.
The supreme Court no longer represents the will of the poeple.

Test your Supreme Court knowledge: In the entire history of the court, exactly one justice has been

a) nominated by a president who didnā€™t win the popular vote and

b) confirmed by a majority of senators who collectively won fewer votes in their last election than did the senators who voted against that justiceā€™s confirmation......

Donald Trump won just under 46 percent of the popular vote and 2.8 million fewer votes than Hillary Clinton. And Judge Gorsuch was confirmed by a vote of 54-45. According to Kevin McMahon of Trinity College, who wrote all this up this year in his paper ā€œWill the Supreme Court Still ā€˜Seldom Stray Very Farā€™?: Regime Politics in a Polarized America,ā€ the 54 senators who voted to elevate Judge Gorsuch had received around 54 million votes, and the 45 senators who opposed him got more than 73 million. Thatā€™s 58 percent to 42 percent......

And it gets worse, Thomas and Alito were both confirmed by senators who got less votes than the opposition. That mean 4 out of 9 judges were appointed against the wishes of the majority.

The Supreme Court no longer represents the people.

Opinion | The Supreme Courtā€™s Legitimacy Crisis

Should the court represent ā€œthe will of the peopleā€ or constitutional rights codified by law?

The OP thinks that mobs should run the show.

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