A Covid Primer for Trump Voters

I’m not a big fan or supporter of public education, but so long as their parents were paying taxes while they attended I wouldn’t make a big deal out of it.
If we don't educate the children of those too poor to pay taxes, the cost to society could be far greater than any savings on public education.

America spends more on its prison system than it does on education
How does 4% of the world's population account for 20% of global cases and deaths?
View attachment 395753
Start here:

"SEPTEMBER 30, 2020
A COVID Primer for Your Trump-Loving Friends

"America’s first COVID death was on February 29 of this year, roughly 200 days ago. In that time, more than 200,000 Americans have died of the disease, the equivalent of 1,000 people a day.

"That’s how many people would have died if between February 29 and today three fully-loaded jumbo jets had crashed every single day, even on weekends, for 200 days.

"Now that we’ve passed this grim milestone and are still losing around 1,000 people a day, and Donald Trump acknowledged—bragged—to Bob Woodward last winter that he knew COVID is both deadly and airborne, many Trump-lovers are starting to look for factual information about the virus.

"With this handy list, you can help them out."

This is so idiotic, and so erroneous. We are not losing "about 1,000 people per day." Where in the world do you get stat?

And how do you explain the fact that the case death rate dropped dramatically starting 3 weeks after states began to open up? Gee, could it be that forcing tens of millions of people to be cooped up in their houses is a recipe for spreading--not containing--a virus?

FYI, the 1957-1958 Asian Flu pandemic killed 116,000 Americans, which would be 216,000 today. 116,000 was 0.066% of the U.S. population. Our population was 175 million at the time. Our current population is 328.2 million. 0.066% of 328.2 million would be 216,000 deaths. However, in response to the Asian Flu pandemic, we did not panic and did not impose extreme lockdown measures; as a result, we did not put tens of millions of people out of work, did not force thousands of businesses to close, did not close schools all over the country, and did not require people to wear masks. Why did we not panic back then? Why are we panicking now?
]If we don't educate the children of those too poor to pay taxes, the cost to society could be far greater than any savings on public education..

I don’t believe in prisons. I believe in Lifetime Labor Camps for misdemeanor offenders and. Execution for all Felonies. Both are quite cost effective.
Nobody killed by abortion ever chose it. That's just stupid
Not as stupid as dropping bombs on ambulatory children in the Middle East while pretending to care about the US unborn. The 200,000 victims of the MAGA virus have no logical connection with victims of abortion.
"MAGA virus".

Normal people call that the Chinese virus. I understand your unwillingness to cross your masters.
George dont tell me YOU of all people have bought into this hoax crisis cooked up by our corrupt government on covid and seriously dont think the CDC is inflating these numbers ruling practically every death like a gunshot wound to the head from a fatal car accident as a result from covid? not YOU of all people? :abgg2q.jpg:

this covid hoax is as phony as who was behind 9/11. 9/11 as you weill know,was carried out to take away our civil libertys and freedoms.the world has never been the same sense then, this corona hoax is the same thing,what little freedoms we still DID have after 9/11 are gone forever now thanks to this hoax. the elite have had this planned for DECADES so they can give us all a vaccine that they will tell us will save us all when in reality.it will slowly kill us all off as part of their depopulation plan they have had against us for DECADES now.

they are already happy as it is from this hoax getting what they want.people losing their jobs and livlihoods and because of that suicides are at an all time high,depressions are off the chart like never in our lifetimes, its not all a coincidence,YOU of all people should know this? :abgg2q.jpg:

surely i dont need to explain this to YOU of all people?:auiqs.jpg:

oh and sense WHEN does a president NOT lie? :abgg2q.jpg: you seriously think he was being honest about covid being deadly? COMEDY gold.:auiqs.jpg:

I will believe patriotic whstel blower doctors over what trump says.HEE HEE.
If Trump dies before election day and the official cause of death is listed as Covid-19, will you believe otherwise?

Virus of Mass Destruction

"It is the goal of every official narrative to generate this type of herd mentality, not in order to deceive or dupe the public, but, rather, to confuse and terrorize them to the point where they revert to their primal instincts, and are being driven purely by existential fear, and facts and truth no longer matter.

"Once an official narrative reaches this point, it is unassailable by facts and reason.

"It no longer needs facts to justify it.

"It justifies itself with its own existence.

"Reason cannot penetrate it.

"Arguing with its adherents is pointless.

"They know it is irrational.

"They simply do not care."
George dont tell me YOU of all people have bought into this hoax crisis cooked up by our corrupt government on covid and seriously dont think the CDC is inflating these numbers ruling practically every death like a gunshot wound to the head from a fatal car accident as a result from covid? not YOU of all people? :abgg2q.jpg:

this covid hoax is as phony as who was behind 9/11. 9/11 as you weill know,was carried out to take away our civil libertys and freedoms.the world has never been the same sense then, this corona hoax is the same thing,what little freedoms we still DID have after 9/11 are gone forever now thanks to this hoax. the elite have had this planned for DECADES so they can give us all a vaccine that they will tell us will save us all when in reality.it will slowly kill us all off as part of their depopulation plan they have had against us for DECADES now.

they are already happy as it is from this hoax getting what they want.people losing their jobs and livlihoods and because of that suicides are at an all time high,depressions are off the chart like never in our lifetimes, its not all a coincidence,YOU of all people should know this? :abgg2q.jpg:

surely i dont need to explain this to YOU of all people?:auiqs.jpg:

oh and sense WHEN does a president NOT lie? :abgg2q.jpg: you seriously think he was being honest about covid being deadly? COMEDY gold.:auiqs.jpg:

I will believe patriotic whstel blower doctors over what trump says.HEE HEE.
If Trump dies before election day and the official cause of death is listed as Covid-19, will you believe otherwise?

Virus of Mass Destruction

"It is the goal of every official narrative to generate this type of herd mentality, not in order to deceive or dupe the public, but, rather, to confuse and terrorize them to the point where they revert to their primal instincts, and are being driven purely by existential fear, and facts and truth no longer matter.

"Once an official narrative reaches this point, it is unassailable by facts and reason.

"It no longer needs facts to justify it.

"It justifies itself with its own existence.

"Reason cannot penetrate it.

"Arguing with its adherents is pointless.

"They know it is irrational.

"They simply do not care."
Trump is not going to die of this. Statistically? His chance of dying is next to zero. In his age group, with his co-morbity, there have only been 1,735 DEATHS IN THE ENTIRE NATION!

Table 3. Conditions contributing to deaths involving coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), by age group, United States. Week ending 2/1/2020 to 9/26/2020.*

But, the interlocking directorate makes sure you do not know this information. . . they keep it hidden, and even if you knew, would you change your attitude? Probably not. You are one of THEM. . . you live in fear, not fearlessness in the face of a totalitarian global police state.

If he dies? It will be an assassination from something else. He doesn't have a comorbidity dangerous enough for this to get him.

Otherwise, he had something else from the beginning.

The fact is, the deaths have been exaggerated, here is the evidence. We all know it. The CDC has admitted it. . . . but, as stated in the article;

"Arguing with its adherents is pointless.

"They know it is irrational."



  • Screenshot_2020-06-26 Guidance for Certifying COVID-19 Deaths - Alert-1-Guidance-for-Certifyin...png
    Screenshot_2020-06-26 Guidance for Certifying COVID-19 Deaths - Alert-1-Guidance-for-Certifyin...png
    27.2 KB · Views: 18
This pathetic Gaslighting is long past its sell by date.

Just sayin'.
"COVID Can Damage Your Brain and Even Produce Dementia
View attachment 397116
"About half of symptomatic COVID patients report 'headaches, confusion and delirium,' the New York Times reports, suggesting the virus is acting on the brain, according to new research published in the neurological journal Brain."

A COVID Primer for Your Trump-Loving Friends - CounterPunch.org

TDS DOES damage your brain and produce dementia.

Just sayin'.
How does 4% of the world's population account for 20% of global cases and deaths?
View attachment 395753
Start here:

"SEPTEMBER 30, 2020
A COVID Primer for Your Trump-Loving Friends

"America’s first COVID death was on February 29 of this year, roughly 200 days ago. In that time, more than 200,000 Americans have died of the disease, the equivalent of 1,000 people a day.

"That’s how many people would have died if between February 29 and today three fully-loaded jumbo jets had crashed every single day, even on weekends, for 200 days.

"Now that we’ve passed this grim milestone and are still losing around 1,000 people a day, and Donald Trump acknowledged—bragged—to Bob Woodward last winter that he knew COVID is both deadly and airborne, many Trump-lovers are starting to look for factual information about the virus.

"With this handy list, you can help them out."

This is so idiotic, and so erroneous. We are not losing "about 1,000 people per day." Where in the world do you get stat?

And how do you explain the fact that the case death rate dropped dramatically starting 3 weeks after states began to open up? Gee, could it be that forcing tens of millions of people to be cooped up in their houses is a recipe for spreading--not containing--a virus?

FYI, the 1957-1958 Asian Flu pandemic killed 116,000 Americans, which would be 216,000 today. 116,000 was 0.066% of the U.S. population. Our population was 175 million at the time. Our current population is 328.2 million. 0.066% of 328.2 million would be 216,000 deaths. However, in response to the Asian Flu pandemic, we did not panic and did not impose extreme lockdown measures; as a result, we did not put tens of millions of people out of work, did not force thousands of businesses to close, did not close schools all over the country, and did not require people to wear masks. Why did we not panic back then? Why are we panicking now?

you nailed it and checkmated him.the coward won’t accept defeat though as proven on this entire thread. He got that because he believes everything the idiot box in the living room tells him.comedy gold.lol

Dont bother with this troll,this is not the real George Phillips,he does not post here anymore,his account has been highjacked by some langley operative,I have took him to school the numbers are inflated and the flu virus has killed three times more people this year than Covid and has always been much more deadly,myself and others have owned him same as you just did and the coward shill keeps evading facts not addressing them constantly deflecting.

he ignores that many patriotic doctors have put their careers on the line exposing how practically every death from a gunshot wound to the head to a fatal car accident is being ruled by the hospitals as Covid related because they are getting thousands of pay offs for doing so,this shill obviously is not aware that humans succumb to greed.thst you flash some green in front of them,they can’t resist the money.lol
Last edited:
This pathetic Gaslighting is long past its sell by date.

Just sayin'.
"COVID Can Damage Your Brain and Even Produce Dementia
View attachment 397116
"About half of symptomatic COVID patients report 'headaches, confusion and delirium,' the New York Times reports, suggesting the virus is acting on the brain, according to new research published in the neurological journal Brain."

A COVID Primer for Your Trump-Loving Friends - CounterPunch.org

TDS DOES damage your brain and produce dementia.

Just sayin'.
Amen to that,gives standing ovation.
George dont tell me YOU of all people have bought into this hoax crisis cooked up by our corrupt government on covid and seriously dont think the CDC is inflating these numbers ruling practically every death like a gunshot wound to the head from a fatal car accident as a result from covid? not YOU of all people? :abgg2q.jpg:

this covid hoax is as phony as who was behind 9/11. 9/11 as you weill know,was carried out to take away our civil libertys and freedoms.the world has never been the same sense then, this corona hoax is the same thing,what little freedoms we still DID have after 9/11 are gone forever now thanks to this hoax. the elite have had this planned for DECADES so they can give us all a vaccine that they will tell us will save us all when in reality.it will slowly kill us all off as part of their depopulation plan they have had against us for DECADES now.

they are already happy as it is from this hoax getting what they want.people losing their jobs and livlihoods and because of that suicides are at an all time high,depressions are off the chart like never in our lifetimes, its not all a coincidence,YOU of all people should know this? :abgg2q.jpg:

surely i dont need to explain this to YOU of all people?:auiqs.jpg:

oh and sense WHEN does a president NOT lie? :abgg2q.jpg: you seriously think he was being honest about covid being deadly? COMEDY gold.:auiqs.jpg:

I will believe patriotic whstel blower doctors over what trump says.HEE HEE.
If Trump dies before election day and the official cause of death is listed as Covid-19, will you believe otherwise?

Virus of Mass Destruction

"It is the goal of every official narrative to generate this type of herd mentality, not in order to deceive or dupe the public, but, rather, to confuse and terrorize them to the point where they revert to their primal instincts, and are being driven purely by existential fear, and facts and truth no longer matter.

"Once an official narrative reaches this point, it is unassailable by facts and reason.

"It no longer needs facts to justify it.

"It justifies itself with its own existence.

"Reason cannot penetrate it.

"Arguing with its adherents is pointless.

"They know it is irrational.

"They simply do not care."
Trump is not going to die of this. Statistically? His chance of dying is next to zero. In his age group, with his co-morbity, there have only been 1,735 DEATHS IN THE ENTIRE NATION!

Table 3. Conditions contributing to deaths involving coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), by age group, United States. Week ending 2/1/2020 to 9/26/2020.*

But, the interlocking directorate makes sure you do not know this information. . . they keep it hidden, and even if you knew, would you change your attitude? Probably not. You are one of THEM. . . you live in fear, not fearlessness in the face of a totalitarian global police state.

If he dies? It will be an assassination from something else. He doesn't have a comorbidity dangerous enough for this to get him.

Otherwise, he had something else from the beginning.

The fact is, the deaths have been exaggerated, here is the evidence. We all know it. The CDC has admitted it. . . . but, as stated in the article;

"Arguing with its adherents is pointless.

"They know it is irrational."

That’s kinda what I was thinking that he will emerge from this just fine,I don’t think he is even i,ll truthfully after doing some thinking and looking at alternative news sources not controlled by the corporations something the op has no interest in doing as he has demonstrated on this entire thread. He is obviously too closed minded to accept reality that IF he dies,it was from something else hatched from the deep state he has been talking about getting rid of.
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I’m not a big fan or supporter of public education, but so long as their parents were paying taxes while they attended I wouldn’t make a big deal out of it.
If we don't educate the children of those too poor to pay taxes, the cost to society could be far greater than any savings on public education.
View attachment 397134
America spends more on its prison system than it does on education
People should be paid to not breed.
Trump is not going to die of this. Statistically? His chance of dying is next to zero. In his age group, with his co-morbity, there have only been 1,735 DEATHS IN THE ENTIRE NATION!
You have no way of knowing all of Trump's comorbity complications since he hides his medical records as compulsively as he obscures his financial information. Your link claims 191,211 Americans of all ages have died of Covid-19, so why does the "interlocking directorate" feel its necessary to absolve Trump of his responsibilities for those deaths?
TDS DOES damage your brain and produce dementia.

Just sayin'.
Try prayin'

"The news: President Donald Trump has started receiving the steroid drug dexamethasone, which is usually reserved for patients with severe cases of covid-19. A study in June found that it significantly cut the chances that seriously ill patients died from the coronavirus. The World Health Organization recommends it only for patients with 'severe and critical covid-19.'"

Trump is being given a steroid that is usually used for severe cases of covid-19
And how do you explain the fact that the case death rate dropped dramatically starting 3 weeks after states began to open up? Gee, could it be that forcing tens of millions of people to be cooped up in their houses is a recipe for spreading--not containing--a virus?
When has the tactic of quarantine ever spread a virus?
When did "states begin to open up"?
In Los Angeles that was around June 13th, and infection rates spiked sufficiently another lock down was imposed a month later; we are still partially subject to those restrictions.

Since deaths lag infections, it's possible death rates did decline in the middle of June because of the preceding 3 months of quarantine.

Blog | Why Changing COVID-19 Demographics in the US Make Death Trends Harder to Understand

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