A delivery drivers day working in the inner city hoods of St. Louis

That's a real douche noodle thing to post.
The delivery charge is already added on to the price of the food. What more do you want. If Door dash doesn't pay a living wage and expects the customer to make up the difference in tips that's their problem, not mine. Don't work for a shitty company like Door dash
"Those black welfare moochers are so lazy" is quite the original thread.

Try harder, Russian shill.
The delivery charge is already added on to the price of the food. What more do you want. If Door dash doesn't pay a living wage and expects the customer to make up the difference in tips that's their problem, not mine. Don't work for a shitty company like Door dash

Door Dash doesn't pay a wage at all.

The drivers are independent business people.

I'm surprised that they can get any to even go into the St. Louis Ghetto for deliveries. The number of people who do deliveries or pick up cab passengers in dangerous hoods isn't that many because of the extreme danger.

I guess the ghetto customers figure that anyone doing delivery to their neighborhood is doing it for the thrills and chills, and not for the money?
As expected numerous left wingers mamooth Arlette are not responding to the subject matter.

Fellow Democrats we have to stand up for our working class Americans in this country. Hell back even in the 1990 It wouldā€™ve been unthinkable that Democrats would blame the worker.
Anyone who has something I'm going to eat with them alone in their car as they bring it to me is going to get a huge tip... people have long memories when it comes to compensation....
The Pizza guy that brings me my pizza loves me because I tip big... and my pizza is always hot and perfect...
It is customary in America to tip delivery drivers, barbers, hairdressers, hotel maids, valet people, taxi drivers, waitresses. Thatā€™s an American custom. Itā€™s a part of our countryā€™s culture. And those who do not accept it are not a part of America. There something else certainly they are anti-American.

Imagine these people like mamooth Arlette going into a restaurant and saying ā€œI ainā€™t tipping youā€ to the waitress and saying ā€œyou should be making a livable wage. You donā€™t deserve a tip. Itā€™s the restaurant faultā€

Just as Pedro Santiago says those who do not tip are uneducated, uninformed and unintelligent. And thatā€™s what we deal with from far left wingers who donā€™t give a darn about the working class.
Door Dash doesn't pay a wage at all.

The drivers are independent business people.

I'm surprised that they can get any to even go into the St. Louis Ghetto for deliveries. The number of people who do deliveries or pick up cab passengers in dangerous hoods isn't that many because of the extreme danger.

I guess the ghetto customers figure that anyone doing delivery to their neighborhood is doing it for the thrills and chills, and not for the money?
The unfortunate thing is, it gives a bad name to the good people of the inner cities. But itā€™s those knuckleheads in the inner cities and some of them are white some are black who donā€™t leave any tip. They get a Kentucky fried chicken they get a Popeyes chicken they spent $60 or more on their DoorDash order and when it comes time to tip they literally have to type in 0.00 to give no tip to the driver. That is as inhumane as it gets.

And we constantly get off-topic posts, personal attacks, and anti-Americanism and racism from my fellow Democrats in these types of thread
Door Dash doesn't pay a wage at all.

The drivers are independent business people.

I'm surprised that they can get any to even go into the St. Louis Ghetto for deliveries. The number of people who do deliveries or pick up cab passengers in dangerous hoods isn't that many because of the extreme danger.

I guess the ghetto customers figure that anyone doing delivery to their neighborhood is doing it for the thrills and chills, and not for the money?
Another thing go to any sort of restaurant in the inner city, the bathrooms are filthy and disgusting. Compared to the suburbs where everything is clean. But you go back to the inner cities in the 1950s and 1970s it wasnā€™t like that. The streets are clean people were kind there were so much lower divorce rate, much lower child born out of wedlock, right

Itā€™s the downfall of the American spirit. And you see in this very thread ā€¦some of my fellow Democrats just donā€™t care at all about working class people ā€¦how inhumane savage and cruel they are. Racist as well. The hope is that these left wing people get the help they need and they stop lying about along with ceasing off-topic posts.

They would rather talk about LGBT, and ā€œtrans rightsā€ when for decades in this country.. LGBT people have it equal. But thatā€™s all Democrat politicians brainwash my fellow Democrats. They have them talking about nonsense issues like race with right now The middle class is struggling more so than they have in decades.
Different food being delivered, but same general topic:

---Delivering Pizza Is One of the Most Dangerous Jobs in America---​

Some delivery customers find ways to cheat drivers

They promise a tip for long trips then after the food is delivered they cancel the tip

Itā€™s called a High tip bait. Thatā€™s an issue on some of these applications. And thatā€™s certainly a very unfortunate thing. Itā€™s very cruel for sure.

Thereā€™s actually videos on TikTok and YouTube where customers show off how they can screw over drivers and get free food. Directly showing their fraudulent criminal activities right on camera and often nothing is done about it.

One way to do this is for a customer to lie about their address and then, so the food is delivered to a certain apartment number and the customer goes and picks up the food. Bring it upstairs to their actual apartment takes a photo where they say they didnā€™t get the food, and then they end up getting free food and this results in drivers being fired from their job.
to be fair, there are a few delivery drivers who are making a bad name for all delivery drivers. What they do is they drop in order off take a picture of it and then steal the food for themselves, saying that the order has been delivered. Or, for example, they had the food in their hand they walk around the building that theyā€™re living to act like they donā€™t see where theyā€™re supposed to deliver it to, and then steal the food.

Take a look right here

So those types of driver should be warned, and/or fired for sure ā€¦. Thatā€™s called theft itā€™s a crime.
Different food being delivered, but same general topic:

---Delivering Pizza Is One of the Most Dangerous Jobs in America---​

Imagine what itā€™s like to deliver to the inner cities the hoods of St. Louis or Chicago and you have hundreds of dollars in your pocket youā€™re delivering pizza... Those delivery drivers should be able to get a pistol permit fast tracked.
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I wonder how many of the scammers are black?
I guarantee you that many of them are BLM supporters ā€¦ the same types of people who would waive a BLM sign go to a George Floyd riot and then say the police are the problem.
No tip customers is a growing threat to American democracy and degeneracy in this country. It is a sign of a decline in parts of the country. Most American still tip, but this is starting to become a problem. This coincides with the rise of greed, materialism, and anti-Americanism.

But with Democrats like Robert F Kennedy, junior talking about traditional things like helping the working class ā€¦there is hope in this country.
I tip delivery drivers, but the entire ā€œtip movementā€ has gone to the extreme. Why, for example, should I tip the Panera cashier, who earns $15 an hour, when I have to:

1) wait on line to place my order
2) go to the drink dispenser to get my own drink and then bring it to the table
3) then go up to the pickup counter for my food order
4) bring it back to my table
5) after eating, bring my tray to the garbage, separating out the tray, silverware, recyclables, and trash
I wonder how many of the scammers are black?
Look at this thief, right here, brother ā€¦. Willing to bet for sure heā€™s the same guy who waves a BLM flag does an interview with CNN about how BLM is right and all that

They give a bad name to the working class black and white delivery drivers in this country
I tip delivery drivers, but the entire ā€œtip movementā€ has gone to the extreme. Why, for example, should I tip the Panera cashier, who earns $15 an hour, when I have to:

1) wait on line to place my order
2) go to the drink dispenser to get my own drink and then bring it to the table
3) then go up to the pickup counter for my food order
4) bring it back to my table
5) after eating, bring my tray to the garbage, separating out the tray, silverware, recyclables, and trash
I totally hear what youā€™re saying and I think that weā€™re seeing tip jars at places like Panera bread because of the Joe Biden inflation.

I see those tip jars in mom and pop restaurants as well. I donā€™t think thereā€™s anything wrong with putting a dollar in there or even $.50 but thatā€™s completely up to the customer and thatā€™s totally different compared to tipping a waiter or waitress who gets below minimum wage or a DoorDash or Uber or taxi driver, who relies on tips for works

For many delivery workers they just want to be treated with respect. Itā€™s not about getting some huge tip. Itā€™s just about getting a basic tip even if itā€™s two bucks.
Look at this thief, right here, brother ā€¦. Willing to bet for sure heā€™s the same guy who waves a BLM flag does an interview with CNN about how BLM is right and all that

They give a bad name to the working class black and white delivery drivers in this country

Iā€™m sure there are bad drivers along with bad customers
Speaking of Panera bread, here is a video showing a customer who spent nearly $100 on their door dash order and decided to leave not a single penny for a tip. They ordered the food at 2:07 PM. The driver comes in and sees this order and itā€™s 5:15 PM ..and the order has not been delivered yet. That can sometimes happen on those no tip orders .

Thatā€™s a form of justice right there there. A customer is spending nearly $100 expecting somebody to go get their food for them deliver itā€¦ and they donā€™t have the manners to leave a tip. ..smh.. Well theyā€™re not getting the food.

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