A Democrat finally admits Gun Confiscation is the Goal

Swalwell Confirms Democrats Are Going To Confiscate Your Guns

California Democrat Rep. Eric Swalwell:
"I’m the only candidate calling for a mandatory national ban and buyback of military-style semiautomatic assault weapons."

At last, an honest Democrat! There's a problem, though: I don't think he or his Party have ever sold guns, so it's going to be damn hard for him to "buy them back".

He doesn't have the slightest possibility of success, but it's great fun to watch these Dems try to out-radical each other. At this point I would say the Democratic Party is essentially dead.

Swalwell is sooo stoopid that infrequently he does pass for honesty.
I am not impressed.
Because nut jobs love them and are inspired by them.
1. Proof? (you have none)
2. So, would that allow us to ban anything that inspires nut jobs?

I still have no clear description of a "military style" weapon.

It is perfectly obvious unless you are being obtuse.

The definition is it looks like a military weapon dingbat.
It means they look like military weapons. Jeesh!
You mean like this, right?
Gun confiscation was never the goal, screaming gun confiscation to drive up gun sales has been the goal all along

Further, the more guns the populace has, along with increased mass shootings we have is GREAT biz for a police state

And hey, you bonehead gun queers just keep strokin' yer barrels , best d*mn army any fascist could wish for

It is perfectly obvious unless you are being obtuse.
No, it's not perfectly obvious. How do we know that scary looking guns inspire nut jobs?

The definition is it looks like a military weapon dingbat.
You are the one looking like the dingbat. Allow me to demonstrate your dingbattiness.

This is a military weapon. Are you banning anything that looks like this:
Gun confiscation was never the goal, screaming gun confiscation to drive up gun sales has been the goal all along
You know how to KEEP from running up gun sales? Quit voting for Democrats. All they do is bitch about guns and want to ban this or that. When they get elected, everybody thinks they are about to lose the opportunity, and they go buy guns.

Further, the more guns the populace has, along with increased mass shootings we have is GREAT biz for a police state
You know what else is great for a police state? Having no way to stop the people in power.

And hey, you bonehead gun queers just keep strokin' yer barrels , best d*mn army any fascist could wish for
Hitler confiscated guns from civilians.

But, yes. I will keep fucking my guns. Your attempt to shame me has failed.

I'm a gun fucker. I fuck them hard. I am a hoplophile.

He will get the stupid Moon Bat vote with an idiot agenda like that but he would have got that anyway so who gives a shit?
Gun confiscation was never the goal, screaming gun confiscation to drive up gun sales has been the goal all along
You know how to KEEP from running up gun sales? Quit voting for Democrats. All they do is bitch about guns and want to ban this or that. When they get elected, everybody thinks they are about to lose the opportunity, and they go buy guns.

Further, the more guns the populace has, along with increased mass shootings we have is GREAT biz for a police state
You know what else is great for a police state? Having no way to stop the people in power.

And hey, you bonehead gun queers just keep strokin' yer barrels , best d*mn army any fascist could wish for
Hitler confiscated guns from civilians.

But, yes. I will keep fucking my guns. Your attempt to shame me has failed.

I'm a gun fucker. I fuck them hard. I am a hoplophile.

All your facts are wrong GOP NRA dupe.

"German citizens were disarmed by their government in the late 1930s," which allowed the Nazis to "carry out their evil intentions with relatively little resistance."
Ben Carson on Friday, October 9th, 2015 in his book "A More Perfect Union
It is apparent, according to our resident gun know-nothing that anything that looks like this:

Should be banned, but anything that looks like this:



is now okay.
Sure if you say so LOL.. show me a nut job killer who didn't have military style equipment.
Happy to oblige:

Weapon types used in mass shootings in the United States between 1982 and February 2019
57% handguns
27% rifles
16% shotguns

Even if 100% of the rifles were "assault weapons" (which is impossible), it's rather obvious you are glaringly wrong.

Of course what the stupid Moon Bats call "mass shootings" is really a very minor element of the gun crime in the US. Most of the shootings are done in the Democrat voting ghetto shitholes by gang bangers, thugs, druggies and other trash. Every three day weekend in Chicago they are more people shot in the ghetto than in a mas shooting. ...and Chicago has the toughest gun control laws in the country.

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