CDZ A discussion about polling companies.

Just hire this guy and his bag of bones...

Far more accurate than the statistical scientist.
Everything now is about keeping the crowd stirred up, don't think just react, there is big money to be made on our collective misery
Backwards. If the Democrats didn’t have racism what would their platform be? Higher taxes for those who are working harder to provide for their family? GOP platform is strong borders, made in America, nuclear family, small government, lower taxes, fewer regulations, pro 2nd amendment.

Most people don't care about those things. They don't get much out of tax cuts to the rich, and they know programs they benefit from would have to be cut.

Most Americans don't own guns. They are really worried some maniac might shoot their kid. It's even more likely than their kid having to compete against a tranny.

You can't legislate "Nuclear families" (Actually, Nuclear families aren't even traditional. The more traditional thing is the extended family.)

The GOP is very good at using race to get dumb white people to vote against their own economic interests. That and fake moral panics.

Prove your first sentence. I vehemently Disagree. You don’t have kids so maybe your priorities differ from mine. I ve Never seen GOP use race as a weapon. Dems all the time.
Started in the CDZ with the faint hope that we can just have a normal discussion. So, two "thoughts" on this:

First, as I understand it, these polling companies made significant changes in their methodology in an effort to improve their accuracy over 2016. From what I saw, they weren't really that far off in 2016 but clearly made some mistakes. Unless I'm reading something wrong, they did even WORSE in 2020.

Second, I don't think this is about honesty or partisan politics. These pollsters make a LIVING doing this. This is about their JOBS, their BUSINESSES, so watching their reputations go up in flames like this can't have been their goal.

So what gives? What role do these companies play going forward, and how do they repair their shattered reputations?

I have all the real clear politics polling averages for the battleground States written down on the morning of the election. Once all the counting is done and possible fraud hopefully investigated I will do a thread with the actual polling versus the final results.

One little tidbit. The polling average had Biden winning Florida by .9%. Trump actually won by 3.3%. The polls were off in Florida 4.4% biased against Trump. Any polling off by more than 3% is horrible. It looks like every battleground State was moderately to heavily biased against Trump. Florida actually has good election boards. The one crooked election official in Boward County was fired. All the early votes and mail in votes were counted immediately. There were no 4 am massive votes dumps for one candidate.

So to the OP's point....yes the polling was obviously bad and biased against Trump and the GOP. To what full extent will take time to fully understand.
Started in the CDZ with the faint hope that we can just have a normal discussion. So, two "thoughts" on this:

First, as I understand it, these polling companies made significant changes in their methodology in an effort to improve their accuracy over 2016. From what I saw, they weren't really that far off in 2016 but clearly made some mistakes. Unless I'm reading something wrong, they did even WORSE in 2020.

Second, I don't think this is about honesty or partisan politics. These pollsters make a LIVING doing this. This is about their JOBS, their BUSINESSES, so watching their reputations go up in flames like this can't have been their goal.

So what gives? What role do these companies play going forward, and how do they repair their shattered reputations?

Thanks for showing interest in addressing any issues, because as simple as it seems, that's the greatest hurdle (buy-in).

Most egregious problems:
There are really no consequences for being wrong.
There is no manner to apply consequences, unless it is strictly driven from within and by their Senior Management.
If they continue to get things wrong, and they continue to get paid, their is no motivation for Senior Management to apply consequences.

Minor Problems:
People don't mind paying someone to tell them what they want to hear.
Gathering the proper population of individuals to be polled is difficult, but could be done with way more effort.
Any adjustments required to implement Corrective Action and Compliance, are uncomfortable for those who do not buy into the idea things need to change.

The first remedy is the 'buy-in' by Senior Management.
If they don't have the wholehearted desire to admit they have a serious problem, and want to fix it, trying to would be useless.

Another idea that may help them is to open their processes to Impartial Third-Party Auditors.
Not talking about employees of the company, or regulators, or even people from organizations purchasing their services.
They answer to no one, simply report their findings, and then help the Management develop a Corrective Action Plan.

Greatest Hurdle With Impartial Auditors:
Since they are not subject to the corporation in the same manner an employee is, they are not required to be kind.
They will most certainly identify findings that will upset employees, and call for some systemic changes that seem cumbersome to address.
It's an arduous process, nobody will like it, and for Corrective Action to actually work, it will require more effort.

Lastly, for Impartial Auditors to be effective the Senior Management will have to decide on a certain tolerance level that is in tune with what they hope to achieve.
Then they need to stick to trying to achieve that tolerance level consistently, no questions asked, no excuses accepted.

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Polls are a product, if anyone is dumb enough to continue buying a faulty product so be it. The market will decide, only idiots would pay these frauds after they failed so miserably in two straight elections.
Got any examples from this century?

Did you read your own screen name?
So the answer is “no”. Excellent.

Um, no, when a GOP Pollster calls himself "Welfare Queen", with a racist picture (It's a man in a fat suit) that shows that racism is alive and well in the GOP.

For real examples.

Trump calling Mexicans "Rapists and murderers"
Calling Nazis "Very Fine People"
Calling countries asylum seekers come from "s**tholes" (Still CDZ)
Muslim Bans
Trump Birther Conspiracy theories against our first black president.
Saying a Judge should recuse himself because he was Mexican
Referring to Sen. Warren as Pocahontas

Got any examples from this century?

Did you read your own screen name?
So the answer is “no”. Excellent.

Um, no, when a GOP Pollster calls himself "Welfare Queen", with a racist picture (It's a man in a fat suit) that shows that racism is alive and well in the GOP.

For real examples.

Trump calling Mexicans "Rapists and murderers"
Calling Nazis "Very Fine People"
Calling countries asylum seekers come from "s**tholes" (Still CDZ)
Muslim Bans
Trump Birther Conspiracy theories against our first black president.
Saying a Judge should recuse himself because he was Mexican
Referring to Sen. Warren as Pocahontas

— Trump said illegals from Mexico may be murderers and rapists we don’t know as they cross illegally.

—- Trump never called Nazis very fine people. Fake news and debunked.

—- Hyperbole and they are S holes. I would Not want to live there.

—- Muslim is not a race and while not all Muslims are terrorists, these days all terrorists tend to be Muslims. Chopping off heads over cartoons

—- Did it to Ted Cruz too. Kamala Harris used similar dialogue vs Biden in their debates. Later said it was just politics. Clinton campaign was first to release BHO in Muslim garb when she ran against him.

—- Again that was because the case was against Mexicans and he didn’t think he would get a fair trial. Latino and Black votes increase for Trump.

—- Sen Warren got caught lying. He did it to expose that lie. Like calling a fat guy, slim.

Got anything else please? How about you, fellow leftists and our beloved media insinuating that anyone who votes for DJT or the Republicans is a racist. Anyone who says All Lives Matter is a racist. Anyone who criticizes Ilhan Omar is a racist. Anyone who criticizes AOC is a racist. Anyone who criticizes Mayor Pete is a homophobe. Joy Reid cried on MSDNC that too many voted for Trump and that there wasn’t a blue wave in the Senate. And that the Republicans gained seats the House. Many Democrats are stating that the party has moved too far left and with Trump now likely out of the picture, Independents and women in particular may gravitate back to the GOP.

Tell me where I am not factual in my post please.

PS —- I am not as old as you but I cannot recall any other President consistently concentrating on black and Hispanic unemployment to make sure it’s the lowest in history. Doesn’t quite equate to racism.
— Trump said ,,,,.

Hold on.


Good. Got that out of the way.

Got anything else please? How about you, fellow leftists and our beloved media insinuating that anyone who votes for DJT or the Republicans is a racist. Anyone who says All Lives Matter is a racist.

It is racist...

Many Democrats are stating that the party has moved too far left and with Trump now likely out of the picture, Independents and women in particular may gravitate back to the GOP.

Or they may not. Trump was very good at selling the snake oil in a way that Ted Cruz can't.

More to the point, demographic trends are not your friend.

PS —- I am not as old as you but I cannot recall any other President consistently concentrating on black and Hispanic unemployment to make sure it’s the lowest in history. Doesn’t quite equate to racism.

Trump did nothing of the sort. The reason why unemployment continued to decline prior to TRUMP PLAGUE is that we are in a bit of a demographic crunch. More old people- baby boomers - are retiring than there are young people graduating to replace them.
Got any examples from this century?

Did you read your own screen name?
So the answer is “no”. Excellent.

Um, no, when a GOP Pollster calls himself "Welfare Queen", with a racist picture (It's a man in a fat suit) that shows that racism is alive and well in the GOP.

For real examples.

Trump calling Mexicans "Rapists and murderers"
Calling Nazis "Very Fine People"
Calling countries asylum seekers come from "s**tholes" (Still CDZ)
Muslim Bans
Trump Birther Conspiracy theories against our first black president.
Saying a Judge should recuse himself because he was Mexican
Referring to Sen. Warren as Pocahontas

Joe, you're a very deeply sensitive and serious person. :113:
— Trump said ,,,,.

Hold on.

View attachment 412511

Good. Got that out of the way.

Got anything else please? How about you, fellow leftists and our beloved media insinuating that anyone who votes for DJT or the Republicans is a racist. Anyone who says All Lives Matter is a racist.

It is racist...
View attachment 412512

Many Democrats are stating that the party has moved too far left and with Trump now likely out of the picture, Independents and women in particular may gravitate back to the GOP.

Or they may not. Trump was very good at selling the snake oil in a way that Ted Cruz can't.

More to the point, demographic trends are not your friend.

PS —- I am not as old as you but I cannot recall any other President consistently concentrating on black and Hispanic unemployment to make sure it’s the lowest in history. Doesn’t quite equate to racism.

Trump did nothing of the sort. The reason why unemployment continued to decline prior to TRUMP PLAGUE is that we are in a bit of a demographic crunch. More old people- baby boomers - are retiring than there are young people graduating to replace them.
Wrong. Debunked. And it’s All Lives. BLM could not care less about black on black crime. Organization is a fraud and voters agreed. You’re wrong, about unemployment as tech replaced many baby boomers but a return to US Manufacturing and fewer regulations as well as higher military spend created a higher demand for jobs than supply.

This is a CDZ so it isn’t the “Trump Plague” stop lying please.
Got any examples from this century?

Did you read your own screen name?
So the answer is “no”. Excellent.

Um, no, when a GOP Pollster calls himself "Welfare Queen", with a racist picture (It's a man in a fat suit) that shows that racism is alive and well in the GOP.

For real examples.

Trump calling Mexicans "Rapists and murderers"
Calling Nazis "Very Fine People"
Calling countries asylum seekers come from "s**tholes" (Still CDZ)
Muslim Bans
Trump Birther Conspiracy theories against our first black president.
Saying a Judge should recuse himself because he was Mexican
Referring to Sen. Warren as Pocahontas

Joe, you're a very deeply sensitive and serious person. :113:
JoeP lives in an interesting reality.
Wrong. Debunked. And it’s All Lives. BLM could not care less about black on black crime.

They don't have to. When blacks kill other blacks, they are arrested, prosecuted and imprisoned. When cops kill black folks, they are protected. That's the problem.

Organization is a fraud and voters agreed.

Okay.. you tell yourself that.. Oh, who got declared the winner today?

You’re wrong, about unemployment as tech replaced many baby boomers but a return to US Manufacturing and fewer regulations as well as higher military spend created a higher demand for jobs than supply.

Again, you tell yourself that. Reality- Manufacturing is always finding ways to do things without people. Automation is eliminating more jobs than China is.

This is a CDZ so it isn’t the “Trump Plague” stop lying please.

It's definitely the Trump Plague.
" The Epitome Of Manifest Anti-Racist Racists Blaming Others For Division "

* Race Baiting In A CDZ *

Um, no, when a GOP Pollster calls himself "Welfare Queen", with a racist picture (It's a man in a fat suit) that shows that racism is alive and well in the GOP.
For real examples.
Trump calling Mexicans "Rapists and murderers"
Are not rapists and murderers among them and those who transport them ?

Are the gang members not significant on the left wing radar or are they wanted for their violence statistcs as an excuse to take guns from law abiding people who justifiably do not believe the government will defend them and who justifiably do not trust the left wing of government ?
Calling Nazis "Very Fine People"
He said there were fine people on both sides , the antifa side and the whites upset that idiot snowflakes are doing everything they can to replace them including the creation of the evil whitey scapegoat .

If the proud boys fit the description of the evil whitey scapegoat , any one does - Where Did We Get the Idea That Only White People Can Be Racist? by Peter Wood | NAS .
Calling countries asylum seekers come from "s**tholes" (Still CDZ)
The people that come from those countries are swearing they are shit holes , but they have bred themselves into it and no economy can support it .
Muslim Bans
Wisest thing anyone can do as a matter of self defense is to apply the constitution and exclude an extension of citizenship to those aspiring for hisbah and its sectarian supremacy and keep them out of the voting booth .
Trump Birther Conspiracy theories against our first black president.
When a party can rig an election by force feeding ballots to people too incompetent to otherwise navigate the election system , or to promote voting fraud without a need to verify voter identity , why should one doubt them incapable of faking a birth certificate ?
Saying a Judge should recuse himself because he was Mexican
Was that a reference to an immigration judge working for la raza rewriting us immigration law ?
Referring to Sen. Warren as Pocahontas
The appeal to foment racism and create the evil whitey is typified by the idiocy of warren who is so far removed from native americans she had to apologize for making the claim .
Trump repeatedly stated that he wanted law and order , that includes the border , but the left does not want a legal immigration system , it wants social dependents and votes to usher in its socialist utopia .

The left does not want to address the actual victims of race based crime as it simply wants to use race as a political ploy - .
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" Exercising The Convenience Of Ignorance "

* Living In A Land Of Illusion *

They don't have to. When blacks kill other blacks, they are arrested, prosecuted and imprisoned. When cops kill black folks, they are protected. That's the problem.
It is a fake problem over dramatized to foment the anti-racists racist meme of the evil whitey scapegoat that the left used as a foundation to fabricate the division it created and then sought to blame of others .
Okay.. you tell yourself that.. Oh, who got declared the winner today?
Someone soon to be impeached when the fbi lowers the boom , but did not do so for want of not being accused of gerrymandering ?
Again, you tell yourself that. Reality- Manufacturing is always finding ways to do things without people. Automation is eliminating more jobs than China is.
The left kept abdicating and selling out and did nothing so that it only got worse , but trump did not receive any credit other than be labeled and evil xenophobe - Trump On China Versus Beijing Biden And A History Of Devaluing Economic Policies .

Manufacturing requires engineers and programmers to develop and innovate , technicians to repair , along with every other level of organization required for personnel management ; it is called technocracy , so adapt or suffer the consequences .
It's definitely the Trump Plague.
It is called germ warfare and propaganda ; the left is a tool for the ccp .
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