A defining moment last night..."Deport ALL ILLEGALS!"

Trump's Official Deportation Plan


Quick, easy and cheap.....just point 'em south....
Deportation isn't the answer.
We have to go after the things they come here for. Society, jobs, shelter. Cut it all off. They will go back willingly.

It's not "the answer," but it's definitely on the list of things that need to be done. No one claims that deportation alone will entirely solve the problem. That's an open-borders traitor canard.
The law against not having a piece of paper
Hey Braindead, a piece of paper called a license to own a weapon, keeps felons from owning weapons.. Let's just say fuck it to all pieces of paper where illegality is concerned and consider it legal.. You're so damn ignorant it defies logic.. even your lame ass responses border Sesame Street garble.. GET LOST

Hey let's have a party and round up some Mexicans!
Better yet, let's help them clean up house and live a decent life in their own country.
We seem to do that for everyone else around the globe.
It is actually a good solution

Encouraging more production and more jobs in Mexico. But it pisses conservatives off
let the Mexicans build up their jobs and increase their production , ok with this Conservative 'Rightwinger' !!
They produce a lot.....don't get paid much

That is why conservatives love them so much
I like the idea

Rounding up and deporting 11 million people who do not want to be deported will take at least 500,000 new federal employees to investigate, capture, detain, process and deport

It will be great for the employment rate

Horseshit. That means that one employee can only deport 20 people in 4 years. One person should easily be able to deport 100 people in 1 year. That reduces the number of employees required to 25,000.

The usual open-borders traitor exaggerations aren't fooling anyone.
I like the idea

Rounding up and deporting 11 million people who do not want to be deported will take at least 500,000 new federal employees to investigate, capture, detain, process and deport

It will be great for the employment rate

NO, it won't. Disband the IRS and you have more than enough FEDERAL EMPLOYEES to do the job... Ted wants the IRS gone, and so do millions of others!....Flat tax does that!
Curious, who is going to go after the tax invaders if the IRS is gone..No one has to take responsibility.
Nah not a good idea.

With the FLAT TAX, you need what 5% of the IRS to do an audit?.... Besides the COST of the IRS against any kind of tax Evaders! Of course getting rid of the 50,000+ pages of IRS regs is a given, perhaps 100-200 pages needed at most!

You won't accomplish any of that unless you abolish the income tax. Regs for determining business income will not be reduced on iota. Only a consumption tax will do that.
What a great vision of America, jack booted federal agents going door to door, ripping apart families, packing them in trains and shipping them off! Sounds reminiscent of something...

The IRS does exactly that every time they send a tax evader off to prison. I don't see any of you leftwing turds crying about that.

People who break our laws should suffer the consequences. Most of the men in our state prisons have wives and children. Are you suggesting we should stop enforcing the law?
Just think of all the new federal employees we can bring in for roundup duty

How many to round up and process a population equal to that of the state of Ohio?

Just think of rounding up every citizen in the entire state of Ohio who does not want to leave. Quite an endeavor and almost as big a waste of money as building a stupid wall

It will save $120 billion per year, so how is it a waste of money? Imagine adding the population of Ohio to the welfare rolls. How much would that cost?

I have shown repeatedly that the wall will be money well spent.

You keep regurgitating the same old open-borders traitor lies.

No one is fooled.
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Now, we have the population of Ohio spread all over the United States and we have to round them up.
How do we know which ones are from Ohio? Stop everyone and say ...show me your papers?
That's going to tick off a lot of innocent people who will go to the courts for protection
Then, you have to actually process them, prove they are from Ohio, arrange for transportation

Quite an endeavor to get rid of everyone from Ohio

Wouldn't it be easier to just let them stay?

We already know who most of them are. Their kids are in our schools, and teachers know their parents are illegals. We all know the janitorial staff in the building who don't speak English.

You can't be an illegal alien in this country without people knowing it.

How is it easier to let them stay for the guy who loses his job because it was given to an illegal willing to do it for half the price?

Do you assholes care about American workers at all?
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Hey Braindead, a piece of paper called a license to own a weapon, keeps felons from owning weapons.. Let's just say fuck it to all pieces of paper where illegality is concerned and consider it legal.. You're so damn ignorant it defies logic.. even your lame ass responses border Sesame Street garble.. GET LOST

Hey let's have a party and round up some Mexicans!
Better yet, let's help them clean up house and live a decent life in their own country.
We seem to do that for everyone else around the globe.
It is actually a good solution

Encouraging more production and more jobs in Mexico. But it pisses conservatives off
let the Mexicans build up their jobs and increase their production , ok with this Conservative 'Rightwinger' !!
They produce a lot.....don't get paid much

That is why conservatives love them so much sure Rightwinger but its 'rinos' and gop plus dems that love them . Conservative don't like USA lack of borders and loss of sovereignty or the foreign population .
Dems know they'll be losing a large block of their voters, which means that even though conservatives have absolutely kicked their asses in elections in the last few years picking up over 1,000 different seats of power, with all the illegal votes gone, the dem party would be almost gone from power, and it's got them all absolutely scared shitless.

I love it.
There is a record of Visa Overstays in two countries. They should know who is illegal in Jail or out on Probation or Bail. Step 1 is not that hard and it is a lot of illegal population according to internet rumor.
Now that we are rounding up all the people of Ohio, what do we do when other Americans start to hide them? What do we do when a black market pops up providing fake documentation to make people from Ohio look like everyone else?

500,000 new Federal employees may not be enough for this job, we may need a million or more new employees

Now, why do we want to round up and deport 11 million people in the state of Ohio?

Well, some of them are rapists and murderers and are not very nice people. But most are peaceful and just want to work and raise their families

Isn't it better not to spend all that money and just let the people of Ohio stay like they have been doing?

We spend $120 billion each year on illegal aliens. Furthermore, every illegal took a job an American could be doing. Anyone who argues for allowing them to stay is an asshole and a traitor who shits on American workers.
Kasich was the only being realistic about the immigration issue

I found Kasich views on illegals offensive and dishonest. This is not an "immigration" issue this is about illegals sneaking across our borders illegally, then breaking all manner of our laws once they get here. It costs us billions of dollars. They are a net loss to our economy. They traffic drugs into our country destroying our kids. They commit tax fraud on a massive scale, its over $4 billion a year. They flood our emergency rooms, overwhelm our education system, half of them are on some form of public assistance. The crime they commit is insane, we have gone to war with countries that have killed fewer American citizens than illegals have. Did Kasich mention any of this? No of course not.

Do you know any illegal immigrants?

I think not. I know and have worked with many over the years. Like all people they come in every flavor. The vast majority are like you, they want to work and provide for their families. There is nothing about brown skin that makes one a criminal.

By the way, I'm not in favor of illegal immigration, it drives down the wage base and hurts the middle class. But, I also don't hate those who are only seeking to better their lives.
They are illegal because they lack a piece of paper. Give them the piece of paper that lets them work legally and allow them to go back to their families when they feel like it

They are illegal because the broke they law to get here. Your argument is like saying the guy who stole your car is a criminal only because he lacks a piece of paper called the "title."

You're a moron and a traitor.
As already correctly noted, the idea of 'deporting' 12 million undocumented immigrants is idiocy.

Each of those 12 million would need to be identified, afforded due process: the right to counsel, the right to a trial, and if found guilty of entering the country absent authorization, or remaining in the country absent authorization, subject to deportation.

The reasonable, logical, and appropriate thing to do is enact comprehensive immigration reform.

Consequently, Trump further exhibits is ignorance of, and contempt for, sound, responsible governance, the fact he's not a serious
candidate, and completely unqualified to be president.

That so many republicans support the likes of Trump is both sad and telling.

As usual, you only prove you're an idiot who is ignorant of the law. They aren't entitled to a trial. They are entitled to a hearing which normally lasts about 5 minutes.

So-called "comprehensive immigration reform" is a leftwing scam. It's a code word for "amnesty." The politicians have tried to fool the voters with this con multiple times, and the voters were not fooled.

There will never be any "comprehensive immigration reform." Get used to it.
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Eleven million at 100 per bus load is 110,000 buses.

Better get crackin'.

It's 110,000 bus rides, not 110,000 buses. That's about 27,000 bus rides per year over 4 years. if you assume 250 working days, and one bus ride per bus per working day, then you need 108 buses. I think the federal government can afford that. if you assume each bus ride takes a week, then that's 750 buses. Still way cheap.
For the record I think Cruz nailed the topic when he said if politicians or journalists were the ones flooding our nation from Mexico & depressing their wages it would be a top priority.

I think as long as they didn't have brown skin and speak a funny language, nobody would care

Every guy who lost a job because they gave it to some illegal for half the pay cares. It has nothing to do with their skin color.

I wouldn't care if they were all from Sweden. If they're taking American jobs and driving our wages down then I want them to go.

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