A defining moment last night..."Deport ALL ILLEGALS!"

What part of Illegal don't you get??

They are breaking the law by being here. remove them all.
Donald Trump took his build-a-wall approach to immigration one step further last night when he vowed that, if elected president, he'd deport 11 million undocumented immigrants. Of course the DemocRAT/Socialist/BigBusiness RINO's, Kasick, and the "Yebster' had to jump in with Kasick, saying, "It's a silly argument. It's not an adult argument. We all know you can't pick them up and ship them back across the border."

To which Trump quoted that IKE, sent back over 1.5 million in under a year!

With what we see going on in Europe with UNLIMITED FOREIGNERS coming into a country DEMANDING of those government to TAKE CARE OF ME, the CRIME RATE RISING FROM THESE SCUM, and rioting destroying property, and looting, do we have to look forward to the same sort of things, as we RUN OUT of money to do what the subversives want to do, FUNDAMENTALLY CHANGE America?.... "It's not embracing American values," Yeb Bush said. "And it would tear communities apart and it would send a signal that we're not the kind of country I know America is."......Is SUICIDE an American principle? Trump, and a few others have it right, we don't want them, we don't need them, and LET THEIR OWN GOVERNMENT take care of them!


I don't even know why you Trump supporters continue to talk about this. You've already KILLED Republicans chances of winning the White House, and it really wouldn't surprise me if we lost the Senate and many seats in the house in 2016.


Republican party even more, by chasing millions of voting Latino's into Hillary Clinton CONGRATULATIONS--Morons!
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump

On Election Eve you are going to witness the unadulterated POWER of Latino & Women voters in this country. But not to worry, Rush Limbaugh, Shawn Hannity, Mike Savage, Marc Levin & Ann Coulter and anyone else that has been promoting Trump--will be there for you on the morning after the election to help you blow your noses and wipe your tears.

And you've made this woman one HAPPY gal!


We talk about it, since you little delusional piss ants believe that cu*t pictured above, that's been proved SEVERAL TIMES recently, to LIE, has been instrumental in the murder of 4 men in Benghazi, has been extorting money from all sorts of foreign governments, and entities to "DONATE" to the Clinton Family Crime Foundation in order to have ACCESS and INFLUENCE over her decisions IF the bitch ever becomes the president.....she has a VERY LONG HISTORY of being a CRIMINAL!



Really--do you think these millions of voting Latino's that you just chased off or women that you chased off in 2012 are going to give a rats ass about Bengazi or emails.----or frankly anything else you morons have to say about Hillary Clinton--after what you've done to them?---:bang3:

You Reich wingers aka Tea Party aka Rino/Establishment groupies have done it again. You cannot win elections by ATTACKING large voting blocks. You are going to get run over by a steam roller and buried on election night.

The next day the Republican party will be forced to put itself on life support.


MIllions of blacks and whites care about cheap labor from third world countries competing for their jobs.

Consider that, moron. Trump is already getting a lot of support from union members who normally vote DimoRAT.

You're done--you're TOAST on election night.
It's too bad we can't magically deport all the illegals tomorrow. It would be amusing to see the tards try to explain why our economy didn't improve afterwards.

Of course, they wouldn't remember claiming the wetbacks are a big cause of our economic problems. They have memories like that of goldfish.

Cheap labor from third world countries is the main reason for stagnant wages. It's not the only problem our economy faces.
It's too bad we can't magically deport all the illegals tomorrow. It would be amusing to see the tards try to explain why our economy didn't improve afterwards.

Of course, they wouldn't remember claiming the wetbacks are a big cause of our economic problems. They have memories like that of goldfish.

Cheap labor from third world countries is the main reason for stagnant wages.

Nope. Not even close.
Donald Trump took his build-a-wall approach to immigration one step further last night when he vowed that, if elected president, he'd deport 11 million undocumented immigrants. Of course the DemocRAT/Socialist/BigBusiness RINO's, Kasick, and the "Yebster' had to jump in with Kasick, saying, "It's a silly argument. It's not an adult argument. We all know you can't pick them up and ship them back across the border."

To which Trump quoted that IKE, sent back over 1.5 million in under a year!

With what we see going on in Europe with UNLIMITED FOREIGNERS coming into a country DEMANDING of those government to TAKE CARE OF ME, the CRIME RATE RISING FROM THESE SCUM, and rioting destroying property, and looting, do we have to look forward to the same sort of things, as we RUN OUT of money to do what the subversives want to do, FUNDAMENTALLY CHANGE America?.... "It's not embracing American values," Yeb Bush said. "And it would tear communities apart and it would send a signal that we're not the kind of country I know America is."......Is SUICIDE an American principle? Trump, and a few others have it right, we don't want them, we don't need them, and LET THEIR OWN GOVERNMENT take care of them!


I don't even know why you Trump supporters continue to talk about this. You've already KILLED Republicans chances of winning the White House, and it really wouldn't surprise me if we lost the Senate and many seats in the house in 2016.


Republican party even more, by chasing millions of voting Latino's into Hillary Clinton CONGRATULATIONS--Morons!
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump

On Election Eve you are going to witness the unadulterated POWER of Latino & Women voters in this country. But not to worry, Rush Limbaugh, Shawn Hannity, Mike Savage, Marc Levin & Ann Coulter and anyone else that has been promoting Trump--will be there for you on the morning after the election to help you blow your noses and wipe your tears.

And you've made this woman one HAPPY gal!


We talk about it, since you little delusional piss ants believe that cu*t pictured above, that's been proved SEVERAL TIMES recently, to LIE, has been instrumental in the murder of 4 men in Benghazi, has been extorting money from all sorts of foreign governments, and entities to "DONATE" to the Clinton Family Crime Foundation in order to have ACCESS and INFLUENCE over her decisions IF the bitch ever becomes the president.....she has a VERY LONG HISTORY of being a CRIMINAL!



Really--do you think these millions of voting Latino's that you just chased off or women that you chased off in 2012 are going to give a rats ass about Bengazi or emails.----or frankly anything else you morons have to say about Hillary Clinton--after what you've done to them?---:bang3:

You Reich wingers aka Tea Party aka Rino/Establishment groupies have done it again. You cannot win elections by ATTACKING large voting blocks. You are going to get run over by a steam roller and buried on election night.

The next day the Republican party will be forced to put itself on life support.


MIllions of blacks and whites care about cheap labor from third world countries competing for their jobs.

Consider that, moron. Trump is already getting a lot of support from union members who normally vote DimoRAT.

You're done--you're TOAST on election night.

If that's true, then this country is done. We'll be swirling down the toilet bowl headed for third world status.
It's too bad we can't magically deport all the illegals tomorrow. It would be amusing to see the tards try to explain why our economy didn't improve afterwards.

Of course, they wouldn't remember claiming the wetbacks are a big cause of our economic problems. They have memories like that of goldfish.

Cheap labor from third world countries is the main reason for stagnant wages.

Nope. Not even close.

Says who, you, the turd who's wrong about everything?
It's too bad we can't magically deport all the illegals tomorrow. It would be amusing to see the tards try to explain why our economy didn't improve afterwards.

Of course, they wouldn't remember claiming the wetbacks are a big cause of our economic problems. They have memories like that of goldfish.

Cheap labor from third world countries is the main reason for stagnant wages.

Nope. Not even close.

Says who, you, the turd who's wrong about everything?
Irony. You make a bald assertion with nothing to back up your claim.
But the case for immigrants taking jobs and earnings away from native workers isn’t as clear cut as basic economic theory makes it seem. Other studies using different data and methods have found that U.S.-born workers suffer minimal fallout from immigration. “All in all, when you look all at the evidence pointing to a negative effect, it is not very substantial,” said Magnus Lofstrom, an economist with the Public Policy Institute of California who has studied the labor market effects of immigration. Many researchers have found that low-skilled workers stand to lose the most from increased immigration, although even for this group the impact is quite small.

The bottom line on immigration for U.S.-born workers? The weight of the evidence suggests that foreign-born labor poses a risk to low-skilled native workers and that some high-skilled workers—particularly those of lesser ability—have cause for concern. But for most U.S. workers the benefits of immigration outweigh the costs, because of the uplifting economic effects of foreign labor.

Does foreign labor hurt U.S.-born workers? | Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis

So much for "main reason".
But the case for immigrants taking jobs and earnings away from native workers isn’t as clear cut as basic economic theory makes it seem. Other studies using different data and methods have found that U.S.-born workers suffer minimal fallout from immigration. “All in all, when you look all at the evidence pointing to a negative effect, it is not very substantial,” said Magnus Lofstrom, an economist with the Public Policy Institute of California who has studied the labor market effects of immigration. Many researchers have found that low-skilled workers stand to lose the most from increased immigration, although even for this group the impact is quite small.

The bottom line on immigration for U.S.-born workers? The weight of the evidence suggests that foreign-born labor poses a risk to low-skilled native workers and that some high-skilled workers—particularly those of lesser ability—have cause for concern. But for most U.S. workers the benefits of immigration outweigh the costs, because of the uplifting economic effects of foreign labor.

Does foreign labor hurt U.S.-born workers? | Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis

So much for "main reason".

Yeah, we're supposed to believe some party apparatchik on the government payroll?


No points.
U.S. government debt now stands at 103% of GDP. If private debt is included, the ratio climbs to about 370% of GDP. Scholarly studies indicate that real per capita GDP growth should slow by about one-quarter to one-third from the long-run trend when the total debt-to-GDP ratio rises into the range between 250% and 275%. Since surpassing this level in the late 1990s, real per capita GDP has grown just 1% per annum, much less than the 1.9% pace from 1790 to 1999.

These results indicate that the relationship between debt and economic growth is non-linear, or progressively negative, as debt advances to higher levels, a pattern confirmed by academic research (Chart 2). The latest information further supports this relationship. The current expansion began in 2009, and since then real per capita GDP growth has been 1.3%, less than half the 2.7% average growth in all expansions from 1790 to 1999.


Public-private debt hit the magic 275% line in 2000. LFPR has been declining ever since.

Not a coincidence.


Let's NOT FORGET all the muslim's, the Kenyan muslim president is importing, THOSE are the REAL TIME BOMB in the waiting!
I think they will be unpleasantly surprised by how much Mexicans hate them, however. It will be an interesting turf war for sure.
We had full employment in 2006, with just as many illegal immigrants that we have now, if not more.

Then something happened that threw millions and millions and millions of Americans out of work and wrecked our economy. Maybe you heard about it. It was in all the papers.

Hint: It had NOTHING to do with Mexicans.

Like I said. The tards have memories like that of goldfish.
Gimme gimme gimme, and make that guy over there pay for it.

Then when the shit hits the fan, we blame that guy over there. Makes no difference if you are Left or Right, you assholes blame that guy over there. Gotta have a scapegoat so as to avoid facing the truth.

Look in the mirror. There's your culprit.
But the case for immigrants taking jobs and earnings away from native workers isn’t as clear cut as basic economic theory makes it seem. Other studies using different data and methods have found that U.S.-born workers suffer minimal fallout from immigration. “All in all, when you look all at the evidence pointing to a negative effect, it is not very substantial,” said Magnus Lofstrom, an economist with the Public Policy Institute of California who has studied the labor market effects of immigration. Many researchers have found that low-skilled workers stand to lose the most from increased immigration, although even for this group the impact is quite small.

Does foreign labor hurt U.S.-born workers? | Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis

So much for "main reason".
It would be illegal today to do what Ike did in his day. At best we'd need federal legislation, and I suspect it'd run afoul of due process as that issue has been expanded. So, Trump's hyperbole is not totally helpful. But we could deport some, and we could make it harder for others to find work here. And, as your link suggests, it is possible that if wages were higher then some American workers would seek vacated jobs. Of course, that would mean higher prices, which is why the gop establishment has always been against reducing foreign employment in low skill jobs. And, to grow an economy, you need an growing population. And high tech immigrants are not really a problem, because it's easier for a company to hire a qualified American.

So, immigration, illegal or legal, is not itself a cure for higher wages. But reducing illegal immigrant numbers isn't a bad thing by any means. We could make it much less attractive for them to come here though. But Trump's merely hollering words of fantasy when he says he'll deport them all.

That's interesting, but I haven't seen anyone arguing we should allow immigration to solve world poverty, certainly not on the board. But, I don't understand why Europe is taking in so many from the ME conflicts. The link indirectly shows why that will never actually solve the problem of their desperation.

That's interesting, but I haven't seen anyone arguing we should allow immigration to solve world poverty, certainly not on the board. But, I don't understand why Europe is taking in so many from the ME conflicts. The link indirectly shows why that will never actually solve the problem of their desperation.

It's why we can't allow more into our own borders without sacrificing our livelihoods.

That's interesting, but I haven't seen anyone arguing we should allow immigration to solve world poverty, certainly not on the board. But, I don't understand why Europe is taking in so many from the ME conflicts. The link indirectly shows why that will never actually solve the problem of their desperation.

It's why we can't allow more into our own borders without sacrificing our livelihoods.

Well, we have illegal aliens doing unskilled jobs, and giving birth to citizens who generally do matriculate through school and productively enter society, and we have high tech legal workers, who do stuff we don't have enough high tech workers to do. IF we have fewer unskilled illegal workers, possibly wages would go up, but the price of things like food will go up.

So, I see the point in getting a handle on how many unskilled workers we import, illegally, but the general notion of them causing our economy to crumble .... the video doesn't support that. Rather, it supports the correct notion that we cannot save the world. We can, and have, ended civil wars in foreign countries more or less successfully. Unfortunately, for the past 15 or so years, we've been causing them.
Donald Trump took his build-a-wall approach to immigration one step further last night when he vowed that, if elected president, he'd deport 11 million undocumented immigrants. Of course the DemocRAT/Socialist/BigBusiness RINO's, Kasick, and the "Yebster' had to jump in with Kasick, saying, "It's a silly argument. It's not an adult argument. We all know you can't pick them up and ship them back across the border."

To which Trump quoted that IKE, sent back over 1.5 million in under a year!

With what we see going on in Europe with UNLIMITED FOREIGNERS coming into a country DEMANDING of those government to TAKE CARE OF ME, the CRIME RATE RISING FROM THESE SCUM, and rioting destroying property, and looting, do we have to look forward to the same sort of things, as we RUN OUT of money to do what the subversives want to do, FUNDAMENTALLY CHANGE America?.... "It's not embracing American values," Yeb Bush said. "And it would tear communities apart and it would send a signal that we're not the kind of country I know America is."......Is SUICIDE an American principle? Trump, and a few others have it right, we don't want them, we don't need them, and LET THEIR OWN GOVERNMENT take care of them!


I don't even know why you Trump supporters continue to talk about this. You've already KILLED Republicans chances of winning the White House, and it really wouldn't surprise me if we lost the Senate and many seats in the house also in 2016.

Trump is polling at a NEGATIVE 75% within the Large voting Hispanic block. Historically, since Reagan the GOP nominee needs to capture at least 35-40% of this voting block to win the White House. He is also losing women by 2 to 1. You must have thought that Republicans were the majority party? You're not, Republicans are the MINORITY party and it's continually shrinking because of your kind of attitudes. In fact it's so bad right now, you an color Florida blue, and several other states that Hillary Clinton won't even need to campaign in.
GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study

Republicans are 41 million, Democrats are stronger at 46 million, and Independents are the majority representing 40% of the Electorate. The writing is on the wall.

You managed to chase off women in 2012, but getting into abortion issues, who's not going to pay for birth control pills, and what is legitimate rape, which was always answered by an old white male republican. You lost them by double digits, and younger women by a whopping 36 points, which secured a 2nd term for Barack Obama. Women are the majority voting block at 54%. They outvote men by 10 points. Now you've shrunk the Republican party even more, by chasing millions of voting Latino's into Hillary Clinton CONGRATULATIONS--Morons!
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump

On Election Eve you are going to witness the unadulterated POWER of Latino & Women voters in this country. But not to worry, Rush Limbaugh, Shawn Hannity, Mike Savage, Marc Levin & Ann Coulter and anyone else that has been promoting Trump--will be there for you on the morning after the election to help you blow your noses and wipe your tears.

And you've made this woman one HAPPY gal!


negative 75 is positive 25.
He'll get 90% of the white vote.

If you get 90% of the white electorate = wow. You'll probably be close in Califorina as Hispanics have you out numbered but otherwise you'd probably win 500 electorals. I seriously doubt it but it would be historic.

I'll predict instead that you'll win around 61% of the white vote.
MIllions of blacks and whites care about cheap labor from third world countries competing for their jobs.
Waite just a minute there Slick, The racist Right keep telling us the blacks are lazy moochers DEPENDENT on the Dem "free stuff," now suddenly they are hard workers afraid of losing their jobs to lazy Mexican rapist moochers who came for all the Obama free stuff. :cuckoo:

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