A Covid Primer for Trump Voters

FYI, the 1957-1958 Asian Flu pandemic killed 116,000 Americans, which would be 216,000 today. 116,000 was 0.066% of the U.S. population. Our population was 175 million at the time. Our current population is 328.2 million. 0.066% of 328.2 million would be 216,000 deaths
We know the full extent of the economic and mortality effects from the Asian Flu pandemic you mentioned, but we have no idea how those numbers will turn out for Covid-19. It seems more likely Covid number will more closely resemble the numbers from 1918-19 than 1957-58.

'Mask Slackers' and 'Deadly' Spit: The 1918 Flu Campaigns to Shame People Into Following New Rules
don’t believe in prisons. I believe in Lifetime Labor Camps for misdemeanor offenders and. Execution for all Felonies. Both are quite cost effective.
Do you see any Constitutional problems with Lifetime Labor Camps; would such institutions be run for profit? If so, for whom?

Execution for all felonies might violate cruel and unusual, no?
TDS DOES damage your brain and produce dementia.

Just sayin'.
Try prayin'

"The news: President Donald Trump has started receiving the steroid drug dexamethasone, which is usually reserved for patients with severe cases of covid-19. A study in June found that it significantly cut the chances that seriously ill patients died from the coronavirus. The World Health Organization recommends it only for patients with 'severe and critical covid-19.'"

Trump is being given a steroid that is usually used for severe cases of covid-19

Thank you for your concern, I, along with millions is not billions of people, have been praying for Trump to succeed for years.
Do you see any Constitutional problems with Lifetime Labor Camps; would such institutions be run for profit? If so, for whom?

Execution for all felonies might violate cruel and unusual, no?

The US Constitution lost its value in 1861 when Kincoln used it for toilet paper. I believe this nation needs a new foundational document and government.
How many of the innocent victims of abortion chose to be aborted? How many even made bad choices, for which death was a likely consequence?

"It is uncertain when human life begins; that’s a religious question that cannot be answered by science."

"It is uncertain when human life begins."

There's still no logical correlation between victims of the MAGA virus and abortion.
How many people have died because of his incompetence to deal with a disease he publicly downplayed and ridiculed for months before becoming a victim himself?

Trump is unique among recent presidents for his unwillingness to share his financial and medical records. That would not matter in the least if he hadn't changed political parties and found enough ignorant fools to put him in the White House. But he did. Therefore, his medical and financial liabilities have the potential to impact his already low levels of performance and represent a threat to this country.

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The US Constitution lost its value in 1861 when Kincoln used it for toilet paper. I believe this nation needs a new foundational document and government.
Second Constitutional Convention of the United States - Wikipedia.

"The calling of a Second Constitutional Convention of the United States is a proposal made by some scholars and activists[1] from across the political spectrum[2] for the purpose of making substantive reforms to the United States Federal government by rewriting its Constitution." :eek:
Medical treatment and status is one of those things that, in this country with which, we are recognized as having a very strict right to privacy
Trump is unique among recent presidents for his unwillingness to share his financial and medical records. That would not matter in the least if he hadn't changed political parties and found enough ignorant fools to put him in the White House. But he did. Therefore, his medical and financial liabilities have the potential to impact his already low levels of performance and represent a threat to this country.
Gov Cuomo and Mayor DeBlasio criticized their constituents for being "racist" early in the epidemic while the President was declaring an immigration embargo on travel with China. Cuomo is the only governor in the Country that issued an executive order forcing nursing homes to accept infected patients. How the hell did the left manage to turn the argument around and blame Trump for Covid deaths?
Gov Cuomo and Mayor DeBlasio criticized their constituents for being "racist" early in the epidemic while the President was declaring an immigration embargo on travel with China. Cuomo is the only governor in the Country that issued an executive order forcing nursing homes to accept infected patients. How the hell did the left manage to turn the argument around and blame Trump for Covid deaths?

I am very far leftist, progressive, liberal, and although I do not like Trump, I think he got covid-19 correct.
We should never have social distanced, flattened the curve, or worn masks, (except around the elderly).

What we should have done instead, in March, was to accelerate herd immunity by asking for young volunteers.
We might have lost 50,000 of the 30 million volunteers, but then it would have been totally over, forever, (or at least until there is a new generation without immunity).
Gov Cuomo and Mayor DeBlasio criticized their constituents for being "racist" early in the epidemic while the President was declaring an immigration embargo on travel with China. Cuomo is the only governor in the Country that issued an executive order forcing nursing homes to accept infected patients. How the hell did the left manage to turn the argument around and blame Trump for Covid deaths?
Because Trump is POTUS, and Cuomo and de Blassio are not.
Regardless of mistakes made by partisan Democrats ten months ago, Trump has failed miserably to protect 200,000 Americans (and counting) from the ravages of a disease he knew was dangerous when Democrats were still playing politics. If you would never support Cuomo or de Blassio for POTUS why would you ever support an ignorant moron like Trump?
What we should have done instead, in March, was to accelerate herd immunity by asking for young volunteers.
We might have lost 50,000 of the 30 million volunteers, but then it would have been totally over, forever, (or at least until there is a new generation without immunity).
As I understand herd immunity, it may not apply to Covid-19.
There have been confirmed cases of reinfection with this disease.
Several have been reinfected with Covid-19. Here’s what that means

How did you arrive at 50,000 deaths among the young volunteers? How would you convince millions of them to risk their lives?
Without masks and social distancing you risk crashing the public health care capacity

Flattening the coronavirus curve: It's happening, but it's not over yet
Gov Cuomo and Mayor DeBlasio criticized their constituents for being "racist" early in the epidemic while the President was declaring an immigration embargo on travel with China. Cuomo is the only governor in the Country that issued an executive order forcing nursing homes to accept infected patients. How the hell did the left manage to turn the argument around and blame Trump for Covid deaths?
Because Trump is POTUS, and Cuomo and de Blassio are not.
Regardless of mistakes made by partisan Democrats ten months ago, Trump has failed miserably to protect 200,000 Americans (and counting) from the ravages of a disease he knew was dangerous when Democrats were still playing politics. If you would never support Cuomo or de Blassio for POTUS why would you ever support an ignorant moron like Trump?

Except that Trump was the only one who did try to protect anyone from covid-19.
I do not support Trump in any way, but the facts are that he was right on covid-19, that we should not rely on social distancing, and instead should be trying to accelerate herd immunity as fast as possible.

While Trump is not an expert, it does not require an expert to know that absolutely all entrenched epidemics in history have only been ended by herd immunity. Social distancing has never ended any epidemic, and never can.

If you want the details as to how all the "experts" got it wrong, that is easy to see.
Since only the very sick were getting tested and counted, we skewed the statistics to make it look like covid-19 was over 10 times as lethal as it really was. And once we tested more, we learned that 90% of those infected were asymptomatic, which meant inherently immune. That meant that instead of 65% of the population needing to get infected in order to reach herd immunity, then all was needed was a small fraction of that, since so many were already inherently immune.

But now that you know, what you should be asking is WHY have we not gone back to herd immunity and gotten this over with? And all I can come up with is that the profits from testing and a vaccine are just too seductive?
That is no other reason I can come up with.
Only by permission of the ruling elite, the people whose asses you passionately kiss.
You haven't noticed how Trump was born into the ruling elites in this country? I suspect not since conservatives are so desperate for material success they imagine billionaires deserve their fortunes.
You serve your Communist Chinese masters well, and you will be rewarded.

LOL! Just kidding. Traitors are always the first against the wall after the revolution.

You will not be given a plush corner office and a seat on the Politburo like you believe, George. You will be just another piece of meat in a landfill.
Normal people call that the Chinese virus. I understand your unwillingness to cross your masters.
If Trump had been hospitalized from Covid-19 on March 1st instead of nine months later, would fewer Americans have died from his incompetence?

Trump projects incompetence in addressing COVID-19: Darcy cartoon
If the Chinese hadn't loosed the virus on the world, we wouldn't be having this conversation.

Well, I'm having a conversation. You're having a pants-shitting incoherent meltdown.

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