A Discussion About White Supremacy In The United States

Yet if there are very very few white supremacists, the white guys I see in the threads on this forum tend to "buy" the WS basic arguments that blacks are lazy, stupid, and violent. As a group, overall, that is not true to begin with, but the higher crime rate etc. is a direct result of poverty, and that is because not all blacks have managed to overcome the generational cycle of poverty and familial dysfunction that was imposed on them by our society all those years ago.
Those things take a long time to change.
Including our very own racist MOD, Dont Taz Me Bro , who I can provide multiple receipts of him posting those very things, almost verbatim.
I've seen them. Mods are people too. I'm not sure what your point is here.
"White culture" is an amalgamation of many subcultures, from Anglo-Saxon to Irish to Scottish to eastern European to Russian, plus the result of the blending that has been going on in America the last several hundred years. Apparently, the only thing you've been aware of is southern redneck stuff. You really need to broaden your horizons.
Those people you listed had no culture until the Moors gave them some.

Totally irrelevant. It's their culture. It literally happens all the time all around the world. Only the most backward of cultures refuse to embrace and absorb desirable parts from other cultures. In fact, it is the wise who use what has already been done if they like it.
No its not irrelevant. If someone gives you a culture then its really not yours. Culture is developed and belongs to the developers. Others are just participating in it.

Cultures appropriate facets of other cultures all the time. Only backward cultures refuse to do so.
True but that has nothing to do with the Moors coming to europe and giving you your culture. If they had not done that you would have turned back into cave men.

Again, irrelevant. The wise recognize what is of value and absorb it. Only a backward culture would refuse to do so out of foolish "pride". That mean if white teenagers like to listen to rap and wear dreadlocks, they can, proudly.

Look at it this way. Where are the Moors with their culture today? Then compare that to European and American culture. Which dominates?
It doesn't seem like you have evidence to prove either.
I have evidence whites and Asians cheat on the SAT alot. I cant find any reports of Blacks doing it.

But there's simply no total data on what percentage of SAT cheaters are which race, now is there?
The data available says whites and Asians are the ones getting caught cheating.

Like the media shows only Blacks getting killed by the Police, even though more Whites are killed by the Police in total numbers.
Nothing like that. The media isnt data. Data is data. I cant help that the media is trying to make a buck with hot topic issues. The data says whites and Asians cheat on the SATs...alot. Thats always been the point so you can stop trying to deflect any old time now.

Yet, the first link you posted was CBS (The media)
and didn't show data racially, but rather just spoke of Sam Eshaghoff who cheated on the SAT, whom this Sam Eshaghoff is probably a Jew.

The other one didn't show data racially, but rather spoke of SAT cheating from China, that's an example, not collected data.
Those people you listed had no culture until the Moors gave them some.

Totally irrelevant. It's their culture. It literally happens all the time all around the world. Only the most backward of cultures refuse to embrace and absorb desirable parts from other cultures. In fact, it is the wise who use what has already been done if they like it.
No its not irrelevant. If someone gives you a culture then its really not yours. Culture is developed and belongs to the developers. Others are just participating in it.

Cultures appropriate facets of other cultures all the time. Only backward cultures refuse to do so.
True but that has nothing to do with the Moors coming to europe and giving you your culture. If they had not done that you would have turned back into cave men.

Again, irrelevant. The wise recognize what is of value and absorb it. Only a backward culture would refuse to do so out of foolish "pride". That mean if white teenagers like to listen to rap and wear dreadlocks, they can, proudly.

Look at it this way. Where are the Moors with their culture today? Then compare that to European and American culture. Which dominates?
No its not irrelevant. Moors giving you your culture is the entire point. Moorish culture dominants. I just pointed that out.
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Totally irrelevant. It's their culture. It literally happens all the time all around the world. Only the most backward of cultures refuse to embrace and absorb desirable parts from other cultures. In fact, it is the wise who use what has already been done if they like it.
No its not irrelevant. If someone gives you a culture then its really not yours. Culture is developed and belongs to the developers. Others are just participating in it.

Cultures appropriate facets of other cultures all the time. Only backward cultures refuse to do so.
True but that has nothing to do with the Moors coming to europe and giving you your culture. If they had not done that you would have turned back into cave men.

Again, irrelevant. The wise recognize what is of value and absorb it. Only a backward culture would refuse to do so out of foolish "pride". That mean if white teenagers like to listen to rap and wear dreadlocks, they can, proudly.

Look at it this way. Where are the Moors with their culture today? Then compare that to European and American culture. Which dominates?
No its not irrelevant. Moors giving you your culture is the entire point. Moorish culture dominants. I just pointed that out.

Unfortunately, Moronish culture "dominants".
Totally irrelevant. It's their culture. It literally happens all the time all around the world. Only the most backward of cultures refuse to embrace and absorb desirable parts from other cultures. In fact, it is the wise who use what has already been done if they like it.
No its not irrelevant. If someone gives you a culture then its really not yours. Culture is developed and belongs to the developers. Others are just participating in it.

Cultures appropriate facets of other cultures all the time. Only backward cultures refuse to do so.
True but that has nothing to do with the Moors coming to europe and giving you your culture. If they had not done that you would have turned back into cave men.

Again, irrelevant. The wise recognize what is of value and absorb it. Only a backward culture would refuse to do so out of foolish "pride". That mean if white teenagers like to listen to rap and wear dreadlocks, they can, proudly.

Look at it this way. Where are the Moors with their culture today? Then compare that to European and American culture. Which dominates?
No its not irrelevant. Moors giving you your culture is the entire point. Moorish culture dominants. I just pointed that out.

Really? Moors are comfortable living in Scotland, Ireland, England, America?

Where are they again?
No its not irrelevant. If someone gives you a culture then its really not yours. Culture is developed and belongs to the developers. Others are just participating in it.

Cultures appropriate facets of other cultures all the time. Only backward cultures refuse to do so.
True but that has nothing to do with the Moors coming to europe and giving you your culture. If they had not done that you would have turned back into cave men.

Again, irrelevant. The wise recognize what is of value and absorb it. Only a backward culture would refuse to do so out of foolish "pride". That mean if white teenagers like to listen to rap and wear dreadlocks, they can, proudly.

Look at it this way. Where are the Moors with their culture today? Then compare that to European and American culture. Which dominates?
No its not irrelevant. Moors giving you your culture is the entire point. Moorish culture dominants. I just pointed that out.

Really? Moors are comfortable living in Scotland, Ireland, England, America?

Where are they again?
Yes really. Moors came to europe and ruled for centuries. Do you think they would do that if they werent comfortable?
Wrong. Actual white power types are proud of what they are, and don't hide behind other names.

Alt right is nothing but a word created to link mainstream conservatives and libertarians with fringe white power morons.
You sound like an idiot without a clue. The term Alt Right was created by a white supremacist by the name of Richard Spencer

And you don't think that Richard Spencer would love to be linked to more mainstream conservatives and libertarians?

Hell, they are constantly trying to attach themselves to something more, to inflate their importance.
Hey stupid. That was the point OldLady was making. They want something more palatable to guys like you who pretend you arent racist because you dont have the balls to come out and admit it.

Yes, and my counter point was that that is what the very, very few actual white supremacists want you to think.

They are desperate for any hint of relevance.

ANd lefties willfully being duped by their tricks, is their greatest source of hope and perceived importance.
Yet if there are very very few white supremacists, the white guys I see in the threads on this forum tend to "buy" the WS basic arguments that blacks are lazy, stupid, and violent. As a group, overall, that is not true to begin with, but the higher crime rate etc. is a direct result of poverty, and that is because not all blacks have managed to overcome the generational cycle of poverty and familial dysfunction that was imposed on them by our society all those years ago.
Those things take a long time to change.

Because that is not what is occurring.

Just because they disagree with you, that the cause of the bad numbers is poverty caused by white oppression in the past,

does not mean that they are racist.

That is a very self serving assumption on YOUR part.

My point stands.

Richard Spencer would love to be linked to more mainstream conservatives and libertarians.

And libs who do that for him, are his greatest allies.
And you don't think that Richard Spencer would love to be linked to more mainstream conservatives and libertarians?

Hell, they are constantly trying to attach themselves to something more, to inflate their importance.
Hey stupid. That was the point OldLady was making. They want something more palatable to guys like you who pretend you arent racist because you dont have the balls to come out and admit it.

Yes, and my counter point was that that is what the very, very few actual white supremacists want you to think.

They are desperate for any hint of relevance.

ANd lefties willfully being duped by their tricks, is their greatest source of hope and perceived importance.
Yet if there are very very few white supremacists, the white guys I see in the threads on this forum tend to "buy" the WS basic arguments that blacks are lazy, stupid, and violent. As a group, overall, that is not true to begin with, but the higher crime rate etc. is a direct result of poverty, and that is because not all blacks have managed to overcome the generational cycle of poverty and familial dysfunction that was imposed on them by our society all those years ago.
Those things take a long time to change.

The thing is there is no higher crime rate. Whites have got to stop telling this lie. We are dying because you refuse to stop doing so. Whites commit more crime and whites need to fix that instead of lying about us.
The verdict
There is evidence in the official police-recorded figures that black Americans are more likely to commit certain types of crime than people of other races.

While it would be naïve to suggest that there is no racism in the US criminal justice system, victim reports don’t support the idea that this is because of mass discrimination.

Higher poverty rates among various urban black communities might explain the difference in crime rates, although the evidence is mixed.

There are few simple answers and links between crime and race are likely to remain the subject of bitter argument.

FactCheck: do black Americans commit more crime?

I'm just basing my comments on what I have been told by sources that are not trying to skew the results one way or the other. It's complicated, I realize, and as the link I used states, different studies produce different results. I don't think you've got a leg to stand on, though, saying that as a group, blacks commit 13% of the crime in this country. At least I haven't found a study saying that.
Since there are many more white people than black people in America, of course the number of white people arrested is higher. But adjusted for percentage of the population, as a group, they don't.
At least that is my understanding.

You know that he is an actual racist right?

NOthing you say will touch him at all. YOu are white. He doesnt' give a damn what you say or thing.

Gavin McCinnes is who you consider CREDIBLE? He's just a rightwing guy on YouTube that's giving an opinion.

He doesn't provide any facts, no studies, no figures, no numbers, just pure opinion.

Why do you consider him credible? It's because you already like and/or agree with his opinion, right?

And I did watch the video. I'm not buying it. He's a hack.

Did you listen to the OP's podcast?

What do you mean, "hack"?

Yes, it is his opinion. IMO, a well thought out opinion that explains very well what we see happening.

I did not mean "credible" as in an "Authority" you should just defer to.

What do you think he got wrong, and why?
Look, crybaby, if you think blacks are soooo oppressed in America, then please name me ONE black majority country on this planet in which blacks have better lives than they do in America. Just one.

Also, sniveler,. name me ONE white majority nation in history that elected a black leader besides America. Ingrate punk.
Yet if there are very very few white supremacists, the white guys I see in the threads on this forum tend to "buy" the WS basic arguments that blacks are lazy, stupid, and violent. As a group, overall, that is not true to begin with, but the higher crime rate etc. is a direct result of poverty, and that is because not all blacks have managed to overcome the generational cycle of poverty and familial dysfunction that was imposed on them by our society all those years ago.
Those things take a long time to change.
Including our very own racist MOD, Dont Taz Me Bro , who I can provide multiple receipts of him posting those very things, almost verbatim.
Isn’t he Asian?
The irony is, by creating this thread, and promoting that show, you have actually allowed the white supremacists to win. You just advertised for their cause.
Look, crybaby, if you think blacks are soooo oppressed in America, then please name me ONE black majority country on this planet in which blacks have better lives than they do in America. Just one.

Also, sniveler,. name me ONE white majority nation in history that elected a black leader besides America. Ingrate punk.

50 years ago - when you were in your 30s - when black people went into stores, they had to tell the white shop owner what they wanted to buy. The white shop owner would then gather all the items that the black person wanted to buy, and then the black person would pay for them.

The reason why the white shopowner would have the black person tell them what they wanted and then gather the items for them was because if a black person would merely touch the item, white shoppers wouldn't want to touch that item nor buy it.

Just remember that when some lowlife, racist, uneducated, hick white Confederate POS talks down to black people.
Look, crybaby, if you think blacks are soooo oppressed in America, then please name me ONE black majority country on this planet in which blacks have better lives than they do in America. Just one.

Also, sniveler,. name me ONE white majority nation in history that elected a black leader besides America. Ingrate punk.

50 years ago - when you were in your 30s - when black people went into stores, they had to tell the white shop owner what they wanted to buy. The white shop owner would then gather all the items that the black person wanted to buy, and then the black person would pay for them.

The reason why the white shopowner would have the black person tell them what they wanted and then gather the items for them was because if a black person would merely touch the item, white shoppers wouldn't want to touch that item nor buy it.

Just remember that when some lowlife, racist, uneducated, hick white Confederate POS talks down to black people.

You know, I was in stores with my mother, not to long after that.

And I call bullshit.
Look, crybaby, if you think blacks are soooo oppressed in America, then please name me ONE black majority country on this planet in which blacks have better lives than they do in America. Just one.

Also, sniveler,. name me ONE white majority nation in history that elected a black leader besides America. Ingrate punk.

50 years ago - when you were in your 30s - when black people went into stores, they had to tell the white shop owner what they wanted to buy. The white shop owner would then gather all the items that the black person wanted to buy, and then the black person would pay for them.

The reason why the white shopowner would have the black person tell them what they wanted and then gather the items for them was because if a black person would merely touch the item, white shoppers wouldn't want to touch that item nor buy it.

Just remember that when some lowlife, racist, uneducated, hick white Confederate POS talks down to black people.
That’s a lie
Look, crybaby, if you think blacks are soooo oppressed in America, then please name me ONE black majority country on this planet in which blacks have better lives than they do in America. Just one.

Also, sniveler,. name me ONE white majority nation in history that elected a black leader besides America. Ingrate punk.

50 years ago - when you were in your 30s - when black people went into stores, they had to tell the white shop owner what they wanted to buy. The white shop owner would then gather all the items that the black person wanted to buy, and then the black person would pay for them.

The reason why the white shopowner would have the black person tell them what they wanted and then gather the items for them was because if a black person would merely touch the item, white shoppers wouldn't want to touch that item nor buy it.

Just remember that when some lowlife, racist, uneducated, hick white Confederate POS talks down to black people.
That’s a lie

Agreed. I remember the 70s at least and there was nothing like that in my relatively conservative area.

It is not credible that it vanished overnight, just as I was showing up.
Look, crybaby, if you think blacks are soooo oppressed in America, then please name me ONE black majority country on this planet in which blacks have better lives than they do in America. Just one.

Also, sniveler,. name me ONE white majority nation in history that elected a black leader besides America. Ingrate punk.

50 years ago - when you were in your 30s - when black people went into stores, they had to tell the white shop owner what they wanted to buy. The white shop owner would then gather all the items that the black person wanted to buy, and then the black person would pay for them.

The reason why the white shopowner would have the black person tell them what they wanted and then gather the items for them was because if a black person would merely touch the item, white shoppers wouldn't want to touch that item nor buy it.

Just remember that when some lowlife, racist, uneducated, hick white Confederate POS talks down to black people.
That’s a lie

Agreed. I remember the 70s at least and there was nothing like that in my relatively conservative area.

It is not credible that it vanished overnight, just as I was showing up.
Their lies are starting to catch up with them, you can only cry wolf so many times.

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