A Democrat finally admits Gun Confiscation is the Goal

I would love to hear him explain what the difference between military style semiautomatic weapon is and a non military style one.
Nut job killers love the military style. You want a diagram?
So you think how a weapon looks is what makes it effective?
He knows they look scary, so he doesn't like them.
This says it all.
View attachment 255503

What is each designed for ?
Varmits and such..
Swalwell Confirms Democrats Are Going To Confiscate Your Guns

California Democrat Rep. Eric Swalwell:
"I’m the only candidate calling for a mandatory national ban and buyback of military-style semiautomatic assault weapons."

At last, an honest Democrat! There's a problem, though: I don't think he or his Party have ever sold guns, so it's going to be damn hard for him to "buy them back".

He doesn't have the slightest possibility of success, but it's great fun to watch these Dems try to out-radical each other. At this point I would say the Democratic Party is essentially dead.

Swalwell is only talking about assault weapons - like Reagan did.

Washington redskin,
Stay out of the fucking fire water
I would love to hear him explain what the difference between military style semiautomatic weapon is and a non military style one.
Nut job killers love the military style. You want a diagram?
So you think how a weapon looks is what makes it effective?
He knows they look scary, so he doesn't like them.
This says it all.
View attachment 255503

What is each designed for ?
Eliminating pests.
Nut job killers love the military style. You want a diagram?
Your opinion runs contrary to established fact.
Sure if you say so LOL.. show me a nut job killer who didn't have military style equipment.

None of them did.

Military firearms are capable of selective and / or fully automatic fire
Military STYLE, duh. You do need a diagram.

Style is meaningless when it comes to deadliness.
Swalwell Confirms Democrats Are Going To Confiscate Your Guns

California Democrat Rep. Eric Swalwell:
"I’m the only candidate calling for a mandatory national ban and buyback of military-style semiautomatic assault weapons."

At last, an honest Democrat! There's a problem, though: I don't think he or his Party have ever sold guns, so it's going to be damn hard for him to "buy them back".

He doesn't have the slightest possibility of success, but it's great fun to watch these Dems try to out-radical each other. At this point I would say the Democratic Party is essentially dead.

That’s nothing . Trump wants to confiscate Americans land in order to build his wall.!

They did that 1000' from my front door to build a highway. What's the difference?

Nut job killers love the military style. You want a diagram?
Your opinion runs contrary to established fact.
Sure if you say so LOL.. show me a nut job killer who didn't have military style equipment.
nut jobs just don't get off on hunting rifles

None of them did.

Military firearms are capable of selective and / or fully automatic fire
Military STYLE, duh. You do need a diagram.

Style is meaningless when it comes to deadliness.
Nut jobs don't get off on hunting rifles
Well. Heh heh. Come and get em, boys. I'm pretty sure gun owners outnumber the state's deputised confiscators a thousand to one. Pack a lunch.
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It's not hard we have multiple murderer operations going on all the time...
It also doesn't surprise me that you claim to be involved in "multiple murderer operations".

You should listen more to your psychiatrist and less to the voices in your head, before someone takes you seriously.
Swalwell Confirms Democrats Are Going To Confiscate Your Guns

California Democrat Rep. Eric Swalwell:
"I’m the only candidate calling for a mandatory national ban and buyback of military-style semiautomatic assault weapons."

At last, an honest Democrat! There's a problem, though: I don't think he or his Party have ever sold guns, so it's going to be damn hard for him to "buy them back".

He doesn't have the slightest possibility of success, but it's great fun to watch these Dems try to out-radical each other. At this point I would say the Democratic Party is essentially dead.

You can’t be serious.

This is lie on a fake news rightwing website.

In the Esquire interview, nowhere does Swalwell advocate for ‘confiscation.’

And one individual is not 'representative' of all Democrats.

This is yet another example of how reprehensible and dishonest most conservatives are.
California Democrat Rep. Eric Swalwell:
"I’m the only candidate calling for a mandatory national ban and buyback of military-style semiautomatic assault weapons."
This liberal Democrat admits it - why don't the rest?
Obviously you didn’t bother to read the interview.

You’re as ignorant and as dishonest as most others on the right, as much of a liar and a demagogue as most on the right.
So who pulls the trigger, or does the AR-15 operate by itself with Will, Intent, and Purpose?
Nut job killers love the military style. You want a diagram?
Your opinion runs contrary to established fact.
Sure if you say so LOL.. show me a nut job killer who didn't have military style equipment.
Charles Whitman and anyone who used an AR-15(not military issue) The Columbine shooters no military I know of uses the shitty tech 9 or 9mm carbine. While we're on the subject describe what military style equipment really is so I can compare it to the things I was issued during my time in the service.
Swalwell Confirms Democrats Are Going To Confiscate Your Guns

California Democrat Rep. Eric Swalwell:
"I’m the only candidate calling for a mandatory national ban and buyback of military-style semiautomatic assault weapons."

At last, an honest Democrat! There's a problem, though: I don't think he or his Party have ever sold guns, so it's going to be damn hard for him to "buy them back".

He doesn't have the slightest possibility of success, but it's great fun to watch these Dems try to out-radical each other. At this point I would say the Democratic Party is essentially dead.
What part of "I am the only one" do you not understand?

"I am the only one" =/= all Democrats.

You're welcome.

Imagine if a Republican went out and said that Man Made Global Warming was destroying the planet, and we had to ban gasoline cars to protect the world. The inevitable posts from the left would sound much like this one wouldn’t they? Finally one on the right admits the truth.

But the OP is wrong. This isn’t the first one, or the only one.

Stacy Abrams, Democratic Candidate for the Governor in Georgia, pushed legislation that made the Clinton Gun Ban look tame.

Stacey Abrams wants to confiscate guns. Someone in the media finally asked her about it

And if you wonder why she isn’t in the Governor’s mansion today despite all the Anti Republican beat Trump by voting against Republicans movement, then look above again.

It is honestly one of those issues that made me abandon the Democratic Party. I will always object and oppose candidates who run on the idea that civil rights, need to be pared back.
So who pulls the trigger, or does the AR-15 operate by itself with Will, Intent, and Purpose?

Big Brother is out to deputize every gun owner ,given a national emergency, all in the PA

They're out to sell the armed masses>>>>>
Will, Intent, and Purpose
<<<<<in an orgy of jingoism

That's how citizens are pitted against each other in any country, and we're no exception to that here


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